Anida (Aktualisasi Nuansa Ilmu Dakwah)
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Published By Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University Of Bandung


2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 125-146
Muhammad Nurhuda Wartono ◽  
Lukman Al Farisi

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 166-182
Enok Risdayah

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-221
Moh. Lukman Hakim ◽  
Moh. Ali Aziz

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 147-165
Ning Amirah Malinda

ABSTRACTThis study aims to determine methods, characteristics, and patterns of preaching to the converts. The object is Ustadzah Lilis Mulyani as a da'wah (Da'i) actor who conducts da'wah activities to converts in Teratak Fitrah Kota Kinabalu Sabah Malaysia. Researchers use a theory that is in accordance with the object of research, namely the SMCR theory found by David Berlo. This SMCR theory consists of: Source, Message, Channel, and Receiver. The source is what makes the message, while the message is the idea that is explained or the code in the form of symbols to be understood. The results showed that the methods and approaches used by Ustadzah Lilis Mulyani to the converts in developing and spreading their da'wah using the methods of da'wah bil-oral, bil-hikmah, mauidzatul hasanah and mujadalah bil-lati hiya ahsan. The impact of this research is the creation of preaching patterns or models of converts and scientific development of da'wah for the converts.Keywords: Patterns of Da'wah; Ustadzah; Method; MuslimABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui metode, karakteristik, dan pola dakwah dakwah kepada muallaf. Objek adalah Ustadzah Lilis Mulyani sebagai pelaku dakwah (Da’i) yang melakukan kegiatan dakwah kepada muallaf di Teratak Fitrah Kota Kinabalu Sabah Malaysia. Peneliti menggunakan teori yang bersesuaian dengan objek penelitian yakni teori SMCR yang ditemukan oleh David Berlo. Teori SMCR ini terdiri dari: Source, Message, Channel, dan Receiver. Sumber adalah yang membuat pesan, adapun pesan itu adalah gagasan yang diterangkan atau kode yang berupa simbol-simbol untuk di pahami. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tata cara dan pendekatan yang digunakan oleh Ustadzah Lilis Mulyani kepada golongan muallaf dalam mengembangkan dan menyebarkan dakwahnya dengan menggunakan metode dakwah bil-lisan, bil-hikmah, mauidzatul hasanah dan mujadalah bil-lati hiya ahsan. Adapun dampak penelitian ini adalah terciptanya pola atau model dakwah terhadap muallaf dan pengembangan keilmuan dakwah bagi golongan muallaf.Kata Kunci : Pola Dakwah; Ustadzah; Metode; Muallaf

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 84-105
Syawal Febrian Darisman ◽  
Ujang Saepullah ◽  
Betty Tresnawaty

ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to determine the meaning of a moral message from a series of photo stories about the Citarum river. The study used a qualitative approach with the Charles Sanders Pierce model of semiotics. Where, Pierce's semiotic model is related to the triangle of meaning, namely the sign, object, and interpretant. The results showed that the moral message contained in this photo story is the importance of protecting the environment, especially rivers. Because rivers can support various living things such as animals, plants, and even humans. Then the photo of this story also shows the facts in the field so that people are aware and able to appreciate the river. Furthermore, this moral message is related to the process of constructive criticism for the government to prioritize resolving the Citarum river problem. The main moral message in the journalistic photo "A Year Citarum Harum" is related to environmental preaching activities to maintain the balance between humans and the universe.ABSTRAKTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui makna sebuah pesan moral dari rangkaian foto cerita tentang sungai Citarum. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode semiotika model Charles Sanders Pierce. Dimana, model semiotika Pierce berkaitan dengan triangle of meaning, yakni sign, object dan interpretant. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pesan moral yang terdapat dalam foto cerita ini adalah pentingnya menjaga lingkungan hidup khususnya sungai. Karena sungai mampu menghidupi berbagai makhluk hidup seperti hewan, tumbuhan bahkan manusia. Kemudian foto cerita ini pun menunjukan fakta yang ada dilapangan agar masyarakat sadar dan mampu untuk menghargai sungai. Selanjutnya pesan moral ini berkaitan dengan proses kritik konstruktif bagi pemerintah agar memprioritaskan untuk menyelesaikan masalah sungai Citarum. Pesan moral utama yang terkandung dalam foto jurnalistik “Setahun Citarum Harum” berkaitan dengan aktivitas dakwah lingkungan untuk menjaga keseimbangan antara manusia dengan semesta.Kata Kunci: Foto Cerita, Pesan Moral, Kerjasama

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-83
Muhammad Nasarudin Syafirie

This study aims to determine (1) the forms of community economic empowerment programs offered by the Sarawak Economic Development Development Agency (SEDC) Sibu, (2) the process of economic empowerment programs carried out by SEDC Sibu, and (3) changes and results achieved by SEDC Sibu in economic empowerment for the Sibu community. Based on these objectives, what will be the main discussion in this research is how SEDC Sibu plays a role in the economic empowerment efforts of the Sibu community. This study uses qualitative research methods, namely by using descriptive study methods in analyzing the issues to be discussed. Each data collected is to use three forms of data collection techniques namely observation, interviews, and document analysis. As a result of research findings and analysis, (1) SEDC Sibu has carried out several forms of economic empowerment programs that are in the form of loan assistance, training, and guidance such as the Small and Simple Industrial Loans Scheme (SPIKS), Incubator Centers and Business Guidance (PIBU), Training and Mentoring Guidance, and so forth. (2) The process carried out by SEDC Sibu are by holding deliberations in planning programs, formulating program plans, forming program implementation teams, and implementing programs. (3) The program that has been run successfully is based on indicators obtained from the field, namely increasing the income of the whole day, the community can manage all its affairs independently, and the community can solve problems with their ability and authority.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-63
Muhammad Sufyan Abdurrahman

ABSTRACTThis study analyzes the motives & meanings, and symbolic interactions of the Hijrah Youth Shift movement in Bandung. The study used a study-oriented perspective of proselytizing psychology to explore the trend of hijrah and da'wah movements among urban youth. This study used a qualitative approach to obtain descriptive data about the research context. The results showed that the Hijrah motive occurred because; encouragement from past events; encouragement from friends; Encouragement affects others; and Drive for the future. While the meaning of hijrah for members; trying to improve, making life more careful; and creating new thoughts about religion and making fun of falling in love with Islam. Interaction driven by; First, the presence of the meaning of the language so that words do not go to waste. Second, invite the surrounding community to post complimentary messages on social media; Third, keep looking the same because you emigrate does not have to be seen from your physical appearance.Keywords: Hijrah Movement; new media; Shift Pemuda Hijrah.ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis motif & makna, dan interaksi simbolik gerakan Shift Pemuda Hijrah di Kota Bandung. Penelitian menggunakan sudut pandang psikologi dakwah yang berorientasi pada kajian untuk menggali trend hijrah dan gerakan dakwah di kalangan anak muda perkotaan. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif untuk mendapatkan data deskriptif mengenai konteks penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Motif hijrah terjadi karena; dorongan dari peristiwa di masa lalu;  dorongan dari teman; Dorongan mempengaruhi orang lain; dan Dorongan untuk masa depan. Sedangkan makna hijrah bagi anggota; berusaha memperbaiki diri; berusaha membuat hidup lebih berhati hati; dan berusaha membuat pemikiran baru mengenai agama dan membuat kesenangan karena merasakan jatuh cinta dengan agama Islam. Interaksi didorong oleh; Pertama, hadirnya makna bahasa agar tidak banyak perkataan mubazir. Kedua,  mengajak lingkungan sekitar untuk mengunggah pesan positif di media sosial; Ketiga, tetap berpenampilan sama karena berhijrah tidak harus terlihat dari penampilan fisik.

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