AMA Releases Its Health Insurer Code of Conduct

2010 ◽  
Vol 38 (9) ◽  
pp. 31
2001 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  

Der Hypothekarkredit zu wohnungswirtschaftlichen Zwecken hat zweifelsohne das Gepräge eines Konsumentenkredits. Aber er ist ein Konsumentenkredit eigener Art: Größe des Kreditvolumens, Langfristigkeit und (zumindest beim pfandbriefrefinanzierten Kredit) Refinanzierungstechnik unterscheiden ihn deutlich von anderen Verbraucherkrediten. Er ist darum nicht Gegenstand der Verbraucherkreditrichtlinie von 1987 gewesen und auch im deutschen Verbraucherkreditgesetz nur ausschnittweise geregelt. Der Entwurf einer eigenen Hypothekarkreditrichtlinie ist schon Anfang der achtziger fahre früh auf der Strecke geblieben.Die nachstehend abgedruckte Empfehlung der Kommission ist die erste Wiederannäherung der EU an die Thematik. Regelungstechnisch handelt es sich um einen von und mit der Kreditwirtschaft ausgehandelten „code of conduct“, der, solange die Realkreditinstitute sich kodexkonform verhalten, den Erlass verbindlicher Rechtsvorschriften erübrigen soll. Die Empfehlung macht damit Ernst mit der im „Aktionsplan Finanzdienstleistungen“ (abgedruckt in: ZBB 1999, 254) verkündeten Absicht, künftig weniger auf schwerfällige und unflexible Richtliniengesetzgebung und stattdessen auf Rahmenregelungen oder auch (wie hier) auf „soft law“ zu setzen, welches mit den beteiligten Wirtschaftskreisen abgestimmt wird. Tradition hat inzwischen auch die Methode, an Stelle der Statuierung materieller Leistungsstandards dem Verbraucher Konditionentransparenz durch vorvertragliche Information zu verschaffen. Im konkreten Detail wird man in den Empfehlungen wenig finden, was nicht entweder zu den Pflichtangaben nach §4 VerbrKrG zählt oder längst schon deutsche AGB-Rechtsprechung zum Hypothekarkredit oder eingebürgerte AGB-Praxis der Realkreditgeber ist. Im Hinblick auf das Risiko vorfälliger Tilgung von Festzinskrediten wird man immerhin begrüßen, daß dem Kreditnehmer die Unterschiede zwischen variablem und Festzinskredit bzw. möglichen Mischformen (Abschnittfinanzierung) klar zu machen und er über die (unter Umständen eingeschränkte) Möglichkeit vorfälliger Tilgung zu informieren ist. Diese Beratung wird den Instituten nicht leichtfallen, falls der Gesetzgeber tatsächlich die verunglückte BGH-Rechtsprechung zu Grund und Grenzen der Vorfälligkeitstilgung im BGB festschreibt (BGH ZIP 1997, 1641 = ZflR 1997, 596 = BGHZ 136, 161, dazu EWiR 1997, 921 (Medicus); jetzt §487 Abs. 2 BGB in der Fassung des „konsolidierten Diskussionsentwurfs“ eines Schuldrechtsmodernisierungsgesetzes vom Februar 2001).

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (SPL1) ◽  
pp. 1099-1104
Priti Desai ◽  
Anita Wanjari ◽  
Deepali Giri

The COVID 19 pandemic had disrupted the lives of all socio-economic groups of the global population. The lockdowns, social distancing, financial adversities, continuous fear of being a victim to the virus had left every individual desperate with a feeling of vulnerability. Irrespective of all possible efforts at the global level, no ultimate solution to get rid of this virus is available till date except for the preventive measures. Various medicines and formulations are into practice, which may boost one’s immunity to fight against the virus. This catastrophic scenario had resulted in an impact on the human being in all aspects, physical, mental, emotional, social and behavioural. Ayurveda, the science of life has encompassed all these aspects through its preventive and curative principles. Aacharrasayana, code of conduct or behavioural discipline is one such modality that entails perfect mental, physical, social and spiritual health of the human being. The execution of Aacharrasayana in this situation can immensely contribute in restoring mental, spiritual and social health. This review aims to interpret the implementation of various aspects of Aacharrasayanain context of COVID 19 and its utility in combatting the dreadful crisis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (SPL1) ◽  
pp. 1396-1399
Disha Bhatero ◽  
Punam Sawarkar ◽  
Gaurav Sawarkar

Covid-19 is an infectious disease caused by novel Coronavirus. The overall prevalence rate of Covid-19 in Worldwide ( 9.94M )& it is (529 K) & (153 K) in India and Maharashtra. This situation can be considered under JanapadodhwansaVyadhi in Ayurveda. The primary purpose of Ayurveda  is the prevention of the disease in healthy individuals and eradication of disease, which are curable. Immunity comes under the Vyadhikshamatva. Further, Covid-19 infection is correlated with Vataj-Kaphaj Jwara. In Ayurveda Rasayana therapy to boost up immunity (Bala  & Vyadhikshamatva). The present study aimed to explore the concept of infectious disease and its prevention through different lifestyles described in Ayurveda. The above need-based information is collected from various Ayurvedicliterature (Laghutrayee, Bruhatryayi) along with numerous research articles from databases, such as PubMed, Google Scholar. All collected data were depicted in narrative form and tabular manner under different heads. Considering the above aspect in the prevention of Covid-19, the role of Ayurveda intervention may be proved more beneficial in Covid-19. Further, adoption of code of conduct may efficiently overcome the current pandemic situation by maintaining good immunity & implementation of Ahar, Vihar Vidhis, Dincharya, and Rutucharya& Sadvritta  for improving disease resistance.

Think India ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-6
A. Yacob ◽  
S. Veeramani

In the novel, Sweet Tooth, McEwan has employed an ethical code of conduct called, Dysfunction of Relationship. The analysis shows that he tries to convey something extraordinary to the readers. If it is not even the reader to understand such a typical thing, He himself represents a new ethical code of conduct. The character of the novel, Serena is almost a person who is tuned to such a distinct one. It is clear that the character of this type is purely representational. Understanding reality based on situation and ethics has been a new field of study in terms of Post- Theory. Intervening to such aspect of Interpretation, this research article establishes a new study in the writings of Ian McEwan. In the novel, Dysfunction is not on the ‘Self’ but it is on the ‘Other’. The author tries to integrate the function of the Character Serena, instead of fragmenting the self. Hence, Fragmentation makes sense only in the dysfunction of relationship.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 37-50
Muhammad Suleman Nasir

Society means a group of people who are living together. People need society from birth to death. Without a collective life, man's deeds, intentions, and habits have no value. Islamic society is the name of a balanced and moderate life in which human intellect, customs, and social etiquette are determined in the light of divine revelation. This system is so comprehensive and all-encompassing that it covers all aspects and activities of life. Islam is a comprehensive, universal, complete code of conduct, and an ideal way of life It not only recognizes the collectiveness of human interaction. Rather, it helps in the development of the community and gives it natural principles that strengthen the community and provides good foundations for it and eliminates the factors that spoil it or make it limited and useless. The Principles of a successful social life in Islamic society seem to reflect the Islamic code of conduct and human nature. Islam is the only religion that advocates goodness and guarantees well-being. Islam gives us self-sacrifice, generosity, trust and honesty, service to the people, justice and fairness, forgiveness and kindness, good society and economy, good deeds, mutual unity, harmony, and brotherhood. Only by practicing the pure thoughts, beliefs, and unparalleled ideas of the religion of Islam, can a person live a prosperous life and he can feel real peace and lasting contentment in the moments of his life. A descriptive and analytical research methodology will be used in this study. It is concluded that for a prosperous social life it is necessary to abide by the injunction of Islamic principles, which provides a sound foundation for a successful social life here in the world and hereafter.

Ntombizandile Gcelu ◽  
Amy Sarah Padayachee ◽  
Sekitla Daniel Makhasane

South African schools are faced with a serious problem of indiscipline. The available literature reveals that despite the efforts of school administrators and teachers to instil discipline among learners, indiscipline still abounds to the extent of getting out of hand. Based on the intention of this study, a qualitative study was adopted. A qualitative-based study underpinned by the interpretive research paradigm was employed to explore the perspectives of educators in their collaborative roles in managing discipline. The sample comprised twelve educators who were purposively selected from four secondary schools in the Ilembe District, KwaZulu-Natal. A semi-structured interview schedule was used to collect the data. The findings revealed that educators should apply the school code of conduct as a whole-school approach to managing discipline to create meaningful relationships with parents as stakeholders and communicate expected behaviours with learners. It is recommended that in implementing strategies to manage discipline, learners, educators, school managers and the school governing boards of all schools should take a collaborative approach to the management of discipline in secondary schools

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