symbolic interactions
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2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 203-215
Khoniq Nur Afiah

Communication is a primary need for every human being, including people with disabilities. Disability people, such as deaf people, also have interaction patterns to communicate effectively. Effective communication patterns can provide teaching and learning fluently at the Darul Ashom Islamic Boarding School for the Deaf, Yogyakarta. This research aims to study the effective communication design by teachers with deaf students in the Darul Ashom Islamic Boarding School for the Deaf, Yogyakarta. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with Herbert Blumer’s symbolic interaction analysis perspective. This study indicates that the interaction pattern between deaf students and the teacher uses several symbols in the interaction process, such as spoken language, body language, sign language, and picture symbols. These symbols emerge and are used in the interaction process, especially the teaching and learning technique and memorization. The activities carried out by the students such as Tahsin, memorization, fiqh and hadith studies, murojaah and simaan also illustrate the use of symbolic interactions. The symbolic interaction has a meaning that the communicant and communicator understand to achieve effective communication.

Prologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 242
Karl Vincent ◽  
Muhammad Adi Pribadi

In marketing activities, marketing communication planning plays a role and is applied as a sales and promotion solution for a product to the public which uses several effective and interactive ways and the content of its service products can be felt by all target audiences. Hann Prawira Photography is a service provider company in the form of photography, the service company does photo shoots for Indonesian or foreign artists, not only shooting artists but also working on photo shoots for commercial needs, such as shooting for billboards, websites and others. This communication research focuses on symbolic interactions and has a very important role, in which Hann Prawira Photography uses this symbolic interaction by presenting his work through photography and also the importance of relationships with consumers. This study uses a qualitative methodology with a strategy and case studies. The data were collected using in-depth interviews directly to the founder of Hann Prawira Photography and his team. The conclusion of this research is that it has 8 marketing communication plans, namely, business objectives, target market, competitors, communication themes, tactical, implementation, monitoring, communication channels and evaluation. At all these stages there are symbolic interactions such as organizational goals, to the company's vision and mission.Di dalam kegiatan pemasaran, perencanaan komunikasi pemasaran berperan dan diterapkan sebagai solusi penjualan dan promosi untuk suatu produk kepada masyarakat yang dimana menggunakan beberapa cara yang efektif dan interaktif juga isi produk pelayanannya dapat dirasakan oleh semua target audience. Hann Prawira Fotografi merupakan suatu perusahaan penyedia jasa dalam bentuk fotografi, perusahaan jasa tersebut mengerjakan pemotretan artis indonesia ataupun luar negeri, tidak hanya pemotretan artis tetapi juga mengerjakan pemotretan untuk kebutuhan komersial, seperti pemotretan untuk billboard, website dan lainnya. Penelitian komunikasi ini berfokus pada interaksi simbolik dan mempunyai peran yang sangat penting, yang di mana Hann Prawira Fotografi sangat menggunakan interaksi simbolik ini dengan mempersembahkan karyanya lewat fotografi dan juga pentingnya hubungan dengan konsumen. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi kualitatif dengan strategi dan studi kasus. Data-data dikumpulkan menggunakan wawancara mendalam langsung kepada pendiri Hann Prawira Fotografi dan tim. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yakni memiliki 8 perencanaan komunikasi pemasaran yaitu, Tujuan bisnis, Target Market, Kompetitor, Tema Komunikasi, Taktis, Implementasi, Monitoring, saluran komunikasi dan Evaluasi. Pada semua tahapan tersebut terdapat interaksi simbolik seperti, tujuan organisasi, sampai visi dan misi perusahaan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
Aryo Bimo

This digital era has made human interaction, which was done face-to-face, switch to using conversation applications or social media. A meme is a popular digital object that people can save, share and create / modify. One of these memes is a WhatsApp sticker. WhatsaApp is a conversation application that is often used in the digital age. Millennials who were born in the digital era have made WhatsApp a medium to interact with each other. Interactions that were in the form of symbols in the form of language, gestures, expressions were replaced with WhatsApp sticker memes. The phenomenon that occurs on WhatsApp is the use of stickers. These stickers can be classified in the meme category because they are digital objects in the form of photos or illustrations complete with text and can be shared with other people, and can be changed or modified by each user. This research is based on the author's assumption that millennials communicate through meme stickers as a form of self-expression within the framework of symbolic interactions. The purpose of this research is to prove this assumption. This research uses a qualitative method and is seen from the theory of symbolic interaction by interviewing several millennials to see how these millennials use WhatsApp stickers based on the symbolic meaning of the stickers related to themselves. Symbolic interaction is a process of interpreting actions because symbolic meanings can be formed differently for each person. The goal to be achieved is to see whether the use of WhatsApp stickers is interpreted as self-expression that appears as a result of actions to respond to what happens in interactions with other people. The results showed that the exchange of symbols that occurred with WhatsApp stickers was interpreted and used to respond to an interaction that occurred.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Ristra Zhafarina Safira ◽  
I Nengah Mariasa

<p><em>The purpose of writing this article is to describe how the symbolic interactions are established between the Jaranan Jawa Turonggo Budoyo arts that grow and develop in Rejoagung Village and the audience. This study uses an analysis of symbolic interactions pioneered by Goerge Hebert Mead. The Jaranan Jawa Turonggo Budoyo performance in Rejoagung Village through verbal communication carried out by the actors of the jaranan art, namely through the elements contained therein such as motion, property, offerings, costumes, etc. are the symbols that exist in this dance. The symbols presented have their own meaning, so that they get appreciation from various audiences who have different backgrounds. This dance is performed for people who have nadzar and when there are people who catch it and this is especially true for Rejoagung residents. This is a response from the audience who is interested in this dance. Artists are a group of Reajoagung residents who have participated and consciously joined the Turonggo Budoyo organization.</em></p><p><strong><em>Kata kunci: </em></strong><strong><em>Jaranan Jawa Turonggo Budoyo, </em></strong><strong><em>symbolic interactions, aud</em></strong><strong><em>i</em></strong><strong><em>ence</em></strong><strong></strong></p><p> </p><p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Penulisan artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana terjalinnya interaksi simbolik antara kesenian Jaranan Jawa Turonggo Budoyo yang tumbuh dan berkembang di Desa Rejoagung dengan penonton. Metode yang digunakan yakni kualitatif deskkriptif. Penelitian ini mengunakan analisis dari interaksi simbolik yang dipelopori oleh Goerge Hebert Mead. Pertunjukan Jaranan Jawa Turonggo Budoyo melalui komunikasi verbal dilakukan oleh para pelaku kesenian jaranan, yaitu melaui unsur-unsur yang yang terkandung didalamnya seperti gerak, properti, sesaji<em>,</em> kostum, dan lain-lain merupakan simbol-simbol yang ada pada tarian ini. Simbol-simbol tersebut dihadirkan memiliki makna tersendiri, sehingga mendapatkan apresiasi dari berbagai penonton yang memiliki latar berlakang berbeda-beda. Tarian ini dipentaskan untuk pemenuhan <em>nadzar </em>terkhusus bagi warga Rejoagung. Hal tersebut merupakan adanya respon dari penonton yang tertarik pada tarian ini. Pelaku seni merupakan sekumpulan warga Reajoagung yang turut andil dan secara sadar bergabung dalam organisasi Turonggo Budoyo.</p><strong>Kata kunci: Jaranan Jawa Turonggo Budoyo, Interaksi simbolik, penonton</strong>

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 30
Abdul Rachman ◽  
Rinaldhi Eka Kurnia Putra ◽  
Eko Raharjo ◽  
Suharto Suharto

he Gunung Jati New Music Keroncong Orchestra is a keroncong orchestra that regularly performs keroncong music at Tawang Station Semarang. During the keroncong music performance there are various kinds of symbolic interactions between the players and also with the audience. The purpose of this study was to determine how the symbolic interaction in keroncong music performances by the Keroncong Gunung Jati New Music Orchestra. The research method used is qualitative. The data collection techniques used were observation, interview and documentation. The data collected through the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the symbolic interaction at the Keroncong Gunung Jati New Musik orchestra performance at Tawang Semarang station included a sawer box as a place for the audience to give sawer money as a form of appreciation. Symbolic interaction between the players and the players, namely during the performance the players give each other song chord codes with gestures of limbs such as finger movements, head nods, speech, winks. And symbolic interactions between the players and the audience in the form of hand movements, head nods, clapping, and sawer money. From these findings it can be concluded that the symbolic interaction that occurs is as an interaction that aims to find chemistry between players and between players and the audience so that the keroncong music performance runs well and smoothly so that the players and the audience are satisfied with their appearance and as an attraction of the Keroncong Orchestra. Gunung Jati New Musik in attracting public interest in keroncong music itself.

Societies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 30
Vlaho Kovačević ◽  
Krunoslav Malenica ◽  
Goran Kardum

The purpose of this paper was to interpret the usage of symbols in popular religion based on contemporary symbolic interactionism using the reference framework of the symbolic community. The strength of the chosen symbolic interactionist approach is primarily in the research of the role of different dimensions of the religious in understanding the meaning of popular religion in the symbolic community. The qualitative approach and the method of in-depth semi-structured interviews were employed in the research, which responded to the main goal of the research on the meanings the participants of the popular religion attach to the symbolic interactions. A deliberate sample was used for the selection of participants in the popular forms of celebrating the days of Our Lady of Vrpolje, Our Lady of Sinj, and Our Lady of Karavaj as well as the Guardians of Christ’s grave in Vodice, Croatia. According to the results, popular religion, transmitted through visible signs, places believers in a position of physical contact with the supernatural world within a symbolic environment. To achieve this, popular religion displays a need for sacred images, words, sounds, signs, movements, smells. Believers in popular religion seek to establish as simple, intimate, and direct relationship with a deity as possible. The respondents’ answers confirm that the experiential dimension of religiosity is lived primarily on a personal level that precedes the social dimension. For the participants, the religious community has a symbolic character in terms of creating strong bonds between members of society or a social group, especially within the symbolic meaning of a feast day.

Prologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 121
Ivan Sebastian ◽  
Muhammad Adi Pribadi

The large number of unemployed in Indonesia was mostly dominated by high school graduate and a university graduate. The government also encourages various breakthroughs, one of which is conducting training (training) or internships (internship) to improve human resources and employment. PT.BRE Global Education and career is a consultant engaged in the field of education, where the consultants will help find a way out and provide advice to prospective candidates who want to go abroad either to study or work through training and learning programs owned by companies through social media such as Facebook and Whatsapp as communication media. The author uses a qualitative methodology with strategies and case studies in this research. The purpose of this report is to find out and see how Symbolic Interactions play a role in marketing communication planning carried out by Educational Consultants from PT.BRE Global Education and Careers and the conclusions of this research BRE Global uses 4 stages in its marketing communication planning namely advertising, promotion, sales direct and interactive marketing through the media carried out between consultants and clients and then added to the 5 communication plans starting from Business Objectives, Strategy, Tactical, Monitoring where all stages contain Symbolic Interactions.Besarnya jumlah pengangguran di Indonesia sebagian besar didominasi oleh lulusan SMK, lulusan SMA, dan lulusan universitas. Pemerintah pun mendorong berbagai terobosan, salah satunya adalah melakukan pelatihan (training) atau magang (intership) untuk meningkatkan sumber daya manusia dan ketenaga kerjaan. PT.BRE Global Edukasi dan karir merupakan konsultan yang bergerak di bidang edukasi, dimana para konsultan akan membantu mencari jalan keluar dan memberikan saran kepada para calon kandidat yang ingin pergi ke luar negeri baik untuk belajar atau pun bekerja. Perusahaan memberikan program pelatihan dan pembelajaran melalui media sosial seperti Facebook dan Whatsapp sebagai media komunikasi. Penulis menggunakan metodologi kualitatif dengan strategi dan studi kasus dalam penelitian ini. Tujuan dari laporan ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan melihat bagaimana interaksi simbolik berperan dalam perencanaan komunikasi pemasaran yang dilakukan oleh Konsultan Edukasi dari PT.BRE Global Edukasi dan Karir. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini BRE Global menggunakan empat tahapan dalam perencanaan komunikasi pemasarannya yaitu periklanan, promosi, penjualan langsung dan pemasaran interaktif melalui media yang dilakukan antara konsultan dengan klien lalu di tambah dengan 5 perencanaan komunikasi dimulai dari Tujuan Bisnis, Strategi, Taktis, Monitoring dimana seluruh tahapannya mengandung Interaksi Simbolik.

Prologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Daniel Christofer ◽  
Muhammad Adi Pribadi

The purpose of introducing the Iphone to friends in an environment of friendship is to influence an environment so that there is a common use of the product. The Iphone itself is one of the best mobile phones in its class compared to other competitors. Iphone users who are satisfied will be a promotional medium with word of mouth theory and will try to influence the environment so that they are like themselves. Consumers who have positive feedback according to role theory will act as initiators and influencers who will try to incorporate thoughts as Iphone users into their environment. The initiator himself tries to do one of the symbolic interaction theories, namely the pygmalion effect where a thinker turns into a reality. This research was conducted with the aim to find out how much the role of social interaction that occurs in an environment can influence the purchase decision of a product or service. This research is different from previous studies because on this occasion symbolic interactions were examined through word of mouth.Tujuan mengenalkan Iphone kepada para sahabat dalam lingkungan persahabatan adalah untuk memengaruhi sebuah lingkungan agar terjadi kesamaan penggunaan produk. Iphone sendiri merupakan salah satu handphone terbaik di kelasnya dibanding kompetitor lainnya. Para pengguna Iphone yang merasa puas akan menjadi media promosi dengan teori word of mouth, dan akan mencoba untuk memengaruhi lingkunga nya agar seperti dirinya. Konsumen yang memiliki feedback positif menurut teori peran akan bertindak sebagai initiator dan juga influencer yang akan mencoba memasukkan pemikiran sebagai pengguna Iphone ke dalam lingkungannya. Initiator sendiri mencoba melakukan salah satu teori interaksi simbolik yaitu pygmalion effect dimana sebuah pemikirin berubah menjadi sebuah kenyataan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan mengetahui peran interaksi sosial yang terjadi di sebuah lingkungan dalam memengaruhi keputusan pembelian sebuah produk maupun jasa. Penelitian kali ini berbeda dari penelitian terdahulu karena pada kesempatan kali ini interaksi simbolik yang dikaji melalui word of mouth.

Volodymyr Gorbatenko ◽  
Oksana Kukuruz

The political and legal spheres of society have long been studied separately within political science and legal science. In reality, they are closely interrelated, so for the sake of objectivity and reliability of research results, especially applied ones, these two areas should be considered comprehensively. The need to increase the influence of scientific developments on changing the practice of state formation in a given direction – the establishment of a democratic and legal state – requires the study of real connections between political and legal spheres of society, consideration of political and legal reality as a whole and promotion of research approaches that can strengthen the role of scientists in practice. The aim of this article is to reveal the role of theoretical, methodological and practical potential of social constructivism in the process of changing the political and legal reality, in particular in Ukraine. To achieve this aim, the method of system analysis, observation, modeling method was used. The application of a constructivist approach to the study of political and legal reality and the possibilities of its change indicates that in society it is necessary to form a discourse based on the following important postulates: there is a close connection between policy and law; positive law reflects the state’s strategic policy, not current policy as a struggle for power; policy is formed on the basis of positive law, not on the basis of political expediency. Sign-symbolic interactions should be aimed at constructing political and legal reality, in which the aim of political decisions and legal norms is to ensure socially useful interests, develop ways to eliminate socially harmful phenomena (legal fetishism, imaginary constitutionalism, inflation of law, etc.), there is respect to scientific knowledge.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Khafi Maulana Rahman ◽  
Agustina M. Purnomo ◽  
Agustini Agustini

Symbolic interaction between students and teachers as a process of action and reaction involving an exchange of symbols. The symbols are formed and exchanged at the same time as the use of symbols in three levels, namely mind, self and society in symbolic interaction between mentally disabled students and teachers in special schools. The purpose of this study was to determine the use of mental retardation students and teachers in Special Schools. Descriptive qualitative research methods to explain phenomena accurately about existing facts. Data collection techniques through observation and in-depth interviews. Tunagrahita Teachers and Students in Special Schools become key informants in research, parents and closest friends become supporting informants. Data analysis technique is done by presenting data from Creswell. The theoretical foundation used in the research of Symbolic Interactionism from Mead. The results showed that the use of symbols in the mind, self and society level had an important role in the process of using symbols (manipulation and consumption) in the process of symbolic interaction. The conclusion of the research is the process of using symbols influenced by three levels of symbolic interaction, namely mind, self and society. Symbolic interaction at the level of society shows different levels according to the social and cultural background of students. Agreements that are built through symbolic interactions between teachers and students help students understand and understand social structures at school and at home, so they can constrain how they act and behave to suit other individuals. 

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