Assessing Music Listening

Keith Thompson

Music listening is defined as a multifaceted process through which individuals become actively involved in making sense of the sounds, feelings, and associations that are part of the listening experience. This sense-making involves complex mental processes resulting in unique musical experiences created by individual listeners. Listening is a way of doing music. While each listening encounter is highly personalized and covert, various components can be shared through verbal, visual, gestural transductions and these provide a basis for assessing music listening. It is suggested that the emphasis in assessment of music listening be on the degree to which the listener successfully engages in the process of sense-making, rather than being limited to the sounds the listener hears. Examples of assessment strategies are provided.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (7) ◽  
pp. 119
Mark Reybrouck ◽  
Piotr Podlipniak ◽  
David Welch

Coping is a survival mechanism of living organisms. It is not merely reactive, but also involves making sense of the environment by rendering sensory information into percepts that have meaning in the context of an organism’s cognitions. Music listening, on the other hand, is a complex task that embraces sensory, physiological, behavioral, and cognitive levels of processing. Being both a dispositional process that relies on our evolutionary toolkit for coping with the world and a more elaborated skill for sense-making, it goes beyond primitive action–reaction couplings by the introduction of higher-order intermediary variables between sensory input and effector reactions. Consideration of music-listening from the perspective of coping treats music as a sound environment and listening as a process that involves exploration of this environment as well as interactions with the sounds. Several issues are considered in this regard such as the conception of music as a possible stressor, the role of adaptive listening, the relation between coping and reward, the importance of self-regulation strategies in the selection of music, and the instrumental meaning of music in the sense that it can be used to modify the internal and external environment of the listener.

2021 ◽  
pp. 026839622110466
Karen Osmundsen ◽  
Bendik Bygstad

Continuous development extends the agile approach and focuses on bringing valuable services to users with the aim of achieving a continuous flow of learning and development in short cycles. The objective of this work is to theorize the idea of continuous development in the context of digital infrastructure evolution and explore the organizational interactions underlying continuous development. By drawing on literature on digital infrastructure theory and continuous development as it has emerged as an idea from the DevOps thinking expanded from agile, we outline main characteristics of continuous development and propose a theoretical definition of continuous development in organizational contexts. Then, in answering our research question “which patterns of interactions can be identified in the continuous development of digital infrastructures?”, we conducted a longitudinal case study at a Norwegian grid company and explored how a specific digital infrastructure evolved through continuous development. We identified generic interaction patterns with two cycles of sense-giving and sense-making between organizational actors, enabling the continuous development of the digital infrastructure. Our findings and model of interaction patterns offer a nuanced perspective on both digital infrastructure evolution and established views of sense-making and sense-giving mechanisms, as well as new ways to think about digitalization in incumbent firms.

2017 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 111-126 ◽  
Tiina Soini ◽  
Janne Pietarinen ◽  
Kirsi Pyhältö

Curriculum reform that has an effect on the everyday practices in schools always entails translation of new ideas into new educational practices. This takes place primarily through shared sense making. However, our understanding of the different ways in which shared sense making is carried out is still scarce. In Finland, the district level plays an important intermediary role in orchestrating curriculum development work at the municipalities and in translating and mediating reform into school-level development work. The study explores different shared sense-making strategies employed by 12 district-level curriculum reform steering groups around Finland, including participants from 54 municipalities. Three hands-on strategies of shared sense making including comparison, standardisation and transformation were identified. The results indicated that different hands-on strategies have different functions in the process of making sense of the reform objectives. To a certain extent, the strategies can be viewed as hierarchical. Overall, results suggest that district-level actors aim to foster shared sense making; however, a more intentional use of strategies is needed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 53 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Renata Fischer da Silveira Kroeff ◽  
Póti Quartiero Gavillon ◽  
Cleci Maraschin

Neste artigo, discutimos a definição de não-sentido e sua relação com a produção de sentido na teoria enativa da cognição. Tomamos como ponto de partida a publicação “Enactive Cognition at the Edge of Sense-Making: Making Sense of Non-Sense”, organizada por Massimiliano Cappuccio e Tom Froese, por ser uma obra pioneira em relação ao tema. A importância da produção de sentido para a relação entre percepção e ação é abordada a partir de diferentes aspectos. Discutimos as proposições centrais das teorias da autopoiese e da enação, a partir das quais são produzidas três formas de compreender o não-sentido segundo uma perspectiva enativa. Nessas três abordagens, os autores contemporâneos sugerem que o não-sentido se constitui como elemento intermediário ou mediador em processos de produção de sentido. Por fim, discutimos a relação entre não-sentido e sentido, sugerindo uma articulação entre os domínios sensório-motor e linguístico a partir de uma definição não antagônica de saber-sobre e saber-fazer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Eko Nur Hermansyah ◽  
Danny Manongga ◽  
Ade Iriani

<p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Intansi Kearsipan memiliki berbagai pengetahuan yang digunakan untuk pengelolaan arsip yang dimilikinya, <em>knowledge management</em> digunakan untuk mengumpulkan, mengelola, dan menyebarluaskan pengetahuan yang dimiliki, sehingga pengetahuan yang dimiliki oleh instansi kearsipan dapat digunakan untuk kemajuan intansi dan tidak hilang. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Kota Salatiga. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara petugas kearsipan untuk mengumpulkan data tentang pengetahuan yang dimiliki dan cara penyimpanan serta penyebarluasan yang diterapkan di intansi kearsipan. Analisis data dilakukan dengan mengelompokkan pengetahuan yang dimiliki oleh intansi kearsipan sesuai dengan model <em>Choo-Sense Making</em>, untuk kemudian diterapkan di <em>Confluence</em> sesuai dengan hasil dari pengolahan data dengan model <em>Choo-Sense Making</em>. Hasil dari penelitian ini untuk model <em>Choo-Sense Making</em> pengetahuan di intansi kearsipan dibagi atas 3 tahap yaitu <em>Sense Making</em> yang berisi tentang pengetahuan yang berasal dari luar intansi dibuatkan wadah sebagai media diskusi, <em>chatting,</em> <em>Knowledge Creating</em> berisi tentang pengetahuan-pengetahuan yang dimiliki intansi kearsipan yang telah di dokumentasikan diubah dalam betuk <em>softfile</em> kemudian diunggah kedalam <em>space</em> untuk memudahkan penyimpanan serta penyebarluasan pengetahuan yang dimiliki, dan <em>Decision Making</em> yang berisi tentang jadwal-jadwal intansi dan evaluasi yang dilakukan intansi kearsipan. Hasil dari model <em>Choo-Sense Making</em> dimasukan ke <em>Confluence</em>, memperoleh hasil <em>space</em> yang dapat memudahkan menyimpan pengetahuan yang dimiliki berupa file aplikasi, <em>softfile</em>, serta memudahkan dalam pencarian kembali dan penyerluasan pengetahuan yang dimiliki. Penerapan <em>Choo-Sense Making</em> selain untuk mempermudah penyimpanan dan penyerbaluasan serta komunikasi, dapat mengurangi resiko kehilangan pengetahuan yang dimiliki oleh intansi kearsipan.<strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Kata kunci<em>: </em></strong><em>Knowledge Management, Model Choo-Sense Making, Confluence</em>, Perpustakaan dan Arsip</p><p align="center"><em>Abstract</em></p><p><em>Archival Agency has several knowledge that are used to manage the owned archive, knowledge management is used to collect, manage and disseminate the owned knowledge so that the knowledge that the archival agency has can be used for the agency progress and it will not missing. The research is conducted in Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Kota Salatiga. Data collecting is conducted by interviewing the archival officer to gather data related to its knowledge, the storage system and dissemination applied in this archival agency. Data analysis is conducted by categorizing the agency knowledge according to Choo-Sense Making model and then it is applied in Confluence in accordance with the result of the data analysis from the Choo-Sense Making model. The result of this research, for Choo-Sense Making model, the knowledge in the archival agency is divided into 3 steps; Sense Making, Knowledge Creating and Decision Making. Sense Making contains knowledge coming from the outside of the agency that has forum as discussion media, chatting. Knowledge Creating contains knowledge that owned by the archival agency that has been documented and changed in the form of softfile then uploaded into space to ease the storage and the knowledge dissemination. Decision Making is about agency schedules and evaluation toward the activity in this archival agency. The result of Choo-Sense Making Model is input into Confluence, get space result that ease to save the knowledge in the form of application file, softfile, and ease to search and disseminate the owned knowledge. The application of Choo-Sense Making eases the storage system, dissemination, and communication. It also reduces the risk of losing knowledge owned by the archival agency.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><strong>Keywords</strong>: <em>Knowledge Management, Model Choo-Sense Making, Confluence, Library and Archive</em></p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 215-225 ◽  
Nicholas D. Hughes ◽  
Louise Locock ◽  
Sue Simkin ◽  
Anne Stewart ◽  
Anne E. Ferrey ◽  

Self-harm is common in young people, and can have profound effects on parents and other family members. We conducted narrative interviews with 41 parents and other family members of 38 young people, aged up to 25, who had self-harmed. Most of the participants were parents but included one sibling and one spouse. This article reports experiences of the parent participants. A cross-case thematic analysis showed that most participants were bewildered by self-harm. The disruption to their worldview brought about by self-harm prompted many to undergo a process of “sense-making”—by ruminative introspection, looking for information, and building a new way of seeing—to understand and come to terms with self-harm. Most participants appeared to have been successful in making sense of self-harm, though not without considerable effort and emotional struggle. Our findings provide grounds for a deeper socio-cultural understanding of the impact of self-harm on parents.

Terry Pinkard

Rather than understanding history as a process guided by an entity (Geist) that is aiming at the goal of coming to a full self-consciousness, this chapter argues that Hegel’s philosophy should be understood against the background of his Aristotelian- and Kantian-inspired metaphysics. Using his Logic as the background, the author argues that his philosophy of history is an examination of the metaphysical contours of subjectivity and how the self-interpreting, self-developing collective human enterprise has moved from one such shape to another in terms of deeper logic of sense-making, and how this has meant that subjectivity itself has reshaped itself over the course of history. The role of the “infinite end” of justice thereby is shown to play an essential role in making sense of history.

ZDM ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 51 (3) ◽  
pp. 555-564 ◽  
Anna Sfard

2015 ◽  
Vol 29 (6) ◽  
pp. 445-457 ◽  
Tony Blackwood ◽  
Anna Round ◽  
Lee Pugalis ◽  
Lucy Hatt

Entrepreneurial learning is complex, reflecting the distinctive dispositions of entrepreneurs (including nascent entrepreneurs at an early stage in their entrepreneurial life course). The surge in entrepreneurship education programmes over recent decades and the attendant increase in scholarship have often contributed to this convoluted field. Consequently, universally applicable articulations of entrepreneurship education can be problematic, especially demarcating between more formal and less formal learning experiences that are not necessarily confined to traditional educational institutions. The authors explore the ways in which nascent entrepreneurs experience and articulate their own ‘learning’ and development during the first year of a specific three-year experientially-based programme. Drawing attention to their deployment of sense-making narratives, the paper presents key findings that have implications for theory and practice.

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