Designing Strong Optical Absorbers via Continuous Tuning of Interparticle Interaction in Colloidal Gold Nanocrystal Assemblies

ACS Nano ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (7) ◽  
pp. 7493-7501 ◽  
Wenxiang Chen ◽  
Jiacen Guo ◽  
Qinghua Zhao ◽  
Prashanth Gopalan ◽  
Aaron T. Fafarman ◽  
ChemNanoMat ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (5) ◽  
pp. 698-707 ◽  
Guillermo González‐Rubio ◽  
Leonardo Scarabelli ◽  
Andrés Guerrero‐Martínez ◽  
Luis M. Liz‐Marzán

E. T. O'Toole ◽  
R. R. Hantgan ◽  
J. C. Lewis

Thrombocytes (TC), the avian equivalent of blood platelets, support hemostasis by aggregating at sites of injury. Studies in our lab suggested that fibrinogen (fib) is a requisite cofactor for TC aggregation but operates by an undefined mechanism. To study the interaction of fib with TC and to identify fib receptors on cells, fib was purified from pigeon plasma, conjugated to colloidal gold and used both to facilitate aggregation and as a receptor probe. Described is the application of computer assisted reconstruction and stereo whole mount microscopy to visualize the 3-D organization of fib receptors at sites of cell contact in TC aggregates and on adherent cells.Pigeon TC were obtained from citrated whole blood by differential centrifugation, washed with Ca++ free Hank's balanced salts containing 0.3% EDTA (pH 6.5) and resuspended in Ca++ free Hank's. Pigeon fib was isolated by precipitation with PEG-1000 and the purity assessed by SDS-PAGE. Fib was conjugated to 25nm colloidal gold by vortexing and the conjugates used as the ligand to identify fib receptors.

George H. Herbener ◽  
Antonio Nanci ◽  
Moise Bendayan

Protein A-gold immunocytochemistry is a two-step, post-embedding labeling procedure which may be applied to tissue sections to localize intra- and extracellular proteins. The key requisite for immunocytochemistry is the availability of the appropriate antibody to react in an immune response with the antigenic sites on the protein of interest. During the second step, protein A-gold complex is reacted with the antibody. This is a non- specific reaction in that protein A will combine with most IgG antibodies. The ‘label’ visualized in the electron microscope is colloidal gold. Since labeling is restricted to the surface of the tissue section and since colloidal gold is particulate, labeling density, i.e., the number of gold particles per unit area of tissue section, may be quantitated with ease and accuracy.

D. R. Abrahamson ◽  
P. L. St.John ◽  
E. W. Perry

Antibodies coupled to tracers for electron microscopy have been instrumental in the ultrastructural localization of antigens within cells and tissues. Among the most popular tracers are horseradish peroxidase (HRP), an enzyme that yields an osmiophilic reaction product, and colloidal gold, an electron dense suspension of particles. Some advantages of IgG-HRP conjugates are that they are readily synthesized, relatively small, and the immunolabeling obtained in a given experiment can be evaluated in the light microscope. In contrast, colloidal gold conjugates are available in different size ranges and multiple labeling as well as quantitative studies can therefore be undertaken through particle counting. On the other hand, gold conjugates are generally larger than those of HRP but usually can not be visualized with light microscopy. Concern has been raised, however, that HRP reaction product, which is exquisitely sensitive when generated properly, may in some cases distribute to sites distant from the original binding of the conjugate and therefore result in spurious antigen localization.

Dean A. Handley ◽  
Cynthia M. Arbeeny ◽  
Larry D. Witte

Low density lipoproteins (LDL) are the major cholesterol carrying particles in the blood. Using cultured cells, it has been shown that LDL particles interact with specific surface receptors and are internalized via a coated pit-coated vesicle pathway for lysosomal catabolism. This (Pathway has been visualized using LDL labeled to ferritin or colloidal gold. It is now recognized that certain lysomotropic agents, such as chloroquine, inhibit lysosomal enzymes that degrade protein and cholesterol esters. By interrupting cholesterol ester hydrolysis, chloroquine treatment results in lysosomal accumulation of cholesterol esters from internalized LDL. Using LDL conjugated to colloidal gold, we have examined the ultrastructural effects of chloroquine on lipoprotein uptake by normal cultured fibroblasts.

Gary Bassell ◽  
Robert H. Singer

We have been investigating the spatial distribution of nucleic acids intracellularly using in situ hybridization. The use of non-isotopic nucleotide analogs incorporated into the DNA probe allows the detection of the probe at its site of hybridization within the cell. This approach therefore is compatible with the high resolution available by electron microscopy. Biotinated or digoxigenated probe can be detected by antibodies conjugated to colloidal gold. Because mRNA serves as a template for the probe fragments, the colloidal gold particles are detected as arrays which allow it to be unequivocally distinguished from background.

S.L. Erlandsen

Cells interact with their extracellular environments by means of a variety of cellular adhesion molecules (CAM) and surface ligands. In many instances, CAMs interact in a sequential temporal fashion which suggests that these adhesion molecules may occupy or be polarized to various membrane microdomains on the cell surface. Detection of CAMs can be accomplished by a variety of methods including immunofluorescent microscopy and flow cytometry, and by the use of immunocytochemical markers (i.e. colloidal gold) in electron microscopy. The development of high resolution field emission SEM in the mid 1980's and the Autrata modification of the YAG detector for backscatter electron detection at low voltage has greatly facilitated the recognition of colloidal gold probes for detection of surface CAMs. Low voltage FESEM with Bse imaging provides increased resolution of cell surface topography (~3nm at 3-4 keV) which can be observed in 3-dimensions, and simultaneously permits detection/high spatial resolution of immunogold label by atomic number contrast.

László G. Kömüves

Light microscopic immunohistochemistry based on the principle of capillary action staining is a widely used method to localize antigens. Capillary action immunostaining, however, has not been tested or applied to detect antigens at the ultrastructural level. The aim of this work was to establish a capillary action staining method for localization of intracellular antigens, using colloidal gold probes.Post-embedding capillary action immunocytochemistry was used to detect maternal IgG in the small intestine of newborn suckling piglets. Pieces of the jejunum of newborn piglets suckled for 12 h were fixed and embedded into LR White resin. Sections on nickel grids were secured on a capillary action glass slide (100 μm wide capillary gap, Bio-Tek Solutions, Santa Barbara CA, distributed by CMS, Houston, TX) by double sided adhesive tape. Immunolabeling was performed by applying reagents over the grids using capillary action and removing reagents by blotting on filter paper. Reagents for capillary action staining were from Biomeda (Foster City, CA). The following steps were performed: 1) wet the surface of the sections with automation buffer twice, 5 min each; 2) block non-specific binding sites with tissue conditioner, 10 min; 3) apply first antibody (affinity-purified rabbit anti-porcine IgG, Sigma Chem. Co., St. Louis, MO), diluted in probe diluent, 1 hour; 4) wash with automation buffer three times, 5 min each; 5) apply gold probe (goat anti-rabbit IgG conjugated to 10 nm colloidal gold, Zymed Laboratories, South San Francisco, CA) diluted in probe diluent, 30 min; 6) wash with automation buffer three times, 5 min each; 7) post-fix with 5% glutaraldehyde in PBS for 10 min; 8) wash with PBS twice, 5 min each; 9) contrast with 1% OSO4 in PBS for 15 min; 10) wash with PBS followed by distilled water for5 min each; 11) stain with 2% uranyl acetate for 10 min; 12) stain with lead citrate for 2 min; 13) wash with distilled water three times, 1 min each. The glass slides were separated, and the grids were air-dried, then removed from the adhesive tape. The following controls were used to ensure the specificity of labeling: i) omission of the first antibody; ii) normal rabbit IgG in lieu of first antibody; iii) rabbit anti-porcine IgG absorbed with porcine IgG.

Ellen Holm Nielsen

In secretory cells a dense and complex network of actin filaments is seen in the subplasmalemmal space attached to the cell membrane. During exocytosis this network is undergoing a rearrangement facilitating access of granules to plasma membrane in order that fusion of the membranes can take place. A filamentous network related to secretory granules has been reported, but its structural organization and composition have not been examined, although this network may be important for exocytosis.Samples of peritoneal mast cells were frozen at -70°C and thawed at 4°C in order to rupture the cells in such a gentle way that the granule membrane is still intact. Unruptured and ruptured cells were fixed in 2% paraformaldehyde and 0.075% glutaraldehyde, dehydrated in ethanol. For TEM (transmission electron microscopy) cells were embedded in Lowicryl K4M at -35°C and for SEM (scanning electron microscopy) they were placed on copper blocks, critical point dried and coated. For immunoelectron microscopy ultrathin sections were incubated with monoclonal anti-actin and colloidal gold labelled IgM. Ruptured cells were also placed on cover glasses, prefixed, and incubated with anti-actin and colloidal gold labelled IgM.

C. D. Humphrey ◽  
C.S. Goldsmith ◽  
L. Elliott ◽  
S.R. Zaki

An outbreak of unexplained acute pulmonary syndrome with high fatality was recognized in the spring of 1993 in the southwestern United States. The cause of the illness was quickly identified serologically and genetically as a hantavirus and the disease was named hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS). Recently, the virus was isolated from deer mice which had been trapped near the homes of HPS patients, and cultivated in Vero E6 cells. We identified the cultivated virus by negative-stain direct and colloidal gold immune electron microscopy (EM).Virus was extracted, clarified, and concentrated from unfixed and 0.25% glutaraldehyde fixed supernatant fluids of infected Vero E6 cells by a procedure described previously. Concentrated virus suspensions tested by direct EM were applied to glow-discharge treated formvar-carbon filmed grids, blotted, and stained with 0.5% uranyl acetate (UA) or with 2% phosphotungstic acid (PTA) pH 6.5. Virus suspensions for immune colloidal gold identification were adsorbed similarly to filmed grids but incubated for 1 hr on drops of 1:50 diluted monoclonal antibody to Prospect Hill virus nucleoprotein or with 1:50 diluted sera from HPS virus infected deer mice.

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