Studia Philosophica et Theologica
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Published By Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Teologi Widya Sasana

2550-0589, 1412-0674

2022 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 218-237
Fandi Gilar Saputro

Peristiwa makan adalah moment berharga bagi manusia. Makan bukan hanya peristiwa memasukkan makanan ke dalam mulut namun lebih dari itu peristiwa makan memiliki makna yang mendalam antara lain sebagai interaksi sosial dan identitas kultural. Makan adalah kegiatan sehari-hari yang selalu dilakukan manusia. Untuk bertahan hidup manusia harus makan. Seiring berjalannya waktu peristiwa makan bukan sekadar untuk mengenyangkan perut tapi juga suatu simbol untuk merayakan peristiwa penting. Bahkan dalam Kitab Suci banyak peristiwa iman yang ditandai dengan peristiwa makan. Peristiwa makan ini dimaknai sebagai moment perjumpaan kehidupan. Dalam tradisi Kristiani kita juga menemukan tradisi perjamuan ilahi yakni Ekaristi. Inti dari perayaan Ekaristi adalah ‘makan’ Tubuh dan Darah Kristus yakni yang disebut dengan Hosti dan Anggur. Segala bentuk aktivitas makan dalam kehidupan manusia dapat berdaya guna dan dapat membantu manusia memakani hidupnya dengan lebih mendalam. Untuk itu buah pemikiran dari teologi makan sangat dibutuhkan agar proses pencarian makna terdalam dari peristiwa makan pada kultur masa kini dan Ekaristi dapat ditemukan.   The occasion of eating is considered a precious moment for all people. Eating is not just a regime of putting food into the mouth, but rather than that, it is of deeper significance. Eating has means of social interaction and also of cultural identity. It is a day to day regular everyone committed to. In order to survive, humans are obliged to eat. As history went by, eating is not just an act of satiating the gut, but also marking significant events. In the Bible, numerous events of faith are celebrated through eating. To eat is to attend a life encounter. In Christian traditions, we understand that the Eucharist is a divine form of eating. The core of the Eucharist is to 'eat' the Corpus and Blood of Christ which is present in the Host and Wine. Any kinds of eating there is, shall give empowerment to help humans understand their lives more deeply. Thus, the fruit of the idea of the theology of eating is required to seek deepest eloquence from the occasion of eating in present culture and the Eucharist, shall be found.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 174-194
Agustinus Mujianto ◽  
Adry Yanto Saputro

Abstrak Fokus pembahasan dari studi ini adalah tentang dialog antaragama. Umat Katolik di Indonesia memiliki tugas suci untuk berdialog dengan agama-agama lain. Tugas suci ini merupakan bagian dari perutusan yang diberikan oleh Yesus Kristus sendiri untuk mewartakan kasih di tengah-tengah dunia, yang sekarang ini telah dilanda oleh krisis kemanusiaan di mana agama digunakan untuk menghasut orang kepada perang, kebencian, kekerasan, dan pertumpahan darah. Metodologi yang digunakan di dalam studi ini adalah metode deduktif dengan pendekatan analogis. Studi ini melihat ada kesejajaran gagasan antara dokumen Abu Dhabi artikel 23-24 dengan Theology of Margin Raymundus Sudhiarsa dan dokumen Fratelli Tutti. Studi ini menemukan bahwa ada lima tema yang dapat digumuli di dalam dialog antaragama, yaitu tema tentang tujuan agama, nilai luhur kehidupan, perdamaian, interpretasi ajaran yang benar, dan persaudaraan Kata Kunci: Dialog, Tugas Suci, Agama, Umat Katolik   Abstract The focus of the discussion of this study is on interreligious dialogue. Catholics in Indonesia have a sacred duty to dialogue with other religions. This sacred task is part of the mission given by Jesus Christ Himself to spread love in the midst of the world, which today has been hit by a humanitarian crisis where religion is used to incite people to war, hatred, violence and bloodshed. The methodology used in this study is the deductive method with analogical approach. This study sees that there are parallels of ideas between the Abu Dhabi documents articles 23-24 with Raymundus Sudhiarsa's Theology of Margin and Fratelli Tutti's documents. This study found that there are five themes that can be explored in interreligious dialogue, namely the theme of religious goals, the noble values of life, peace, correct interpretation of teachings, and brotherhood. Keywords: Dialogue, Sacred Duty, Religion, Catholics

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 195-217
Benny Phang Khong Wing

This article describes the meaning of conscience according to the definition presented by the Second Vatican Council in the light of Thomistic and Carmelite perspectives and explains the depth of this definition, in order to dispel misconceptions about the meaning of conscience that are widely circulated, and show its proper role in the edifice of moral theology. For this reason, this article elaborates on the harmonious correlation between the two dimensions of conscience, namely, synderesis and conscientia, as well as the harmonious correlation they have with the virtue of prudence which is perfected by the gift of counsel from the Holy Spirit. The pastoral aspect of this article is presented in the end by analyzing the importance of conscience revived by the Church as presented in the apostolic exhortation of Amoris Laetitia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 238-247
Konrad Kebung

The paper presents Foucault's rich philosophical thoughts and analyses on various fields in the historical and cultural settings, and how his ideas are critiqued by feminists of various movements. Although his analyses are really productive and helpful for many feminists in pursuing their studies and activities, yet there are also many critics coming from the feminist group that Foucault's analyses are so androcentrism, namely centralized too much on man (patria potestas), as if woman is identical with man physically and psychologically. Foucault therefore is seen as "gender blindness" as he does not analyze enough women in many different aspects, e.d., masculinity and femininity (gender).

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 133-154
Sermada Kelen Donatus

The elaboration of the theme done by the author aims at introducing the philosophical stream of Neo-Kantianism based on Kant’s epistemology and at pointing out the implication of Neo-Kantianism on the scientific research about religion. This purpose should be realized by describing the main philosophical concept of Neo-Kantianism within its two wellknown schools. Its implication on the religion can be explained. The critique on religion can be pointed out, the theology of pluralism can be compared with the catholic theology, and the divine revelation provided by Neo-Kantianism can be enlighted under the scrutiny of rationality. The outcome of the research is lying on the recognition and the acceptance of the adherents’ Neo Kantianism to the theology as a scientific discipline based on the divine revelation under the authority of the human rationality. The conclusion taken out from the research is that the philosophy of Neo-Kantianism has given strong impact on the scientific research about religion. The divine revelation should be enlightened by the various scientific approaches before it is reflected theologically.   

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 248-251
Gregorius Pasi

On the one hand, Mary is an integral part of living the Catholic faith. On the other hand, social action is an integral part of the mission of the Church. The correlation between the two is less articulated in mariological reflection. Clodovis M. Boff in his book “Marilogia sociale. Il significato della Vergine per la società” proposes “social mariology” as a theological reflection that brings together the figure of Mary and the social mission of the Church. The distinctive contribution of this book is in the formulation of the problematics, epistemological principles and references to the loci theologici of social mariology.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 155-173
Cicilia Damayanti

Peran perempuan di wilayah pengetahuan menjadi tanda tanya tersendiri karena mereka dianggap lebih menggunakan perasaan daripada nalar. Ilmu pengetahuan dipahami sebagai dunia yang membutuhkan nalar yang kuat sehingga perempuan dianggap kurang cakap dalam menggeluti bidang ini. Pandangan ini membuat kaum perempuan dianggap lebih cocok berada di wilayah domestik daripada publik. Hal ini membuat para feminis merasa bahwa kaum perempuan telah diperlakukan tidak adil karena selalu dipojokkan pada bidang perasaan semata. Mereka kemudian melakukan penelitian untuk membongkar paradigma ini dan mencoba menulis kembali sejarahnya. Melalui beberapa penelitian, terlihat bahwa perempuan juga berperan dalam dunia pengetahuan. Di samping itu mereka menemukan bahwa pengetahuan yang terkesan keras tetap membutuhkan segi emosi dalam perkembangannya. Sebab, ilmu pengetahuan akan berdaya guna bila dapat bermanfaat bagi hidup orang banyak dan tetap memperhatikan alam sekitar. Hal lain yang menjadi pertimbangan adalah perlunya kerja sama antara perempuan dan laki-laki dalam mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan bagi kesejahteraan hidup bersama. Hal ini juga dapat membongkar pemikiran bahwa perempuan juga bisa berguna dan bekerja di wilayah publik, bahwa banyak konstruksi budaya yang ada telah membelenggu hidup perempuan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 142-159
Firman Panjaitan ◽  
Dwi Ratna Kusumaningdyah

Injustice, including gender issues, grows out of the abuse of power possessed by the authorities, which in turn results in victims, who are usually groups without power, both socially and theologically. The study in this article will discuss the Book of Judges 11: 1-40 which illustrates the dynamics in the life of Jephthah, who was a victim of society at first but due to the services he provided to Israel, he turned into a leader. But the story also illustrates that at the beginning of his power as a leader, Jephthah became the leader who sacrificed his own daughter; and the most interesting thing here is that all events occur by 'involving' the Spirit of the LORD. Thus the victim cycle produces victims into a clear picture in the judgment of Judges 11: 1-40.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 160-176
Yohanes Wilson Bei Lena Meo

Communion, as expressed fully in Eucharist, for its bond with salvation, is the first and foremost obligation of every member of the faithful. This obligation arises from baptism, as a sacrament which incorporates the faithful into the mystical body of Christ and accompanies the faithful in all their action: the sacramental life, of faith and of relationship with ecclesiastical authority. The Second Vatican Council has placed communion as one of the important ecclesiological paradigms. The process of revision of Code of Canon Law itself is carried out in harmony with the ecclesiological paradigm of the Second Vatican Council. Counted among the visible elements of communion, Canon Law has tried also to translate the conception of communion into juridical language, which contains the rights and obligations of the faithful to endeavor and maintain it. This article has its purpose as an effort to see the relevance of the concept of communion in the Second Vatican Council to the Code of Canon Law promulgated in 1983.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-126
Gregorius Pasi

  To the Catholic faithful, the “I” and “You” relationality of Indonesia’s pluralistic society “formulated” in the third principle of Pancasila (Persatuan Indonesia = a unified Indonesia) and in the nation’s motto “Bhineka Tunggal Ika” (Unity in Diversity) can point towards trinitary relationality.  Using the critical reading approach to Pancasila and  moto Bhineka Tunggal Ika, this study has discovered the four following issues: Firstly, the relationality between “I” and “You” in Indonesian society can point towards the intersubjective relationality of the Trinity. Secondly, the principle of Bhineka Tunggal Ika can point towards the principle of unity in the diversity of the Trinity. Thirdly, the transcendence of “Kami” (We-excluding-You) towards “Kita” (We-including-You) in Indonesian society can point towards the openness of the Trinity to establish unity with humans who are fundamentaly different from God. Fourthly, mutual participation relationality in Indonesian society can point towards the principle of perichoresis of the Trinity.    

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