Jean Rhys's feminism: Theory against practice

1988 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 326-336 ◽  
Laura Niesen De Abruña
2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Catalyst Journal

This is an introduction to the second issue of Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
Nur Seha

Tulisan ini membahas citra perempuan Banten dalam cerpen yang dimuat di harian Radar Banten dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Budaya Banten melatarbelakangi para cerpenis dalam melukiskan perempuan Banten. Para penulis dapat memotret sebagian kehidupan para perempuan tersebut melalui tokoh-tokoh rekaan yang diciptakan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji citra perempuan Banten melalui deskripsi para cerpenis dalam harian Radar Banten. Sumber data utama berasal dari empat belas cerpen yang dimuat tahun 2006—2010. Setelah analisis data melalui teori feminisme, diketahui bahwa citra perempuan Banten dalam cerpen tersebut adalah perempuan sebagai sosok pemimpin pemerintahan, penulis, perempuan berkekuatan magis, pemegang norma, pekerja keras, penyabar, penyayang, perempuan yang agamis, dan perempuan metropolis.Abstract:This paper discusses the image of Banten women in short stories published in Radar Banten. It  uses a qualitative descriptive method. Banten’s  cultural background depicts women in Banten. The writers of short story can capture some of the women’s real life through fiction’s characters. The purpose of this study is to examine the image of women through the description of the short story’s writers in Radar Banten. The main data sources were taken from fourteen short stories published in 2006—2010. Having analyzed the data using feminism theory, it is found out that the image of women in short stories of Radar Banten is the figure of woman as government leader, writer, woman with magical power, obedient norm woman, hardworking woman, patient and caring woman, religious woman, and  metropolitan woman.

2007 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Marzuki Marzuki

Gender is a characteristic used as the basis for identifying the differences between men and women in terms of social and cultural conditions, values and behavior, mentality, emotions, and other non biological factors. To understand and resolve the issue of gender, we can stucfy various theories of gender. Gender theories adopted many of the theories of sociology and prychology;e.g. the stntcturalfunctional theory, social-corflict theory, theory of libera!feminism, theory of Marxist­socialist feminism, theory of radical feminism, ecofeminism theory, and theory of psychoanalysis.

2001 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 438-444
Tamar Z. Semerjian ◽  
Jennifer J. Waldron

This paper explores how feminism can be used in sport psychology research and the particular dilemmas that can present themselves when a feminist perspective is used within the framework of sport psychology. Both authors describe their personal entrées into various schools of feminism, the ways they incorporate feminist theory into their work, and the struggles they have encountered in using feminist approaches in a field that is not always open to feminist epistemology. This paper includes a description of several types of feminist thought. Both authors use feminist theory in research that concerns women at either end of the life span, specifically girls and older women, and the ways that members of these groups think about and relate to their bodies. While feminism has been an important, useful, and enlightening perspective and tool for both authors, it has also proven problematic within the context of sport psychology research. The dilemmas encountered are described as epistemological and methodological and discussed in the context of personal experiences from both authors.

2021 ◽  
Daniela Glaser

This narrative qualitative research study explores the experiences of Latinx women working with sexual violence in the Latinx community. It explores the stories and showcases the testimonios of two women who have worked in the field of sexual violence within the Latinx community in Toronto, Ontario for many years. Both participants shared similar stories, as well as different experiences with their own individual lenses. The theoretical framework draws from a critical race feminism theory as well as Latinx feminism, creating a mestizaje of theory. A narrative approach was used to collect data, along with an arts-based portion to honour traditional methods of knowledge sharing and expression. Data analysis included a thematic analysis to further look into the themes that emerged from the findings. Implications for future social work research and practice under an anti-oppressive lens are discussed in the conclusion.

2021 ◽  
Daniela Glaser

This narrative qualitative research study explores the experiences of Latinx women working with sexual violence in the Latinx community. It explores the stories and showcases the testimonios of two women who have worked in the field of sexual violence within the Latinx community in Toronto, Ontario for many years. Both participants shared similar stories, as well as different experiences with their own individual lenses. The theoretical framework draws from a critical race feminism theory as well as Latinx feminism, creating a mestizaje of theory. A narrative approach was used to collect data, along with an arts-based portion to honour traditional methods of knowledge sharing and expression. Data analysis included a thematic analysis to further look into the themes that emerged from the findings. Implications for future social work research and practice under an anti-oppressive lens are discussed in the conclusion.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-54
Anisa Fajriana Oktasari

Peneliti tertarik meneliti masalah perempuan dalam novel karya Lan Fang, karena perempuan-perempuan yang ditampilkan dalam novel-novel karya Lan Fang memiliki bermacam kepribadian. Bermacam kepribadian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh budaya atau latar yang berbeda-beda, antara lain Cina, Dayak, dan Jawa. Ketiga latar yang berbeda tersebut merupakan ciri dari pengarang Lan Fang sendiri. Peneliti mengambil novel yang berjudul Perempuan Kembang Jepun untuk mengetahui sejauh mana Lan Fang memandang dan menilai sosok perempuan dari sudut pandang Lan Fang sendiri. Penelitian ini memiliki rumusan masalah yaitu: bagaimanakah citra perempuan dalam novel Perempuan Kembang Jepun karya Lan Fang. Teori yang mendukung dalam penelitian ini adalah teori feminisme. Teori ini untuk menganalisis masalah tokoh perempuan dan perwatakannya, peran dan sikap tokoh perempuan, dan citra perempuan dalam kelima novel Perempuan Kembang Jepun karya Lan Fang tersebut. Tokoh perempuan yang digambarkan dalam penelitian ini banyak menggambarkan sosok perempuan modern yaitu mandiri, berpendidikan, berwawasan luas, memiliki pandangan tentang hidupnya. Di balik itu semua ada beberapa tokoh dalam novel karya Lan Fang yang memperlihatkan sosok perempuan tradisioanal dan bagaimana perempuan ini menyelesaikan perjalanan hidupnya dengan cara pandangnya sendiri. Citra perempuan yang ditampilkan dalam novel Perempuan Kembang Jepun karya Lan Fang banyak yang menekankan pada kehidupan mandiri dengan tetap memegang peranannya sebagai partner laki-laki, ada beberapa perlawanan di dalamnya dan sedikit kebencian terhadap laki-laki. Namun, terlihat jelas citra perempuan yang ditampilkan Lan Fang tetap pada koridor perempuan di belakang laki-laki.Kata kunci: citra perempuan, novel Lan Fang, feminisme.The writer is interested in observing the woman’s problem in Lan Fang’s novel. The women which are displayed in the se novels have various characters. it happens because of the different background of their cultures and settings such as China, it self Dayak, and Java. These are the uniqueness of Lan Fang her self. The writer take Lan Fang’s novel with the title Perempuan Kembang Jepun in order  to find out Lan Fang judgement and point of view about woman. The writer has research question they are, how is the image in Lan Fang’s novels. The research is supported by feminism theory. The writer takes feminism theory from Tong and Ilyas, because it is the most appropriate to the Lan Fang’s novel. This theory is used to analyze the woman’s problem and her character, her attitude and her role as shows on Perempuan Kembang Jepun novel. The woman’s character which is described on this research take many description on the modern an ideal figure woman such as independence, educated, smart, has a view in her life. Beyond those explanation, there are some character on Lan Fang’s novels that show a traditional figure of woman and how woman get through, with own her point of view. Not only that, there figure are also a woman who hates men and vice versa, a woman who need men. The woman’s image which is showed on Perempuan Kembang Jepun described as beautiful woman, modern, and independence. Beside that there are some women which are despised them selves dignity. She overcomes suffering until she could reach her happiness. There is also a character who emphasized on independence life and keep holding on herrole as men’s partner, and vice versa. A character who against men, all of woman’s character from men needed until men hatred.Key Word: Women’s Image, Lan Fang’s novel, feminism

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 143
Allen Pranata Putra ◽  
Erwan Aristyanto

<p align="center"> </p><p><em>This article discusses the women's movement to sustain its existentialism in the COVID-19 pandemic by moving and taking high risks to become female online drivers. Based on research conducted by Simone De Beauvoir, who analyzed the film "The Second Sex" using existentialist feminism theory, women are often used as objects and men as subjects because of the man's masculinity and biological circumstances that are considered to support inter-subjective in men. The contribution of this research is the use of existentialist feminism as an anti-thesis of male masculinity by applying it to the empirical conditions of women. The study used feminist ethnographic methods that combine ethnographic interviews and participant observations. The focus of this study lies on the class struggle of women to maintain their existentialism despite having to take high job risks and the risk of contracting the COVID-19 virus due to high mobility. This research data analysis technique uses data reduction, data display, and data triangulation. The results showed that women worked as online drivers to become subjects for themselves and act as breadwinners and housewives in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. Women's struggles in the COVID-19 pandemic undermine the social stigma of society that often makes them objects.</em></p><p>Artikel ini membahas tentang gerakan kaum perempuan untuk mempertahankan eksistensialnya di masa pandemi COVID-19 dengan bergerak dan mengambil resiko tinggi untuk menjadi driver online perempuan. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Simone De Beauvoir yang menganalisis film <em>“The Second Sex”</em>menggunakan teori feminisme eksistensialis, perempuan seringkali dijadikan sebagai objek dan laki-laki sebagai subjek karena maskunilitas dari seorang laki-laki dan keadaan biologis yang dianggap mendukung adanya inter-sebujektif pada laki-laki. Kontribusi penelitian ini adalah penggunakan feminisme eksistensialis sebagai <em>anti-thesis</em> maskulinitas laki-laki dengan menerapkan pada kondisi empiris perempuan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode etnografi feminis yaitu menggabungkan <em>ethnographic interview </em>dan <em>participant observations. </em>Fokus penelitian ini terletak pada <em>class struggle</em><em> </em>kaum perempuan untuk mempertahankan eksistensialnya meskipun harus mengambil resiko pekerjaan yang tinggi dan resiko tertular virus COVID-19 akibat mobilitas yang tinggi. Teknik analisis data penelitian ini menggunakan reduksi data, <em>display </em>data, verifikasi data dan triangulasi data. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kaum perempuan bekerja sebagai <em>driver online</em><em> </em>untuk menjadi subjek bagi dirinya sendiri sekaligus berperan sebagai pencari nafkah dan ibu rumah tangga dalam kondisi pandemi COVID-19. Perjuangan perempuan dalam pandemi COVID-19 meruntuhkan stigma sosial masyarakat yang seringkali menjadikan mereka sebagai objek.</p>


Labelling perempuan dalam majalah remaja merupakan salah satu tindakan media yang merugikan perempuan. Dalam tulisan ini, penulis mengkaji label-label perempuan, bentuk labelling, analisis teori feminisme psikoanalisis terhadap labelling untuk perempuan dalam majalah remaja. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode semiotik dan penelitian dilakukan terhadap majalah Olga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa praktek pelabelan terhadap perempuan yang dilakukan oleh majalah remaja ditujukan untuk remaja perempuan dilakukan dengan empat kode yaitu tubuh seksi dan wajah cantik, pentingnya penampilan bagi perempuan, kondisi psikologis perempuan yang labil, dan peran domestik perempuan. Label-label ini dapat membentuk persepsi masyarakat tentang perempuan dan mengandung konsekuensi pengharapan kepada perempuan. Penelitian ini menguatkan lagi tesis bahwa perempuan sering menjadi objek pelabelan. Label-label ini berasal dari kehidupan sosial perempuan dan diinternalisasi oleh perempuan.Labelling in woman in teenagers magazine is one of the mass media strategy that can harm woman. Even though women normally do not recognize it. The purpose of this research is to describe the labelling practices in media analysed with the psychoanalysis feminism theory. The research method used is semiotics and the research is conducted on Olga! maganize. Result from the research shows that  the labelling targets teenagers through four labelling codes: sexy body and beautiful face; the importance physical performance for women; unconsistent psycological condition; and domestic role of women. This label constructs society perception on  woman. The study strengthen a thesis that woman tends to be a labelling object. These labels are developped from women’s social life and are internalized by women

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