PM mass concentrations in comparison with aerosol optical depths over the Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean during winter monsoon

2005 ◽  
Vol 39 (10) ◽  
pp. 1879-1890 ◽  
2020 ◽  
Sobhan Kumar Kompalli ◽  
Surendran Nair Suresh Babu ◽  
Krishnaswamy Krishnamoorthy ◽  
Sreedharan Krishnakumari Satheesh ◽  
Mukunda M. Gogoi ◽  

Abstract. Regional climatic implications of aerosol black carbon (BC) are well recognized over South Asia, which has a wide variety of anthropogenic sources in a large abundance. Significant uncertainties remain in its quantification due to lack of sufficient information on the microphysical properties (its concentration, size, and mixing state with other aerosol components), which determine the absorption potential of BC. Especially the information on mixing state of BC is extremely sparse over this region. In this study, first-ever observations of the size distribution and mixing state of individual refractory black carbon (rBC) particles in the south Asian outflow to Southeastern Arabian Sea, northern and equatorial Indian Ocean regions are presented based on measurements using a single particle soot photometer (SP2) aboard the ship cruise of the Integrated Campaign for Aerosols, gases, and Radiation Budget (ICARB-2018) during winter-2018 (16 January to 13 February). The results revealed significant spatial heterogeneity of BC characteristics. Highest rBC mass concentrations (~ 938 ± 293 ng m−3) with the highest relative coating thickness (RCT; the ratio of BC core to its coating diameters) of ~ 2.16 ± 0.19 are found over the Southeast Arabian Sea (SEAS) region, which is in the proximity of the continental outflow. As we move to farther oceanic regions, though the mass concentrations decreased by nearly half (~ 546 ± 80 ng m−3), BC still remained thickly coated (RCT ~ 2.05 ± 0.07). The air over the remote equatorial Indian Ocean, which received considerable marine air masses compared to the other regions, showed the lowest rBC mass concentrations (~ 206 ± 114 ng m−3), with a moderately thick coating (RCT ~ 1.73 ± 0.16). Even over oceanic regions far from the landmass, regions which received the outflow from more industrialized east coast/the Bay of Bengal had thicker coating (~ 104 nm) compared to regions that received outflow from the west coast/peninsular India (~ 86 nm). Although different regions of the ocean depicted contrasting concentrations and mixing state parameters due to varying extent and nature of the continental outflow as well as the atmospheric lifetime of air masses, the modal parameters of rBC mass-size distributions were similar over all the regions. The observed mono-modal distribution with mean mass median diameters (MMD) in the range of 0.19–0.20 μm suggested mixed sources of BC. The mean fraction of BC containing particles (FBC) varied in the range 0.20–0.28 (suggesting significant amounts of non-BC particles), whereas the bulk mixing ratio of coating mass to rBC mass was highest (8.77 ± 2.77) over the outflow regions compared to the remote ocean (4.29 ± 1.54) highlighting the role of outflow in providing condensable material for coating on rBC. These parameters, along with the information on size-resolved mixing state of BC cores, throw light on the role of sources and secondary processing of their complex mixtures for coating on BC under highly polluted conditions. Examination of the non-refractory sub-micrometre aerosol chemical composition obtained using the aerosol chemical speciation monitor (ACSM) suggested that the overall aerosol system was sulfate dominated over the far-oceanic regions. In contrast, organics were equally prominent adjacent to the coastal landmass. Association between the BC mixing state and aerosol chemical composition suggested that sulfate was the probable dominant coating material on rBC cores.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 1791-1813 ◽  
Dorothea Bunzel ◽  
Gerhard Schmiedl ◽  
Sebastian Lindhorst ◽  
Andreas Mackensen ◽  
Jesús Reolid ◽  

Abstract. As a natural sediment trap, the marine sediments of the sheltered central part of the Maldives Inner Sea represent an exceptional archive for paleoenvironmental and climate changes in the equatorial Indian Ocean. To evaluate the complex interplay between high-latitude and monsoonal climate variability, related dust fluxes, and regional oceanographic responses, we focused on Fe ∕ Al, Ti ∕ Al and Si ∕ Ca ratios as proxies for terrigenous sediment delivery and total organic carbon (TOC) and Br XRF counts as proxies for marine productivity. Benthic foraminiferal fauna distributions, grain size and stable δ18O and δ13C data were used for evaluating changes in the benthic ecosystem and changes in the intermediate water circulation, bottom water current velocity and oxygenation. Our multi-proxy data record reveals an enhanced dust supply during the glacial intervals, causing elevated Fe ∕ Al and Si ∕ Ca ratios, an overall coarsening of the sediment and an increasing amount of agglutinated benthic foraminifera. The enhanced dust fluxes can be attributed to higher dust availability in the Asian desert and loess areas and its transport by intensified winter monsoon winds during glacial conditions. These combined effects of wind-induced mixing of surface waters and dust fertilization during the cold phases resulted in an increased surface water productivity and related organic carbon fluxes. Thus, the development of highly diverse benthic foraminiferal faunas with certain detritus and suspension feeders was fostered. The difference in the δ13C signal between epifaunal and deep infaunal benthic foraminifera reveals intermediate water oxygen concentrations between approximately 40 and 100 µmol kg−1 during this time. The precessional fluctuation pattern of oxygen changes resembles that from the deep Arabian Sea, suggesting an expansion of the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) from the Arabian Sea into the tropical Indian Ocean with a probable regional signal of strengthened winter-monsoon-induced organic matter fluxes and oxygen consumption further controlled by the varying inflow intensity of the Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW). In addition, the bottom water oxygenation pattern of the Maldives Inner Sea reveals a long phase of reduced ventilation during the last glacial period. This process is likely linked to the combined effects of generally enhanced oxygen consumption rates during high-productivity phases, reduced AAIW production and the restriction of upper bathyal environments in the Inner Sea during sea-level lowstands. Thus, our multi-proxy record reflects a close linkage between the Indian monsoon oscillation, intermediate water circulation, productivity and sea-level changes on orbital timescale.

2019 ◽  
Vol 213 ◽  
pp. 727-738 ◽  
Mukunda M. Gogoi ◽  
Chakradhar Rao Tandule ◽  
Jayachandran V ◽  
Sobhan Kumar Kompalli ◽  
Vijayakumar S. Nair ◽  

2007 ◽  
Vol 20 (13) ◽  
pp. 2978-2993 ◽  
Tommy G. Jensen

Abstract Composites of Florida State University winds (1970–99) for four different climate scenarios are used to force an Indian Ocean model. In addition to the mean climatology, the cases include La Niña, El Niño, and the Indian Ocean dipole (IOD). The differences in upper-ocean water mass exchanges between the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal are investigated and show that, during El Niño and IOD years, the average clockwise Indian Ocean circulation is intensified, while it is weakened during La Niña years. As a consequence, high-salinity water export from the Arabian Sea into the Bay of Bengal is enhanced during El Niño and IOD years, while transport of low-salinity waters from the Bay of Bengal into the Arabian Sea is enhanced during La Niña years. This provides a venue for interannual salinity variations in the northern Indian Ocean.

2005 ◽  
Vol 23 (6) ◽  
pp. 2011-2030 ◽  
S. K. Nair ◽  
K. Parameswaran ◽  
K. Rajeev

Abstract. Aerosol distribution over the oceanic regions around the Indian subcontinent and its seasonal and interannual variabilities are studied using the aerosol optical depth (AOD) derived from NOAA-14 and NOAA-16 AVHRR data for the period of November 1995–December 2003. The air-mass types over this region during the Asian summer monsoon season (June–September) are significantly different from those during the Asian dry season (November–April). Hence, the aerosol loading and its properties over these oceanic regions are also distinctly different in these two periods. During the Asian dry season, the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal are dominated by the transport of aerosols from Northern Hemispheric landmasses, mainly the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia and Arabia. This aerosol transport is rather weak in the early part of the dry season (November–January) compared to that in the later period (February–April). Large-scale transport of mineral dust from Arabia and the production of sea-salt aerosols, due to high surface wind speeds, contribute to the high aerosol loading over the Arabian Sea region during the summer monsoon season. As a result, the monthly mean AOD over the Arabian Sea shows a clear annual cycle with the highest values occurring in July. The AOD over the Bay of Bengal and the Southern Hemisphere Indian Ocean also displays an annual cycle with maxima during March and October, respectively. The amplitude of the annual variation is the largest in coastal Arabia and the least in the Southern Hemisphere Indian Ocean. The interannual variability in AOD is the largest over the Southeast Arabian Sea (seasonal mean AOD varies from 0.19 to 0.42) and the northern Bay of Bengal (seasonal mean AOD varies from 0.24 to 0.39) during the February–April period and is the least over the Southern Hemisphere Indian Ocean. This study also investigates the altitude regions and pathways of dominant aerosol transport by combining the AOD distribution with the atmospheric circulation. Keywords. Atmospheric composition and structure (Aerosols and particles) – Meteorology and atmospheric dynamics (Climatology) – Oceanography: physical (Ocean fog and aerosols)

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (23) ◽  
pp. 6051-6080
Tim Rixen ◽  
Greg Cowie ◽  
Birgit Gaye ◽  
Joaquim Goes ◽  
Helga do Rosário Gomes ◽  

Abstract. Decreasing concentrations of dissolved oxygen in the ocean are considered one of the main threats to marine ecosystems as they jeopardize the growth of higher organisms. They also alter the marine nitrogen cycle, which is strongly bound to the carbon cycle and climate. While higher organisms in general start to suffer from oxygen concentrations < ∼ 63 µM (hypoxia), the marine nitrogen cycle responds to oxygen concentration below a threshold of about 20 µM (microbial hypoxia), whereas anoxic processes dominate the nitrogen cycle at oxygen concentrations of < ∼ 0.05 µM (functional anoxia). The Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal are home to approximately 21 % of the total volume of ocean waters revealing microbial hypoxia. While in the Arabian Sea this oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) is also functionally anoxic, the Bay of Bengal OMZ seems to be on the verge of becoming so. Even though there are a few isolated reports on the occurrence of anoxia prior to 1960, anoxic events have so far not been reported from the open northern Indian Ocean (i.e., other than on shelves) during the last 60 years. Maintenance of functional anoxia in the Arabian Sea OMZ with oxygen concentrations ranging between > 0 and ∼ 0.05 µM is highly extraordinary considering that the monsoon reverses the surface ocean circulation twice a year and turns vast areas of the Arabian Sea from an oligotrophic oceanic desert into one of the most productive regions of the oceans within a few weeks. Thus, the comparably low variability of oxygen concentration in the OMZ implies stable balances between the physical oxygen supply and the biological oxygen consumption, which includes negative feedback mechanisms such as reducing oxygen consumption at decreasing oxygen concentrations (e.g., reduced respiration). Lower biological oxygen consumption is also assumed to be responsible for a less intense OMZ in the Bay of Bengal. According to numerical model results, a decreasing physical oxygen supply via the inflow of water masses from the south intensified the Arabian Sea OMZ during the last 6000 years, whereas a reduced oxygen supply via the inflow of Persian Gulf Water from the north intensifies the OMZ today in response to global warming. The first is supported by data derived from the sedimentary records, and the latter concurs with observations of decreasing oxygen concentrations and a spreading of functional anoxia during the last decades in the Arabian Sea. In the Arabian Sea decreasing oxygen concentrations seem to have initiated a regime shift within the pelagic ecosystem structure, and this trend is also seen in benthic ecosystems. Consequences for biogeochemical cycles are as yet unknown, which, in addition to the poor representation of mesoscale features in global Earth system models, reduces the reliability of estimates of the future OMZ development in the northern Indian Ocean.

Check List ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1544 ◽  
Amruta Prasade ◽  
Deepak Apte ◽  
Purushottam Kale ◽  
Otto M.P. Oliveira

The benthic ctenophore Vallicula multiformis Rankin, 1956 is recorded for the first time in the Arabian Sea, from the Gulf of Kutch, west coast of India in March 2013. This occurrence represents a remarkable extension of its geographic distribution that until now included only known the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-58

ABSTRACT. Cyclo-genesis over north Indian Ocean (Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea) has been studied with reference to the formation and shift of cyclo-genesis area. The frequency of formation of cyclones during a particular month and year for the period of study has been presented. The study has shown that the maximum number of cyclo-genesis occurred during the month of July followed by August and September. Cyclo-genesis was about three times more in the Bay of Bengal as compared to that in the Arabian Sea. Areas favourable for cyclo-genesis were found between Lat. 15.0° N to 22.5° N and Long. 86.0° E to 92.0° E over the Bay of Bengal and Lat. 7.0° N to 12.5° N and 60.0° E to 74.0° E over the Arabian sea while meander over north Indian ocean, some times its shift significantly. Standard deviation of number of cyclones has been computed for the decades from 1891-2000. It was found that it was maximum (1.96) during 1941-1950 followed by 1981-1990 (1.92).

2021 ◽  
Abhisek Chatterjee ◽  
Gouri Anil ◽  
Lakshmi R. Shenoy

Abstract. Marine heatwaves (MHWs) are prolonged warm sea condition events that cause a destructive impact on marine ecosystems. The documentation of MHWs and assessment of their impacts are largely confined to a few regional seas or in global mean studies. The Indian Ocean received almost no attention in this regard despite the fact that this ocean basin, particularly the Arabian Sea, is warming at the most rapid pace among the other tropical basins in recent decades. This study shows the characteristics MHWs for the Arabian Sea during 1982–2019. Our analysis shows that the duration of MHWs exhibit a rapidly increasing trend of ~20 days/decade (1.5–2 count/decade) in the northern Arabian Sea and in the southeastern Arabian Sea close to the west coast of India; which is more than 15 fold increase in the MHW days from the early 80s'. At the same time increase in MHW frequency is ~1.5–2 count/decade i.e an increase of ~6 fold, indicating more frequent and much longer heatwave events in the recent decade. Notably, since the beginning of the satellite record, the year 2010 and 2016 saw the maximum number of heatwave days with more than 75 % of days of the pre-monsoon and summer monsoon season experienced heatwaves. The accelerated trend of the heatwave days is found to be driven by the rapid rise of the mean SST of the Arabian Sea in the recent decade. Moreover, longer heatwave days are also associated with the dominant climate modes and among them, Indian Ocean Basin mode via the decaying phase of the El-Niño is found to be the most influencing mode contributing in more than 70–80 % of observed heatwave days in this basin. Mixed layer heat budget analysis suggests significant heterogeneity in the dominant processes across the years; however, weakening of latent heat loss is in general one of the key mechanism in the genesis of most of the MHWs.

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