scholarly journals Was the Atlantic water temperature in the West Spitsbergen Current predictable in the 1990s?

2005 ◽  
Vol 32 (4) ◽  
pp. n/a-n/a ◽  
Pawel Schlichtholz ◽  
Ilona Goszczko
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-73
Anna V. Vesman ◽  
Boris V. Ivanov ◽  
Vladimir A.Volkov

The west Spitsbergen shelf is the principal region for the Atlantic water pass and it is very dynamic area, which has been changing a lot in the last two centuries. Herein, the analysis results of long-term variability of thermohaline characteristics of West-Spitsbergen current (WSC) and Coastal current (CC) are presented for the period from 1950 to present time based on the in-situ oceanographic data from the “Nordic Seas” database created in the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI). Water temperature and salinity of WSC and CC were measured at 10 points and analyzed. It was concluded that the temperature and salinity in the study region were exposed to quasicyclic changes with common periods of about 5-6 and 10 years. Positive trends of water temperature for all points in the both currents were estimated (1.2°C per 60 years for WSC, and 2°C for CC, respectively). Correlation coefficients were calculated to describe the linear relationship between air temperature, atmospheric circulation indexes, the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation index, and water temperature in the region of the western shelf of the Spitsbergen.

Ocean Science ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 957-975 ◽  
W. Walczowski

Abstract. The structures of the hydrographic fronts separating the Atlantic-origin waters from ambient waters in the northern Nordic Seas are discussed. Flows of the western and eastern branches of the West Spitsbergen Current create the Atlantic domain borders and maintain these fronts. This work is based on previous research and on investigations carried out in the project DAMOCLES (Developing Arctic Modelling and Observational Capabilities for Long-term Environmental Studies). Most of the observational data were collected during the R/V Oceania cruises. The main focus of the paper is the western border of the Atlantic domain – the Arctic Front, alongfrontal and transfrontal transports, and the front instability and variability. The alongfrontal baroclinic jet streams were described as a significant source of the Atlantic Water and heat in the Nordic Seas. The baroclinic instability and advection of baroclinic eddies which occurs due to this instability were found to be the main transfrontal transport processes. Most of the Atlantic Water transported by the western branch recirculates west and southward. The eastern branch of the West Spitsbergen Current provides most of the Atlantic Water entering the Arctic Ocean. Both processes are very important for the Arctic and global thermohaline circulation.

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 134-142 ◽  
Daniil I. Tislenko ◽  
Boris V. Ivanov

Within last decades, the climate of our planet has underwent remarkable changes. The most notable are those called "Arctic amplification." is the changes comprise a decrease in the area of ​​multi-years ice in 2007 and 2012 in polar regions of the Northern hemisphere, accompanied by the temperature rise of intermediate Atlantic waters, increasing surface temperature. In this paper, an analysis of long-term variability of temperature transformed Atlantic waters (TAW) in the fjords of the West-Spitsbergen island (Isfjorden, Grnfjorden, Hornsund and Kongsfjorden) in the first period (1920–1940) and modern (1990–2009) warming in the Arctic is reported. It is shown that the instrumental observation data corresponds to the periods of rise in temperature in the layer of the TAW and surface air temperature (SAT) for the area of ​​the Svalbard.

2013 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 985-1030 ◽  
W. Walczowski

Abstract. The structures of the hydrographic fronts separating the Atlantic origin waters from ambient waters in the northern Nordic Seas are discussed. Flows of the western and eastern branches of the West Spitsbergen Current create the Atlantic domain borders and maintain these fronts. The work is based on previous research and on investigations in the project DAMOCLES (Developing Arctic Modeling and Observational Capabilities for Long-term Environmental Studies). Most of the observational data were collected during the R/V Oceania cruises. The main focus of the paper is put on the western border of the Atlantic domain – the Arctic Front, along- and transfrontal transports, the front instability and variability. The baroclinic instability and advection of baroclinic eddies which occurs due to this instability were found as the main transfrontal transport processes. Most of the Atlantic Water transported by the western branch recirculates west and southward. The eastern branch of the West Spitsbergen Current provides most of the Atlantic Water entering the Arctic Ocean. Both processes are very important for the Arctic and global Thermohaline Circulation.

2021 ◽  
Waldemar Walczowski ◽  
Agnieszka Beszczyńska-Möller ◽  
Małgorzata Merchel

<p>Almost 4000 operational Argo floats covering the world's ocean provide near-real-time data on its state. The Arctic is less covered than other waters, but observations collected by Argo floats are gaining in importance. By delivering year-round measurements from the water column down to 2000 m (or to the bottom) along float trajectories, they complement and enhance the synoptic data collected during ship campaigns or by fixed moorings. However, oceanographic measurements with autonomous platforms are significantly limited in the Arctic regions by the presence of sea ice.</p><p>Here we present results obtained by Argo floats deployed in 2012-2020 by the Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences (IOPAN) during summer campaigns of RV Oceania. In most years, the Argo floats were launched in the eastern branch (core) and in the western branch of the West Spitsbergen Current (WSC) within the Atlantic water inflow towards the Arctic Ocean. Floats deployed in the WSC core drift predominantly northward over the shelf break and upper slope west of Svalbard. After passing Fram Strait the floats usually turn eastward and continue over the northern Svalbard shelf brake, being advected with the Svalbard Branch of the Atlantic inflow into the Arctic Ocean Boundary Current. The easternmost position reached by the IOPAN Argo float was 39.6°E. Ultimately all deployed floats submerge under the sea ice north of Svalbard or farther to the east and die under the ice. Argo floats deployed in the western WSC branch over the underwater ridges, usually recirculate to the west and continue southward with the East Greenland Current. The float WMO 3901851 that drifted to the Labrador Sea, reached the southernmost latitude of 52.5°N and have been working until now for 4.5 years, which is unusual in the Arctic conditions.    </p><p>The measurements collected in the Marginal Ice Zone are particularly interesting for studying the ocean-atmosphere-ice interactions at the boundary between open and ice-covered ocean as well as they can be used for developing the ice avoidance algorithms for the Argo floats and other under ice sensors and platforms. A number of profiles obtained by Argo floats under the sea ice provide unique measurements in the upper ocean layer that is usually inaccessible from other platforms (e.g., moorings). In 2020 several profiles were collected under the ice cover by Argo floats north of Svalbard and transmitted after the float emerged in the polynya. The eastward flow of warm (up to 4° C at 80 m depth) Atlantic water was observed along the float trajectory over the shelf break. Measurements by Argo floats, revealing the dynamics and transformation of the Atlantic water entering the Arctic Ocean, are compared with ship-borne observations collected during the IOPAN long-term observational program AREX and year-round data from IOPAN moorings deployed north of Svalbard under the A-TWAIN and INTAROS projects.</p>

2000 ◽  
Vol 18 (6) ◽  
pp. 687-705 ◽  
B. Rudels ◽  
R. Meyer ◽  
E. Fahrbach ◽  
V. V. Ivanov ◽  
S. Østerhus ◽  

Abstract. The water mass distribution in northern Fram Strait and over the Yermak Plateau in summer 1997 is described using CTD data from two cruises in the area. The West Spitsbergen Current was found to split, one part recirculated towards the west, while the other part, on entering the Arctic Ocean separated into two branches. The main inflow of Atlantic Water followed the Svalbard continental slope eastward, while a second, narrower, branch stayed west and north of the Yermak Plateau. The water column above the southeastern flank of the Yermak Plateau was distinctly colder and less saline than the two inflow branches. Immediately west of the outer inflow branch comparatively high temperatures in the Atlantic Layer suggested that a part of the extraordinarily warm Atlantic Water, observed in the boundary current in the Eurasian Basin in the early 1990s, was now returning, within the Eurasian Basin, toward Fram Strait. The upper layer west of the Yermak Plateau was cold, deep and comparably saline, similar to what has recently been observed in the interior Eurasian Basin. Closer to the Greenland continental slope the salinity of the upper layer became much lower, and the temperature maximum of the Atlantic Layer was occasionally below  0.5 °C, indicating water masses mainly derived from the Canadian Basin. This implies that the warm pulse of Atlantic Water had not yet made a complete circuit around the Arctic Ocean. The Atlantic Water of the West Spitsbergen Current recirculating within the strait did not extend as far towards Greenland as in the 1980s, leaving a broader passage for waters from the Atlantic and intermediate layers, exiting the Arctic Ocean. A possible interpretation is that the circulation pattern alternates between a strong recirculation of the West Spitsbergen Current in the strait, and a larger exchange of Atlantic Water between the Nordic Seas and the inner parts of the Arctic Ocean.Key words: Oceanography: general (Arctic and Antarctic oceanography; water masses) - Oceanography: physical (general circulation)

2021 ◽  
Zerlina Hofmann ◽  
Wilken-Jon von Appen ◽  
Claudia Wekerle

<p>Atlantic Water, which is transported northward by the West Spitsbergen Current, partly recirculates (i.e. turns westward) in Fram Strait. This determines how much heat and salt reaches the Arctic Ocean, and how much joins the East Greenland Current on its southward path. We describe the Atlantic Water recirculation's location, seasonality, and mesoscale variability by analyzing the first observations from moored instruments at five latitudes in central Fram Strait, spanning a period from August 2016 to July 2018. We observe recirculation on the prime meridian at 78°50'N and 80°10'N, respectively south and north of the Molly Hole, and no recirculation further south at 78°10'N and further north at 80°50'N. At a fifth mooring location at 79°30'N, we observe some influence of the two recirculation branches. The southern recirculation is observed as a continuous westward flow that carries Atlantic Water throughout the year, though it may be subject to broadening and narrowing. It is affected by eddies in spring, likely due to the seasonality of mesoscale instability in the West Spitsbergen Current. The northern recirculation is observed solely as passing eddies on the prime meridian, which are strongest during late autumn and winter, and absent during summer. This seasonality is likely affected both by the conditions set by the West Spitsbergen Current and by the sea ice. Open ocean eddies originating from the West Spitsbergen Current interact with the sea ice edge when they subduct below the fresher, colder water. Additionally the stratification set up by sea ice presence may inhibit recirculation.</p>

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