Secularism: A Very Short Introduction

Andrew Copson

Until the modern period, the integration of church and state had been taken for granted. But from the 18th century onwards, some European states began to set up their political order on a different basis. The rule of law through non-religious values embedded in constitutions became the foundation of some states—a movement we now call secularism. Secularism: A Very Short Introduction tells the story of secularism and considers the role of secularism when engaging with some of the most contentious political and legal issues of our time: ‘blasphemy’, ‘apostasy’, religious persecution, religious discrimination, religious schools, and freedom of belief and freedom of thought in a divided world.

2013 ◽  
Vol 82 (4) ◽  
pp. 848-876
Kathy Schneider

“The religious question” regarding the role of the Catholic Church in Spanish society shaped the often contentious relationship between the Church and state. This relationship entered a new chapter with the coming of the Second Republic and the passage of the 1931 constitution. Among the legislation aimed at implementing the articles of the constitution was the 1933 Law of Confessions and Congregations that outlawed schools run by religious orders. Despite this law, most religious schools remained open. Using three schools of the Sisters of the Company of Mary in the cities of Tudela, Valladolid, and Tarragona, this article shows how orders adapted under the new government. One of the Church's primary tactics was to establish front organizations directed by the laity that permitted the religious orders to circumvent the law in order to maintain their schools.

Al-Albab ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Samsul Hidayat et al. ◽  
Reviewed by: Suhardiman

Singkawang is one of the municipalities and part of the Sambas district, second largest after the city of Pontianak in West Kalimantan. Based on the historical records presented in this book, at the end of the 18th century, 40,000 Chinese people mostly of Hakka surnames from Fujian and Guangdong areas migrated to West Kalimantan. They worked as gold miners and paid taxes to the Kingdom of Sambas, until they set up their own kongsi (clan association) as a confederation, where every partnership or association had its own territory, leaders, regulations and legislation as well as law enforcement and regular army. Singkawang city at the time served as a settlement or a village for Chinese immigrants, and here people conducted trading activities, such as selling daily staples, farming and working in the mines. Trading activities in Singkawang were also closely associated with the gold mining business, so Singkawang served as a port for trade.

2018 ◽  
Giovanna Siedina

This monograph examines, for the first time, the reception of the poetic legacy of the Latin poet Horace (65 B.C.-8 B.C.) in the poetics courses written and taught at the Kyiv Mohyla Academy (17th -first half of the 18th century), in particular in the areas of poetic theory, metrics, lyric poetry. The analysis focuses on three main aspects: theoretical recommendations on the role of the poet and the purpose of poetry, as well as on inventio , dispositio , elocutio , drawn mostly from Ars poetica; the use of Horace’s poetry in the teaching of metrics and the exemplification of metrical schemes (particularly Alcaic and Sapphic stanzas and the dactilic hexameter); the ways in which Horace’s poetry is taken as a model in the composition of poetry, which was a mandatory exercise of the poetics course. The author analyzed the reception of Horace taking into account, on the one hand, the centuries-long Christian reception of the poet, and, on the other, the conception of poetry prevalent at the Mohyla Academy, which saw poetry as an ancillary discipline of moral philosophy, the purpose of which was to contribute to the education of devout Christians and loyal subjects. This approach was in line with the prevalent tendency in European religious schools, whether Protestant, Catholic or Orthodox, especially after the Reformation and the subsequent Counter-Reformation, to see poetry as a rhetorical instrument of Christian morality.

Paloma Biglino Campos

El Tribunal de Cuentas sigue siendo una institución poco analizada por el Derecho Constitucional español, a pesar de que desempeña una misión esencial para el buen funcionamiento de nuestro Estado Social y Democrático de Derecho. Este artículo analiza, en primer lugar, el papel que desempeña dicho órgano a la hora de garantizar el principio democrático y defiende un contacto más directo con los ciudadanos y una relación más fluida con el Parlamento. El papel del Tribunal de Cuentas con respecto al Estado de Derecho deriva de su actividad de fiscalización y, también, de enjuiciamiento. A pesar de las críticas que esta última ha recibido, resulta imprescindible para completar el ciclo del control. La institución es, también, necesaria para asegurar el Estado Social, sobre todo desde que la introducción del principio de equilibrio presupuestario ha hecho prestar mucha más atención a la eficiencia y economía del gasto público. El artículo trata, finalmente, de algunas reformas propuestas por el Tribunal de Cuentas Europeo y el Tribunal de Cuentas de Portugal tras la revisión por pares que esas instituciones hicieron del Tribunal de Cuentas en 2015. Para llevarlas a cabo sería conveniente reformar las Leyes que regulan al Tribunal de Cuentas y aconsejable una revisión del art. 136 de la Constitución.Although the Court of Auditors is an institution which is vital for our Democratic and Social State governed by the rule of Law, a better comprehension of the body from the Constitutional Law perspective is still required. Firstly, this paper analyses the role of the Court of Auditors as a guarantee of the democratic principle. On this issue, it will be advisable to set up a more direct contact with citizens and a more fluid relationship with Parliament. Secondly, this article studies the fundamental activity of the Court of Auditors as a guarantee of the rule of law principle, not only when the institution performs its audit function, but also its judicial function. In spite of the critiques which the last one has received, it is fundamental for completing the cycle of audit. Thirdly, the paper underlines the relevance of the Court of Auditors as a guarantee of the Social Estate, especially when the principle of budgetary balance imposes more efficiency and economy on public spending. Finally, the reforms proposed by the Tribunal de Contas Portuguese and the European Court of Auditors in their peer review of 2015 are analysed. Many of these suggestions can be implemented by changing the Laws which rule on the Spanish Court of Auditors. However, other proposal may make convenient a reform of Art. 136 of our Constitution.

Ian Goldin

What do we mean by development? How can citizens, governments, and the international community foster development? The process by which nations escape poverty and achieve economic and social progress has been the subject of extensive examination for hundreds of years. The notion of development itself has evolved from an original preoccupation with incomes and economic growth to a much broader understanding of development. Development: A Very Short Introduction considers the contributions that education, health, gender, equity, and other dimensions of human well-being make to development, and discusses why it is also necessary to include the role of institutions and the rule of law as well as sustainability and environmental concerns.

1991 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 333-362 ◽  

SUMMARY The recent extensive literature on exploration and the resulting scientific advances has failed to highlight the contribution of Austrian enterprise to the study of natural history. The leading role of Joseph II among the neutral powers which assumed the carrying trade of the belligerents during the American War of Independence, furthered the development of collections for the Schönbrunn Park and Gardens which had been set up on scientific principles by his parents. On the conclusion of peace, Joseph entrusted to Professor Maerter a world-encompassing mission in the course of which the Chief Gardener Franz Boos and his assistant Georg Scholl travelled to South Africa to collect plants and animals. Boos pursued the mission to Isle de France and Bourbon (Mauritius and Reunion), conveyed by the then unknown Nicolas Baudin. He worked at the Jardin du Roi, Pamplemousses, with Nicolas Cere, or at Palma with Joseph Francois Charpentier de Cossigny. The linkage of Austrian and French horticultural expertise created a situation fraught with opportunities which were to lead Baudin to the forefront of exploration and scientific research as the century closed in the upheaval of the Revolutionary Wars.

Jurnal Hukum ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 1737
Ira Alia Maerani

Abstract                Indonesian Criminal Justice System consists of the police, public prosecutor and the courts. The role of the police investigators is certainly vital as the frontline in building public confidence in the rule of law in Indonesia. The role of the investigator is quite important in realizing society’s  justice. The era of globalization requires a pattern fast-paced, instant, measurable, and transparent of life and it requires investigators to follow the times by optimizing the use of technology. The aim of this study is to give effect to the rule of law in Indonesia that provides fairness, expediency and certainty. However, it considers to have priority of Pancasila values in the process of inquiry and investigation. The values of supreme divinity, God (religious), humanity, unity, democracy and justice are values that establish a balance (harmony) in enforcing the law. Law and its implementation can create product which meets the demands for social justice. This paper will examine the role of the investigator according to positive law currently in force as well as the role of investigator in implementing the values of Pancasila, accompanied by optimizing the use of technology. Keywords: Re-actualizing, Investigation, Police, values of Pancasila, Technology   AbstrakSistem Peradilan Pidana Indonesia meliputi institusi kepolisian, kejaksaan, dan pengadilan. Peran penyidik dalam institusi kepolisian tentunya amat vital sebagai garda terdepan dalam membangun kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap penegakan hukum di Indonesia. Peran penyidik amat besar dalam terwujudnya keadilan di masyarakat. Era globalisasi yang menuntut pola kehidupan yang serba cepat, instan, terukur, dan transparan menuntut penyidik untuk mengikuti perkembangan zaman dengan mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan teknologi. Tujuannya adalah untuk memberikan arti bagi penegakan hukum di Indonesia yakni memberikan keadilan, kemanfaatan, dan kepastian. Namun yang harus diperhatikan adalah mengutamakan nilai-nilai Pancasila dalam melakukan proses penyelidikan dan penyidikan. Nilai-nilai ketuhanan yang maha esa (religius), kemanusiaan, persatuan, kerakyatan dan keadilan merupakan nilai-nilai yang membangun keseimbangan (harmoni) dalam menegakkan hukum. Sehingga produk hukum dan pelaksanaannya memenuhi rasa keadilan masyarakat. Tulisan ini akan mengkaji tentang peran penyidik menurut hukum positif yang saat ini berlaku serta peran penyidik dalam mengimplementasikan  nilai-nilai Pancasila dengan diiringi optimalisasi pemanfaatan teknologi.Kata Kunci: Reaktualisasi,Penyidikan,Kepolisian,Nilai-nilai Pancasila,Teknologi

Letonica ◽  
2020 ◽  
Māra Grudule

The article gives insight into a specific component of the work of Baltic enlightener Gotthard Friedrich Stender (1714–1796) that has heretofore been almost unexplored — the transfer of German musical traditions to the Latvian cultural space. Even though there are no sources that claim that Stender was a composer himself, and none of his books contain musical notation, the texts that had been translated by Stender and published in the collections “Jaunas ziņģes” (New popular songs, 1774) and “Ziņģu lustes” (The Joy of singing, 1785, 1789) were meant for singing and, possibly, also for solo-singing with the accompaniment of some musical instrument. This is suggested, first, by how the form of the translation corresponds to the original’s form; second, by the directions, oftentimes attached to the text, that indicate the melody; and third, by the genres of the German originals cantata and song. Stender translated several compositions into Latvian including the text of the religious cantata “Der Tod Jesu” (The Death of Jesus, 1755) by composer Karl Heinrich Graun (1754–1759); songs by various composers that were widely known in German society; as well as a collection of songs by the composer Johann Gottlieb Naumann (1741–1801) that, in its original form, was published together with notation and was intended for solo-singing (female vocals) with the accompaniment of a piano. This article reveals the context of German musical life in the second half of the 18th century and explains the role of music as an instrument of education in Baltic-German and Latvian societies.

2019 ◽  
pp. 134-197
V.E. . Sergei

The article is dedicated to the history of the Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineering and Signal Corps. The author examines the main stages of the museums formation, starting with the foundation of the Arsenal, established in St. Petersburg at the orders of Peter the Great on August 29th 1703 for the safekeeping and preservation of memory, for eternal glory of unique arms and military trophies. In 1756, on the base of the Arsenals collection, the General Inspector of Artillery Count P.I. created the Memorial Hall, set up at the Arsenal, on St. Petersburgs Liteyny Avenue. By the end of the 18th century the collection included over 6,000 exhibits. In 1868 the Memorial Hall was transferred to the New Arsenal, at the Crownwork of the Petropavlovsky Fortress, and renamed the Artillery Museum (since 1903 the Artillery Historical Museum). A large part of the credit for the development and popularization of the collection must be given to the historian N.E. Brandenburg, the man rightly considered the founder of Russias military museums, who was the chief curator from 1872 to 1903. During the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars a significant part of the museums holdings were evacuated to Yaroslavl and Novosibirsk. Thanks to the undying devotion of the museums staff, it not only survived, but increased its collection. In the 1960s over 100,000 exhibits were transferred from the holdings of the Central Historical Museum of Military Engineering and the Military Signal Corps Museum. In 1991 the collection also received the entire Museum of General Field Marshal M.I. Kutuzov, transferred from the Polish town of Bolesawjec. The Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineering and Signal Coprs is now one of the largest museums of military history in the world. It holds an invaluable collection of artillery and ammunition, of firearms and cold steel arms, military engineering and signal technology, military banners, uniforms, a rich collection of paintings and graphic works, orders and medals, as well as extensive archives, all dedicated to the history of Russian artillery and the feats of our nations defenders.Статья посвящена истории создания ВоенноИсторического музея артиллерии, инженерных войск и войск связи. Автор рассматривает основные этапы становления музея, начиная с основания Арсенала, созданного в СанктПетербурге по приказу Петра I 29 августа 1703 года для хранения и сохранения памяти, во имя вечной славы уникального оружия и военных трофеев. В 1756 году на базе коллекции Арсенала генеральный инспектор артиллерии граф П. И. создал мемориальный зал, установленный при Арсенале, на Литейном проспекте СанктПетербурга. К концу 18 века коллекция насчитывала более 6000 экспонатов. В 1868 году Мемориальный зал был перенесен в Новый Арсенал, на венец Петропавловской крепости, и переименован в Артиллерийский музей (с 1903 года Артиллерийский Исторический музей). Большая заслуга в развитии и популяризации коллекции принадлежит историку Н.Е. Бранденбургу, человеку, по праву считавшемуся основателем российских военных музеев, который был главным хранителем с 1872 по 1903 год. В годы Гражданской и Великой Отечественной войн значительная часть фондов музея была эвакуирована в Ярославль и Новосибирск. Благодаря неусыпной преданности сотрудников музея, он не только сохранился, но и пополнил свою коллекцию. В 1960х годах более 100 000 экспонатов были переданы из фондов Центрального исторического военноинженерного музея и Музея войск связи. В 1991 году коллекцию также получил весь музей генералфельдмаршала М. И. Кутузова, переданный из польского города Болеславец. Военноисторический музей артиллерии, инженерных войск и войск связи в настоящее время является одним из крупнейших музеев военной истории в мире. Здесь хранится бесценная коллекция артиллерии и боеприпасов, огнестрельного и холодного оружия, военной техники и сигнальной техники, военных знамен, обмундирования, богатая коллекция живописных и графических работ, орденов и медалей, а также обширные архивы, посвященные истории русской артиллерии и подвигам защитников нашего народа.

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