Journalism Ethics

Patrick Lee Plaisance

News workers—writers, editors, videographers, bloggers, photographers, designers—regularly confront questions of potential harms and conflicting values in the course of their work, and the field of journalism ethics concerns itself with standards of behavior and the quality of justifications used to defend controversial journalistic decisions. While journalism ethics, as with the philosophy of ethics in general, is less concerned with pronouncements of the “rightness” or “wrongness” of certain acts, it relies on longstanding notions of the public-service mission of journalism. However, informing the public and serving a “watchdog” function regularly require journalists to negotiate questions of privacy, autonomy, community engagement, and the potentially damaging consequences of providing information that individuals and governments would rather withhold. As news organizations continue to search for successful business models to support journalistic work, ethics questions over conflicts of interest and content transparency (e.g., native advertising) have gained prominence. Media technology platforms that have served to democratize and decentralize the dissemination of news have underscored the debate about who, or what type of content, should be subjected to journalism ethics standards. Media ethics scholars, most of whom are from Western democracies, also are struggling to articulate the features of a “global” journalism ethics framework that emphasizes broad internationalist ideals yet accommodates cultural pluralism. This is particularly challenging given that the very idea of “press freedom” remains an alien one in many countries of the world, and the notion is explicitly included in the constitutions of only a few of the world’s democratic societies. The global trend toward recognizing and promoting press freedom is clear, but it is occurring at different rates in different countries. Other work in the field explores the factors on the individual, organizational, and societal levels that help or hinder journalists seeking to ensure that their work is defined by widely accepted virtues and ethical principles.

2000 ◽  
Vol 95 (1) ◽  
pp. 171-182 ◽  
Ian Richards

Although it has been hailed as the salvation of American journalism, public journalism poses many dilemmas. While the most immediate of these arise from its definitional imprecision, some of the most significant are in the area of journalism ethics. Some of the problems emerge from public journalism's disregard of traditional notions of journalistic objectivity, others from the inherent conflict between serving the public and serving the market. At the same time, the public journalism movement has yet to confront the fact that ethical debates in journalism have generally been constructed around the individual, thereby ignoring the reality that most ethical problems originate at the level of ownership and management. While it is too soon to determine just how well public journalism will adapt to Australian conditions, it is clear that it has a long way to go before it justifies the extravagant claims that have been made in its name.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-224
Antonio Di Marco

This research studies the management of conflicts of interest in sporting context, trough a comparative analysis of the current wave of reforms at national and international level. It suggests that the notion of conflict of interests in sport is wholly specific and it requires particular remedies, illustrating potential convergences with the public and private governance practices. Firstly, the paper identifies the endemic conflicts of interest due to the specific pyramid structure of sports movement, and the individual conflicts of interest that could occur in sporting organisations. Secondly, it detects the solution foreseen by the European authorities and the recent reforms concerning the sporting organizations adopted at national and international level. The study shows the elements that characterize conflicts of interest in sporting context, identifying convergences, limits, and the specific solutions suggested by the ethical and social function of sport.

Mahesh K. Joshi ◽  
J.R. Klein

Entrepreneurship has enabled the individual to challenge existing corporations with a new model more efficient than the traditional one. The entrepreneur’s model provides almost instant connection to local geography and international markets at the same time. With the support of capital, entrepreneurs are not only driving a creative destruction of existing business but also developing new business models, ideas to make new products, and developing new technologies. Places like Silicon Valley provide the ecosystem required for successfully breeding entrepreneurship with its education system with cutting-edge research, culture, acceptance of failure, and availability of finance. Entrepreneurial development has moved from the development hardware and software, to the creation of, and access to, technology platforms, and the development of new business models. Replication of new business models is now almost instantaneous.

2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-124 ◽  
Katrina A. Bramstedt ◽  
Ben Ierna ◽  
Victoria Woodcroft-Brown

Social media is a valuable tool in the practice of medicine, but it can also be an area of ‘treacherous waters’ for medical students. Those in their upper years of study are off-site and scattered broadly, undertaking clinical rotations; thus, in-house (university lecture) sessions are impractical. Nonetheless, during these clinical years students are generally high users of social media technology, putting them at risk of harm if they lack appropriate ethical awareness. We created a compulsory session in social media ethics (Doctoring and Social Media) offered in two online modes (narrated PowerPoint file or YouTube video) to fourth- and fifth-year undergraduate medical students. The novelty of our work was the use of SurveyMonkey® to deliver the file links, as well as to take attendance and deliver a post-session performance assessment. All 167 students completed the course and provided feedback. Overall, 73% Agreed or Strongly Agreed the course session would aid their professionalism skills and behaviours, and 95% supported delivery of the curriculum online. The most frequent areas of learning occurred in the following topics: email correspondence with patients, medical photography, and awareness of medical apps. SurveyMonkey® is a valuable and efficient tool for curriculum delivery, attendance taking, and assessment activities.

Public Voices ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 67 ◽  
Sharon Mastracci

In this paper, the author examines public service as depicted in the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer (BtVS). First, she shows how slaying meets the economist’s definition of a public good, using the BtVS episode “Flooded” (6.04). Second, she discusses public service motivation (PSM) to determine whether or not Buffy, a public servant, operates from a public service ethic. Relying on established measures and evidence from shooting scripts and episode transcripts, the author concludes Buffy is a public servant motivated by a public service ethic. In this way, BtVS informs scholarship on public service by broadening the concept of PSM beyond the public sector; prompting one to wonder whether it is located in a sector, an occupation, or in the individual. These conclusions allow the author to situate Buffy alongside other idealized public servants in American popular culture.

Andrew M. Yuengert

Although most economists are skeptical of or puzzled by the Catholic concept of the common good, a rejection of the economic approach as inimical to the common good would be hasty and counterproductive. Economic analysis can enrich the common good tradition in four ways. First, economics embodies a deep respect for economic agency and for the effects of policy and institutions on individual agents. Second, economics offers a rich literature on the nature of unplanned order and how it might be shaped by policy. Third, economics offers insight into the public and private provision of various kinds of goods (private, public, common pool resources). Fourth, recent work on the development and logic of institutions and norms emphasizes sustainability rooted in the good of the individual.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (Supplement_5) ◽  
S Houwaart

Abstract End-user (e.g. patients or the public) testing of information material is becoming more common in the German public health care system. However, including the end-user (in this case patients) in an optimisation process and thus enabling a close collaboration while developing PIMs is still rare. This is surprising, given the fact that patients provide the exact perspective one is trying to address. Within the isPO project, a patient organization is included as a legal project partner to act as the patient representative and provide the patient's perspective. As such, the patient organization was included in the PHR approach as part of the PIM-optimisation team. During the optimisation process, the patients gave practical insights into the procedures of diagnosing and treating different types of cancer as well as into the patient's changing priorities and challenges at different time points. This was crucial information for the envisioned application of the individual PIMs and their hierarchical overview. Moreover, the developed PIM-checklist enabled the patients to give detailed feedback to the PIMs. With their experience of being in the exact situation in which the PIMs will be applied, their recommendations, especially on the wording and layout of the materials, have been a valuable contribution to the PIM optimisation process. In this part of the seminar, we will take a closer look at the following skill building aspects: What is gained from including patients as end-users in the development and optimization of PIM?How can we reach patients to contribute to a PIM optimization process? Which requirements and prerequisites do patients have to provide to successfully work on an optimisation team?How to compromise and weigh opinions when different ideas occur? Altogether, this part will construct a structured path of productive patient involvement and help to overcome uncertainties regarding a collaboration with patient organizations.

2018 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 158-159 ◽  
Teresa Garrett

Advancing evidence-based policy change is a leadership challenge that nurses should embrace. Key tips to ensure that evidence-based policy changes are successful at the individual, community, and population levels are offered to help nurses through the change process. The public trust in the nursing profession is a leverage point that should be used to advance the use of evidence, expedite change, and improve health for students and across communities.

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