Slovakia’s perspective on NATO

2018 ◽  
Vol 51 (2) ◽  
pp. 125-137 ◽  
Jaroslav Ušiak

Security, as expressed by the security policy of a state, is one of the most fundamental aspects of a foreign and defense policies of a state. Together, they create a foreign orientation of the state which may alter with time, space and under the influence of political decision-making. This paper presents the sources of the strategic orientation of Slovakia that emerged in reaction to historical events that the faced country Slovakia gradually integrated into the European and Euro—Atlantic structures with the emphasis on coalition changes in the governance of the state. This paper, through analysis and comparison, shows the dominant changes in the Slovakian security environment. In any case, it has been the destiny of small countries to maintain their security through cooperation and integration.

Theoria ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 65 (156) ◽  
pp. 1-26
Christine Hobden

Citizens increasingly engage with political issues in new ways by addressing politicians via social media, campaigning at international forums, or boycotting corporate entities. These forms of engagement move beyond more regulated electoral politics and are rightly celebrated for the ways they increase representation and provide new channels of accountability. Yet, despite these virtues, political engagement beyond voting inevitably tends to entrench and amplify inequality in citizen influence on political decision-making. The tendency toward inequality undermines relational equality between citizens and muddies the channels of political accountability and responsibility. This article unpacks the ostensible tension and argues that it reveals to us another strength in views which hold the state to be citizens’ collective project and provides argumentative resources to motivate democracies to give due attention to ensuring that democratic participatory channels remain fit for purpose in an ever-changing society.

2020 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-19
Andrii Lysyi

In the framework of reformation changes in the state and society, the issues of the political decision-making theory developing on the basis of neoclassical realism are of particular relevance and determine the directions for research of specialists of different industries. Domestic and foreign researchers in the field of political science, who study the process of political decision-making, analyze it at three principal levels: global, state and sub-state. The global level reflects the international character of states’ activities; includes the global dependence of political decision-making, in which international organizations, institutions and norms reduce the anarchy of political decision-making in the country; is formed under the influence of the building and distribution of states and international system images. The state-level reflects the degree of unity that is achieved with the joint participation of both the state and the entire national community of people in political decision-making and in responding to the challenge posed by the international environment. Not only the state level, which considers the attributes of the state as a system of different institutions with their peculiarities of political decision-making, should be distinguished, but also the sub-state level, in which the interaction of social, including individual, and state actors in the process of political decision-making takes place. The issues of population mobilization in the course of implementing a political decision in the Ukrainian context are determined as the presence of various domestic «obstacles» to the implementation of those initiatives that come from the state or public structures. The authors distinguish the most important of them: the bureaucratic nature and corruption of the implementation process of public initiatives in political, social or economic spheres; low political diversity, lack of political party representation in parliament and low functional «maturity» of the legislative branch; an underdeveloped political culture of participation creates burdens when making a political decision since the political system lacks information at its «entrance»; socio-economic problems of the majority of the population that prevent it from responding to political initiatives

KPGT_dlutz_1 ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 246
André Leonardo Copetti Santos ◽  
João Martins Bertaso

Resumo: O presente artigo propõe como objetivo geral discutir as discrepâncias entre sistema penal e cidadania no Brasil, bem como tentar estabelecer possíveis conexões entre eles, dentro de modelos de organização política nominados como Estados democráticos de Direito. Mais especificamente, analisa-se o déficit de cidadania que permeia o direito penal contemporâneo. Diante das novas tecnologias penais, e seus efeitos negativos – encarceramento massivo - sobre o estado de liberdade de parcelas hipossuficientes e bem determinadas de populações de países com sistemas de direitos e garantias fundamentais positivados em suas Constituições, torna-se premente retomar as reflexões acerca das implicações entre o exercício do poder punitivo do Estado e a consolidação da cidadania em sociedades, como a brasileira, nas quais imperam profundas desigualdades sociais. Neste artigo aborda-se a questão do déficit de cidadania nos processos decisórios políticos, pela falta de competitividade no sistema democrático representativo, e suas implicações no direito penal contemporâneo, cuja principal consequência é o aumento assustador da população carcerária. O resultado do estudo aponta a existência de fortes implicações de uma insuficiência de cidadania formal e política, pois o acesso ao poder é limitado para a maior parte da população envolvida no fenômeno criminal, situação que tem como principal efeito o direcionamento de uma atuação eficiente do sistema penal destinada exatamente a essas parcelas excluídas do processo de tomada de decisão penal. Pela própria natureza antinômica e paradoxal entre sistemas normativos voltados à potencialização da liberdade e da autonomia. Palavras-chave: Sistemas penais. Cidadania. Democracia. Legitimidade. Processos legislativos penais. Abstract: This article presents as general objective to discuss the discrepancies between the criminal system and citizenship in Brazil, as well as try to establish possible connections between them, within political organization models nominated as democratic rule of law. More specifically, it analyzes the deficit of citizenship that permeates the contemporary criminal law. Faced with the new criminal technologies and their negative effects - massive incarceration - on the state of freedom of low-income and well-defined plots of populations in countries with fundamental rights and guarantees systems in their Constitutions, it is urgent to reflect on the implications between the exercise of the punitive power of the State and the consolidation of citizenship in societies such as Brazil, where deep social inequalities prevail. In this article, the lack of citizenship in political decision-making processes is discussed, because the lack of competitiveness in the representative democratic system, and its implications for the contemporary criminal law, which the main consequence is the frightening increase of the prison population. The result of this study indicates the existence of strong implications of a lack of formal and political citizenship, for access to power is limited for most of the population involved in the criminal phenomenon, a situation that has as main effect the directing of an efficient performance of the penal system aimed precisely at those portions of people excluded from the criminal decision-making process. By the very antinomic and paradoxical nature between normative systems aimed at the enhancement of freedom and autonomy. Keywords: Penal Sistems. Citizenship. Democracy. Legitimacy. Penal political decision-making processes.

2021 ◽  
pp. 85-101
Narek Grigoryan

The political decision-making process has always been at the center of attention of states. In this regard, there are a number of theories and practical manifestations that reflect the whole essence of the decision-making process. The specificity of the decision-making process in conditions of the state is rather due to the important principles of reciprocity and proportionality. The main goal here is the implementation of an effective state policy with the participation of all, as well as the adoption of joint mutually acceptable decisions. Making joint decisions leads to the fact that not one, but all will be blamed for the results and consequences. The adoption of effective decisions is conditioned by the stages of decision making, which form the basis of this process by appropriate methodology and modeling. One of the important issues is the issue of decision-making in emergency or critical situations, a process that has special procedures and technologies. The role of communication technologies is also important, when the decision-making process is accompanied by the use of diplomatic or negotiation tools.

2013 ◽  
Vol 60 (2) ◽  
pp. 236-250 ◽  
Niels Reeh

The author presents an analysis of the political decision making process regarding the teaching of religion in Denmark from 1900 until 2007. The author uses Norbert Elias’s concept of the survival unit as the analytical framework of the study. Instead of a classic secularization narrative in which the secular and religious spheres of society are differentiated into separate realms as the process of modernization unfolds, a different narrative emerges in which the State has used the teaching of religion as an instrument to further its vital interests, especially with regard to its international relations.

2014 ◽  
Vol 73 (3) ◽  
pp. 250-259
Etienne Verhoeyen

Met dit boek levert Frank Seberechts een nagenoeg volledige studie af van een van de minder fraai kanten van de Belgische samenleving in 1940: de administratieve arrestatie en de wegvoering naar Frankrijk van enkele duizenden personen (de ‘verdachten’), Belgen of in België verblijvende vreemdelingen. De extreem-rechtse en pro-Duitse arrestanten hebben na hun vrijlating dit feit politiek in hun voordeel uitgebaat, waardoor volledig in de schaduw kwam te staan dat de overgrote meerderheid van de weggevoerden joodse mensen waren die in de jaren voor de oorlog naar België waren gevlucht. Dat het beeld van de wegvoeringen niet volledig is, is grotendeels te wijten aan het feit dat de meeste archieven die hierop betrekking hebben tijdens de meidagen van 1940 vernietigd werden. Met name de politieke besluitvorming over de wegvoeringen vertoont nog steeds schemerzones, zodat het vastleggen van verantwoordelijkheden ook vandaag nog een gewaagde onderneming is.________Deportations and the deported during the Maydays in 1940 By means of this book Frank Seberechts provides an almost complete study of one of the less admirable sides of Belgian society in 1940: the administrative arrest and the deportation to France of some thousands of people (‘the suspects’), Belgians or foreigners residing in Belgium. The extreme-right and pro-German detainees politically exploited this fact after they had been freed, but this completely overshadowed the point that the large majority of the deported people were Jews who had fled to Belgium during the years preceding the war. This incomplete portrayal of the deportations is mainly due to the fact that most of the archives relating to the events had been destroyed during the Maydays of 1940. The history of the political decision-making about the deportations in particular still shows many grey areas and it is therefore still a risky business even today to determine which people should be held accountable.

Takeuchi Ayano

AbstractPublic participation has become increasingly necessary to connect a wide range of knowledge and various values to agenda setting, decision-making and policymaking. In this context, deliberative democratic concepts, especially “mini-publics,” are gaining attention. Generally, mini-publics are conducted with randomly selected lay citizens who provide sufficient information to deliberate on issues and form final recommendations. Evaluations are conducted by practitioner researchers and independent researchers, but the results are not standardized. In this study, a systematic review of existing research regarding practices and outcomes of mini-publics was conducted. To analyze 29 papers, the evaluation methodologies were divided into 4 categories of a matrix between the evaluator and evaluated data. The evaluated cases mainly focused on the following two points: (1) how to maintain deliberation quality, and (2) the feasibility of mini-publics. To create a new path to the political decision-making process through mini-publics, it must be demonstrated that mini-publics can contribute to the decision-making process and good-quality deliberations are of concern to policy-makers and experts. Mini-publics are feasible if they can contribute to the political decision-making process and practitioners can evaluate and understand the advantages of mini-publics for each case. For future research, it is important to combine practical case studies and academic research, because few studies have been evaluated by independent researchers.

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