species interactions
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2022 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
Delaney M. Costante ◽  
Aaron M. Haines ◽  
Matthias Leu

Our planet is home to an incredible array of species; however, relatively few studies have compared how anthropogenic threats impact taxonomic groups over time. Our objective was to identify temporal trends in threats facing the four most speciose phyla protected by the United States Endangered Species Act: angiosperms, arthropods, chordates, and mollusks. We determined presence or absence of threats for each species in these phyla by reviewing Final Rule listing decisions. For each phylum, we evaluated whether there was a linear, quadratic, or pseudo-threshold association between year of listing and the presence of 24 anthropogenic threats. We identified temporal trends for 80% of the 96 threat-phylum combinations. We classified threats as topmost (probability of being included in a species' listing decision peaking at ≥ 0.81) and escalating (probability of being included in a listing decision increasing by ≥ 0.81 between a species' first and most recent years of listing). Angiosperms, arthropods, and mollusks each had more topmost and escalating threats than chordates. Percentages of topmost threats were 42.9% (N = 21) for mollusks, 36.4% (N = 22) for angiosperms, and 33.3% (N = 21) for arthropods. Percentages of escalating threats were 22.7% (N = 22) for angiosperms and 14.3% (N = 21) for arthropods and mollusks. In contrast, percentages of topmost and escalating threats were only 4.2% (N = 24) for chordates, this one threat being climate change. Our research suggests potential conservation successes; some overutilization and pollution threats showed only gradually increasing or declining trends for certain phyla. We identified authorized take impacting angiosperms as the sole threat-phylum combination for which the threat had been consistently decreasing since the phylum's first year of listing. Conversely, species interactions, environmental stochasticity, and demographic stochasticity threats have seen drastic increases across all phyla; we suggest conservation efforts focus on these areas of increasing concern. We also recommend that resources be allocated to phyla with numerous topmost and escalating threats, not just to chordates.

Forests ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 117
Lukas Magee ◽  
Karun Pandit ◽  
Stephen Luke Flory ◽  
Raelene M. Crandall ◽  
Eben N. Broadbent ◽  

Determining mechanisms of plant establishment in ecological communities can be particularly difficult in disturbance-dominated ecosystems. Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) and its associated plant community exemplify systems that evolved with disturbances, where frequent, widespread fires alter the population dynamics of longleaf pine within distinct life stages. We identified the primary biotic and environmental conditions that influence the survival of longleaf pine in this disturbance-dominated ecosystem. We combined data from recruitment surveys, tree censuses, dense lidar point clouds, and a forest-wide prescribed fire to examine the response of longleaf pine individuals to fire and biotic neighborhoods. We found that fire temperatures increased with increasing longleaf pine neighborhood basal area and decreased with higher oak densities. There was considerable variation in longleaf pine survival across life stages, with lowest survival probabilities occurring during the bolt stage and not in the earlier, more fire-resistant grass stage. Survival of grass-stage, bolt-stage, and sapling longleaf pines was negatively associated with basal area of neighboring longleaf pine and positively related to neighboring heterospecific tree density, primarily oaks (Quercus spp.). Our findings highlight the vulnerability of longleaf pine across life stages, which suggests optimal fire management strategies for controlling longleaf pine density, and—more broadly—emphasize the importance of fire in mediating species interactions.

2022 ◽  
Vol 289 (1966) ◽  
Joshua P. Twining ◽  
Chris Sutherland ◽  
Neil Reid ◽  
David G. Tosh

Ongoing recovery of native predators has the potential to alter species interactions, with community and ecosystem wide implications. We estimated the co-occurrence of three species of conservation and management interest from a multi-species citizen science camera trap survey. We demonstrate fundamental differences in novel and coevolved predator–prey interactions that are mediated by habitat. Specifically, we demonstrate that anthropogenic habitat modification had no influence on the expansion of the recovering native pine marten in Ireland, nor does it affect the predator's suppressive influence on an invasive prey species, the grey squirrel. By contrast, the direction of the interaction between the pine marten and a native prey species, the red squirrel, is dependent on habitat. Pine martens had a positive influence on red squirrel occurrence at a landscape scale, especially in native broadleaf woodlands. However, in areas dominated by non-native conifer plantations, the pine marten reduced red squirrel occurrence. These findings suggest that following the recovery of a native predator, the benefits of competitive release are spatially structured and habitat-specific. The potential for past and future landscape modification to alter established interactions between predators and prey has global implications in the context of the ongoing recovery of predator populations in human-modified landscapes.

2022 ◽  
Timothée Poisot

1. The prediction of species interactions is gaining momentum as a way to circumvent limitations in data volume. Yet, ecological networks are challenging to predict because they are typically small and sparse. Dealing with extreme class imbalance is a challenge for most binary classifiers, and there are currently no guidelines as to how predictive models can be trained for this specific problem.2. Using simple mathematical arguments and numerical experiments in which a variety of classifiers (for supervised learning) are trained on simulated networks, we develop a series of guidelines related to the choice of measures to use for model selection, and the degree of unbiasing to apply to the training dataset.3. Neither classifier accuracy nor the ROC-AUC are informative measures for the performance of interaction prediction. PR-AUC is a fairer assessment of performance. In some cases, even standard measures can lead to selecting a more biased classifier because the effect of connectance is strong. The amount of correction to apply to the training dataset depends on network connectance, on the measure to be optimized, and only weakly on the classifier.4. These results reveal that training machines to predict networks is a challenging task, and that in virtually all cases, the composition of the training set needs to be experimented on before performing the actual training. We discuss these consequences in the context of the low volume of data.

2022 ◽  
Elena Jean Forchielli ◽  
Daniel Jonathan Sher ◽  
Daniel Segre

Microbial communities, through their metabolism, drive carbon cycling in marine environments. These complex communities are composed of many different microorganisms including heterotrophic bacteria, each with its own nutritional needs and metabolic capabilities. Yet, models of ecosystem processes typically treat heterotrophic bacteria as a "black box", which does not resolve metabolic heterogeneity nor address ecologically important processes such as the successive modification of different types of organic matter. Here we directly address the heterogeneity of metabolism by characterizing the carbon source utilization preferences of 63 heterotrophic bacteria representative of several major marine clades. By systematically growing these bacteria on 10 media containing specific subsets of carbon sources found in marine biomass, we obtained a phenotypic fingerprint that we used to explore the relationship between metabolic preferences and phylogenetic or genomic features. At the class level, these bacteria display broadly conserved patterns of preference for different carbon sources. Despite these broad taxonomic trends, growth profiles correlate poorly with phylogenetic distance or genome-wide gene content. However, metabolic preferences are strongly predicted by a handful of key enzymes that preferentially belong to a few enriched metabolic pathways, such as those involved in glyoxylate metabolism and biofilm formation. We find that enriched pathways point to enzymes directly involved in the metabolism of the corresponding carbon source and suggest potential associations between metabolic preferences and other ecologically-relevant traits. The availability of systematic phenotypes across multiple synthetic media constitutes a valuable resource for future quantitative modeling efforts and systematic studies of inter-species interactions.

2022 ◽  
Mingjie Luo ◽  
Yinqiu Ji ◽  
Douglas W. Yu

The accurate extraction of species-abundance information from DNA-based data (metabarcoding, metagenomics) could contribute usefully to diet reconstruction and quantitative food webs, the inference of species interactions, the modelling of population dynamics and species distributions, the biomonitoring of environmental state and change, and the inference of false positives and negatives. However, capture bias, capture noise, species pipeline biases, and pipeline noise all combine to inject error into DNA-based datasets. We focus on methods for correcting the latter two error sources, as the first two are addressed extensively in the ecological literature. To extract abundance information, it is useful to distinguish two concepts. (1) Across-species quantification describes relative species abundances within one sample. (2) In contrast, within-species quantification describes how the abundance of each individual species varies from sample to sample, as in a time series, an environmental gradient, or different experimental treatments. Firstly, we review methods to remove species pipeline biases and pipeline noise. Secondly, we demonstrate experimentally (with a detailed protocol) how to use a 'DNA spike-in' to remove pipeline noise and recover within-species abundance information. We also introduce a statistical estimator that can partially remove pipeline noise from datasets that lack a physical DNA spike-in.

Carina Valente ◽  
Ana R. Cruz ◽  
Adriano O. Henriques ◽  
Raquel Sá-Leão

Streptococcus pneumoniae is a human pathogen responsible for high morbidity and mortality worldwide. Disease is incidental and is preceded by asymptomatic nasopharyngeal colonization in the form of biofilms. Simultaneous colonization by multiple pneumococcal strains is frequent but remains poorly characterized. Previous studies, using mostly laboratory strains, showed that pneumococcal strains can reciprocally affect each other’s colonization ability. Here, we aimed at developing a strategy to investigate pneumococcal intra-species interactions occurring in biofilms. A 72h abiotic biofilm model mimicking long-term colonization was applied to study eight pneumococcal strains encompassing 6 capsular types and 7 multilocus sequence types. Strains were labeled with GFP or RFP, generating two fluorescent variants for each. Intra-species interactions were evaluated in dual-strain biofilms (1:1 ratio) using flow cytometry. Confocal microscopy was used to image representative biofilms. Twenty-eight dual-strain combinations were tested. Interactions of commensalism, competition, amensalism and neutralism were identified. The outcome of an interaction was independent of the capsular and sequence type of the strains involved. Confocal imaging of biofilms confirmed the positive, negative and neutral effects that pneumococci can exert on each other. In conclusion, we developed an experimental approach that successfully discriminates pneumococcal strains growing in mixed biofilms, which enables the identification of intra-species interactions. Several types of interactions occur among pneumococci. These observations are a starting point to study the mechanisms underlying those interactions.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Aihua Luo ◽  
Fang Wang ◽  
Degang Sun ◽  
Xueyu Liu ◽  
Bingchang Xin

Biofilms, which are essential vectors of bacterial survival, protect microbes from antibiotics and host immune attack and are one of the leading causes that maintain drug-resistant chronic infections. In nature, compared with monomicrobial biofilms, polymicrobial biofilms composed of multispecies bacteria predominate, which means that it is significant to explore the interactions between microorganisms from different kingdoms, species, and strains. Cross-microbial interactions exist during biofilm development, either synergistically or antagonistically. Although research into cross-species biofilms remains at an early stage, in this review, the important mechanisms that are involved in biofilm formation are delineated. Then, recent studies that investigated cross-species cooperation or synergy, competition or antagonism in biofilms, and various components that mediate those interactions will be elaborated. To determine approaches that minimize the harmful effects of biofilms, it is important to understand the interactions between microbial species. The knowledge gained from these investigations has the potential to guide studies into microbial sociality in natural settings and to help in the design of new medicines and therapies to treat bacterial infections.

2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 2506-2537
Nazanin Zaker ◽  
Christina A. Cobbold ◽  
Frithjof Lutscher ◽  

<abstract><p>Diffusion-driven instability and Turing pattern formation are a well-known mechanism by which the local interaction of species, combined with random spatial movement, can generate stable patterns of population densities in the absence of spatial heterogeneity of the underlying medium. Some examples of such patterns exist in ecological interactions between predator and prey, but the conditions required for these patterns are not easily satisfied in ecological systems. At the same time, most ecological systems exist in heterogeneous landscapes, and landscape heterogeneity can affect species interactions and individual movement behavior. In this work, we explore whether and how landscape heterogeneity might facilitate Turing pattern formation in predator–prey interactions. We formulate reaction-diffusion equations for two interacting species on an infinite patchy landscape, consisting of two types of periodically alternating patches. Population dynamics and movement behavior differ between patch types, and individuals may have a preference for one of the two habitat types. We apply homogenization theory to derive an appropriately averaged model, to which we apply stability analysis for Turing patterns. We then study three scenarios in detail and find mechanisms by which diffusion-driven instabilities may arise even if the local interaction and movement rates do not indicate it.</p></abstract>

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