Evaluation on the external environment cost of pig-breeding with different size in sichuan province of China

2015 ◽  
Vol 34 (5) ◽  
pp. 1488-1496 ◽  
He Zhengtao ◽  
Peng Jue
2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 133 ◽  
Sudhashini Nair ◽  
Xin Tan

Literature has indicated that factors such as--the external environment, cost saving mechanisms, user attitude and company size--may have an effect on the implementation of activity-based costing (ABC). Furthermore, literature has revealed that there is still lack of research on the effect of these factors on the implementation of ABC among small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in Malaysia. As such the aim of this research is to test the relationships of these factors on the implementation of ABC among SMEs in Malaysia with the aim of contributing to existing research on the ABC system in the area of management accounting. A total of 200 respondents participated in this research. The results of the study revealed that all four factors; the external environment, cost saving mechanisms, user attitude and company size have significant relationships with the implementation of ABC among SMEs in Malaysia.

T. E. Hutchinson ◽  
D. E. Johnson ◽  
A. C. Lee ◽  
E. Y. Wang

Microprobe analysis of biological tissue is now in the end phase of transition from instrumental and technique development to applications pertinent to questions of physiological relevance. The promise,implicit in early investigative efforts, is being fulfilled to an extent much greater than many had predicted. It would thus seem appropriate to briefly report studies exemplifying this, ∿. In general, the distributions of ions in tissue in a preselected physiological state produced by variations in the external environment is of importance in elucidating the mechanisms of exchange and regulation of these ions.

B.K. Ghosh

Periplasm of bacteria is the space outside the permeability barrier of plasma membrane but enclosed by the cell wall. The contents of this special milieu exterior could be regulated by the plasma membrane from the internal, and by the cell wall from the external environment of the cell. Unlike the gram-negative organism, the presence of this space in gram-positive bacteria is still controversial because it cannot be clearly demonstrated. We have shown the importance of some periplasmic bodies in the secretion of penicillinase from Bacillus licheniformis.In negatively stained specimens prepared by a modified technique (Figs. 1 and 2), periplasmic space (PS) contained two kinds of structures: (i) fibrils (F, 100 Å) running perpendicular to the cell wall from the protoplast and (ii) an array of vesicles of various sizes (V), which seem to have evaginated from the protoplast.

Liquidity ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 97-107
Esust Setiawati

This study aims to analyze how strategic management in the Firta Collection Boutique to develop its business, especially in providing services to customers. The method used in this research is a qualitative method that includes Marketing Mix (4P Analysis) and SWOT Analysis, to find out what external factors are opportunities or threats to the Firta Collection Boutique. The results of the study show that the strategies adopted by the Firta Collection Boutique are still inappropriate and need to use other strategies. Changes in the external environment have continued to increase so that it is an opportunity and anticipates threats by utilizing strengths and minimizing weaknesses by innovating and improving approaches and gaining customer trust in product quality, in order to compete in the fashion sector.

2019 ◽  
pp. 127-149
George B. Kleiner

This paper shows the diversity and significance of relations of duality among different economic systems. The composition of the principles underlying the system economic theory used for the analysis of duality in the economy is investigated. The concept of the economic system is clarified and the equivalence of three basic concepts of the economic system is shown: a) as a space-time volume (“black box”); b) as a complex of elements and connections among them; c) as a tetrad, including object, project, process and environment components. In a new way, the concept of the tetrad is revealed. The actual interpretation of the interrelationships of its components, based on the mechanisms of intersystem circulation of spatial and temporal resources and the transmission of abilities from one economic system to another, is proposed. On the basis of the obtained results, the most essential aspects of duality in the theory of economic systems are considered. It is shown that the interaction of internal content and the nearest external environment of economic systems lies in the nature of the relations of duality. A new approach to modeling the structure and to functioning of the economic system, based on the description of its activities in the form of two interconnected tetrads (the first tetrad reflects the intrasystem production cycle and the second one — the external realization-reproduction cycle) is put forward. It is shown that the concept of duality in a system economy creates prerequisites for adapting the functioning of local economic systems (objects, projects, etc.) in a market, administrative and functional environments and, as a result, harmonizing the economy as a whole.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 339-369
David Romano

The analysis presented here offers a possible framework for understanding when sub-state actors behave prudently and more strategically in their foreign relations, and when other priorities might instead heighten the chances of seemingly irrational, erratic, or dangerous, foreign policies. Using a case study of the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq to illustrate the argument, the author attempts to show how “regime consolidation” plays a key role in allowing such actors to prioritise policies aimed at grappling with external challenges, threats and opportunities. Internally legitimate, consolidated regimes can better present “one face” to the outside world and behave more strategically in the international arena.  Political systems lacking consolidation or internal legitimacy, in contrast, turn to the external environment in search of resources to help them with domestic threats and challenges. This may lead to seemingly erratic, unpredictable and risky foreign policies on their part. Abstract in Kurmanji Aktorên bin-dewletî û girtina rîskên siyaseta derve: Hikûmeta Herêma Kurdistanê ya Iraqê Analîza ku li vir hatiye pêşkêşkirin çarçoveyeke muhtemel ji bo fehmkirina demên ku aktorên bin-dewletî di têkiliyên xwe yên derve de bi hişyarî û stratejîk tevdigerin û demên di dewsê de pêşkiyên din şansên siyaseta derve yên xeternak, guherbar û îrrasyonel didine ber xwe. Bi bikaranîna mînaka Hikûmeta Herêma Kurdistanê ya Iraqê nivîskar hewl dide ku nîşan bide ka çawa “xurtkirina rejîmê” roleke serekî dilîze di destûrdana van aktoran de ku pêşekiyê bidin polîtîkayên ku bi dijwarî, tehdît û talûkeyên derve bigre. Rejîmên di hundir de meşrû û xurt dikarin baştir “rûyekî” nîşanê cîhana derve bidin û di qada navneteweyî de bêhtir stratejîk tevbigerin. Lê belê sîstemên siyasî yên ne xurt û di hundir de ne meşrû jî berê xwe didin derdora derve di lêgerîna çavkaniyan de da ku alîkariya wan bikin ji bo talûke û zehmetiyên hundirîn. Ev dikare bibe sedem ku ew polîtîkayên derveyî yên birîsk, netexmînbar û hevnegir ên berçav bigrin ji aliyê xwe ve. Abstract in Sorani Ektere dewllete lawekeyyekan û xoleqerey metrisî danî syasetî derewe: hkumetî herêmî kurdistanî ‘êrraq Ew şîkaryaney lêreda amadekrawn , çwarçêweyekî guncaw pêşkeş dekat bo têgeyiştin lewey le katêkda ektere dewllete lawekîyekan beşêweyekî wiryayane û sitratîjyanetir le peywendîyekanî derewey xoyanda hellsukewt deken, we katêkîş ewlewîyetekanî tir renge şansî ewey le rukeşda wek syasetî derekî na'eqllanî, namo, yan trisnak derdekewêt berizbkatewe. Hkumetî herêmî kurdistanî 'êraq wek keysî twêjînewe bekarhatuwe bo rûnkirdnewey ew argumêntey ke nûser hewll dedat nîşanî bdat çon “ptewkirdnî rjêm” rollêkî serekî debînêt le rêgedan bew core ekterane bo ewey ew syasetane bkate ewlewîyet ke amanc lêy berberekanêy allingarîy û hereşe û derfete drekîyekane. Ew rjêmaney ke şer'îyetî nawxoyyan heye û çespawn baştir detwanin “yek rûîy” pîşanî dinyay derewe bken û le meydanî nêwdewlletîşda sitratîjyanetir hellsukewt bken. Bepêçewanewe, ew sîsteme syasyaney ke neçespawn û şer'îyetî nawxoyyan kurtidênêt, le gerran bedway serçawekanda rû le jîngey derekî deken bo ewey yarmetîyan bda le herreşe û allingarîye nawxoyyekan. Eme lewaneye wabkat ke ew syasete derekîyaney ke be namo, pêşbînî nekraw û metrisîdar derdekewn le terefî ewanewe bêt. Abstract in Zazaki Faîlê bindewletkî û rîskgêrîya sîyasetê teberî: Hukmatê Herêmê Kurdîstanî yê Îraqî   No analîzê tîyayî seba fehmkerdişê wextê ke faîlê bindewletkîyî têkilîyanê xo yê teberî de bitedbîr û hîna zaf stratejîk hereket kenê û wexto ke herinda ci de prîorîteyê bînî asayîş ra gore îhtîmalê polîtîkayanê teberî yê bêmantiq, bêqerar yan zî xeternakan kenê zêde, ci rê çarçewayêka potansîyele pêşkêş keno. Bi xebata nimûneyî yê Hukmatê Herêmê Kurdîstanî yê Îraqî no arguman nîşan dîyeno. Nuştox wazeno bimusno ke “konsolîdasyonê rejîmî” senî rolêko sereke gêno ke tede kerdoxanê winasîyan rê destûr dîyeno ke polîtîkayanê xo yê çareserkerdişê zehmetî, tehdîd û îmkananê teberî prîorîtîze bikerê. Eke zere de meşrû yê, rejîmê kondolîdekerdeyî eşkenê xo bi “yew rî” teber rê bimusnê û sahneya mîyanneteweyîye de hîna zaf stratejîk hereket bikerê. Heto bîn ra, sîstemê sîyasîyî ke tede konsolîdasyon yan zî meşrûîyetê zereyî çin ê, ê xo çarnenê dorûverê xo yê teberî ke seba helkerdişê tehdîd û zehmetîyanê zereyî ro çimeyan bigêre. No seba înan beno ke bibo sebebê polîtîkayanê teberî yê bêqerar, nevervînbar û rîzîkodaran.

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