Observing microscopic phases of lichen life cycles on transparent substrata placed in situ

2005 ◽  
Vol 37 (5) ◽  
pp. 373-382 ◽  
William B. SANDERS

The utility of plastic cover slips as a substratum for in situ study of lichen developmental stages is further explored in a neotropical foliicolous lichen community and in a European temperate corticolous community. Twenty-one months after placement in the tropical forest, the cover slips bore foliicolous lichen thalli with several species producing characteristic ascocarps and ascospores, indicating the suitability of the substratum for completion of the life cycle of these lichens. On cover slips placed within the temperate corticolous community, lichen propagules anchored to the substratum with relatively short attachment hyphae but did not develop further within the one year observation period. Intimately intermixed microbial communities of short-celled, mainly pigmented fungi and chlorophyte algae developed upon the transparent substratum. Among the algae, Trebouxia cells, often in groups showing cell division and without associated lichenizing hyphae, were commonly observed. The potential significance of the free-living populations in the life cycle of Trebouxia and in those of Trebouxia-associated lichen fungi is discussed.

Parasitology ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 143 (14) ◽  
pp. 1824-1846 ◽  

SUMMARYComplex life cycles are common in free-living and parasitic organisms alike. The adaptive decoupling hypothesis postulates that separate life cycle stages have a degree of developmental and genetic autonomy, allowing them to be independently optimized for dissimilar, competing tasks. That is, complex life cycles evolved to facilitate functional specialization. Here, I review the connections between the different stages in parasite life cycles. I first examine evolutionary connections between life stages, such as the genetic coupling of parasite performance in consecutive hosts, the interspecific correlations between traits expressed in different hosts, and the developmental and functional obstacles to stage loss. Then, I evaluate how environmental factors link life stages through carryover effects, where stressful larval conditions impact parasites even after transmission to a new host. There is evidence for both autonomy and integration across stages, so the relevant question becomes how integrated are parasite life cycles and through what mechanisms? By highlighting how genetics, development, selection and the environment can lead to interdependencies among successive life stages, I wish to promote a holistic approach to studying complex life cycle parasites and emphasize that what happens in one stage is potentially highly relevant for later stages.

Jan A. Pechenik

I have a Hardin cartoon on my office door. It shows a series of animals thinking about the meaning of life. In sequence, we see a lobe-finned fish, a salamander, a lizard, and a monkey, all thinking, “Eat, survive, reproduce; eat, survive, reproduce.” Then comes man: “What's it all about?” he wonders. Organisms live to reproduce. The ultimate selective pressure on any organism is to survive long enough and well enough to pass genetic material to a next generation that will also be successful in reproducing. In this sense, then, every morphological, physiological, biochemical, or behavioral adaptation contributes to reproductive success, making the field of life cycle evolution a very broad one indeed. Key components include mode of sexuality, age and size at first reproduction (Roff, this volume), number of reproductive episodes in a lifetime, offspring size (Messina and Fox, this volume), fecundity, the extent to which parents protect their offspring and how that protection is achieved, source of nutrition during development, survival to maturity, the consequences of shifts in any of these components, and the underlying mechanisms responsible for such shifts. Many of these issues are dealt with in other chapters. Here I focus exclusively on animals, and on a particularly widespread sort of life cycle that includes at least two ecologically distinct free-living stages. Such “complex life cycles” (Istock 1967) are especially common among amphibians and fishes (Hall and Wake 1999), and within most invertebrate groups, including insects (Gilbert and Frieden 1981), crustaceans, bivalves, gastropods, polychaete worms, echinoderms, bryozoans, and corals and other cnidarians (Thorson 1950). In such life cycles, the juvenile or adult stage is reached by metamorphosing from a preceding, free-living larval stage. In many species, metamorphosis involves a veritable revolution in morphology, ecology, behavior, and physiology, sometimes taking place in as little as a few minutes or a few hours. In addition to the issues already mentioned, key components of such complex life cycles include the timing of metamorphosis (i.e., when it occurs), the size at which larvae metamorphose, and the consequences of metamorphosing at particular times or at particular sizes. The potential advantages of including larval stages in the life history have been much discussed.

<em>ABSTRACT. Myxobolus cerebralis </em>possesses unique phenotypic and genotypic characteristics when compared with other histozoic parasites from the phylum Myxozoa. The parasite infects the cartilage and thereby induces a serious and potentially lethal disease in salmonid fish. Comparisons of the small subunit ribosomal DNA (ssu rDNA) sequences of <em>M. cerebralis </em>to other myxozoans demonstrate that the parasite has evolved separately from other <em>Myxobolus </em>spp. that may appear in cartilage or nervous tissues of the fish host. <em>Myxobolus cerebralis </em>has a complex life cycle involving two hosts and numerous developmental stages that may divide by mitosis, endogeny, or plasmotomy, and, at one stage, by meiosis. In the salmonid host, the parasite undergoes extensive migration from initial sites of attachment to the epidermis, through the nervous system, to reach cartilage, the site where sporogenesis occurs. During this migration, parasite numbers may increase by replication. Sporogenesis is initiated by autogamy, a process typical of pansporoblastic myxosporean development that involves the union of the one cell (pericyte) with another (sporogonic). Following this union, the sporogonic cell will give rise to all subsequent cells that differentiate into the lenticular shaped spore with a diameter of approximately 10 µm. This spore or myxospore is an environmentally resistant stage characterized by two hardened valves surrounding two polar capsules with coiled filaments and a binucleate sporoplasm cell. In the fish, these spores are found only in cartilage where they reside until released from fish that die or are consumed by other fish or fish-eating animals (e.g., birds). Spores reaching the aquatic sediments can be ingested and hatch in susceptible oligochaete hosts. The released sporoplasm invades and then resides between cells of the intestinal mucosa. In contrast to the parasite in the fish host, the parasite in the oligochaete undergoes the entire developmental cycle in this location. This developmental cycle involves merogony, gametogamy or the formation of haploid gametes, and sporogony. The actinosporean spores, formed at the culmination of this development, are released into the lumen of the intestine, prior to discharging into the aquatic environment. The mechanisms underlying the complex development of <em>M. cerebralis</em>, and its interactions with both hosts, are poorly understood. Recent advances, however, are providing insights into the factors that mediate certain phases of the infection. In this review, we consider known and recently obtained information on the taxonomy, development, and life cycle of the parasite.

2007 ◽  
Vol 73 (19) ◽  
pp. 6270-6276 ◽  
Yuichi Hongoh ◽  
Tomoyuki Sato ◽  
Michael F. Dolan ◽  
Satoko Noda ◽  
Sadaharu Ui ◽  

ABSTRACT The flagellate Caduceia versatilis in the gut of the termite Cryptotermes cavifrons reportedly propels itself not by its own flagella but solely by the flagella of ectosymbiotic bacteria. Previous microscopic observations have revealed that the motility symbionts are flagellated rods partially embedded in the host cell surface and that, together with a fusiform type of ectosymbiotic bacteria without flagella, they cover almost the entire surface. To identify these ectosymbionts, we conducted 16S rRNA clone analyses of bacteria physically associated with the Caduceia cells. Two phylotypes were found to predominate in the clone library and were phylogenetically affiliated with the “Synergistes” phylum and the order Bacteroidales in the Bacteroidetes phylum. Probes specifically targeting 16S rRNAs of the respective phylotypes were designed, and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was performed. As a result, the “Synergistes” phylotype was identified as the motility symbiont; the Bacteroidales phylotype was the fusiform ectobiont. The “Synergistes” phylotype was a member of a cluster comprising exclusively uncultured clones from the guts of various termite species. Interestingly, four other phylotypes in this cluster, including the one sharing 95% sequence identity with the motility symbiont, were identified as nonectosymbiotic, or free-living, gut bacteria by FISH. We thus suggest that the motility ectosymbiont has evolved from a free-living gut bacterium within this termite-specific cluster. Based on these molecular and previous morphological data, we here propose a novel genus and species, “Candidatus Tammella caduceiae,” for this unique motility ectosymbiont of Caducaia versatilis.

Parasitology ◽  
1984 ◽  
Vol 88 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-44 ◽  
V. McDonald ◽  
M. W. Shirley

SUMMARYThe endogenous development of the Houghton (H) strain of Eimeria mitis (= mivati) was compared with the life-cycle of a precocious (HP) line derived from the H strain. In both parasites 4 generations of schizonts which developed in epithelial cells were observed: the 1st and 2nd were found in the crypts and the 3rd and 4th in the villi. Gametocytes and zygotes occupied epithelial cells at the tips of the villi. The onset of gametogony normally coincided with the maturation of 4th-generation schizonts. The infection was confined initially to an area of the gut extending from the jejunum to the ileo-caecal junction but 3rd-generation merozoites and subsequent stages were also found in the caeca and rectum. The life-cycle of the precocious line was shorter than that of the parent strain. Gametocytes appeared to develop from 3rd-generation as well as from 4th-generation merozoites. Also, sporozoites of the precocious line transformed to trophozoites before those of the parent strain. First-generation schizonts of the HP line tended to be smaller and to contain fewer merozoites than those of the H strain. The differences between the life-cycles of the two parasites account for the lower reproductive potential of the precocious line.

2002 ◽  
Vol 76 (3) ◽  
pp. 189-192 ◽  
F. Audebert ◽  
H. Hoste ◽  
M.C. Durette-Desset

AbstractThe chronology of the life cycle ofTrichostrongylus retortaeformis(Zeder, 1800) (Nematoda, Trichostrongyloidea) is studied in its natural hostOryctolagus cuniculus. The free living period lasted 5 days at 24°C. Worm-free rabbits were each infectedper oswithT. retortaeformislarvae. Rabbits were killed at 12 h post-infection (p.i.) and every day from one day to 13 days p.i. By 12 h p.i., all the larvae were exsheathed and in the small intestine. The third moult occurred between 3 and 5 days p.i. and the last moult between 4 and 7 days p.i. The prepatent period lasted 12 to 13 days. The patent period lasted five and a half months. The four known life cycles of species ofTrichostrongylusin ruminants were compared with that ofT. retortaeformis. No significant difference was found except in the duration of the prepatent period. These similarities in the life cycles confirm the previously formulated hypotheses on the relationship between the parasites of the two host groups ().

1976 ◽  
Vol 54 (4) ◽  
pp. 449-462 ◽  
I. Paperna ◽  
D. E. Zwerner

Information on the distribution, life cycle, and seasonal abundance of the copepod Ergasilus labracis Krøyer, parasitic on the gills of lower Chesapeake Bay striped bass, Morone saxatilis (Walbaum), is presented after a 12-month survey. The overall prevalence of E. labracis was 90% in all localities sampled and it was found to be as euryhaline as its host; it has been found in salinities from 0.l‰ to 32.0‰. E. labracis was present and reproductively active throughout the year, suffering only a temporary slowdown in egg production at the beginning of the winter. Peak invasion of striped bass gills by infective larvae occurred during April and May; minor peaks were also recorded during July and October. The free-living stage was estimated to last as long as 6 weeks during early spring. Duration of other developmental stages was also extrapolated. Attempts to rear larvae in the laboratory past the metanauplius stage failed. Larvae could be kept for a maximum of 23 days after hatching if fed nannoplankton and kept at 20 °C in river water of 16–18‰.

1990 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-52 ◽  
Peter Ward ◽  
Angus Atkinson ◽  
Julie M. Peck ◽  
Andrew G. Wood

Euphausiid life histories and distribution in the vicinity of South Georgia were studied from a series of samples taken in April 1980, November–December 1981, and July–August 1983. Size frequency data indicated a two-year life cycle for Euphausia frigida and the possibility of a three-year cycle for E. triacantha. The genus Thysanoessa was represented by a mixture of T. macrura and the dominant T. vicina. A one-year life cycle is proposed for the latter but that of the former is unknown. Spawning in E. frigida and to a lesser extent Thysanoessa spp. commenced as early as July and euphausiid calyptopes were a feature of the plankton for much of the year. E. superba eggs were found in low abundance over the shelf to the north of the island, but no hatched larvae were found. Behaviour patterns such as diurnal and seasonal migration partially confounded attempts to relate euphausiid distribution to environmental features. However calyptopes of most species, were generally more abundant in oceanic water deeper than 500 m and there was limited evidence that in August, E. frigida had commenced spawning in the colder part of the survey area.

2010 ◽  
Vol 365 (1540) ◽  
pp. 631-640 ◽  
Alessandro Minelli ◽  
Giuseppe Fusco

Metazoan life cycles can be complex in different ways. A number of diverse phenotypes and reproductive events can sequentially occur along the cycle, and at certain stages a variety of developmental and reproductive options can be available to the animal, the choice among which depends on a combination of organismal and environmental conditions. We hypothesize that a diversity of phenotypes arranged in developmental sequence throughout an animal's life cycle may have evolved by genetic assimilation of alternative phenotypes originally triggered by environmental cues. This is supported by similarities between the developmental mechanisms mediating phenotype change and alternative phenotype determination during ontogeny and the common ecological condition that favour both forms of phenotypic variation. The comparison of transcription profiles from different developmental stages throughout a complex life cycle with those from alternative phenotypes in closely related polyphenic animals is expected to offer critical evidence upon which to evaluate our hypothesis.

1953 ◽  
Vol 85 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-14 ◽  
R. Pickford
One Year ◽  

Most grasshoppers of the prairie region of Western Canada hatch in the spring and complete their life-cycles in one year. There are a few species, however, that hatch in the fall and overwinter as partly grown nymphs; these include the oedipodines Arphia conspersa Scudd., Pardalophora apiculata (Harr.), Xanthippus corallipes latefasciatus Scudd., and Cbortophaga viridifasciata (Deg.) and the acridine Psoloessa delicatula delicatula (Scudd.). Criddle (1933) suggested this when he stated that, although the eggs of some Oedipodinae that hibernate as nymphs normally hatch within a month or two after oviposition, they occasionally fail to do so, in which case a further period of 12 months may occur before hatching takes place. The life-historia of all thest except C. viridifasciata were studied.

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