scholarly journals Solvothermal growth of {0 0 1} exposed anatase nanosheets and their ability to mineralize organic pollutants. The effect of alcohol type and content on the nucleation and growth of TiO2 nanostructures

2021 ◽  
pp. 150360
Szymon Dudziak ◽  
Marta Kowalkińska ◽  
Jakub Karczewski ◽  
Marcin Pisarek ◽  
Katarzyna Siuzdak ◽  
A.R. Pelton ◽  
A.F. Marshall ◽  
Y.S. Lee

Amorphous materials are of current interest due to their desirable mechanical, electrical and magnetic properties. Furthermore, crystallizing amorphous alloys provides an avenue for discerning sequential and competitive phases thus allowing access to otherwise inaccessible crystalline structures. Previous studies have shown the benefits of using AEM to determine crystal structures and compositions of partially crystallized alloys. The present paper will discuss the AEM characterization of crystallized Cu-Ti and Ni-Ti amorphous films.Cu60Ti40: The amorphous alloy Cu60Ti40, when continuously heated, forms a simple intermediate, macrocrystalline phase which then transforms to the ordered, equilibrium Cu3Ti2 phase. However, contrary to what one would expect from kinetic considerations, isothermal annealing below the isochronal crystallization temperature results in direct nucleation and growth of Cu3Ti2 from the amorphous matrix.

J. L. Brimhall ◽  
H. E. Kissinger ◽  
B. Mastel

Some information on the size and density of voids that develop in several high purity metals and alloys during irradiation with neutrons at elevated temperatures has been reported as a function of irradiation parameters. An area of particular interest is the nucleation and early growth stage of voids. It is the purpose of this paper to describe the microstructure in high purity nickel after irradiation to a very low but constant neutron exposure at three different temperatures.Annealed specimens of 99-997% pure nickel in the form of foils 75μ thick were irradiated in a capsule to a total fluence of 2.2 × 1019 n/cm2 (E > 1.0 MeV). The capsule consisted of three temperature zones maintained by heaters and monitored by thermocouples at 350, 400, and 450°C, respectively. The temperature was automatically dropped to 60°C while the reactor was down.

L.E. Murr ◽  
V. Annamalai

Georgius Agricola in 1556 in his classical book, “De Re Metallica”, mentioned a strange water drawn from a mine shaft near Schmölnitz in Hungary that eroded iron and turned it into copper. This precipitation (or cementation) of copper on iron was employed as a commercial technique for producing copper at the Rio Tinto Mines in Spain in the 16th Century, and it continues today to account for as much as 15 percent of the copper produced by several U.S. copper companies.In addition to the Cu/Fe system, many other similar heterogeneous, electrochemical reactions can occur where ions from solution are reduced to metal on a more electropositive metal surface. In the case of copper precipitation from solution, aluminum is also an interesting system because of economic, environmental (ecological) and energy considerations. In studies of copper cementation on aluminum as an alternative to the historical Cu/Fe system, it was noticed that the two systems (Cu/Fe and Cu/Al) were kinetically very different, and that this difference was due in large part to differences in the structure of the residual, cement-copper deposit.

J.A. Eades ◽  
E. Grünbaum

In the last decade and a half, thin film research, particularly research into problems associated with epitaxy, has developed from a simple empirical process of determining the conditions for epitaxy into a complex analytical and experimental study of the nucleation and growth process on the one hand and a technology of very great importance on the other. During this period the thin films group of the University of Chile has studied the epitaxy of metals on metal and insulating substrates. The development of the group, one of the first research groups in physics to be established in the country, has parallelled the increasing complexity of the field.The elaborate techniques and equipment now needed for research into thin films may be illustrated by considering the plant and facilities of this group as characteristic of a good system for the controlled deposition and study of thin films.

S. McKernan ◽  
C. B. Carter

The oxidation of natural olivine has previously been performed on bulk samples and the reactions followed by preparation of TEM specimens from the annealed material. These results show that below ∼1000°C hematite and amorphous silica are formed, particularly around dislocations. At higher temperatures magnetite and some enstatite-like phase are formed. In both cases the olivine is left almost totally Fe depleted. By performing the oxidation on characterized thin TEM specimens it is possible to obtain more information on the nucleation and growth of the second phases formed. The conditions in a thin foil, however, are very different from those in the bulk especially with regard to surface effects. The nucleation of precipitates in particular may be expected to occur differently in these thin foils than in the bulk.TEM specimens of natural olivine (approximate composition Mg+Fe+Si2o4) which had been annealed at 1000°C for 1 hr were prepared by mechanical polishing and dimpling, followed by Ar ion milling to perforation. The specimens were characterized in the electron microscope and then heated in air in alumina boats to 900°C for between 30 and 180 minutes.

L.R. Wallenberg ◽  
J.-O. Bovin ◽  
G. Schmid

Metallic clusters are interesting from various points of view, e.g. as a mean of spreading expensive catalysts on a support, or following heterogeneous and homogeneous catalytic events. It is also possible to study nucleation and growth mechanisms for crystals with the cluster as known starting point.Gold-clusters containing 55 atoms were manufactured by reducing (C6H5)3PAuCl with B2H6 in benzene. The chemical composition was found to be Au9.2[P(C6H5)3]2Cl. Molecular-weight determination by means of an ultracentrifuge gave the formula Au55[P(C6H5)3]Cl6 A model was proposed from Mössbauer spectra by Schmid et al. with cubic close-packing of the 55 gold atoms in a cubeoctahedron as shown in Fig 1. The cluster is almost completely isolated from the surroundings by the twelve triphenylphosphane groups situated in each corner, and the chlorine atoms on the centre of the 3x3 square surfaces. This gives four groups of gold atoms, depending on the different types of surrounding.

D. A. Smith

The nucleation and growth processes which lead to the formation of a thin film are particularly amenable to investigation by transmission electron microscopy either in situ or subsequent to deposition. In situ studies have enabled the observation of island nucleation and growth, together with addition of atoms to surface steps. This paper is concerned with post-deposition crystallization of amorphous alloys. It will be argued that the processes occurring during low temperature deposition of one component systems are related but the evidence is mainly indirect. Amorphous films result when the deposition conditions such as low temperature or the presence of impurities (intentional or unintentional) preclude the atomic mobility necessary for crystallization. Representative examples of this behavior are CVD silicon grown below about 670°C, metalloids, such as antimony deposited at room temperature, binary alloys or compounds such as Cu-Ag or Cr O2, respectively. Elemental metals are not stable in the amorphous state.

G. M. Michal ◽  
T. K. Glasgow ◽  
T. J. Moore

Large additions of B to Fe-Ni alloys can lead to the formation of an amorphous structure, if the alloy is rapidly cooled from the liquid state to room temperature. Isothermal aging of such structures at elevated temperatures causes crystallization to occur. Commonly such crystallization pro ceeds by the nucleation and growth of spherulites which are spherical crystalline bodies of radiating crystal fibers. Spherulite features were found in the present study in a rapidly solidified alloy that was fully crysstalline as-cast. This alloy was part of a program to develop an austenitic steel for elevated temperature applications by strengthening it with TiB2. The alloy contained a relatively large percentage of B, not to induce an amorphous structure, but only as a consequence of trying to obtain a large volume fracture of TiB2 in the completely processed alloy. The observation of spherulitic features in this alloy is described herein. Utilization of the large range of useful magnifications obtainable in a modern TEM, when a suitably thinned foil is available, was a key element in this analysis.

S. Q. Xiao ◽  
S. Baden ◽  
A. H. Heuer

The avian eggshell is one of the most rapidly mineralizing biological systems known. In situ, 5g of calcium carbonate are crystallized in less than 20 hrs to fabricate the shell. Although there have been much work about the formation of eggshells, controversy about the nucleation and growth mechanisms of the calcite crystals, and their texture in the eggshell, still remain unclear. In this report the microstructure and microchemistry of avian eggshells have been analyzed using transmission electron microscope (TEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS).Fresh white and dry brown eggshells were broken and fixed in Karnosky's fixative (kaltitanden) for 2 hrs, then rinsed in distilled H2O. Small speckles of the eggshells were embedded in Spurr medium and thin sections were made ultramicrotome.The crystalline part of eggshells are composed of many small plate-like calcite grains, whose plate normals are approximately parallel to the shell surface. The sizes of the grains are about 0.3×0.3×1 μm3 (Fig.l). These grains are not as closely packed as man-made polycrystalline metals and ceramics, and small gaps between adjacent grains are visible indicating the absence of conventional grain boundaries.

J.Y. Lee

In the oxidation of metals and alloys, microstructural features at the atomic level play an important role in the nucleation and growth of the oxide, but little is known about the atomic mechanisms of high temperature oxidation. The present paper describes current progress on crystallographic aspects of aluminum oxidation. The 99.999% pure, polycrystalline aluminum was chemically polished and oxidized in 1 atm air at either 550°C or 600°C for times from 0.5 hr to 4 weeks. Cross-sectional specimens were prepared by forming a sandwich with epoxy, followed by mechanical polishing and then argon ion milling. High resolution images were recorded in a <110>oxide zone-axis orientation with a JE0L JEM 200CX microscope operated at 200 keV.

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