scholarly journals Ecological evaluation of natural water bodies in the south part of Noginscky Region Moscow District

2020 ◽  
Vol 612 (1) ◽  
pp. 012045
D A Postnikov

Abstract Floristic composition of terrestrial and aquatic plants in the ecotopes of surface water bodies, Blue Lakes and Lake Biserovo, was studied to assess environmental health of aquatic ecosystems in the Moscow region. The research was carried out both in the field and in the laboratory. Blue Lakes were lacking aquatic vegetation and the dominant synusia of the following plant species was found along the coastal zone: meadow clover (Trifolium pratense L.), meadow bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.), sedge coastal (Carex riparia Curt.), chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.), plantain (Plantago major L.), Timothy meadow (Phleum pratense L.). The vegetation cover of Lake Biserovo was patchy: submerged vegetation was most widespread, Canadian Elodea (Elodea canadensis Michx.) was the dominant species. Pure thickets of vegetation were formed only by the common American water plantain(Alisma plantago-aquatica L.), lake cattail (Schoenoplectus lacustris L.), common reed (Phragmites communis Trin.) and sedge coastal (Carex riparia Curt). It should be noted that in all the studied water bodies, the pH of the water area can be classified as very clean: Blue Lakes (7.8), samples from Lake Biserov (8.32). Water samples from Lake Biserova had the highest turbidity (11.5), which was associated with the accumulation of particles of the silt fraction of the reservoir, which began the process of eutrophication, high anthropogenic load. According to the results of a comprehensive assessment (hydrological indicators, calculation of the Mayer index) of the studied samples from the reservoirs, it was concluded that the water area of the Blue Lake had the best environmental status in the Noginsk region.

Denes DEAK ◽  
Ioan ROTAR ◽  
Florin PACURAR ◽  

Seeded lawns is one of the most important links in the process of improving the forage base, ensure feed quality with high productivity. Mixtures of red clover crops (Trifolium pratense) with perennial grasses (Lolium multiflorum, Phleum pratense and Poa pratensis) has high productivity due to better utilization of ecological niches of the biotope (ROTAR al.). These crops has advantages like high content of protein because of the red clover, economy-based fertilizer nitrogen from atmospheric nitrogen fixation by bacteria Rhizobium spp. located in the root of legumes. These seeded pastures get a balanced feed nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids), have a high palatability. The species Trifolium pratense has a greater capacity to restore the soil structure and also the enrichment of the macro-elements, like phosphorus and potassium (CARLIER L., et. al). Our experience took place in the village Simonesti, Cobătesti village of the Harghita county. The experimental field was located respecting the experimental technique rules in randomized blocks with a technique that includes three variants based on red clover plus a perennial grass (Lolium multiflorum, Poa pratensis and Phleum pratense). Every version was fertilized with two types of fertilizer: one liquid (gull) and one solid (stable manure) in four different doses in all three variants. The doses were: V1 = 0 gull; V2 = 5 t / ha gull; V3 = 10 t / ha gull; V4 = 20 t / ha gulle and V1 = 0 stable manure; V2 = 10 t / ha stable manure; V3 = 30 t / ha stable manure and V4 = 50 t / ha stable manure. In our studies we present the influence of fertilization with gull and stable manure on yield of green mass of all three variants. In general, both gull fertilization with manure favors grasses at the expense of installing legumes. The higher doses of fertilizer increase, the share of participant of grasses increases.

1964 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. 135-160
Mikko Raatikainen ◽  
Terttu Raatikainen

Laihian pitäjässä on tutkittu 18 tilalta 49 avo-ojitettua kevätviljalohkoa. Kultakin lohkolta on tehty 2.—14.7.1961 välisenä aikana kevätviljasta neljä 0.25 m2:n suuruista näytealakuvausta eli yhteensä 196 näytealakuvausta. Näiden kevätviljalohkojen sisäisten sarkaojien pientareista on tehty sama määrä näytealakuvauksia. Näytealakuvauksia tehtäessä putkilokasvit on pyritty määrittämään lajilleen ja kunkin lajin peittävyys on arvioitu prosentteina. Pelloissa on todettu turvemaalla esiintyviksi 7, turvesavimaalla 2 ja savimaalla 21 lajia (taulukko 1). Pientareissa on todettu turvemaalla esiintyviksi 9, turvesavimaalla 6 ja savimaalla 19 lajia (taulukko 2). Esikasvi vaikuttaa kevätviljavaiheen kasvien yleisyyteen. Pelloissa on todettu kevätviljan jälkeen 7 lajin tai suvun olevan yleisemmän kuin nurmen jälkeen. Nurmen jälkeen on vastaavasti todettu 8 lajin olevan yleisemmän kuin kevätviljan jälkeen (taulukko 3). Kevätviljan jälkeen yleiset lajit ovat etupäässä yksivuotisia ja nurmen jälkeen yleiset monivuotisia. Pientareissa on todettu neljän lajin tai suvun olevan yleisemmän kevätviljan kuin nurmen jälkeen ja kuuden lajin yleisemmän nurmen kuin kevätviljan jälkeen (taulukko 4). Edellisistä lajeista kolme on yksivuotista ja yksi monivuotinen. Jälkimmäiset lajit ovat kaikki monivuotisia. Poa pratensis, Phleum pratense ja Trifolium pratense esiintyvät pientareissa etupäässä savimaalla, pelloissa turvemaalla. Pelloissa niitä viljellään etenkin turvemailla, tai niiden siemeniä joutuu sinne. Kyseessä olevat lajit eivät kuitenkaan kykene piennarkasvustoissa menestymään turvemaalla niin hyvin kuin savimaalla. Peltojen kasvillisuudesta on kuvattu kaksi kasvustoa, joista toinen esiintyy turve- ja toinen savimaalla. Samaan kasvustoon on luettu kaikki viljelykierrossa eri vuosina erotettavat osakasvustot, joita kutsutaan vuosiosakasvustoiksi. Kevätviljavaiheen vuosiosakasvustoja kuvataan taulukon 5 sarakkeissa 1 ja 3. Pientareiden kasvillisuudesta on myös kuvattu kaksi kasvustoa (taulukko 5, sarakkeet 9 ja 11), joista toinen esiintyy turve-, toinen savimaalla. Pelloissa on todettu 196 näytealalla yhteensä 78 ja pientareissa vastaavasti 112 lajia. Pientareiden lajeista on suhteellisesti suurempi osa kuin peltojen lajeista pienimmässä yleisyysluokassa. Lohkojen pelloissa ja pientareissa 1 m2:llä todetut lajimäärät ovat positiivisessa korrelaatiossa toisiinsa. 64 lajin on todettu esiintyvän sekä pelloissa että pientareissa. Näistä lajeista 52 on esiintynyt samalla lohkolla sekä pellossa että pientareissa. Näiden lajien yhtäläisyysverranteet ovat 0.3—50.0. Kevätviljapeltojen ja niiden sarkaojien pientareiden kasvustot ovat melko erilaisia. Suurimmat yhtäläisyydet ovat eräillä monivuotisilla piennarlajeilla.

1952 ◽  
Vol 30 (5) ◽  
pp. 537-548 ◽  
M. W. Cormack

Many overwintering cultivated and native plants proved susceptible to the low-temperature basidiomycete which causes winter crown rot or snow mold of forage legumes and grasses in Alberta. Tests were made by inoculation in the late fall, or by planting in infested land. In the legumes, high resistance was found only in Medicago falcata and a Siberian strain of Trifolium pratense. T. hybridum, Melilotus spp., and the commonly grown varieties of alfalfa were particularly susceptible. Bromus spp. and Agropyron spp. proved highly resistant. Resistance was moderate in Elymus spp., Poa pratensis, and Festuca elatior; and slight in F. rubra and Phleum pratense. Agrostis alba, winter wheat, and winter rye were highly susceptible. In tests on horticultural plants, rhubarb and chives appeared to be immune; raspberry, peony, and columbine were resistant; and strawberry, parsnip, iris, and tulip were highly susceptible. A wide range of native plants and weeds suffered severe damage, and only Thalictrum spp. proved highly resistant. Shrubs and trees were not attacked.Following severe damage, crop rotation proved to be essential for the control of winter crown rot. The pathogen did not persist in the soil to any extent for longer than two to three years in land which was summer-fallowed or planted to annual crops or resistant grasses. Brome and other resistant grasses proved helpful in maintaining forage stands. Fertilizer treatments did not reduce the damage. Uncut tops and debris favored spread of the disease in alfalfa stands.

1981 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-66 ◽  
K. J. Thomas

A comparative study of the floristic composition of aquatic vegetation growing in certain ponds in parts of Kerala, and those recorded as growing in the same ponds more than 20 years ago, reveals changes that are often extreme. Thus many of the once-dominant species have either dwindled or disappeared. In some ponds, most of the components of the original flora of only a quarter-of-a-century ago have been completely replaced by thick mats of Salvinia over the past two decades. Salvinia multiplies vegetatively very rapidly (cf. Mitchell et al., 1980), forming mats on which secondary colonists grow. This commonly leads to a gradual filling of the pond. Besides, Salvinia infestations also cause considerable loss of water from water-bodies through increased evapotranspiration. If these ecological processes are allowed to continue, many of our water-bodies seem sure to dry up in due course.A well-planned and systematic method of control, involving physical removal—either through manual labour or specially-designed machines—to be followed by biological control (for example by grazing vertebrates or invertebrates), would keep the explosive spread of the weed under check. The huge mass of harvested weed could be utilized for production of organic manure, cooking gas, or hard-boards, or could be dried as packing material. There should also be vigilance by a surveillance squad of experts in the scientific disciplines concerned, which would be effective in preventing further spread of the weed—much as is already being practised with good results for the hydroelectric reservoirs of Kerala.

2010 ◽  
Vol 59 (2) ◽  
pp. 255-268
István Harmati

Sekély humuszos szintű, erősen karbonátos réti talajon kialakult természetes (Achilleo-Festucetum pseudovinae) gyepen beállított tartamkísérletekben vizsgáltuk a műtrágyázás kérdéseit a gyep növényi összetételének megjavítása, termésének növelése és minősége javítása céljából. A kísérlet humuszban gazdag, nitrogénnel és káliummal igen jól ellátott, de foszforban szegény talaján az N- és P-műtrágya 2-2 adagját szólóban és kombinációikban alkalmaztuk. Az öntözetlen kísérletet 28, az öntözöttet 14 éven át folyamatosan, széleskörűen vizsgáltuk. Megállapításainkat a következőkben foglaljuk össze. – A gyep növényi összetételét a N- és a P-műtrágyák adagjaiktól és kombinációiktól függően megváltoztatták. A nitrogén a füvek, a foszfor a pillangósok versenyképességét fokozta és segítette elő növekedését. Az önmagában alkalmazott N-műtrágya a talaj nagyfokú P-szegénysége miatt nem gyakorolt pozitív hatást a gyepre. A P-műtrágya viszont kedvező változásokat okozott: a füvek fejlődésének elősegítése mellett nagymértékben növelte a pillangósok borítási értékét és tömegarányát, különösen az öntözött parcellákon. Öntözetlen viszonyok között a réti perje (Poa pratensis), a sovány csenkesz (Festuca pseudovina) és a komlós lucerna (Medicago lupulina) alkotta a gyep termésének túlnyomó részét, néhány egyéb fű- és pillangósvirágú komponens társaságában. Az öntözött kísérletben a pillangósok abszolút uralma mellett gyakran a réti perje jutott vezető szerephez. A pillangósok közül az eperhere (Trifolium fragiferum), a komlós lucerna (Medicago lupulina) és a vörös here (Trifolium pratense) váltakozva jutott uralomra. Az időjárás nagyban befolyásolta a gyep pillangós komponenseinek tömegarányát. Az NP kombinációkban a pillangósok tömegaránya erősen lecsökkent, különösen a nagyobb N-adag használata esetén. Öntözetlen területen a sovány csenkesz és a réti perje változó arányban alkotta a gyep termésének túlnyomó részét. Az öntözött parcellákon azonban a réti perje abszolút uralkodóvá vált és az egyre jobban előretörő tarackbúza (Agropyron repens) is jelentősen részt vett a termés kialakításában, elsősorban a nagyobb N-dózisú kombinációkban. A kísérlet 3. évtizedében a csapadékos években megjelent a francia perje (Arrhenatherum elatius) és a réti csenkesz (Festuca pratensis) is. – A gyep termését az önmagában alkalmazott N-műtrágya nem növelte jelentősen. Ezzel szemben a P-műtrágya nagy hatékonysággal 2–4-szeresére (3–5 t·ha–1-ra) növelte a gyep szénatermését, elsősorban a pillangósok nagyarányú térhódítása révén. 1 kg P2O5 öntözetlen körülmények között 43, míg öntözöttben 68 kg szénaterméstöbbletet eredményezett, sokévi átlagban. A 90 kg P2O5·ha–1 adag néhány év után soknak bizonyult. A legjobb eredményt a 200 kg N·ha–1 + 60 kg P2O5·ha–1 adaggal értük el, amellyel az öntözetlen területen – 28 év átlagában – 7,87, öntözötten – 14 év átlagában – 7,12 t·ha–1 szénatermést kaptunk. Az időjárás nagymértékben befolyásolta a termés mennyiségét és minőségét, legfőképpen a pillangósok tömegarányának változása révén, különösen az öntözetlen kísérletben. A három növedék tömegének aránya 7 évi átlagban, az öntözetlen kísérletben a szóló foszforkezeléseknél 48:37:15%, míg az NP kombinációknál 56:35:9% volt. Az öntözött területen ezek az arányok az előbbi sorrendben: 39:49:12, illetve 43:41:16%. A nitrogénből számított nyersfehérjehozam sokévi átlagban az öntözetlen kísérletben 428–550, míg az öntözöttben 560–760 kg·ha–1 volt. – A talaj felvehető tápanyagtartalma az évek során jelentősen megváltozott, különösen a talaj 0–10 cm-es rétegében. A P-trágyázás önmagában, de az NP kombinációiban is az adagoktól, illetve az ezek hatására kialakult termések mennyiségétől függő mértékben növelte a talaj P-tartalmát. A legjobbnak a 200 kg N·ha–1 + 60 kg P2O5·ha–1 kezelésű parcellákban bizonyult: a kísérlet 22. évében a talaj 0–10 cm-es rétegében a P-tartalom 260 mg P2O5·kg–1 lett, ami az erősen karbonátos talajok esetében igen jó P-ellátottságnak mondható. A K-ellátottság azonban az NP-kezeléseknél az optimális szint alá csökkent (172 mg K2O·kg–1) a termések nagyarányú K-kivonása következtében. Ezért néhány évi NP-trágyázás után K-pótlásra is szükség van.

2019 ◽  
pp. 91-94
T. M. Lysenko ◽  
V. Yu. Neshatayeva ◽  
Z. V. Dutova

The International conference “Flora and conservation in the Caucasus: history and current state of knowledge” dedicated to the 130-year anniversary of the Perkalsky Arboretum took place at 22–25 of May 2019 in Pyatigorsk (Stavropol Territory) on the base of the Pyatigorsk Museum of local lore and natural history. The participants were from 11 cities of Russia and 7 Republics of the Caucasus and represented 14 institutions. Proceedings of the conference were published by the beginning of the meeting the book of abstracts includes 49 papers on the study of vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens and fungi, plant communities, as well as the protection of rare and endangered species, unique plant communities, and ecological problems in the Caucasus. The following geobotanical topics were highlighted in 13 papers: forest communities (3 reports), meadow and steppe vegetation (2), xeric open forests (2), communities of ecotone areas (1), structure of populations of rare plant species (3), as well as the history and current status of nature protected areas (2). The great emphasis has been focused on the study of floristic composition and plant populations. Thus, the conference showed that very few studies от vegetation are currently carried out in the Caucasus, and a lot of districts are not affected by the research. The greatest attention is paid to forest vegetation while meadow, steppe, alpine heath and xerophytic communities are studied rather poorly. Besides, there are “white spots” — mire, floodplain and aquatic vegetation. In nowadays, when the anthropogenic impact on the plant cover of the Caucasus is intensively increasing, it is especially important to study natural undisturbed communities preserved in protected natural areas. Another important issue is the conservation of the unique vegetation cover of the whole Caucasus. Thus, the study of vegetation of this region opens a wide field for researchers using various methods of modern plant science.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2015 ◽  
pp. 1-13 ◽  
Xianghong Che ◽  
Min Feng ◽  
Hao Jiang ◽  
Jia Song ◽  
Bei Jia

Inland surface water is essential to terrestrial ecosystems and human civilization. Accurate mapping of surface water dynamic is vital for both scientific research and policy-driven applications. MODIS provides twice observation per day, making it perfect for monitoring temporal water dynamic. Although MODIS provides two bands at 250 m resolution, accurately deriving water area always depends on observations from the spectral bands with 500 m resolution, which limits its discrimination ability over small lakes and rivers. The paper presents an automated method for downscaling the 500 m MODIS surface reflectance (SR) to 250 m to improve the spatial discrimination of water body extraction. The method has been tested at Co Ngoin and Co Bangkog in Qinghai-Tibet plateau. The downscaled SR and the derived water bodies were compared to SR and water body mapped from Landsat-7 ETM+ images were acquired on the same date. Consistency metrics were calculated to measure their agreement and disagreement. The comparisons indicated that the downscaled MODIS SR showed significant improvement over the original 500 m observations when compared with Landsat-7 ETM+ SR, and both commission and omission errors were reduced in the derived 250 m water bodies.

LZ Baistruk-Hlodan ◽  
MM Кhomiak ◽  
HZ Zhapaleu

Aim. The purpose was to identify collection accessions – sources of valuable traits to use as starting material for creating varieties of perennial grasses in Western Ukraine. Results and Discussion. Perennial grasses play an essential role in improving the efficiency of forage production. They produce a fodder mass that contains major macro- and micronutrients, minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and other nutrients in available forms, with a high energy protein saturation. Practice shows that due to the introduction of varietal crops into production in combination with optimal technologies of their cultivation, which allows revealing the potential of each variety, it is possible to additionally obtain 20-30% higher yields of fodder mass annually and harvest 2 to 3-fold seed yields. In 2016-2020, a search was carried out and 570 new accessions of perennial grasses were recruited, of which 201 were legumes and 369 were graminaceous grasses. The collection contains 1,319 accessions, of which 232 are Trifolium pratense L., 115 are Trifolium repens L., 49 are Trifolium hybridum L., 107 are Lotus corniculatus L., 80 belong to other legume species (Medicago, Galega orientalis L. Galega orientalis L. and Trifolium species), 131 are Phleum pratense L., 187 are Dactylis glomerata L., 146 are Lolium perenne L., 53 are Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) J. et C.Presl., 67 are Festuca rubra L., 28 are Festuca trachyphylla L., 32 are Bromopsis inermis (Leyss.) Holub, 92 belong to other species of other types of graminaceous grasses (Festuca pratensis Huds., Festuca arundinacea Schreb., Agrostis alba L. etc.). Accessions that enter the Department are registered and sown for propagation in the field. After examination, valuable accessions are transferred to the National Depository and registered in the National Catalogue; the rest of the obtained seeds are used in working collections. Conclusions. The best collection accessions were identified by a set of economically valuable traits: sources of daily growth of shoots (30), winter hardiness (28), plant height (22), yield of green mass upon haymaking (28) and pasture (19) use, forage productivity (15), seed productivity (25), foliage (21), and disease resistance (23). They can be recommended as starting material to create varieties of perennial grasses with high yields of forage mass and seeds for various applications.

Małgorzata Romanów ◽  
Zbigniew Witek

AbstractPeriphyton communities were studied on several dominating macrophytes, Phragmites australis, Potamogeton lucens, and Nuphar lutea, in three different types of lakes. In soft-water mesotrophic Lake Mały Borek and in shallow, eutrophic Lake Gardno samples were collected about once every two months from April to November 2009. In eutrophic Szczecin Lagoon (the estuary of the Oder River), samples were only collected once in July. The aim of this paper was to determine the dry mass, the ash content, and the chlorophyll-a content of periphyton on a natural substratum, in order to determine the mass, the inorganicorganic status of periphyton, and the auto-heterotrophic character of this complex. The analyzed periphytic communities exhibited low dry mass at the beginning of the growth season, which increased with colonization period on the aquatic vegetation. The highest (but still low) values were achieved in autumn, which persisted, with small loss, until spring of the subsequent year. The differences in dry mass between each type of lake were small, but in the strongly eutrophic Szczecin Lagoon this index was slightly higher than in the other two water bodies. The highest dry mass was noted for periphyton dominated by Cordylophora caspia colonies overgrowing common reeds and for periphyton on Potamogeton lucens in Szczecin Lagoon. In shallow water bodies, such as Lake Gardno and Szczecin Lagoon, wind causes strong resuspension of sediments. This can explain the relatively high level of inorganic matter in dry mass of the periphyton in both water bodies. However, the small ash content in periphyton in Mały Borek may result from the soft-water character of this lake. The hetero-autotrophic status of the periphytic community prevailed throughout the study period in Gardno and Mały Borek lakes. The auto-heterotrophic status of periphyton was noted only in short periods of time in each lake.

2013 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 351-362 ◽  
Francisco Diogo Rocha Sousa ◽  
Lourdes Maria Abdu Elmoor-Loureiro

AIM: This study aimed provides a checklist of cladocerans and also an evaluation of richness and species composition in the Federal District, Brazil. METHODS: Checklist of cladocerans was obtained evaluating data from the literature, from taxonomic collection (Elmoor-Loureiro's collection) and from fauna surveys conducted over more than three decades in different types of aquatic environments. RESULTS: The 57 water bodies studied showed 56 species, of which 14 are new records. The number of species contained in the list displayed corresponds to 85% of what was expected for richness estimators. The highest number of species was observed in the lentic water bodies (52), which also presented the specific composition of fauna (R = 0.110; p = 0.016), possibly because there were samples taken among the aquatic vegetation. According to our understanding, some species may be subject to local extinctions because they inhabit water bodies located exclusively in urban areas, which can lead to a decline in richness. CONCLUSION: Thus, the results of this study can assist in monitoring aquatic environments and in selection of new areas for surveys of cladocerans in the Federal District.

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