
1946 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 764-797 ◽  
H. W. Bailey

The word Gāndhārī has been chosen to head this study as a term sufficiently wide in its scope to embrace the forms of the one Middle Indian dialect of the north-west of India, centred in the old Gāndhāra region, around modern Peshawar, and which we meet in most varied sources. Under this name I propose to include those inscriptions of Aśoka which are recorded at Shahbazgaṛhi and Mansehra in the Kharoṣṭhī script, the vehicle for the remains of much of this dialect: To be included also are the following sources: the Buddhist literary text, the Dharmapada found in Khotan, written likewise in Kharoṣṭhī, of which a new reading of the text available in facsimile is given in BSOAS 11. 488–512; the Kharoṣṭhī documents on wood, leather, and silk from Caḍ'ota (the Niya site) on the border of the ancient kingdom of Khotan, which represented the official language of the capital Krorayina, K 572, 512 lou-lan <ləu-lan (lou in a series with alternation of k and l) of the Shan-shan kingdom, and of one document, no. 661, dated in the reign of the Khotana maharaya rayatiraya hinajha dheva ṿijida-siṃha. With this more copious material must be grouped the scattered traces of the same Middle Indian dialect in Khotanese, Tibetan, Agnean, Kuchean, the earlier Chinese Buddhist transliterations, as, in particular, in the Dīrghāgama of the Dharmaguptaka ṡect and the remains in Sogdian, Uigur Turkish, and in Mongol (in living use), and also in Manchu texts. The modern Dardic languages Ṣiṇā, Khowar, Phalūᵛa and others represent the same type of Middle Indian. Much material in Chinese texts, for most of us hidden and inaccessible, remains to be gathered and sifted. The preliminary studies of P. Pelliot in Les noms propres dans les traductions chinoises du Milindapañha (JA 1914. 2. 379–419), of Fr. Weller in his paper Über den Aufbau des Pāṭikasuttanta (Asia Major 5. 1928), and of E. Waldschmidt in his Bruchstücke buddhistischer Sūtras aus dem zentralasiatischen Sanskritkanon I, 1932, have hardly realized the importance of this North-Western Prakrit.

Archaeologia ◽  
1898 ◽  
Vol 56 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-20 ◽  
G. H. Engleheart ◽  
Charles H. Read ◽  
William Gowland

In the immediate neighbourhood of my house in the village of Appleshaw, on the north-western border of Hampshire, the sites are unusually close together of those dwellings of the Romano-British period which are, with a certain vagueness, termed Roman villas. Appleshaw is distant five miles north-west from Andover; one mile north of Andover two Roman roads intersect, the one running from Old Sarum north-easterly to Silchester, the other from Winchester north-westerly to Cirencester. At Finkley, close to the point of intersection, pottery and other Roman material has from time to time been unearthed, and the locality is one of those which have, by a somewhat unconvincing reference to the Antonine itinerary and to etymology, been identified with the unascertained site of Vindomis. Imagine these two roads at their crossing to stand like an upright capital X over the town of Andover, with that town in the lowest angle; my own nearer neighbourhood will lie in the western or left-hand angle. Three-quarters of a mile east of my house is the lately-examined site upon which I have to report particularly this evening. One mile north and a little west (all the distances mentioned are measured in radius from my house) is a villa on the Redenham estate, excavated some fifty years back by Sir John Pollen, the landowner. It appears that no plans were made and no record kept.

2013 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-47
Claire Warden

The multi-spatial landscape of the North-West of England (Manchester–Salford and the surrounding area) provides the setting for Walter Greenwood's 1934 play Love on the Dole. Both the urban industrialized cityscape and the rural countryside that surrounds it are vital framing devices for the narrative – these spaces not simply acting as backdrops but taking on character roles. In this article Claire Warden reads the play's presentation of the North through the concept of landscape theatre, on the one hand, and Raymond Williams's city–country dialogism on the other, claiming that Love on the Dole is imbued with the revolutionary possibility that defines the very landscape in which it is set. From claustrophobic working-class kitchen to the open fields of Derbyshire, Love on the Dole has a sense of spatial ambition in which Greenwood regards all landscapes as tainted by the industrial world while maintaining their capacity to function independently. Ugliness and beauty, capitalist hegemony and socialistic hopefulness reside simultaneously in this important under-researched example of twentieth-century British theatre, thereby reflecting the ambivalent, shifting landscape of the North and producing a play that cannot be easily defined artistically or politically. Claire Warden is a Lecturer in Drama at the University of Lincoln. Her work focuses on peripheral British performances in the early to mid-twentieth century. She is the author of British Avant-Garde Theatre (Palgrave MacMillan, 2012) and is currently writing Modernist and Avant-Garde Performance: an Introduction for Edinburgh University Press, to be published in 2014.

2020 ◽  
pp. 250-266
Jonathan Scott

This chapter studies cultural invention in light of the North-Western European cultural movement called Enlightenment. Enlightenment refers, in the first place, to a description by European intellectuals of what they took to be an advanced present state of moral and natural knowledge by comparison to that of the ancients. With related self-confidence, in the heyday of their empires, some described their culture as possessed of a dynamic modernity to be distinguished from the ‘oriental' lethargy and backwardness existing elsewhere. Yet Enlightenment also originated as European self-criticism. One context for that was the comparative perspective acquired by discovery of non-European cultures. In this and in other ways the origin of Enlightenment, including its ‘conviction that progress had become unstoppable', lies in the period when Renaissance and Reformation combined with printing and natural philosophy to establish the culture of the European North-West.

K. Darkenov ◽  
K. Kakar ◽  

Central Asia is the heart of the Eurasian continent, a region directly adjacent to China, and the Silk Road, which connects the Eurasian continent, passes through this region. Kazakhstan is a country rich in natural resources and energy in Central Asia. Apart from the mineral resources of Central Asia, its location as the center of two continents, its importance in China's foreign trade and its strategic position in the defense of the North-West Frontier, made Kazakhstan known to the world about the location of this project. Since 2014, China has focused on the "One Belt - One Road" strategy in the region. Since 2014, economic relations between the two countries have developed under the "One Belt - One Road" initiative, but the problems remain. The article is devoted to the analysis of economic relations between the two countries and give some suggestions to solve the problem

A.Yu. Ozerov ◽  
O.A. Girina, ◽  
D.V. Melnikov, ◽  
I.A. Nuzhdaev ◽  

February 18, 2021, a flank eruption started on the north-western slope of the Klyuchevskoy Volcano (Kamchatka, Russia). Cinder cone was formed at the altitude of 2 850 m above sea level, from which a lava flow was spreading north-west. Having moved 1.2 km downslope, the lava flow entered the Ehrmann Glacier, which resulted in the formation of huge mud-stone flows. The latter made their way further north-east along the Kruten’kaya River bed and reached the length of about 30 km. The eruption brought onto the surface high-aluminous basaltic andesites typical of the Klyuchevskoy Volcano. By March 21, the flank eruption ended. It has been named after G.S. Gorshkov, associate member of USSR Academy of Science, famous Russian volcanologist.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-72
Boris I. Chibisov

Introduction. History of the North-West area of Novgorod land at the end of the XV century attracted the attention of researchers mainly in the socio-economic aspect. This is due to the fact that Novgorod scribal books are dated by the end of the XV century. From the standpoint of socio-economic history their value is not in doubt, but from an ethno-historical point their onomastic content is underestimated. Materials and methods. The main source of research was the scribe book of the Vodskaya Pyatina 1499/1500. The descriptive method of research is to identify and record the Baltic-Finnish oikonyms (names of rural settlements) and anthroponyms mentioned in the scribe books. Baltic-Finnish anthroponyms are identified on the basis of an analysis of formal indicators of borrowing the anthroponyms. Results and Discussion. There are several areas where the Baltic-Finnish oikonymy and anthroponymy were concentrated, namely Korboselsky graveyard in the northern Prinevye, Lopsky and Terebuzhsky graveyards in the southern Ladoga, as well as Dudorovsky and Izhora graveyards south of the Neva. Archaeological sources record a significant presence of the Izhora antiquities. The presence of Karelians is noted in the northern Prievye and southern Ladoga. Slavic onomastic materials are recorded throughout Orekhovsky and Ladoga counties, but to mostly in the cities of Oreshka, Ladoga and their nearest areas. Conclusion. By the end of the XV century the north-western graveyards of Novgorod land were inhabited by representatives of various ethnic groups: Slavs, Vodians, Izhora and Karelians, as evidenced by the data of anthroponyms and toponyms of the scribe’s books and confirmed by archaeological sources.

2015 ◽  
Vol 36 ◽  
pp. 51-59
Вера [Vera] Астрэйка [Astrėĭka]

The Baltic elements in the grammar of traditional local dialects of north-western BelarusThe article analyzes a number of grammatical features typical for the North-West dialect zone of the Belarusian language. These peculiarities are interpreted as a possible result of Slavic-Baltic contacts in the region. Some phenomena can be explained as a Baltic (mainly (great)Lithuanian) substratum in North-West Belarusian dialects.The factor of areal neighborhood has to be taken into consideration too. Such phenomenon as language support has effect just in connection with the last one. A lot of the appropriate lingual facts are in restricted and inconsistent use. However, it is possible to be said about more or less significant (now or/and before) tendencies of regional lingual development. These tendencies has not got the status of a structural (= constitutional) lingual regularity. As a rule the wide and compact areas are characterized of some lingual facts (= lexemes), which illustrate the given transformations in the system of Belarusian dialects. Baltic influence upon the North-West Belarusian dialects grammar is detected on as the formal level so the structural one. And it is not noticeable at all times. The definite changes in the sphere of morphology and syntax can provoke different modifications in the other parts of a language system (word building, semantics). The results of this process are the evidences of ethnic and language assimilation of native Balts by Slavs in the region. That comes in support of forming the singular North-West Belarusian regiolect (= the regionally marked variety of a dialect language). Балтийские грамматические элементы в говорах северо-западной БеларусиВ статье анализируется ряд грамматических черт, характерных для говоров северо-западной диалектной зоны беларусского языка. Эти особенности квалифицируются автором как весьма вероятное следствие славяно-балтского языкового взаимодействия в соответствующем регионе. Отдельные явления есть основания рассматривать в качестве возможного проявления балтского (главным образом (пра-) литовского) субстрата в северо-западных беларусских говорах. Фактор ареальной смежности здесь также должен быть принят во внимание. В связи с последним следует упомянуть и действие феномена языковой поддержки. Многие соответствующие языковые факты имеют существенные ограничения в употреблении, в говорах выступают не всегда последовательно и регулярно. В некоторых случаях, однако, можно говорить о действии более или менее выраженных (в настоящем и/или прошлом) тенденций регионального языкового развития, которые пока не приобрели статус структурно значимой (= конститутивной) языковой закономерности. Широкие и компактные ареалы образуют, как правило, лишь отдельные языковые факты (= лексемы), иллюстрирующие данные трансформации в системе традиционных беларусских говоров. Балтское влияние на грамматический строй беларусских говоров северо-западной диалектной зоны выявляется как в плане формального выражения, так и на внутриструктурном уровне. Оно не всегда может быть заметно на первый взгляд. Определенные сдвиги в сфере морфологии и синтаксиса могут повлечь за собой изменения в других областях языковой системы (словообразовании, семантике). Результаты этого процесса являются ярким свидетельством того, что на отмеченной территории действительно имела место этноязыковая ассимиляция неславянского (= балтского) населения и происхо- дило формирование своеобразного северо-западного беларусского региолекта (= регионально обусловленной разновидности диалектной речи).

Carlo Bottaini ◽  
Ignacio Montero-Ruiz ◽  
Susana Lopes ◽  
Lídia Baptista ◽  
Sérgio Gomes ◽  

This paper deals with the preliminary results of the typological and analytical study of a collection of copper-based objects found at the site of Castelo Velho (Freixo de Numão). This collection is associated to different contexts from the 3rd millennium BC (Chalcolithic). The analyses, performed by non-destructive X-ray fluorescence (XRF), show that the metals were produced with almost pure copper and arsenical copper (> 2% As). Impurities, such as As (<2%), Fe, Bi, Ag, Sn, Sb and Ni, were also identified, likely due to their presence in the ores used for the production of the objects. The data suggest that the metals from Castelo Velho may be framed within the metallurgical production already known for the Chalcolithic of the North-Western Iberian Peninsula.

1936 ◽  
Vol 8 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 419-435 ◽  
T. Burrow

The “North-Western Prakrit” as Konow has called it is represented by the following documents.(1) The two versions of Aśoka's edicts preserved at Mansehra’ and Shahbazgarhi. At this stage many of the characteristic features of the language have not yet developed, e.g. śr > ṣ, śv > śp.(2) The later Kharoṣṭhi inscriptions, mostly short, collected by Konow in the second volume of the Corp. Inscr. Ind.(3) The Kharoṣṭhi manuscript of the Dhammapada discovered near Khotan (Manuscript Dutreuil du Rhins).(4) The Kharoṣṭhi documents from Niya, representing the administrative language of the Shan-Shan kingdom in the third century A.D. In the Journ. As., 1912, pp. 337 ff., J. Bloch examined the dialectical peculiarities of the Manuscript Dutreuil du Rhins and showed that they appeared in modern times in the languages of the North-West.

Anne Haour

This chapter explains the coverage of this book, which is about the comparison of rulers, warriors, traders, and clerics on the central Sahel and the North Sea region. It argues that there was more similarity between north-western Europe and the central Sahel in the few centuries either side of AD 1001 than has hitherto been recognised, and maintains that the nature of the sources has obscured these formative times and left them in the shadow of organised structures. It discusses the interconnectedness of central Sahel and north-west Europe through contacts and shared pre-industrial nature.

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