21st Century Pedagogy
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Published By De Gruyter Open Sp. Z O.O.


2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-59
Ludwik Szuba

AbstractThe article aims at presenting the history of tutoring and the role of a tutor in one of the most significant educational concepts in the world starting with the ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, China or the countries of Europe-Greece, Rome, England, Ireland, Kingdom of the Franks, the Roman Empire, France, Poland, Italy, ending with the immense social transformations sparked by the French Revolution. Throughout the centuries the role of tutors was of great significance since by staying in homes of their pupils not only did they educate but by the direct relation between a master and an apprentice, based on friendship and mutual trust, which initiated honest discussion, they influenced to a great extent the shaping of their pupils` personalities…

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-28
Magdalena Kozicka ◽  
Ewa Wielocha

AbstractSociety of Archaeology Students (SAS), in Polish: Koło Naukowe Studentów Archeologii (KNSA), is one of the oldest student societies working within the Institute of Archaeology of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. In recent years SAS began to work in cooperation with other archaeological, historical and educational organisations, as well as with museums and open-air archaeological reservations. Most of our work is focused around building and maintaining the archaeological consciousness in contemporary society – not only through participating in various mass events but also through preparing workshops for people from local communities, as well as through adding archaeological impressions to various museum events and mass outdoor reenactment festivals. Within the current outlook on archaeological methodology, those actions are linked to so-called public archaeology – the concept that is still somewhat new in many areas of archaeological activities in Poland.The following article concerns strategies that are present in the SAS’ archaeological popularisation initiatives, as well as our reflections and inquiries on the topic of archaeological education in contemporary reality, with its numerous homogenised, standardised or idealised concepts of the past, often mirrored in many historical festivals’ conventions. Through our observations based upon various experiences, we would like to try to determine how the archaeological education and popularisation could be more widely recognised not only as a valuable but rather as an inseparable part of being an archaeolo-gist – university scholar or a field-working one.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Wojciech Gulin

AbstractThe present day is characterized by many new technical and scientific solutions. The goal is probably to improve human existence. A computer and any related issues or a mobile phone; they are supposed to make life easier, but they also generate many negative phenomena. One of the most important is communication, increasingly poor in content (sms), “virtual world” at the expense of the real. Negative phenomena have also occurred from the social side. The sense of social exclusion is intensifying, which is a good example of older people. Empathy is the solution and also a way to address the negative tendency. It results in prosocial processes, through which people will look for direct relationships in interpersonal contacts, so there will be a renewal of interpersonal relationships that have characterized humanity for centuries.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-36
Marta Jaskulska ◽  
Joanna Starba

AbstractThe article aims at presenting the possibilities of using games, most of all the board ones, in civic education of children, the youth and adults. The article will demonstrate activities of Pomorskie Stowarzyszenie Aktywni Lokalnie (Pomeranian Society Locally Active-PSAL), which has taken advantage of games in its activities popularizing public participation as well as in ecological education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-48
Karolina Wiśniewska

AbstraktArtykuł składa się z krótkiego wprowadzania i refleksji na temat kształcenia specjalnego na etapie edukacji przedszkolnej w Polsce. Dalej omawiam istotne elementy procesu diagnozy i terapii w polskim systemie oświatowym. Opisuję rolę rodziców i poradni psychologiczno-pedagogicznej w tym procesie. Kolejnym elementem niniejszego opracowania jest charakterystyka dziewczynki, u której po trzech latach edukacji w ogólnodostępnym przedszkolu niepublicznym, zdiagnozowano zespół Aspergera. Zwięźle prezentuję jej historię jej pobytu w przedszkolu. Rozważania kończę opisem umiejętności dziewczynki na koniec tego etapu nauki. Historia ta pokazuje, że nawet późna diagnoza ma sens i może być szansą na rozpoczęcie kształcenia w szkole ogólnodostępnej na kolejnym etapie edukacji. Podsumowanie stanowi prezentacja wniosków płynących z własnego doświadczenia i lat przeżytych wraz z dziećmi z zaburzeniami w ich rzeczywistości terapeutycznej, często od momentu diagnozy do pokonywania kolejnych etapów edukacyjnych.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-43
Jagoda Antoniak

AbstractThis article discusses the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (Attention Deficit Disorder) with attention deficit disorder. The publication contains an attempt to explain and characterize the hyperkinetic team. The issues in it concern the causes and effects of the occurrence of the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children. The methods of functioning of a child with ADHD in the school and family environment are also presented. The author presents suggestions for helping students with ADHD as well as forms of cooperation with their parents. The article indicates positives resulting from the student’s statement of a hyperkinetic group. The author does not focus only on negative features of a given phenomenon, but presents them in a diversified perspective, she tries to see the values reflected in the culture of everyday life.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-74
Adam Machowski

AbstractIn this article, I would like to attempt to reinterpret political prudence – a key skill for political action according to classical philosophy (Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas) – as a useful and even necessary skill for educators and teachers. This reinterpretation is made possible primarily by the fact that a significant part of the political works of classical authors is concerned with the upbringing and education of children and adolescents.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-13
Anna Więcławska

AbstraktOjcostwo jest tematem tak ważnym i poważnym, bo faktycznie od ojcostwa, od tego, jakich mamy mężczyzn, mężów i ojców, ogromnie wiele zależy. Jeżeli miejsce, które w wychowaniu dzieci zarezerwowane jest dla ojca pozostaje puste, to powstanie luka, której nie da się odrobić ani zapełnić.Obecnie brak ojca w rodzinie stał się nie tylko zjawiskiem zauważalnym, ale wręcz powszechnym. Mamy do czynienia z kryzysem męskości. Jest to poważny problemem, który stale przybiera na sile, i który z pewnością w najbliższym czasie nie zniknie.Zgodnie z coraz powszechniej przyjmowanym nowym paradygmatem męskości, oczekuje się od mężczyzn pełnego zaangażowania w życie rodzinne i równego podziału obowiązków. Krytycznie ocenia się rolę ojca jako nieobecnego w procesie wychowania dzieci. Eksponuje się korzyści płynące z nowych doświadczeń, jakie przynosi angażowanie się mężczyzn w życie rodzinne i opiekę nad dzieckiem.Trudno jest odpowiedzieć na pytanie „Kim ma być dziś mężczyzna”? Kryzys męskości pociąga za sobą także kryzys ojcostwa. Można powiedzieć, że jego wizerunek stał się kruchy. Często nawet zadajemy sobie pytanie: czy obraz ojca nie rozpadł się definitywnie na kawałki? W dzisiejszych czasach pytania te nie są bynajmniej oczywiste. Warto abyśmy sobie na nie odpowiadali, uświadamiali kryzys współczesnego rodzicielstwa i starali się szukać szans na jego odbudowanie.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-22
Dobrawa Aleksiak

AbstractThis article aims at analyzing the presentations of poverty in global education with a focus on Polish publications. The study demonstrates poverty definitions, categorizations and poverty in the global context – measuring methods and the causes and consequences that sustain global poverty cycles. To achieve the purpose of this article I refer to the history of global education and the comparison of two approaches, soft and critical. These elements outline specific ways of understanding poverty in global education discourse. Along with the historical, political and social context, two visions of poverty are clarified: the one focusing on helplessness of the poor and compassion and the one focusing on injustices of global systems and solidarity. The theoretical content is confronted with the analysis of three Polish global education publications for teachers and educators. The outcome of this article is a vision of poverty that seems to be majorly based on the principles of critical global education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-66
Wojciech Jerzy Skotnicki

AbstractThe purpose of the article is to show the personalistic dimension of education as consciously and intentionally organized social activities, aimed at causing changes in human personality, shaping the right attitudes, beliefs and assimilation recognized by specific social environments – family, school, group – values, norms, behavior patterns and goals life, which is a dynamic and complex process that usually occurs in personal interaction.In particular, I would like to strongly emphasize the fact that in philosophy, education is included in metaphysical, anthropological, ethical and axiological aspects. The beginnings of philosophical reflection on upbringing date back to the Greek παιδεία – the ideal of formation for mature humanity through harmonious physical, mental and moral development towards good and beauty. In the circle of European culture, this ideal has become synonymous with universal principles of education.The contemporary multiplicity of the concept of upbringing forces researchers to holistically capture the essence of up-bringing, which can be provided by realistic philosophy and the personalistic concept of man embedded in it. In this perspective, the basics of upbringing and self-education are rooted in the ontical structure of the human being, its potentiality and contingency. For this reason, the European pedagogical tradition is not exhausted either in collectivism or in individualism. The educational tradition of Europe is παιδεία and a stream of philosophical realism complemented by Christian culture. This tradition is guided by the principle of personalism in upbringing, and the truly personalistic upbringing concerns the real man, it is an update of the living abilities inscribed in human nature. This applies by all means to tutoring.

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