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Published By Hogrefe Publishing Group

2151-2396, 0227-5910

Crisis ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
pp. 74-75

Crisis ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Lennart Reifels ◽  
Sadhvi Krishnamoorthy ◽  
Kairi Kõlves ◽  
Jillian Francis

Crisis ◽  
2021 ◽  
Manina Mestas ◽  
Florian Arendt

Abstract. Background: Reporting on suicide can elicit an increase in suicides, a phenomenon termed the “Werther effect.” The name can be traced back to an alleged spike in suicides after the publication of Goethe's novel The Sorrows of Young Werther in 1774, in which the protagonist Werther dies by suicide. Aims: Acknowledging the importance and primacy of systematic ecological and individual-level studies, we provide a historical single-case report of the suicide of a “late arrival of the Werther epidemic,” as the death was headlined in a news report in 1927. Method: Archival research on tenor Paul Vidal's suicide was conducted. Results: Vidal reconstructed the scene of the final act of the opera Werther in his apartment and died by a gunshot, as did Werther. Limitations: Causal interpretations must be made with caution. Conclusion: Striking similarities between Werther's and Vidal's deaths support the idea of strong identification with the fictional narrative and suggest causal effects. Considering the repeated high level of immersiveness and the intense emotions of opera performances, it is likely that performing the role of Werther increases identification processes, contributing to detrimental effects. The lack of knowledge regarding the role of fictional suicide stories on artists' suicides is discussed.

Crisis ◽  
2021 ◽  
Martin Plöderl ◽  
Michael Pascal Hengartner

Abstract. Background: Some authors claimed that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) black box warning on treatment-emergent suicidality with antidepressants in adolescents (issued 2004) and young adults (issued 2006) led to an increase of suicides, based on the analyses of ecological data with debatable assumptions about putative changes in suicide rates. Aims: To explore if putative changes in suicide rates in adolescents and young adults at the time of the FDA warnings is a detectable signal in the data or compatible with random fluctuations. Method: We applied different changepoint analyses for adolescent and young adult suicide rates from 1981 to 2019 in the USA. Results: Changepoint analysis did not support a detrimental effect of the FDA black box warnings. The downward trend of suicides reversed several years after the warning in adolescents (2007–2009) and many years before in young adults (1999–2001). Limitations: Our analyses cannot rule out detrimental effects of the FDA warnings. However, even if there was such an effect, it was likely small and indistinguishable from random fluctuations in the available suicide data. Conclusion: There is no detectable change of trend in adolescent or young adult suicide rates in line with a detrimental effect of the FDA black box warnings on treatment-emergent suicidality.

Crisis ◽  
2021 ◽  
Lisa Van Hove ◽  
Imke Baetens ◽  
Karla Van Leeuwen ◽  
Mathieu Roelants ◽  
J. Roeljan Wiersema ◽  

Abstract. Background: A growing body of empirical research shows that suicidal behaviors are prevalent in childhood. Yet, few studies have examined risk factors related to suicidal ideation (SI) among children aged 12 and younger. Aims: The current study addresses this gap. Method: A questionnaire was filled out by 1,350 Flemish primary caregivers (94.7% mothers) of 9-year-old children (50.4% boys, Mage = 9.45). Their responses were analyzed using logistic regression and independent samples t tests. Results: The presence of passive SI was reported in 10.5% of the children. A psychiatric, developmental, or behavioral condition (or multiple conditions), a learning disorder, impulsivity, aggression, and experiencing multiple stressful family life events were discovered as potential risk factors of passive SI in childhood. Limitations: The cross-sectional nature of this study meant that causality could not be inferred. In addition, it was based on reports of primary caregivers, rather than on reports from the children themselves. Conclusion: These new empirical findings can be used for the development of prevention programs and be taken into account in risk assessments of SI in clinical practice. Confirmation of our findings in a longitudinal child-reported study is needed.

Crisis ◽  
2021 ◽  
Jenny Mei Yiu Huen ◽  
Paul Siu Fai Yip ◽  
Augustine Osman ◽  
Angel Nga Man Leung

Abstract. Background: Despite the widespread use of the Suicidal Behaviors Questionnaire–Revised (SBQ-R) and advances in item response theory (IRT) modeling, item-level analysis with the SBQ-R has been minimal. Aims: This study extended IRT modeling strategies to examine the response parameters and potential differential item functioning (DIF) of the individual SBQ-R items in samples of US ( N = 320) and Chinese ( N = 298) undergraduate students. Method: Responses to the items were calibrated using the unidimensional graded response IRT model. Goodness-of-fit, item parameters, and DIF were evaluated. Results: The unidimensional graded response IRT model provided a good fit to the sample data. Results showed that the SBQ-R items had various item discrimination parameters and item severity parameters. Also, each SBQ-R item functioned similarly between the US and Chinese respondents. In particular, Item 1 (history of attempts) demonstrated high discrimination and severity of suicide-related thoughts and behaviors (STBs). Limitations: The use of cross-sectional data from convenience samples of undergraduate students could be considered a major limitation. Conclusion: The findings from the IRT analysis provided empirical support that each SBQ-R item taps into STBs and that scores for Item 1 can be used for screening purposes.

Crisis ◽  
2021 ◽  
Myfanwy Maple ◽  
Sarah Wayland ◽  
Rebecca L. Sanford ◽  
Navjot Bhullar

Abstract. Background: Family members often provide informal care following a suicide attempt. Carers may be vulnerable to caregiver burden. Yet, little is known about what contributes to this. Aims: To determine the predictors of caregiver burden in those carers who support people who have attempted suicide. Method: An online survey of 435 participants assessed exposure to suicide, caring behaviors, and psychological variables and caregiver burden. Results: A multivariate model explained 52% of variance in caregiver burden. Being female, closeness to the person, impact of suicide attempt, frequency of contact pre-attempt, and psychological distress were positively associated with caregiver burden. Confidence in supporting the person after suicide attempt, perceived adequacy of healthcare the person received and the support the carer received, and suicidal ideation of the carer were negatively associated with caregiver burden. Moderation analysis suggested that carers with high levels of distress reported negative association between suicidal ideation and caregiver burden. Limitations: The cross-sectional online survey design of self-identified carers is a limitation of the study. Conclusion: Carers are highly distressed, and if unsupported report increased suicide ideation. In their caring roles they may have contact with support services, thus attending to their needs may ameliorate caregiver burden and associated negative outcomes.

Crisis ◽  
2021 ◽  
Masatsugu Orui ◽  
Suzuka Saeki ◽  
Yuki Kozakai ◽  
Shuichiro Harada ◽  
Mizuho Hayashi

Abstract. Background: People who experienced the Great East Japan Earthquake (GEJE) were expected to have additional levels of psychological burden resulting from the stressful conditions imposed during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic; consequently, suicide rates may increase. Aim: We aimed to carry out continuous monitoring of suicide rates in the affected area following the GEJE under COVID-19 pandemic conditions. Method: This descriptive study monitored the suicide rates of the coastal area of Miyagi Prefecture, where disaster-related mental health activities have been continuing following severe damage caused by the tsunami disaster. An exponential smoothing time-series analysis that converted suicide rates into a smooth trend was conducted. Results: Although the suicide rate in the affected area was higher than the national average in February 2020, it showed a declining trend during the COVID-19 pandemic, while showing an increase trend in the national and non-affected areas. Limitations: Uncertainty about the direct reasons for suicide and the short time-scale observation are the limitations of this study. Conclusion: Although the national suicide rate increased, this was not the case for the affected area. Our findings may provide important lessons for suicide prevention during the COVID-19 pandemic, which needs careful regional monitoring of the state of suicide and of high-risk approaches such as disaster-related mental health activities.

Crisis ◽  
2021 ◽  
Kyu-Hyoung Jeong ◽  
Seungjong Cho

Abstract. Background: South Korea showed the highest suicide rate among the countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Aims: This study aimed to discern the profiles of municipalities according to their suicide rates across the life cycle and gender, and then to identify the unique characteristics of each latent group. Method: This study applied a latent profile modeling to categorize the regions by life cycle suicide rates of their residents. The latent profile analysis (LPA) yielded four latent groups for males and three groups for females. This study explored the unique characteristics of 250 municipalities by latent groups with these groups. Results: The results suggested significant gender differences in the characteristics of localities. For the high adolescent suicide rates groups, there was a higher proportion of urban areas among males while there was a higher proportion of rural regions among females. Limitations: This study analyzed secondary data of municipalities, so the characteristics of each profile of suicide rate could only be identified within this existing data. Conclusions: This paper is one of the first studies to apply the LPA to different latent profiles by life cycle suicide rates.

Crisis ◽  
2021 ◽  
Anam Khan ◽  
Michael Ungar

Abstract. Background: Although a wide range of studies discuss prevalence and risk factors associated with self-harm, protective factors that are equally important are rarely explored. Moreover, much of our understanding of young individuals who engage in self-harm come from studies conducted in Western countries with very little emphasis on marginalized groups. Aim: This scoping review identifies research on resilience among marginalized youth and youth living in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) who show evidence of self-harm. Method: A scoping review following Arksey and O’Malley’s (2005) framework was conducted. This effort included drawing upon peer-reviewed research published between January 2000 and September 2020 to identify protective factors and coping strategies that are employed by individuals 10–29 years old with self-harming tendencies. Results: A total of 15 original papers met the inclusion criteria. The majority of the LMIC publications were from China. Social support, positive youth development, and religiosity were the most frequently reported protective factors. Conclusion: Despite widespread concern about self-harm, there are few peer-reviewed articles that look at resilience or recovery among youth in LMICs and among marginalized young people. In addition to various internal and external protective factors, this scoping review identifies gaps in our understanding of resilience to self-harm among youth belonging to these groups.

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