scholarly journals Assumptions behind size-based ecosystem models are realistic

2016 ◽  
Vol 73 (6) ◽  
pp. 1651-1655 ◽  
Ken H. Andersen ◽  
Julia L. Blanchard ◽  
Elizabeth A. Fulton ◽  
Henrik Gislason ◽  
Nis Sand Jacobsen ◽  

AbstractA recent publication about balanced harvesting (Froese et al., ICES Journal of Marine Science; 73: 1640–1650) contains several erroneous statements about size-spectrum models. We refute the statements by showing that the assumptions pertaining to size-spectrum models discussed by Froese et al. are realistic and consistent. We further show that the assumption about density-dependence being described by a stock recruitment relationship is responsible for determining whether a peak in the cohort biomass of a population occurs late or early in life. Finally, we argue that there is indeed a constructive role for a wide suite of ecosystem models to evaluate fishing strategies in an ecosystem context.

2016 ◽  
Vol 73 (6) ◽  
pp. 1656-1658 ◽  
Rainer Froese ◽  
Carl Walters ◽  
Daniel Pauly ◽  
Henning Winker ◽  
Olaf L. F. Weyl ◽  

Abstract In a recent publication (Froese et al., ICES Journal of Marine Science; 73: 1640–1650), we presented a critique of the balanced harvesting (BH) approach to fishing. A short section dealt with the size-spectrum models used to justify BH, wherein we pointed out the lack of realism of these models, which mostly represented ecosystems as consisting of a single cannibalistic species. Andersen et al. (ICES Journal of Marine Science; 73: 1651–1655) commented on our paper and suggested that we criticized size-spectrum models in general and that we supposedly made several erroneous statements. We stress that we only referred to the size-spectrum models that we cited, and we respond to each supposedly erroneous statement. We still believe that the size-spectrum models used to justify BH were highly unrealistic and not suitable for evaluating real-world fishing strategies. We agree with Andersen et al. that BH is unlikely to be a useful guiding principle for ecosystem-based fisheries management, for many reasons. The use of unrealistic models is one of them.

2013 ◽  
Vol 70 (6) ◽  
pp. 1075-1080 ◽  
Christopher M. Legault ◽  
Elizabeth N. Brooks

Abstract Legault, C. M., and Brooks, E. N. 2013. Can stock–recruitment points determine which spawning potential ratio is the best proxy for maximum sustainable yield reference points? – ICES Journal of Marine Science, 70: 1075–1080. The approach of examining scatter plots of stock–recruitment (S–R) estimates to determine appropriate spawning potential ratio (SPR)-based proxies for FMSY was investigated through simulation. As originally proposed, the approach assumed that points above a replacement line indicate year classes that produced a surplus of spawners, while points below that line failed to achieve replacement. In practice, this has been implemented by determining Fmed, the fishing mortality rate that produces a replacement line with 50% of the points above and 50% below the line. A new variation on this approach suggests FMSY proxies can be determined by examining the distribution of S–R points that are above or below replacement lines associated with specific SPRs. Through both analytical calculations and stochastic results, we demonstrate that this approach is fundamentally flawed and that in some cases the inference is diametrically opposed to the method's intended purpose. We reject this approach as a tool for determining FMSY proxies. We recommend that the current proxy of F40% be maintained as appropriate for a typical groundfish life history.

2021 ◽  
Vidette McGregor

<p>The Chatham Rise is a highly productive deep-sea ecosystem that supports numerous substantial commercial fisheries, and is therefore a likely candidate for an ecosystem based approach to fisheries management in New Zealand. This thesis describes model construction, calibration and validation, for the first end-to-end ecosystem model of the Chatham Rise, New Zealand. The work extends beyond what has previously been done for validating such models, and explores uncertainty analyses through bootstrapping the oceanographic variables, perturbing the model's initial conditions, and analysing species interaction effects, with the results further analysed with respect to known data gaps. This enables the inclusion of uncertainty in simulated scenarios using the Chatham Rise Atlantis model, thus providing an envelope of results with which to analyse and understand the likely responses of the Chatham Rise ecosystem. The model was designed with 24 dynamic polygons, 5 water column depth bins, 55 species functional groups, and used 12-hour timesteps. The transfer of energy was tracked throughout the system using nitrogen as the model's main currency. The model simulated the system from 1900–2015, preceded by a 35 year burn-in period. The model produced very similar biomass trajectories in response to historical fishing to corresponding fisheries stock assessment models for key fisheries species. Population dynamics and system interactions were considered realistic with respect to growth rates, mortality rates, diets and species group interactions. The model was found to be generally stable under perturbations to the initial conditions, with lower trophic level species groups having the most variability. The specification of the Spawning Stock Recruitment curve was explored, as it relates to the multi-species and ecosystem models within which it is now applied. Close attention needs to be given to population dynamics specific to multi-species interactions such as predation-release, in particular the Spawning Stock Recruitment curve. Potentially misleading dynamics under predation-release were identified, and the simple solution of applying a cap to recruitment when biomass exceeds virgin levels was explored. The population dynamics of myctophids under fishing induced predation release were analysed with and without limiting recruitment to virgin levels. The effects were evident in several ecosystem indicators, suggesting unintentional mis-specification could lead to erroneous model results. It raises several questions around the specification of the Spawning Stock Recruitment relationship for multispecies models, and more generally, whether the concept of ‘virgin’ (or ‘unfished’) biomass should be reconsidered to reflect dynamic natural mortality and potentially changing unfished states. The model components that had knowledge gaps and were found to most likely to influence model results were the initial conditions, oceanographic variables, and the aggregate species groups ‘seabird’ and ‘cetacean other’. It is recommended that applications of the model, such as forecasting biomasses under various fishing regimes, should include alternatives that vary these components, and present appropriate levels of uncertainty in results. Initial conditions should be perturbed, with greater variability applied to species groups modelled as biomass-pools, and age-structured species groups that have little data available from the literature.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vidette McGregor

<p>The Chatham Rise is a highly productive deep-sea ecosystem that supports numerous substantial commercial fisheries, and is therefore a likely candidate for an ecosystem based approach to fisheries management in New Zealand. This thesis describes model construction, calibration and validation, for the first end-to-end ecosystem model of the Chatham Rise, New Zealand. The work extends beyond what has previously been done for validating such models, and explores uncertainty analyses through bootstrapping the oceanographic variables, perturbing the model's initial conditions, and analysing species interaction effects, with the results further analysed with respect to known data gaps. This enables the inclusion of uncertainty in simulated scenarios using the Chatham Rise Atlantis model, thus providing an envelope of results with which to analyse and understand the likely responses of the Chatham Rise ecosystem. The model was designed with 24 dynamic polygons, 5 water column depth bins, 55 species functional groups, and used 12-hour timesteps. The transfer of energy was tracked throughout the system using nitrogen as the model's main currency. The model simulated the system from 1900–2015, preceded by a 35 year burn-in period. The model produced very similar biomass trajectories in response to historical fishing to corresponding fisheries stock assessment models for key fisheries species. Population dynamics and system interactions were considered realistic with respect to growth rates, mortality rates, diets and species group interactions. The model was found to be generally stable under perturbations to the initial conditions, with lower trophic level species groups having the most variability. The specification of the Spawning Stock Recruitment curve was explored, as it relates to the multi-species and ecosystem models within which it is now applied. Close attention needs to be given to population dynamics specific to multi-species interactions such as predation-release, in particular the Spawning Stock Recruitment curve. Potentially misleading dynamics under predation-release were identified, and the simple solution of applying a cap to recruitment when biomass exceeds virgin levels was explored. The population dynamics of myctophids under fishing induced predation release were analysed with and without limiting recruitment to virgin levels. The effects were evident in several ecosystem indicators, suggesting unintentional mis-specification could lead to erroneous model results. It raises several questions around the specification of the Spawning Stock Recruitment relationship for multispecies models, and more generally, whether the concept of ‘virgin’ (or ‘unfished’) biomass should be reconsidered to reflect dynamic natural mortality and potentially changing unfished states. The model components that had knowledge gaps and were found to most likely to influence model results were the initial conditions, oceanographic variables, and the aggregate species groups ‘seabird’ and ‘cetacean other’. It is recommended that applications of the model, such as forecasting biomasses under various fishing regimes, should include alternatives that vary these components, and present appropriate levels of uncertainty in results. Initial conditions should be perturbed, with greater variability applied to species groups modelled as biomass-pools, and age-structured species groups that have little data available from the literature.</p>

Ken H. Andersen

This chapter focuses on a generalization of a classic consumer-resource model with a single population embedded in a community. It develops this physiologically structured consumer-resource model by extending the static model in Chapter 4. The chapter then studies how density dependence emerges in the model, and how it changes the population size spectrum. Finally, the chapter explores how some of the standard fisheries impact assessments from Chapter 5 are changed when density dependence is in the form of competition or cannibalism. Specifically, it shows how the appearance of late-life density dependence rocks one of the cornerstones of contemporary fisheries management: that we should fish only the largest fish. In some cases, it turns out that yield is instead maximized by fishing juveniles.

2002 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 190-203
Alan W. Wells ◽  
Thomas L. Englert

Environmental consultants are in a unique position to address the practical aspects of a working definition of “adverse environmental impact” (AEI) within Section 316(b) of the Clean Water Act. In our work with the electric utility industry, attorneys, and regulatory agencies, we have encountered numerous and sometimes conflicting interpretations as to what constitutes AEI. In our over 30 years of experience, we have applied most of the approaches suggested for addressing this issue, including biostatistical methods, trend analysis, time series methods, conditional mortality rate models, stock-recruitment models, equivalent adult models, and ecosystem models. In our experience, the paradigm most helpful in bringing about agreement among stakeholders is to (1) create a model of operating scenarios, (2) use empirical data from on-site studies to parameterize the model, (3) convert losses by life stage to equivalent adult losses, (4) convert equivalent adult losses to economic value, and (5) compare scenarios on an economic basis.

2000 ◽  
Vol 57 (2) ◽  
pp. 459-467 ◽  
Eric P Bjorkstedt

This study provides theoretical stock-recruitment relationships for life cycles in which multiple, density-dependent mechanisms stemming from different periods during the life cycle act concurrently on a single demographic transition. Using graphical examples and analytical derivations, it is demonstrated that overcompensatory density dependence emerges from such life cycles despite the initial assumption that density-dependent mechanisms follow simple compensatory Beverton-Holt dynamics. These results indicate that concurrent demographic effects of temporally distinct density-dependent mechanisms provide a biologically plausible basis for empirically derived, three-parameter stock-recruitment models. This theory is inspired by, and may be most applicable to, spawner-recruit relationships in anadromous salmonids but may also inform analysis of stock and recruitment data for other taxa that putatively compete for both food and spawning space. Application of this theory will require the estimation of additional parameters from stock-recruitment data. Such parameters, however, have clear biological meaning and, at least theoretically, are accessible to empirical measurement. Stock-recruitment relationships analogous to those presented here may therefore facilitate the construction of models that incorporate independent empirical data and environmental covariates for populations that are currently better described by phenomenological equations and represent an important step towards models that incorporate spatial structure in populations.

2016 ◽  
Vol 73 (4) ◽  
pp. 575-588 ◽  
Ken H. Andersen ◽  
Nis S. Jacobsen ◽  
K.D. Farnsworth

Size spectrum models have emerged from 40 years of basic research on how body size determines individual physiology and structures marine communities. They are based on commonly accepted assumptions and have a low parameter set, making them easy to deploy for strategic ecosystem-oriented impact assessment of fisheries. We describe the fundamental concepts in size-based models about food encounter and the bioenergetics budget of individuals. Within the general framework, three model types have emerged that differ in their degree of complexity: the food-web, the trait-based, and the community models. We demonstrate the differences between the models through examples of their response to fishing and their dynamic behavior. We review implementations of size spectrum models and describe important variations concerning the functional response, whether growth is food-dependent or fixed, and the density dependence imposed on the system. Finally, we discuss challenges and promising directions.

2018 ◽  
Vol 75 (4) ◽  
pp. 1296-1305 ◽  
Rob van Gemert ◽  
Ken H Andersen

Abstract Currently applied fisheries models and stock assessments rely on the assumption that density-dependent regulation only affects processes early in life, as described by stock–recruitment relationships. However, many fish stocks also experience density-dependent processes late in life, such as density-dependent adult growth. Theoretical studies have found that, for stocks which experience strong late-in-life density dependence, maximum sustainable yield (MSY) is obtained with a small fishery size-at-entry that also targets juveniles. This goes against common fisheries advice, which dictates that primarily adults should be fished. This study aims to examine whether the strength of density-dependent growth in actual fish stocks is sufficiently strong to reduce optimal fishery size-at-entry to below size-at-maturity. A size-structured model is fitted to three stocks that have shown indications of late-in-life density-dependent growth: North Sea plaice (Pleuronectes platessa), Northeast Atlantic (NEA) mackerel (Scomber scombrus), and Baltic sprat (Sprattus sprattus balticus). For all stocks, the model predicts exploitation at MSY with a large size-at-entry into the fishery, indicating that late-in-life density dependence in fish stocks is generally not strong enough to warrant the targeting of juveniles. This result lends credibility to the practise of predominantly targeting adults in spite of the presence of late-in-life density-dependent growth.

2014 ◽  
Vol 71 (2) ◽  
pp. 293-295 ◽  
Roger Cropp ◽  
John Norbury

Abstract Cropp, R., and Norbury, J. 2014. Comment on “The paradox of the ‘paradox of the plankton’” by Record et al. – ICES Journal of Marine Science, 71: 293–295. The biodiversity of plankton ecosystems is no longer a paradox. The mathematical mechanisms that determine the coexistence of competitors in a general class of models, which includes almost all theoretical and applied mass conserving ecosystem models in present use, are clear. Knowledge of these mechanisms simplifies the identification and construction of models with the structural property that all species coexist for all time, irrespective of environmental forcings, spatial interactions, and further model complexities. Here, we discuss the “paradox of the ‘paradox of the plankton’” proposed by Record et al. (ICES Journal of Marine Science, 71: 236–240) and explain the mechanisms that underpin the solution.

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