Buletin Psikologi
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Published By Universitas Gadjah Mada

2528-5858, 0854-7106

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 138
Andina Mega Larasati ◽  
Joevarian Hudiyana ◽  
Hamdi Muluk

Justice is relevant in various domains of life, including the state. The social identity-based procedural justice theories (Group Value Model and Group Engagement Model) emphasize the importance of procedural justice from the authority in signaling the group’s inclusion and respect, thus increasing individuals’ cooperation and compliance. This article aims to critically review published literature using the two models in a national context, of which there were inconsistent findings regarding the role of group identification. Three issues are underlying this inconsistency. First, both models could be applied when national identity was salient, such as legal compliance (to taxation and traffic law). Second, perceived police legitimacy is a better mediator when the national identity was not salient (e. g. cooperation in counter-terrorism and crowd policing). Third, the effect of procedural justice depends on the motivation to secure identity (which is generally higher among minority/marginalized groups). As both models are strongly bound by context, the author suggests controlling police-national identity prototypicality on studies about police procedural justice, attitude toward outgroup and relational identification with the police on studies involving intergroup conflict, and uncertainty about membership status on studies toward minority groups. Hopefully, this article could contribute references and encourage related studies in Indonesia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 218
Rinanda Rizky Amalia Shaleha ◽  
Iis Kurniasih

Perselingkuhan telah menjadi salah satu faktor penyebab adanya keretakan dalam sebuah hubungan hingga tak sedikit yang berujung pada perceraian. Perselingkuhan merupakan sebuah pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh seseorang yang sudah memiliki pasangan terhadap norma yang mengatur tingkat keintiman emosional atau fisik dengan orang-orang di luar hubungannya dengan pasangan. Perilaku ini bisa dilakukan oleh siapa saja termasuk wanita, meskipun prevalensinya menunjukkan bahwa pria lebih banyak menjadi pelaku perselingkuhan. Beberapa penelitian yang ada meninjau topik ini baik dari aspek sosial maupun psikologis. Dampak negatifnya bervariasi terhadap kesehatan mental individu diantaranya seperti depresi, kecemasan, penurunan kepercayaan diri serta penurunan self-esteem. Penelitian terkini mencoba untuk mengaitkan antara perselingkuhan dengan aspek-aspek biologis agar mendapatkan gambaran keterkaitan antara genetika, hormonal, dan proses otak dalam memengaruhi predisposisi seseorang untuk melakukan perselingkuhan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 130
William Walter Bostock

The purpose of this article is to establish that Kenneth E. Boulding, an economist whose work also encompassed many other disciplines, provided a valuable insight within the study of psychology. Boulding observed that while in an economic unit there is a store of financial capital which is necessary for continued existence, also in human nature there is a need for a reserve of psychic capital that is vital for the mental health of the individual and society. Psychic capital does this by providing a link consisting of positive feelings shared between the individual and the larger grouping. Boulding proposed that a coherent body of thoughts, memories, and emotions may be shared between individual and collective minds as shared psychic capital. Finally, some present-day examples are given whereby the consequences of a loss of psychic capital have been observed with particular emphasis on collective depression and suicide.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 178
Ichlas Nanang Afandi ◽  
Faturochman Faturcohman ◽  
Rahmat Hidayat

Teori Kontak merupakan salah satu teori Psikologi klasik yang paling banyak digunakan untuk membahas relasi antar kelompok. Beberapa ahli Psikologi Sosial mengemukakan bahwa teori ini menjadi pilihan utama dalam studi yang membahas relasi antar kelompok, terutama tentang conflik antar kelompok yang melibatkan prasangka. Meskipun demikian, bahasan tentang perkembangan Teori Kontak terutama dalam konteks Indonesia masih sangat terbatas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberi kontribusi terhadap pengetahuan baru melalui kajian literatur terkait dengan perkembangan Teori Kontak di Indonesia. Kajian literatur menunjukkan perkembangan terbaru, kelebihan dan kekurangan serta relevansi aplikasi Teori Kontak dalam konteks Indonesia yang multi kultural.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 187
Ivan Muhammad Agung

Amanah merupakan salah satu konsep penting dalam kepribadian Islam. Konsep amanah telah banyak diskusikan dalam perspektif Islam, Namun belum banyak penelitian amanah dalam perspektif psikologi. Artikel ini mencoba mereview dan mendiskusikan konsep amanah dalam perspektif psikologi, yang terdiri dari bagian, Pertama, apa itu amanah? Kedua, hubungan amanah, psikologi dan Islam. Ketiga pengukuran amanah. Keempat, pentingnya amanah bagi individu, masyarakat, dan organisasi. Terakhir, peluang dan tantangan penelitian amanah. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa konstrak amanah bersifat kompleks dan multidimensi, karena melibatkan hubungan interpersonal (horizontal), dan hubungan dengan Allah (vertikal). Oleh karena itu, perlu dieksplorasi dari perspektif psikologi melalui penelitian-penelitian empiris. Beberapa studi menunjukkan bahwa penelitian amanah memiliki beragam teori, sehingga berimplikasi pada perbedaan pengukuran amanah. Sementara itu, peluang dan tantangan dalam penelitian amanah akan diskusikan dalam artikel ini dalam konteks teoritis, metodologis, dan praktis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 204
Wurgan Rahadian ◽  
Abraham Sabda Respati ◽  
Supra Wimbarti ◽  
Sri Koesrohmaniah

While being the most abused psychoactive substance (PS), cannabis is also the least researched PS (especially) in Indonesia. Since 24% of total PS abusers within the last year is students, we could only form an a priori on what cannabis consumption might lead to for the cognitive functions of the students. A study to explore what would happen to cognitive functions due to cannabis consumption is important. This article aims (1) to explore the effects induced by cannabis to human cognitive functions and (2) to explore which part of the brain correlated with cognitive functions affected by cannabis consumption. We conduct a literature review to answer the questions. This article shows that there is no clear conclusion whether cannabis induced positive or negative effects to human cognitive functions. It is due to various sampling technique used by the studies cited within this article. Several rationalizations stated to support our finding.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 161
Indro Adinugroho

Political trust, conceptually understood as a trust in politics, refers to the positive expectation from the citizen that the government, as an institution leader, will deliver citizen’s best interest through policies and regulations. Political trust is considered as one of the indicators that mark legitimation of existing government in addition to the result from election. Trust in politics is a fundamental element that can connect government and citizens for which benefit policies acceptance and avoid political conflict. The dynamic interaction between government and citizens is the most valuable aspect in democracy, of which the government, as the highest administrator, carries aspiration from the public. For Indonesia, a democratic country with its uniqueness in culture, it is crucial to investigate factors that might contribute as the dimensions of political trust. Such comprehensive understanding can inform the betterment of the democratic practices in Indonesia towards a more robust democracy. In this review study, the author analyzed political trust from a psychological perspective and proposes four basic dimensions to understand political trust from Indonesian perspective. These are cultural dimension, gender dimension, subjective preference dimension, and performance dimension.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 64
Nani Restati Siregar

Studi terdahulu melaporkan bahwa working memory (WM) memainkan peran penting dalam mengabaikan informasi tidak relevan sehingga hanya informasi relevan saja yang bekerja pada sistem working memory. Studi lainnya melaporkan bahwa inhibition control (IC) diperlukan untuk menghambat stimulus yang tidak relevan dan menghambat respons yang tidak dihendaki. WM dan IC adalah dua konstrak kognitif yang berbeda dan keduanya memberikan respons pada informasi tidak relevan. Namun, bagaimanakah dinamika kedua konstrak tersebut merespons informasi tidak relevan? Studi literatur kali ini bermaksud untuk menguraikan: (a) konsep mengenai working memory (WM) dan inhibitory control (IC); (b) mekanisme neural pada informasi yang tidak relevan; (c) mekanisme neural working memory dan inhibitory control pada informasi yang tidak relevan. Studi literatur ini menyimpulkan bahwa kapasitas working memory dan inhibitory control merupakan mekanisme kontrol kognitif terhadap informasi tidak relevan. Prefrontal cortex pada otak teraktivasi ketika working memory dan inhibitory control merespons informasi tidak relevan. Namun, working memory hanya menandai atau mengabaikan informasi tidak relevan sementara inhibitory control menghambat informasi tidak relevan. Inhibitory control memperkuat dan meningkatkan kinerja working memory ketika informasi tidak relevan tidak hanya cukup untuk diabaikan saja.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 92
Zulfikri Khakim ◽  
Sri Kusrohmaniah

Electroencephalography (EEG) merupakan metode untuk merekam aktivitas elektris otak pada permukaan kulit kepala. EEG merekam fluktuasi potensial elektris yang muncul sebagai akibat dari aktivitas sel-sel otak. Seiring dengan kemajuan penelitian dan semakin canggih alat ukur, EEG semakin banyak digunakan dalam penelitian mengenai fungsi kognitif. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pengantar teoretis mengenai alat EEG serta proses dalam analisis data untuk konteks penelitian dan eksperimen dalam kajian ilmu psikologi maupun ilmu sosial secara umum. Bagian awal mendeskripsikan mengenai dasar neural dan asumsi pengukuran dalam EEG, yang diikuti dengan penjelasan mengenai komponen-komponen alat EEG dan standar pemasangan. Bagian kedua menjelaskan mengenai pemrosesan sinyal yang memberikan contoh berbagai artefak yang merusak kualitas data EEG, serta beberapa metode dalam melakukan koreksi artefak yang umum digunakan. Ekstraksi fitur menjelaskan beberapa contoh metode dalam mengolah data EEG untuk kemudian fitur tersebut diasosiasikan dengan perilaku, proses mental atau aktivitas otak.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Tri Astuti ◽  
Avin Fadilla Helmi

Employees intending to resign are commonly due to material matters, such as lack of salary or incentives. Evidently, moral matters, e.g., supervisor support, implies to affect the turnover intention in an organization. Studies pertaining the effect of these two variables to intention to resign report mixed result. For example, several studies report direct and significant effect of these two variables to intention to resign, while otherstudies report the contrary. This study aimed to investigate the direct influence of perceived supervisor support on employee turnover intention through a meta-analysis method. There are 17 articles and 20 studies, ranging from 2007 to 2019 being analysed, of which 60% were published in accredited international journals, and the remaining 40% were published in international journals. Aggregate number of respondents of the studies amounted to 10,079 people from all industrial sectors, such as manufacturing, healthcare, hospitality industry, education, and social services in several countries, such as the Philippines, China, India, Pakistan, Turkey, Norway, and the United States. This study employed data from the standardized beta coefficient using an open-source program data analysis application of Mplus. The study results found that perceived supervisor support did not directly affect employee turnover intention. The study can be used as a reference for similar studies to compare other interrelated variables.

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