scholarly journals Wildlife of a Mountain Reserve in Iran

Oryx ◽  
1974 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 371-377
M.E. Taylor

The Bamu Protected Region, created in 1963, is primarily a restricted hunting area and game reserve of 47,400 hectares. It is not generally open to the public, though special permission to visit it can be obtained from the Department for Environmental Conservation.

2015 ◽  
Vol 42 (4) ◽  
pp. 349-355 ◽  

SUMMARYIn contemporary environmental conservation, species are judged in terms of their origin (‘nativeness’), as well as their behaviour and impacts (‘invasiveness’). In many instances, however, the term ‘non-native’ has been used as a proxy for harmfulness, implying the need for control. Some scientists have attempted to discourage this practice, on the grounds that it is inappropriate and counterproductive to judge species on their origin alone. However, to date, no empirical data exist on the degree to which nativeness in itself (that is, a species’ origin) shapes people's attitudes towards management interventions in practice. This study addresses this void, demonstrating empirically that both the public and invasive species professionals largely ignore a species’ origin when evaluating the need for conservation action. Through a questionnaire-based survey of the general public and invasive species experts in both Scotland and Canada, the study revealed that perceived abundance and damage to nature and the economy, rather than non-nativeness, informed attitudes towards species management, empirically substantiating the claim that a species’ perceived abundance and impact, and not its origin, is what really matters to most people. Natural resource management should thus focus explicitly on impact-related criteria, rather than on a species’ origin.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-5
Kapil Kumar Joshi ◽  

This paper attempts to highlight all the forest, wildlife and environmental laws prevailing in India with their brief introduction and the genesis. It portrays a consolidated picture of all such regulatory measures being implemented since the colonial rule in India. Under today’s circumstances, media also plays a vital role in shaping the public opinion over any social, economic and political issue. Media is supposed to be the fourth and a strong pillar of the society and is entrusted with the responsibility of bringing real facts and figures before the public in general and the policy makers and implementers in particular. This paper also aims in educating the media with the prevailing rules, regulations, acts, guidelines and policies related to natural resource management in India and analyzing a symbiotic relationship with the implementers for a wider cause of conservation and sustainable development.

2017 ◽  
Jon C. Day

The Representative Areas Program (RAP) was, at the time, the most comprehensive process of community involvement and participatory planning for any environmental issue in Australia. The RAP was a key component of the widely acclaimed rezoning of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, and although completed in 2003, many lessons learned are still relevant today. This paper provides an analysis of the comprehensive public participation program that significantly influenced the final planning outcome. It provides insights into a fundamental component of effective marine planning, assessing what worked well and what did not in terms of public engagement. Some aspects of the public participation program were innovative, and some were more effective than others. The outcome was one-third of the Marine Park was declared as highly protected no-take zones in 2004, with the remainder of the park also zoned to provide lower levels of protection. The methods used to engage the public and the 25 lessons discussed in this paper should be of interest for practitioners, policy makers and academics elsewhere aiming for ‘good practice’ approaches to achieve environmental conservation.

2012 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 116
Murilo de Alencar Souza Oliveira ◽  
Paulo dos Santos Pires

RESUMO O trabalho abordou o uso público nas Reservas Particulares do Patrimônio Natural/RPPNs como possibilidade de convergência entre atividades de turismo e conservação ambiental no país. Justifica-se as RPPNs como objeto de estudo por serem Unidades de Conversação/UCs ambiental, privadas, autorizadas à exploração econômica de seus recursos mediante uso público (turismo, educação ambiental e pesquisa), desde que voltadas para sustentabilidade própria e das comunidades do entorno. O estudo consistiu de análise exploratória quantitativa por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica sobre Turismo, UCs e RPPNs, e pesquisa documental, baseada em dados secundários da Confederação Nacional de RPPNs [CNRPPN] de 2010. Para tratamento dos dados utilizou-se Análise de Conteúdo e para configuração de tabelas e gráficos dos resultados empregou-se planilha eletrônica MS-Excel. Apresentou-se o estado atual e distribuição geográfica de 931 RPPNs. Identificou-se 37 RPPNs que possuem atividades de uso público, compatibilizam atividades de turismo e conservação ambiental, a partir do respeito aos ideais do desenvolvimento sustentável. Assim, podem obter recursos (taxas de acesso, hospedagem, passeios) para remunerar e capacitar funcionários, construir estruturas de apoio à pesquisa e regularizar e implementar seu funcionamento em prol da manutenção da biodiversidade. Conclui-se que as RPPNs podem realizar atividades de turismo aliadas a educação ambiental e melhoria de renda e condições de trabalho para as comunidades locais. Sugere-se estudo sobre os fatores determinantes para criação e sustentabilidade de RPPNs e verificação de seu papel na geração de oportunidades de empregos, renda e na mitigação dos efeitos deletérios do viver humano na natureza. Palavras-chave: Ecoturismo; RPPNs; Uso Público; Sustentabilidade do Turismo. ABSTRACT This work addresses the public use of Private Natural Heritage Reserves (RPPNs) in Brazil, as a factor for combining tourism with environmental conservation. The RPPNs are justified as an object of study due to the fact that they are sustainably managed Conservation Units (CUs), and are in the private domain, therefore they can be exploited for economic gain through public use (tourism, environmental education and research) and sustainable management of their resources. The study consists of a quantitative exploratory analysis, by means of a bibliographic review of Tourism, CUs and RPPNs, and document research based on secondary data of the National Confederation of RPPNs. For the data analysis, an electronic MS-Excel spreadsheet was used, with analysis of content based on geopolitical, biophysical, legal and regulatory criteria in the scope of the National System of Conservation Units. The results present the current situation and geographical distribution of the 931 RPPNs, including 37 RPPNs that have activities of public use, combining tourism activities with environmental conservation. Thus, they are also qualified to obtain resources through the charging of admission fees, accommodation, and recreation activities, as well as specific financing to enable their operation, seeking to meet the essential management objectives. It is concluded that the RPPNs can receive tourism activities allied with environmental education, which also leads to better income and job opportunities for local communities. Finally, further studies are recommended that focus on the determining factors in the creation and sustainability of the RPPNs, including their role in generating opportunities for employment and income, and mitigating the harmful effects of human actions on nature. Key words: Ecotourism; RPPNs; Public Use; Tourism

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (02) ◽  
Huma Parveen

The significance of the print medium as an effective form of mass communication has been widely researched and recognized. It has been playing an important role in transforming and educating the society. Newspapers are the primary print media that have been established to have strong agenda setting potential. Newspapers require a higher degree of attention from the readers as compared to other media, thus creating a long lasting impact on their minds. Newspapers have been instrumental in covering developmental themes in addition to other paramount issues. The earth’s environment has been witnessing continuous change with the passage of time. With technological advances and unprecedented consumption of natural resources, environmental conservation and sustainable development have assumed importance like never before. In the wake of rising concerns about sensitizing the public and spreading awareness about conserving the environment, the role played by media, particularly newspapers, has become undisputable. The present study is designed to analyze the way print media has been handling its responsibility in highlighting the actual cause behind the issues of environment. The coverage given to the environmental issues and sustainable development by major English dailies in India will be quantified and analysed to ascertain how much importance these issues are receiving at the hands of print media. The paper will also analyze the themes reported by these newspapers to attain sustainable development.


 Environmental conservation advocacy forms an important step towards environmental preservation. It serves as a benchmark in coming up with strategies to protect and preserve species that have been marked as threatened or endangered. In the Philippine context, pressing concerns on overexploitation of biological resources and caustic harvesting techniques in Mt. Matutum have been altering the distribution and abundance of its flora and fauna. Thus, the preservation of Mt. Matutum Protected Landscape (MMPL) is considered an imperative. In response, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) has recently funded a program for the biodiversity assessment of MMPL. However, provision for a more responsive initiative is needed. It is on this premise that this study was conducted to develop IEC materials to increase the biodiversity conservation awareness of the local people in the MMPL. In addition, the developed materials were validated by various experts in order to ensure that local people became more environmentally knowledgeable and dedicated to maintaining or sustaining the quality of life and biodiversity of the MMPL. Nonetheless, there were 130 randomly selected respondents from the local communities in MMPL. The research design is descriptive and utilized quantitative and qualitative methods of data gathering. The findings of the study showed that the IEC materials had a high extent of content validity (wm=4.03 for video and wm=4.14 for printed). Moreover, the evaluators considered the materials as very highly usable (wm=4.10 for video and wm=4.25 for printed materials). This indicates that IEC materials were very useful to increase the public awareness of the local people in conserving MMPL. Keywords - Information Education and Communication (IEC) Materials, public awareness, Mt Matutum Protected Landscape (MMPL), conservation in the Philippines

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (07) ◽  
pp. 3602
Felipe Lanzoni Dellargine ◽  
Denise Silva Leão de Souza ◽  
Italo Rafael Costa de Mira ◽  
Gabriel Teófilo Guedes Silva ◽  
Márcio Luiz Silva

A crescente ocupação de forma desordenada e desigual nos municípios brasileiros tem desencadeando desequilíbrios nos sistemas ambientais, gerando problemas de ordem funcional e estrutural no meio. Numa política que prima pela conservação e preservação ambiental, essa realidade demanda, cada vez mais, estudos prévios considerando as potencialidades e limitações dos sistemas naturais, como subsídios para o planejamento e gestão territorial. Nesse sentido, este artigo teve como objetivo realizar a análise e mapeamento da vulnerabilidade ambiental do Município de Inconfidentes – MG, segundo a metodologia estabelecida por Crepani et al. (2001). Os materiais e métodos abrangeram, além de atividades de campo, interpolação geoestatística, processamento digital de imagens e análise geoespacial, por meio de álgebra de mapas. Após mapeamento, foram definidos os graus de vulnerabilidade para as categorias geologia, geomorfologia, pedologia, clima, uso e ocupação da terra. O mapeamento de vulnerabilidade natural à perda de solo foi obtido a partir da média das variáveis geoambientais com seus respectivos pesos, via álgebra de mapas. Os resultados demonstraram que a maior parte do município, aproximadamente 66%, apresentam baixo grau de vulnerabilidade, com maior estabilidade ambiental e com predomínio do processo de pedogênese. Contudo, embora correspondendo a um percentual menor, as áreas com vulnerabilidade intermediária e com equilíbrio entre os processos de pedogênese e morfogênese demandam maior atenção do poder público e da sociedade, visando evitar a desestabilização destes meios e a instauração de processos degradacionais.  Analysis of Environmental Vulnerability in the Municipality of Inconfidentes - MG A B S T R A C TThe increasing occupation in a disorderly and unequal way in Brazilian municipalities has triggered imbalances in environmental systems, generating functional and structural problems in the environment. In a policy that focuses on environmental conservation and preservation, this reality demands, more and more, previous studies considering the potentialities and limitations of natural systems, as subsidies for planning and territorial management. In this sense, this article aimed to perform the analysis and mapping of the environmental vulnerability of the Municipality of Inconfidentes - MG, according to the methodology established by Crepani et al. (2001). The materials and methods covered, in addition to field activities, geostatistical interpolation, digital image processing and geospatial analysis, through map algebra. After mapping, the degrees of vulnerability were defined for the categories geology, geomorphology, pedology, climate, land use and occupation. The mapping of natural Vulnerability was obtained from the mean of the geoenvironmental variables with their respective weights, via maps algebra. The results showed that the majority of the municipality, approximately 66%, has a low degree of vulnerability, with greater environmental stability and a predominance of the pedogenesis process. However, although corresponding to a smaller percentage, the areas with intermediate vulnerability and balance between pedogenesis and morphogenesis processes require greater attention from the public authorities and society, with a view to preventing the destabilisation of these resources and the introduction of degradational processes.Keywords: Map algebra, average interfluvial dimension, stability of natural systems, valley’s depth, geostatistical interpolation, morphogenesis-pedogenesis relationship

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-38
Rizaldi Parani ◽  
Brigitta Berliana ◽  
Liza Diniarizky Putri ◽  
Annisarizki Annisarizki ◽  
Abdul Malik

Kraton Ngiyom is a non-profit organization that focuses on environmental preservation. To overcome the environmental problems in the villages of Sekaralas and Sekarputih, Ngawi, East Java, especially regarding the condition of damage to the forest area and both springs in the village area, Kraton Ngiyom uses communication strategies based on local wisdom by utilizing mythologically oriented instrument and ceremonies as a medium of communication to encourage the public to care and actively contribute in carrying out environmental preservation activities. This study aims to answer the research question of how the Kraton Ngiyom uses myth and rituals as communication strategies for environmental conservation in the villages of Sekaralas and Sekarputih. This study employs an ethnographic study approach. Data collection was carried out using direct observation and in-depth interviews with five informants. The results of this study found that the communication strategies based on local wisdom are well implemented by Kraton Ngiyom through 2 instruments, namely myths and rituals. The myth is used by Kraton Ngiyom to deliver environmental preservation messages to the people of Sekaralas and Sekarputih villages, while the rituals are used by Kraton Ngiyom as instruments to support the delivery of messages, which is to encourage changes in village community behavior. The process of delivering messages through myths, which was maximized in the implementation of a ceremony, succeeded in changing the behavior of Sekaralas and Sekarputih villagers to become more concerned about their environmental conditions and to take initiatives in undertaking environmental conservation efforts.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Risma Delima Harahap

Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh sampah rumah tangga terhadap pelestarian lingkungan ditinjau dari aspek biologi di komplek perumahan graha pertiwi kel. urung kompas kec. rantau selatan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan (Field Research).Populasi penelitian adalah warga Komplek Graha Pertiwidalam menangani sampah warganya. Sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik stratifikasi random sampling.Untuk mengumpulkan data yang diperlukan dalam penelitian ini, maka dipergunakan alat pengumpulan data, yaitu observasi, wawancara, dan Library Research.Teknik pengumpul data yang peneliti gunakan adalah dengan melakukan wawancara dengan Pengusaha sebagai pengembang Komplek Graha Pertiwi.Data yang terkumpul dari lapangan penelitian akan disajikan secara sistematis. Hasil penelitian, bahwa sampah di Komplek Perumahan Graha Pertiwi berasal dari sampah rumah tangga dari penduduk yang bermukim di komplek tersebut. Adapun jenis sampah yang sering terlihat terdiri sampah organik dan sampah non organik.Setiap harinya di kompleks Graha Pertiwi para penghuni rata-rata bisa membuang sampah berkisar 1 kg/perharinya.Kesadaran masyarakat yang tinggi akan pengolahan sampah cukup besar dimana sampah mereka tumpuk di halaman depan rumah dan langsung dibakar, sehingga sampah tidak sempat menumpuk terlalu lama.Kendala yang dihadapi dan upaya penanggulangannyamasih rendahnya kesadaran masyarakat dalam menciptakan kebersihan lingkungan.Hal ini terlihat dari kebiasaan membuang sampah yang tidak pada tempatnya.Persepsi masyarakat tentang penanganan sampah masih tertumpu pada pemerintah, padahal masalah kebersihan adalah tanggung jawab bersama antara masyarakat dengan pemerintah,terbatasnya lahan untuk pengumpulan dan pembuangan sampah akhir, serta terbatasnya dana transportasi sampah. Sementara tumpukan sampah meningkat dari hari ke hari. Kata Kunci: Sampah Rumah Tangga, Perumahan Graha Pertiwi This study was conducted to determine the effect of household waste to the environment in terms of aspects of biology at the housing complex kel housekeeping earth. nevertheless compass excl. southern shoreline. This research is a field (Field Research) is a research .Populasi residents handle garbage Complex Graha Pertiwidalam citizens. Samples were done by using stratified random sampling.Untuk collect the necessary data in this study, the data collection tools used, ie observation, interviews, and Library Research.Teknik data collectors that researchers use is to conduct interviews with entrepreneurs as a developer Complex Graha Pertiwi the data collected from the field study will be presented systematically. The results of the research, that rubbish in Housing Complex Graha Pertiwi derived from household waste from residents who live in the complex. The type of waste that is often seen is composed of organic waste and garbage in the complex non organik.Setiap day Graha Pertiwi inmates on average to dispose of waste ranging from 1 kg / perharinya.Kesadaran high community waste management is big enough where their garbage stacked on the front page house and burned, so that the waste could not accumulate too lama.Kendala faced and penanggulangannyamasih efforts in creating public awareness of cleanliness lingkungan.Hal is seen from a habit of throwing garbage on tempatnya.Persepsi community about waste management is still concentrated in the government, whereas hygiene problem is a shared responsibility between the public and the government, the limited space for the collection and final disposal, as well as limited transportation funds rubbish. While a pile of garbage is increasing day by day. Keywords: Household Waste, Graha Pertiwi

Andrew Jon Schneller ◽  
Greta Lee Binzen ◽  
Colin Cameron ◽  
Samuel Taggart Vogel ◽  
Isaac Bardin

This qualitative case study research investigated public perceptions and preferences regarding management options for addressing recreational impacts to the High Peaks Wilderness Complex (HPWC) in New York State’s six-million-acre Adirondack Park. The Park is the largest in the contiguous United States, attracting local and international visitors from Philadelphia, Montreal, Boston, and New York City, major cities within 350 miles of the HPWC. The Park saw 12.4 million visitors in 2018, resulting in crowding, trail erosion, clandestine trails/campsites, water pollution, and plant/wildlife impacts. Data was gathered from 1,200 individuals via an online questionnaire, semi-structured interviews with NGOs, community influentials, and agency representatives, and participant observation. Findings showed the public strongly supported passive management options such as increased funding for education, trail reconstruction, enhanced management of the HPWC, and the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) promotion of alternatives to the most popular wilderness trails during busy months. The public was split in their support of direct management techniques such as temporary trail closures, limiting the number of hikers, and mandatory permits for hikers/parking. NGOs expressed a diversity of preferences for direct wilderness management, but widely supported enhanced education, trail improvements, and funding increases for management and the hiring of more rangers. The results of this research provide insights for improving management practices that facilitate sustainable recreation while also protecting and restoring federal and state designated wilderness. This manuscript culminates in a suite of management implications based on our research findings, including filling all vacancies within the Adirondack Park Agency Board with professionally and culturally diverse individuals, including women, Tribal representatives, minority communities, environmental attorneys, natural scientists, and regional planners. Funding should be allocated for the hiring of additional rangers, Summit Stewards, and trail crews, for enhanced trail maintenance and hiker education efforts. We also recommend implementing the Wildland Monitoring Program in order to better understand trail carrying capacity and ecological limits. Limiting the number of hikers/vehicles through a permit system is but one solution if efforts to heighten ranger presence, education, and improve trails all fail to address resource degradation.

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