Africa ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 82 (1) ◽  
pp. 131-149 ◽  
David Neves ◽  
Andries du Toit

ABSTRACTThis article examines the interplay of agency, culture and context in order to consider the social embeddedness of money and trade at the margins of South Africa's economy. Focusing on small-scale, survivalist informal enterprise operators, it draws on socio-cultural analysis to explore the social dynamics involved in generating and managing wealth. After describing the informal sector in South Africa, the article elucidates the relationship between money and economic informality. First, diverse objectives, typically irreducible to the maximization of profit, animate those in the informal sector and challenge meta-narratives of a ‘great transformation’ towards socially disembedded and depersonalized economic relationships. Second, regimes of economic governance, both state-led and informal, shape the terrain on which informal economic activity occurs in complex and constitutive ways. Third, local idioms and practices of trading, managing money and negotiating social claims similarly configure economic activities. Fourth, and finally, encroaching and often inexorable processes of formalization differentially influence those in the informal sector. The analysis draws on these findings to recapitulate both the ubiquity and centrality of the sociality at the heart of economy, and to examine the particular forms they take in South Africa's informal economy.

2018 ◽  
Vol 29 (3) ◽  
pp. 532-551 ◽  
Gabriel Prieto

Excavations at the small-scale domestic settlement of Gramalote between 2010 and 2014 allowed the exploration of the social dynamics and economic interactions in the second millennium BC on the Peruvian North Coast. Detailed excavations and materials recovered during the intervention contribute a unique opportunity to explore domestic aspects of early settlements in the Andes. This study presents new data on the public sectors of Gramalote's settlement, house-to-house differences, and evidence that the extended family was a unit of economic productivity and collective action. This analysis assesses the degree of overlap, and lack thereof, in the economic activities of each house during the Initial Period (1500–1200 cal BC). A new model for social and economic interactions is proposed, with the aim of exploring alternative models from the bottom-up perspective for the emergence and consolidation of social complexity in the Central Andean Region.

2016 ◽  
Vol 113 (43) ◽  
pp. 12114-12119 ◽  
Luke Glowacki ◽  
Alexander Isakov ◽  
Richard W. Wrangham ◽  
Rose McDermott ◽  
James H. Fowler ◽  

Intergroup violence is common among humans worldwide. To assess how within-group social dynamics contribute to risky, between-group conflict, we conducted a 3-y longitudinal study of the formation of raiding parties among the Nyangatom, a group of East African nomadic pastoralists currently engaged in small-scale warfare. We also mapped the social network structure of potential male raiders. Here, we show that the initiation of raids depends on the presence of specific leaders who tend to participate in many raids, to have more friends, and to occupy more central positions in the network. However, despite the different structural position of raid leaders, raid participants are recruited from the whole population, not just from the direct friends of leaders. An individual’s decision to participate in a raid is strongly associated with the individual’s social network position in relation to other participants. Moreover, nonleaders have a larger total impact on raid participation than leaders, despite leaders’ greater connectivity. Thus, we find that leaders matter more for raid initiation than participant mobilization. Social networks may play a role in supporting risky collective action, amplify the emergence of raiding parties, and hence facilitate intergroup violence in small-scale societies.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 405 ◽  
Mohammed Yelwa ◽  
A. J. Adam

<p><em>The paper examines the impact of informal sector activities on economic growth in Nigeria between 1980-2014. The contributions of informal sector activities to the growth of Nigerian economy cannot be over emphasized. It is the source of livelihood to the majority of poor, unskilled, socially marginalized and female population and is the vital means of survival for the people in the country lacking proper safety nets and unemployment insurance especially those lacking skills from formal sector jobs. The relationship between informality and economic growth is not clear because the sector is not regulated by the law also there is no concrete evidence that this sector enhances growth because the sector’s contributions to growth is not measured. The use of endogenous growth model becomes relevant in this study. The theory emphasizes the role of production on the long-run via a higher rate of technological innovation. The variables that were tested are official economy nominal GDP, informal economy nominal GDP, currency in circulation, demand deposit, ratio of currency in circulation to demand deposit, narrow money, informal economy as percentage of official economy. ADF test was conducted to establish that the data series of all variables are stationary t levels. Having established the stationarity test we also, conducted causality test of the response of official economy nominal GDP to informal economy nominal GDP. In conclusion, the impact of informal sector economy on economic growth in Nigeria is quiet commendable. Even though, the relationship between informality and economic growth is not straight. The paper recommended thus, the need for the government to integrate the activities of the informal economy into formal sector and size of the sector is measured and regulated because their roles are commendable. As it will improve tax collection and enhance fiscal policy.</em></p>

Nicholas Bainton

Anthropologists have been studying the relationship between mining and the local forms of community that it has created or impacted since at least the 1930s. While the focus of these inquiries has moved with the times, reflecting different political, theoretical, and methodological priorities, much of this work has concentrated on local manifestations of the so-called resource curse or the paradox of plenty. Anthropologists are not the only social scientists who have tried to understand the social, cultural, political, and economic processes that accompany mining and other forms of resource development, including oil and gas extraction. Geographers, economists, and political scientists are among the many different disciplines involved in this field of research. Nor have anthropologists maintained an exclusive claim over the use of ethnographic methods to study the effects of large- or small-scale resource extraction. But anthropologists have generally had a lot more to say about mining and the extractives in general when it has involved people of non-European descent, especially exploited subalterns—peasants, workers, and Indigenous peoples. The relationship between mining and Indigenous people has always been complex. At the most basic level, this stems from the conflicting relationship that miners and Indigenous people have to the land and resources that are the focus of extractive activities, or what Marx would call the different relations to the means of production. Where miners see ore bodies and development opportunities that render landscapes productive, civilized, and familiar, local Indigenous communities see places of ancestral connection and subsistence provision. This simple binary is frequently reinforced—and somewhat overdrawn—in the popular characterization of the relationship between Indigenous people and mining companies, where untrammeled capital devastates hapless tribal people, or what has been aptly described as the “Avatar narrative” after the 2009 film of the same name. By the early 21st century, many anthropologists were producing ethnographic works that sought to debunk popular narratives that obscure the more complex sets of relationships existing between the cast of different actors who are present in contemporary mining encounters and the range of contradictory interests and identities that these actors may hold at any one point in time. Resource extraction has a way of surfacing the “politics of indigeneity,” and anthropologists have paid particular attention to the range of identities, entities, and relationships that emerge in response to new economic opportunities, or what can be called the “social relations of compensation.” That some Indigenous communities deliberately court resource developers as a pathway to economic development does not, of course, deny the asymmetries of power inherent to these settings: even when Indigenous communities voluntarily agree to resource extraction, they are seldom signing up to absorb the full range of social and ecological costs that extractive companies so frequently externalize. These imposed costs are rarely balanced by the opportunities to share in the wealth created by mineral development, and for most Indigenous people, their experience of large-scale resource extraction has been frustrating and often highly destructive. It is for good reason that analogies are regularly drawn between these deals and the vast store of mythology concerning the person who sells their soul to the devil for wealth that is not only fleeting, but also the harbinger of despair, destruction, and death. This is no easy terrain for ethnographers, and engagement is fraught with difficult ethical, methodological, and ontological challenges. Anthropologists are involved in these encounters in a variety of ways—as engaged or activist anthropologists, applied researchers and consultants, and independent ethnographers. The focus of these engagements includes environmental transformation and social disintegration, questions surrounding sustainable development (or the uneven distribution of the costs and benefits of mining), company–community agreement making, corporate forms and the social responsibilities of corporations (or “CSR”), labor and livelihoods, conflict and resistance movements, gendered impacts, cultural heritage management, questions of indigeneity, and displacement effects, to name but a few. These different forms of engagement raise important questions concerning positionality and how this influences the production of knowledge—an issue that has divided anthropologists working in this contested field. Anthropologists must also grapple with questions concerning good ethnography, or what constitutes a “good enough” account of the relations between Indigenous people and the multiple actors assembled in resource extraction contexts.

1999 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-99
Karamat Ali ◽  
Abdul Hamid Abdul Hamid

The informal sector plays a significant role in Pakistan’s economy as well as in other developing countries. The role of the informal sector in solving the unemployment problem of Third World countries has become the focus of a conceptual and empirical debate in recent years. Most of the research takes a favourable view of this sector and suggests that it should be used as a policy instrument for the solution of the most pressing problems of developing countries, such as unemployment, poverty, income inequalities, etc. Before proceeding further, we will define the informal sector and differentiate it from the formal sector. There are various definitions, but the one given in an ILO report (1972) is generally considered the best. According to this report, informal sector activities are ways of doing things characterised by a heterogeneous array of economic activities with relative ease of entry, reliance on indigenous resources; temporary or variable structure and family ownership of enterprises, small scale of operation, labour intensive and adapted technology, skills acquired outside the formal school system, not depending on formal financial institutions for its credit needs; unregulated and unregistered units, and not observing fixed hours/days of operation.

2012 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-22
Graham Ixer

There has been considerable literature published on reflection yet despite this, very little research on reflection and more importantly, understanding on what is reflection. This article looks at the context of reflection in the way it came into the social work education language and how it is now part of established training in both social work and other professions. Yet despite this we are still no further on in understanding the complex nature of reflection. However, in a small-scale research project the key characteristics of moral judgement were identified as essential to the process of reflection. The author looks at the relationship between reflective practice and social work values and concludes with key guidelines for the practice teacher and student. The concept of reflection and in particular, its application to practice, applies across health professions as well as social work.

Carlos Nolasco

ResumoEste ensaio tem como ponto de partida o reconhecimento de que o mundo contemporâneo se encontra numa situação de ambivalência, entre perigos e possibilidades, que não só desafiam o presente como equacionam o futuro. O desporto e o gesto desportivo, como fenômenos que resultam dos contextos em que são produzidos, encontram-se necessariamente nessa ambiguidade. Partindo das Epistemologias do Sul, enquanto proposta de resgate de dimensões epistêmicas e humanas ausentes do espaço hegemônico, e apresentadas como alternativas ao esgotamento da modernidade, propõe-se uma análise crítica das dinâmicas sociais do desporto, através da operacionalizando dos conceitos de sociologia das ausências e de sociologia das emergências, sugerindo a emergência de outro desporto que vá ao encontro da perspectiva da motricidade humana na assunção da complexidade e da transcendência do gesto desportivo.Palavras-chave: Epistemologias do Sul. Motricidade Humana. Interculturalidade. Desporto. Corpo.In search of absent movements for emerging motricities: the relationship between Epistemologies of the South and Human MotricityAbstractThis essay has as its starting point the recognition that the contemporary world is in a situation of ambivalence, between dangers and possibilities, which not only challenge the present but also equate the future. Sport and sporting gesture, as phenomena that result from the contexts in which they are produced, are necessarily in this ambiguity. Starting from the Epistemologies of the South, as a proposal to rescue epistemic and human dimensions absent from the hegemonic space, and presented as alternatives to the exhaustion of modernity, a critical analysis of the social dynamics of sport is proposed through the operationalization of the concepts of sociology of absences and sociology of emergencies, suggesting the emergence of another sport that meets the perspective of human motricity, assuming the complexity and transcendence of the sporting gesture.Keywords: Epistemologies of the South. Human Motricity. Interculturality. Sport. Body.En busca de movimientos ausentes de motricidades emergentes: la relación entre las epistemologías del sur y la motricidad humanaResumenEste ensayo tiene como punto de partida el reconocimiento de que el mundo contemporáneo se encuentra en una situación de ambivalencia, entre peligros y posibilidades, que no solo desafían el presente sino que también equiparan el futuro. El deporte y el gesto deportivo, como fenómenos que resultan de los contextos en los que se producen, se encuentran necesariamente en esta ambigüedad. Partiendo de las Epistemologías del Sur, como una propuesta para rescatar las dimensiones epistémicas y humanas ausentes del espacio hegemónico, y presentadas como alternativas al agotamiento de la modernidad, proponemos un análisis crítico de las dinámicas sociales del deporte, a través de la operacionalización de los conceptos de sociología de las ausencias y de sociología de las emergencias, sugiriendo la emergencia de otro deporte que cumpla con la perspectiva de la motricidad humana en el supuesto de la complejidad y trascendencia del gesto deportivo.Palabras clave: Epistemologías del Sur. Motricidad humana. Interculturalidad Deporte. Cuerpo.

Alford A. Young

This article examines how the street has become a point of reference in scholarly and public discussions of the behavior of low-income African American men living in urban communities. It begins with a discussion of how the street has attained such an overriding centrality in the cultural analyses of low-income, urban-based African American men in public space, especially in the formation of images and understandings about them. It then considers how and why African American men have come to be viewed as a frighteningly disturbing presence on the street because of the social power they are assumed to have in affecting the actions and lives of others who make use of the streets. It also looks at various frameworks for the cultural analysis of African American men and concludes by arguing that the street has been both overdetermined and incompletely theorized in terms of its significance for cultural analysis.

Marco Briziarelli ◽  
Joseph Flores

In this chapter, the authors explore the deep level of ambiguities that characterizes the relationship between social media and capitalism, and the social, political economic context in which in several regions of world they operate. This reflection is provided in a particular moment of history in which media may have become at the same time the main “language” in order to decipher contemporary economics as well as the material terrain in which those economic activities develop. Yet, while social media seems to have been more and more integrated within the logic of capitalism, and capitalism has increasingly assumed the morphology of an informational dispersal, their relationship is not straightforward but defined by a series of deep rooted tensions.

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