An econometric estimation of gross margin volatility: a case of ox production in Namibia

Agrekon ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 1-11
H. J. Sartorius von Bach ◽  
K. M. Kalundu
2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-58
SS Tanu ◽  
P Biswas ◽  
S Ahmed ◽  
SC Samanta

A field experiment was conducted at Agronomy Field Laboratory, Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Dumki, Patuakhali from July 2018 to November 2018 to evaluate the effect of sunflower residues and herbicides on the yield and economic performance of transplanted Aman rice. Weed control methods tested were T1 = weedy check (Unweeded control), T2 = Weed-free check by hand weeding twice, T3 = Pendimethalin, T4 = Pretilachlor, T5 = Butachlor, T6 = Pyrazosulfuron ethyl, T7 = Bensulfuron methyl + Acetachlor, T8 = Bispyriback sodium, T9 = 2,4-D amine, T10 = MCPA, T11 = Sunflower residues, T12 = Sunflower residues + 100% Pyrazosulfuron ethyl, T13 = Sunflower residues + 75% Pyrazosulfuron ethyl, T14 = Sunflower residues + 50% Pyrazosulfuron ethyl. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with fourteen treatments replicated thrice. Weedy check registered significantly the highest total weed density (354.67 m-2) and total weed dry matter (51.81 g-2) while weed-free treatment by hand weeding twice recorded significantly the lowest total weed density (6.67 m-2) and total weed dry matter 0.49 g-2) . Weedy check produced the highest weed index (34.24%) and hand weeding produced the lowest. Among different herbicides applied alone, butachlor had the lowest total weed density (15 m-2) and total weed dry matter (6.43 g-2) after hand weeding. Hand weeding recorded the highest grain yield (5.14 t ha-1) which was statistically similar to pendimethalin, pretilachlor, butachlor, bensulfuron methyl + acetachlor and sunflower residues + 100% pyrazosulfuron ethyl. Higher grain yield was attributed to a higher number of panicle m-2, number of filled grains panicle-1 and 1000-grain weight. The highest gross margin (22955 Tk. ha-1) and benefit-cost ratio (1.32) were obtained from butachlor. Integration of sunflower residues with pyrazosulfuron ethyl produced effective weed suppression and satisfactory yield comparable to butachlor. Although the integration is less profitable than butachlor the farmers can use this technology as a feasible and environmentally sound approach in transplanted Aman rice field. Bangladesh Agron. J. 2020, 23(1): 47-58

2012 ◽  
Zhi Da ◽  
Ravi Jagannathan ◽  
Jianfeng Shen

1970 ◽  
Vol 34 (3) ◽  
pp. 425-434 ◽  
PK Malaker ◽  
IH Mian

The efficacy of seed treatment and foliar spray with fungicides in controlling black point incidence of wheat seeds was evaluated in the field. Two seed treating fungicides, namely Vitavax-200 and Homai-80WP were used @ 0.25% of dry seed weight and foliar spray with Tilt-250EC (0.05%) was applied in six different schedules. Untreated and unsprayed controls were also maintained. Seed treatment with either Vitavax-200 or Homai-80WP significantly increased plant population and grain yield, but none of them was found effective in reducing black point incidence. On the other hand, foliar sprays with Tilt-250EC under all the spray schedules except spraying at 70 and 90 DAS significantly minimized the disease severity over unsprayed control. Among the different spray schedules, spraying at 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90 DAS appeared to be most effective, which was similar to spraying at 30, 45, 60, 75, and 90 DAS in reducing black point incidence and increasing grain yield. Economic analysis on yield advantage showed that the highest additional gross margin of Tk. 6120/ha with BCR 2.57 was obtained from five sprays applied at 30, 45, 60, 75, and 90 DAS. Key Words: Seed treatment, foliar spray, black point, wheat. DOI: 10.3329/bjar.v34i3.3968 Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 34(3) : 425-434, September 2009

2009 ◽  
Vol 147 (5) ◽  
pp. 589-600 ◽  
S. MORSE ◽  

SUMMARYYam minisett technique (YMT) has been promoted throughout West Africa since the 1980s as a sustainable means of producing clean yam planting material, but adoption of the technique is often reported as being patchy at best. While there has been much research on the factors that influence adoption of the technique, there have been no attempts to assess its economic viability under ‘farmer-managed’ as distinct from ‘on station’ conditions. The present paper describes the results of farmer-managed trials employing the YMT (white yam: Dioscorea rotundata) at two villages in Igalaland, Kogi State, Nigeria. One of the villages (Edeke) is on the banks of the River Niger and represents a specialist yam environment, whereas the other village (Ekwuloko) is inland, where farmers employ a more general cropping system. Four farmers were selected in each of the two villages and asked to plant a trial comprising two varieties of yam, their popular local variety as well as another variety grown in other parts of Igalaland, and to treat yam setts (80–100 g) with either woodash or insecticide/nematicide+fungicide mix (chemical treatment). Results suggest that while chemical sett treatment increased yield and hence gross margin compared with woodash, if household labour is costed then YMT is not economically viable. However, the specialist yam growers of Edeke were far more positive about the use of YMT as they tended to keep the yam seed tubers for planting rather than sell them. Thus, great care needs to be taken with planning adoption surveys on the assumption that all farmers should adopt a technology.

2014 ◽  
Vol 46 (2) ◽  
pp. 245-256
Kenneth H. Burdine ◽  
Yoko Kusunose ◽  
Leigh J. Maynard ◽  
Don P. Blayney ◽  
Roberto Mosheim

An evaluation of the risk-reducing effectiveness of the Livestock Gross Margin–Dairy (LGM-Dairy) insurance program, using historical futures price data, predicts economically significant reductions in downside margin risk (24–41%) across multiple regions. Supply analysis based on the estimated risk reduction shows a small supply response, assuming minimal subsidization. A decomposition of the simulated indemnities into milk price and feed price components shows comovements in futures prices moderating the frequency and levels of indemnities.

2011 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 39
Serly C ◽  
Astuti Yuli Setyani

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of changes in thecomponents of cash flows (operating cash flow changes, investment cashflow changes , cash flow funding changes), changes in gross profit,and change the size of the company toward expected return stock ofmanufacturing companies which go public in Indonesia Stock Exchange. The number of companies studied as many as 84 companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange with the observation period from 2004 to 2008. The technique used in the data analysis is the technique of multiple linear regression. Results of the study showed that only cash flow operations changes ,investment cash flow changes and gross margin changes that showed significantly influence against expected return stockKata kunci: expected return, size, arus kas operasi, arus kas investasi, laba kotor

Ahmed Abu Shaban

Organic farming has achieved significant growth in developing countries. However, it is still in some areas such as Gaza strip at embryonic stage. Introduction and promotion of organic farming would need more information about economic feasibility of shifting from the existing conventional farms to organic farming system. This is the main aim of this study. Data was collected from 100 randomly selected farmers in southern area of Gaza strip using standard questionnaire. Additional focus group discussions were conducted for further qualitative analyses. Data was also collected from the organic farm of Safe Agriculture Association where vegetables are organically produced and marketed. Gross margin and comparative analyses were used to describe cost structure of conventional and organic production and to assess economic potentialities to shift to organic farming. Results varied among vegetable crops as some crops showed very high economic potential to shift to organic farming while other crops did not. Major reasons for crops with good potential were higher yield under organic farming, premium market prices and lower production costs. Major reasons for lower economic potential to shift were the significant lower yield and higher production costs. The study recommends further technical research to explore organic production techniques that allows for higher yield and lower production cost. The study also recommends further market research to investigate consumers' preferences and willingness to pay for organic products.

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