Woolf and Education

Anna Snaith

This chapter braids together discussion of ‘education’ in Virginia Woolf’s life and works. It examines her own education (and self-proclaimed autodidacticism), her teaching experience, and the representation of school and higher education in her fiction and non-fiction. Drawing on archival material discovered in 2009 relating to Woolf’s extensive studies at King’s College London’s Ladies’ Department and new research on her teaching at Morley College, it assesses the transformation in our understanding of Woolf’s experience of formal education. Moving then to texts such as Jacob’s Room, The Years, A Room of One’s Own, and Three Guineas, the chapter argues that Woolf’s oeuvre offers a complex and multi-layered engagement with the inequalities and limitations of the education system particularly in relation to gender and class. Woolf’s alternative pedagogy also critiques the term ‘education’ itself, with literature at the heart of a rethinking of where and how education occurs.

Susan Sellers

This chapter traces Virginia Woolf’s development as a writer of non-fiction, focusing on her prolific output as an essayist. It sees close links between her ongoing experimentation with the novel form and the evolving form of her essays, and argues that her alterations in style were an integral aspect of her attempt to articulate a response to her largely Victorian inheritance, to the seismic shifts taking place in society and understanding in the early decades of the twentieth century, and to the politics and culture of the 1930s dominated by the rise of fascism. While the chapter ranges across all of Woolf’s essays, there is particular discussion of her 1920 A Room of One’s Own and her 1938 Three Guineas.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-25
John P. Burns

Abstract Based on archival material and interviews, the paper argues that the autonomy of Hong Kong's institutions of higher education has varied since 1911, with the colonial state initially exercising tight control and relaxing it especially as the transfer of sovereignty over Hong Kong approached. China has sought to reassert control especially since 2014 in what continues to be contested space.

Зоя Гаркавенко

У статті презентовані результати емпіричного вивчення проблеми адаптації професійної освіти до онлайн-режиму в ситуації вимушеного карантину. Мета дослідження полягала в створенні моделі компетенцій викладача / тренера для забезпечення освітньої діяльності онлайн. Обставини гостро актуалізували нагальну потребу забезпечення безперервності освітньої діяльності в нових умовах, показали реальний стан психологічної готовності фахівців освітянської галузі до діяльності в умовах невизначеності. Ключовими ознаками цього стану можна вважати певну фахову та психологічну дезорієнтацію, яка поставила під загрозу якість і сталість результатів освітньої діяльності. Фахівці формальної й неформальної освіти були змушені швидко адаптуватися до нових умов, в основі яких – цифрова трансформація. Фокус уваги нашого дослідження зосереджено на фахівцях, які працюють у сфері післядипломної освіти. Важливим аспектом досліджуваного питання є певна плутанина щодо сутності онлайн-навчання. Це стосується різнотлумачення у середовищі фахівців поняття «дистанційне навчання», зокрема розрізнення синхронного (в режимі реального часу) і асинхронного (у відкладеному часі) режимів освітнього процесу. Принципові відмінності у підходах до методів та психологічних технологій їх застосування вимагають особливої підготовки відповідних фахівців. Результати презентованого дослідження розкривають ряд психологічних труднощів, з якими зіткнулись фахівці післядипломної освіти в ситуації необхідності переведення діяльності в онлайн-режим. В першу чергу, це навчальна діяльність із питань підвищення кваліфікації, проведення навчальних курсів для дорослої аудиторії. Важливим завданням для викладачів / тренерів постало збереження сутнісних ознак і результатів такого навчання: інформація, інструментарій і досвід, які наявні в офлайн-режимі навчання. Основним результатом дослідження можна вважати визначення ключових напрямів психологічної підготовки фахівців до роботи в онлайн: психологічна готовність до управління груповою динамікою та обмеженими комунікаційними інструментами, цифрова компетентність – володіння специфічними цифровими навичками (платформи, програми, окремі інструменти роботи в онлайн), методична компетентність – здатність добирати та поєднувати прийоми й техніки роботи з інформацією, адаптовані до онлайн-середовища. Література Василенко, О.В. (2014). Розвиток системи неформальної освіти дорослих в умовах соціально-економічної кризи. Актуальні проблеми професійної орієнтації та професійного навчання в умовах соціально-економічної нестабільності, 2(2), 138– Ващенко, Л.І. (2019). Підготовка фахівців для роботи з дорослими у сфері неформальної освіти. Імідж сучасного педагога, 4(187), 24– Корбут, О.Г. (2017). Дистанційне навчання: моделі, технології, перспективи. Режим доступу: http://confesp. fl. kpi. ua/ru/node/1123. Плинокос, Д.Д., & Коваленко, М.О. (2016). Неформальна освіта: теоретичні аспекти і наукові підходи. Наукові праці Кіровоградського національного технічного університету. Економічні науки, 29, 53–60. Сисоєва, С.О., & Осадча, К.П. (2019). Стан, технології та перспективи дистанційного навчання у вищій освіті України. Інформаційні технології і засоби навчання: електронне наукове фахове видання, 70(2), 271– Harasim, L. (2000). Shift happens: Online education as a new paradigm in learning. The Internet and higher education, 3(1-2), 41– Iordache, C., Mariën, I., & Baelden, D. (2017). Developing digital skills and competences: A quick-scan analysis of 13 digital literacy models. Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 9(1), 6– Kebritchi, M., Lipschuetz, A., & Santiague, L. (2017). Issues and challenges for teaching successful online courses in higher education: A literature review. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 46(1), 4– Latchem, C. (2014). Informal learning and non-formal education for development. Journal of Learning for Development, 1(1). Sun, A., & Chen, X. (2016). Online education and its effective practice: A research review. Journal of Information Technology Education, 15, 157– Lischewski, J., Seeber, S., Wuttke, E., & Rosemann, T. (2020). What influences participation in non-formal and informal modes of Continuous Vocational Education and Training? An analysis of individual and institutional influencing factors. Frontiers in psychology, 11, 2821. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.534485 Rodríguez, M.U., Cantabrana, J.L.L., & Cervera, M.G. (2020). Validation of a tool for self-evaluating teacher digital competence. Educación XX1, 24(1), 353–373. doi: 10.5944/educXX1.27080 Perez-Lopez, E., Atochero, A.V., & Rivero, S.C. (2020). Distance Education in COVID-19: An Analysis from the perspective of university students. Ried-revista iberoamericana de educacion a distancia, 24(1), 331–350. doi: 10.5944/ried.24.1.27855

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 281
Warul Walidin

Technologies of vocational training play an important role in the concept of informal education and they can be implemented as in higher education, and organizational learning. In the modern understanding of education the two sides are emphasized - the communion of each person to the society and the development of individual personality features. If formal education is moving towards these goals systematically and purposefully at certain training sessions, the place and time of informal education is in no way limited. Informal education can be characterized not only by independent, human progress in cultural development, but also directed and projected improvement of professional and personal skills of employees of organizations. The purpose of this papers to examine informal education not only as an independent, but also as a guide and the projected improvement of the professional and personal skills of employees of organizations. The leading approaches to the study of this problem are social-pedagogical and managerial approaches to substantiate the essence of the process and the role of leaders of organizations trained in the management of such education.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-120
Edward John Noon

This is a revised article First published: Noon, J. E. (2017). An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of the Barriers to the Use of Humour in the Teaching of Childhood Studies, Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 5(3), pp. 45-52. doi: https://doi.org/10.14297/jpaap.v5i3.255 The above article was first published online on May 10, 2017. The methodology section has been corrected to accurately reflect the sampling technique employed in this study. The revised version is published in this issue. In the original publication, it was noted that the sample was determined by certain criteria, including gender, years of teaching experience, and previous professional career.  However, having reflected back on the process, this was not the case. Whilst it was ensured that participants had at least six years of teaching experience in higher education, the fact that the sample was dominated by female academics from a wide range of backgrounds was inevitable given the ‘make-up’ of the population under investigation, and was not something that was specifically planned for. Abstract Whilst pedagogical humour is a common teaching strategy employed by educators across compulsory education systems, a review of the extant literature expounds that it is a tool largely neglected by instructors throughout higher education. As such, this study sought to discern the perspectives of educators concerning the barriers to the use of humour in the teaching of Childhood Studies. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with five educators on the BA (Hons) Childhood Studies programme at a Yorkshire-based post-1992 university. Verbatim transcripts of the interviews were analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). Respondents believed that an academic’s personality held a significant bearing upon their pedagogy, and therefore their use of classroom jocularity. Educators claimed that whilst pedagogical humour did have its benefits, it was also capable of causing offence, distracting from course content, and making students feel uncomfortable. Consequently, educators generated situated understandings of when and where they were permitted to employ pedagogical humour, and what form said humour should take; they were cautious not to overuse humour, and were also less likely to draw upon it when teaching emotive or distressing content, and when teaching groups of students they were less familiar with. Educators also noted that they were less likely to draw upon pedagogical humour in the lecture theatre, despite university-wide pressure for instructors to produce more interactive lectures.

2021 ◽  
Rebekah Galbraith

<p>The defining features of the female Künstlerroman in Virginia Woolf’s writing suggest a revision of the narrative form to accommodate, navigate, and interrogate the artist’s gender and origins of her creativity. This thesis plots the birth of the female artist and the conditions of her artistic development within Woolf’s writing by first examining the construction of Rachel Vinrace, the rudimentary artist of the equally embryonic text, Melymbrosia (1912-1982). Rachel’s failure to privately self-identify as an artist is contrasted with her reluctance to accept her future potential as a wife and mother, suggesting that “woman” and “artist” are two mutually exclusive identities. For this reason, Woolf’s use of the female Künstlerroman examines the complexities of the female artist’s ability and, indeed, inability to acknowledge and inhabit her creative identity.  But how, exactly, the narrative form develops in Woolf’s writing relies upon a reading of the relationship between the figure of the artist and the novel she occupies: Rachel Vinrace in Melymbrosia; Lily Briscoe and Mrs. Ramsay in To the Lighthouse (1927); Orlando in Orlando: A Biography (1928); Miss La Trobe and Isa Oliver in Between the Acts (1941). Each of these works present a modification of the female Künstlerroman, and, in doing so, a markedly different artist-as-heroine. Moreover, in Woolf’s later writing, the narrative development of the female artist incorporates aspects of historical non-fiction, the biographical and autobiographical, and epistolary and essayistic fictions. An analysis of the intertextual relationship between A Room of One’s Own (1929) and Orlando: A Biography, and Three Guineas (1938) and Between the Acts, is therefore critical to the argument of this thesis.  The following is an exploration of how a variety of female artist-figures are constructed within Woolf’s writing: a musician, a painter, a social artist, a poet, and a pageant-writer-director. Through Woolf’s diverse expositions on the creative process, her heroines embody the personal difficulties women encounter as they attempt to realise their artistic potential. In this way, the female Künstlerroman is used by Woolf to examine, often simultaneously, the aesthetics of failure, as well as the conditions of success. But that a multitude of creative mediums appear in Woolf’s writing suggests there are universal obstacles when the artist in question is a woman, an implication in the narrative of the female Künstlerroman that the gender of a protagonist is the primary source of complication. Therefore, the degree to which each heroine achieves a sense of creative fulfilment is dependent on her ability to recalibrate her identity as a woman with her self-authorisation as an artist.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 325 ◽  
pp. 479-490
Roza Dumbraveanu

Higher Education Institutions (HEI) are facing a number of problems during the last decades: the need to update the curricula to make it compatible with the similar ones from other national and European universities; demand to update the content and the pedagogical approach due to knowledge, technological and research development. Open Educational Resources (OER) might be a sound strategy for institutions to meet these challenges. At the same time OER are themselves one of the challenges that the teachers are faced with. OER could be implemented in courses in different ways, depending on the types of OER and the educational philosophy adopted by the teachers. The paper describes some challenges for implementing Open Educational Resources by teachers in Higher Education in Moldova: the level of awareness on availability and usage of OER; fair use matters; quality assurance of resources; pedagogical approaches for implementing OER into teaching and learning. The paper also grasps the issues of the digital divide that emerge when investigating these challenges. The judgment is based on the literature analysis and on the author’s teaching experience within courses for initial and continuous professional teachers’ training.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Indrayanto Indrayanto ◽  
Smyshlyaeva Larisa Germanovna

AbstractThe problem of Human Resources (HR) in Indonesia is becoming increasingly complex, this is reflected in the large number of formal education graduates from various levels who are not absorbed in the world of work. Many factors cause this to happen, including the mismatch between HR competencies and the labor market, the growth of the workforce is greater than the availability of available employment and population distribution between regions is not evenly distributed. If you look at the achievements of Indonesian tertiary education graduates, many of Indonesian tertiary education graduates are slow to get jobs, this shows that there is a broken link between higher education and the world of work. Higher education has not been able to produce graduates with high selling prices armed with the knowledge they have learned even though in general higher education graduates have greater employment opportunities than high school or lower level graduates. Many realities on the ground show that the quality of Indonesian people as a potential resource still does not meet expectations. This happens because of the low quality of education in Indonesia. By fulfilling good educational needs, the students will get benefits and can improve the quality of life of the knowledge they have, so that after completing their education, they can get decent jobs or create quality jobs. Indonesia's education world must start to build links with the world of work, so that the world of work responds to graduates produced in accordance with what the world of work wants; this paradigm must be understood and built by the Indonesian government. Education transformation is needed so that education is able to produce reliable and resilient human resources; education and educators must be improved. 

2021 ◽  
Gulled M. Yasin

This study investigated effect of teacher qualifications on the academic performance of pupils in primary schools in Hargeisa districts. Teacher qualifications were operationalized as Formal education, certification and teaching experience. The study emerged from the deteriorating academic achievement of pupils in Somaliland National Primary Examinations. The deteriorating academic performance was well demonstrated from increase number of failures in Somaliland National Exams. The study employed cross sectional survey research design, on a sample of 160 teachers, the study found out that, Fo = 15.838 &gt; F (2,157) = 3.06; p = .000. The eta-square returned an average value of η 2 = 16.8%. Therefore, teacher qualification accounts for 16.8% of the variance in academic performance of pupils in pubic primary schools in Hargeisa. The rest 83.2% are due to factors not investigated here, and errors in measurements. The study findings indicate that teacher qualifications affect to the academic performance of pupils in public primary schools in Hargeisa District.

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