Beech coppice leaf cover and gross rainfall quali–quantitative transformation in simulated rainfall events of high intensity

P. Trucchi ◽  
M.C. Andrenelli
Soil Research ◽  
1998 ◽  
Vol 36 (5) ◽  
pp. 841 ◽  
A. M. McNeill ◽  
G. P. Sparling ◽  
D. V. Murphy ◽  
P. Braunberger ◽  
I. R. P. Fillery

The effects of simulated rainfall events during the summer fallow period on extractable and microbial carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) in soils under either continuous wheat or the second-year pasture phase of a 2-pasture-1-wheat rotation in the Western Australian wheatbelt were investigated. A ‘single wetting’ treatment (45 mm rainfall on Day 0) was compared with a 55 mm ‘multiple wetting’ treatment (45 mm at Day 0, 5 mm at Day 3, and 5 mm at Day 8). Soil samples from 0{10 cm depth were taken prior to, and at regular intervals up to 14 days following, the inital wetting event. Soil extracts were assayed for total soluble N (TSN), total oxidisable C (TOC), Olsen-P, and ninhydrin-positive compounds (NPC). Prior to the simulated rainfall events, extractable TSN and TOC in the air-dry fallow soils were significantly higher (P < 0·01), and Olsen-P significantly lower, for the pasture land use compared with the continuous wheat. However, subsequent to wetting there were no significant differences between the 2 land uses, or single and multiple wetting treatments, for extractable TSN, TOC, Olsen P, or NPC. Extractable soluble organic N (SON), calculated by subtracting measured inorganic N from TSN, decreased within 48 h of each wetting event to a minimal value but, after the first 2 wetting events, subsequently increased to at least the prewet value. Microbial C, N, and P were estimated from the difference in TOC, TSN, and Olsen-P of extracts from fumigated and unfumigated soils (microbial ‘flush’) and microbial C and N were also estimated from the NPC ‘flush’. There was generally good agreement between the 2 estimates of microbial N (NPC and TSN, R2 = 0·50), but less so for the 2 estimates of microbial C (NPC and TOC, R2 = 0 ·31). There was no significant difference in microbial C, N, or P between the 2 land uses, but there was a highly significant response of the microbial biomass to wetting events and also significant differences in temporal patterns between the single and multiple wetting treatments. Microbial C and N increased in the period following initial wetting, more rapidly in the wheat than the pasture, reaching a peak at Day 2 for wheat and Day 3 for pasture. Subsequently, for the single wet treatment, there was a steady linear decline in microbial C and N until Day 10, whereas over the same period (Days 4-10) in the multiple wet treatment there were 2 highly significant quadratic responses to time, manifest as a linear increase in microbial C and N following each re-wetting event, to a peak value 24 h after the event, and a subsequent decline to the pre-wet value after a further 24 h.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 ◽  
pp. 117862212094806 ◽  
MJ Marques ◽  
M Ruiz-Colmenero ◽  
R Bienes ◽  
A García-Díaz ◽  
B Sastre

The study of alternative soil managements to tillage, based on the evidence of climate change in the Mediterranean basin, is of great importance. Summer and autumn are critical seasons for soil degradation due to the high-intensity, short-duration storms. Vineyards are vulnerable, especially on steep slopes. The particular effects of storms over the years under different soil conditions due to different management practices are not frequently addressed in the literature. The aim of this study was to examine the differences between runoff and soil moisture patterns influenced by 2 treatments: traditional tillage (Till) and a permanent cover crop. A shallow-rooted grass species Brachypodium distachyon (L.) P. Beauv. with considerable density coverage was selected as cover crop. This annual species was seeded once in the first year and then allowed to self-seed the following years. Tillage was performed at least twice in spring to a 10- to 15-cm depth and once in late autumn at a depth of 20 to 35 cm. Rainfall simulation experiments were performed, 1 year after treatments, using high-intensity rainfall on closed plots of 2 m2, located in the middle strips of the vineyard with different treatments. The effects of simulated rainfall experiments were determined in 3 different moments of the growth cycle of cultivar: (1) in summer with dry soils, (2) in early autumn with moderate soil moisture, and (3) in autumn with wet soils. During the 2-year trial, the soil moisture level in the soil upper layer (0-10 cm) was higher for Till treatment (14.1% ± 2.4%) compared with that for cover crop treatment (12.3% ± 2.0%). However, soil moisture values were more similar between treatments at 35 cm depth (12% ± 1%), with the exception of spring and autumn; in spring, water consumption in the cover crop treatment was the highest, and the moisture level at 35 cm depth was reduced (12%) compared with that for Till treatment (13%). In autumn, in cover crop treatment, higher water infiltration rate in soils led to higher soil moisture content at 35 cm (11%) compared with that of Till treatment (10%). The effects of simulated rainfall experiments on runoff and infiltration under different soil conditions and management practices vary seasonally. Runoff was significantly higher in summer for cover crop treatment (11%) as compared with that for Till management (1%), but significantly lower (3%) with wetter soils than for Till treatment (22%) in autumn. Thus, the simulation experiments with wet soils using cover crops produced higher infiltration rates and, consequently, the higher soil moisture content in the following days. The difference between seasons is attributed to the greater porosity of soil under Till treatment in summer, which resulted from the shallow plowing (10-15 cm depth), carried out to reduce moisture competition between weeds. The effect of traditional spring plowing was short-lived. The infiltration of water increased by cover crop treatment as compared with tillage in autumn both before and after ripping. Management practices did not influence wine parameters, as no significant differences were found between wine organoleptic characteristics in the duo-trio wine tastings, similarly, no differences were found for alcoholic degree, acidity, reduced sugars, and pH; however, a trend for a positive increase in polyphenol contents was noticed. Therefore, properly managed to avoid water shortages, cover crops can be recommended for soil protection in semi-arid environments.

2015 ◽  
Vol 19 (5) ◽  
pp. 2197-2212 ◽  
W. Shao ◽  
T. A. Bogaard ◽  
M. Bakker ◽  
R. Greco

Abstract. The effect of preferential flow on the stability of landslides is studied through numerical simulation of two types of rainfall events on a hypothetical hillslope. A model is developed that consists of two parts. The first part is a model for combined saturated/unsaturated subsurface flow and is used to compute the spatial and temporal water pressure response to rainfall. Preferential flow is simulated with a dual-permeability continuum model consisting of a matrix domain coupled to a preferential flow domain. The second part is a soil mechanics model and is used to compute the spatial and temporal distribution of the local factor of safety based on the water pressure distribution computed with the subsurface flow model. Two types of rainfall events were considered: long-duration, low-intensity rainfall, and short-duration, high-intensity rainfall. The effect of preferential flow on slope stability is assessed through comparison of the failure area when subsurface flow is simulated with the dual-permeability model as compared to a single-permeability model (no preferential flow). For the low-intensity rainfall case, preferential flow has a positive effect on drainage of the hillslope resulting in a smaller failure area. For the high-intensity rainfall case, preferential flow has a negative effect on the slope stability as the majority of rainfall infiltrates into the preferential flow domain when rainfall intensity exceeds the infiltration capacity of the matrix domain, resulting in larger water pressure and a larger failure area.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (5) ◽  
pp. 1531-1550
Clàudia Abancó ◽  
Georgina L. Bennett ◽  
Adrian J. Matthews ◽  
Mark Anthony M. Matera ◽  
Fibor J. Tan

Abstract. In 2018 Typhoon Mangkhut (locally known as Typhoon Ompong) triggered thousands of landslides in the Itogon region of the Philippines. A landslide inventory of the affected region is compiled for the first time, comprising 1101 landslides over a 570 km2 area. The inventory is used to study the geomorphological characteristics and land cover more prone to landsliding as well as the hydrometeorological conditions that led to widespread failure. The results showed that landslides mostly occurred on grassland and wooded slopes of clay superficial geology, predominantly facing east-southeast. Rainfall (Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for Global Precipitation Measurement, IMERG GPM) associated with Typhoon Mangkhut is compared with 33 high-intensity rainfall events that did not trigger regional landslide events in 2018. Results show that landslides occurred during high-intensity rainfall that coincided with the highest soil moisture values (estimated clays saturation point), according to Soil Moisture Active Passive level 4 (SMAP-L4) data. Our results demonstrate the potential of SMAP-L4 and GPM IMERG data for landslide hazard assessment and early warning where ground-based data are scarce. However, other rainfall events in the months leading up to Typhoon Mangkhut that had similar or higher rainfall intensities and also occurred when soils were saturated did not trigger widespread landsliding, highlighting the need for further research into the conditions that trigger landslides in typhoons.

Jens Erik Blomquist ◽  
Kerstin Berglund

Two dates (early, normal) for application and incorporation of structure lime to clay soil were examined at four field sites, to test whether early liming had more favourable effects on aggregate stability. Aggregate size distribution measurements revealed a finer tilth at the early liming date (20 August) than the normal date (14 September). Aggregate stability estimated one year later, using as a proxy turbidity in leachate from 2–5 mm aggregates subjected to two simulated rainfall events, was significantly improved (11% lower turbidity) with early compared with normal liming date. Three years after structure liming, soil structural stability measurements on lysimeters (15 cm high, inner diameter 18 cm) subjected to repeated simulated rainfall events showed no significant differences in turbidity in leachate between the early and normal liming dates. However, there was a strong interaction between liming date and site indicating different reactions at different sites. Our results suggest that early spreading and incorporation can improve the success of structure liming, but only if soil conditions are favourable.

2006 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-95 ◽  
Christobel M. Ferguson ◽  
Cheryl M. Davies ◽  
Christine Kaucner ◽  
Nicholas J. Ashbolt ◽  
Martin Krogh ◽  

The dispersion and transport of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts, Escherichia coli and PRD1 bacteriophage seeded into artificial bovine faecal pats was studied during simulated rainfall events. Experimental soil plots were divided in two, one sub-plot with bare soil and the other with natural vegetation. Simulated rainfall events of 55 mm.h-1 for 30 min were then applied to the soil plots. Each experimental treatment was performed in duplicate and consisted of three sequential artificial rainfall events (‘Runs’): a control run (no faecal pats); a fresh faecal pat run (fresh faecal pats); and an aged faecal pat run (one week aged faecal pats). Transportation efficiency increased with decreasing size of the microorganism studied; Cryptosporidium oocysts were the least mobile followed by E. coli and then PRD1 phage. Rainfall events mobilised 0.5 to 0.9% of the Cryptosporidium oocysts, 1.3‒1.4% of E. coli bacteria, and 0.03‒0.6% of PRD1 bacteriophages from the fresh faecal pats and transported them a distance of 10 m across the bare soil sub-plots. Subsequent rainfall events applied to aged faecal pats only mobilised 0.01‒0.06% of the original Cryptosporidium oocyst load, between 0.04 and 15% of the E. coli load and 0.0006‒0.06% of PRD1 bacteriophages, respectively.

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