scholarly journals Geolocation as a Digital Phenotyping Measure of Negative Symptoms and Functional Outcome

2020 ◽  
Vol 46 (6) ◽  
pp. 1596-1607
Ian M Raugh ◽  
Sydney H James ◽  
Cristina M Gonzalez ◽  
Hannah C Chapman ◽  
Alex S Cohen ◽  

Abstract Objective Negative symptoms and functional outcome have traditionally been assessed using clinical rating scales, which rely on retrospective self-reports and have several inherent limitations that impact validity. These issues may be addressed with more objective digital phenotyping measures. In the current study, we evaluated the psychometric properties of a novel “passive” digital phenotyping method: geolocation. Method Participants included outpatients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder (SZ: n = 44), outpatients with bipolar disorder (BD: n =19), and demographically matched healthy controls (CN: n = 42) who completed 6 days of “active” digital phenotyping assessments (eg, surveys) while geolocation was recorded. Results Results indicated that SZ patients show less activity than CN and BD, particularly, in their travel from home. Geolocation variables demonstrated convergent validity by small to medium correlations with negative symptoms and functional outcome measured via clinical rating scales, as well as active digital phenotyping behavioral indices of avolition, asociality, and anhedonia. Discriminant validity was supported by low correlations with positive symptoms, depression, and anxiety. Reliability was supported by good internal consistency and moderate stability across days. Conclusions These findings provide preliminary support for the reliability and validity of geolocation as an objective measure of negative symptoms and functional outcome. Geolocation offers enhanced precision and the ability to take a “big data” approach that facilitates sophisticated computational models. Near-continuous recordings and large numbers of samples may make geolocation a novel outcome measure for clinical trials due to enhanced power to detect treatment effects.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (Supplement_2) ◽  
pp. ii145-ii145
Giuliana Zarrella ◽  
Alice Perez ◽  
Jorg Dietrich ◽  
Michael Parsons

Abstract INTRODUCTION Subjective cognitive dysfunction is an important outcome measure in neuro-oncology and may provide additional information beyond performance-based neuropsychological testing. The Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Brain (FACT-Br) is a frequently used quality of life (QoL) measure that includes indices of physical, emotional, social, and neurologic aspects of disease, but does not measure cognitive concerns. This study seeks to develop and validate an index of self-reported cognition derived from existing items on the FACT-Br. METHODS 145 patients (Mage=51.08, Medu=15.63) with heterogeneous brain tumor diagnoses completed neuropsychological evaluation including cognitive testing and self-report measures. Nine FACT-Br items regarding cognition were combined to form the Cognitive Index (CI). Reliability of the CI was measured with Cronbach’s alpha. Concurrent validity was assessed by correlating the CI with the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) Cognitive Abilities-8 or PROMIS Cognitive Concerns-8. Discriminant validity was assessed by correlation of the CI with other FACT-Br indices and the Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventories (BDI, BAI). RESULTS Internal consistency within the CI was high (Cronbach’s a 0.864). The CI correlated strongly with the PROMIS-Abilities (r =.680; p< 0.001) and PROMIS-Concerns (r=.780; p< 0.001) indicating high convergent validity. Moderate correlations were observed between the CI and the physical and functional subscales of the FACT (r=.453 and .555), whereas correlations with the social and emotional functioning subscales were weaker (r=.381 and .325). The FACT-Br-CI correlated strongly with BDI (r=-.622) and more weakly with the BAI (r=-.344). Consistent with prior literature, the CI showed modest correlations with neuropsychological measures, including verbal memory encoding (r=.300), verbal fluency (r=.252) and a composite measure of cognition (r=.249; all p’s< .01). CONCLUSIONS The FACT-Br-CI is a reliable and valid measure of self-reported cognition. Studies that include the FACT-Br could be retrospectively analyzed to assess self-reported cognitive outcomes, enriching the information gained from prior research.

Psichologija ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 47 ◽  
pp. 44-60
M. Tvarijonavičius ◽  
D. Bagdžiūnienė

Straipsnyje analizuojama darbuotojų psichologinio įgalinimo problema, pristatomas lietuviškas psichologinio įgalinimo vertinimo klausimynas ir jo psichometrinės charakteristikos. Metodas parengtas dviem etapais, naudojant empirinę skalių konstravimo strategiją. Pirmajame etape, taikant grupinio interviu ir ekspertinio vertinimo metodus, parengti psichologinio įgalinimo vertinimo teiginiai. Antrajame etape atliktas empirinis tyrimas (dalyvavo 189 tiriamieji, reprezentuojantys 8 Lietuvos organizacijas). Remiantis jo rezultatais parengtas lietuviškas psichologinio įgalinimo vertinimo klausimynas. Tiriamosios faktorių analizės metodu išskirti penki faktoriai: prasmė, entuziazmas, sprendimų priėmimas, autonomija ir pasitikėjimas kompetencija. Klausimynas pasižymi dideliu vidiniu patikimumu (bendras Cronbacho α = 0,909, atskirų subskalių nuo 0,755 iki 0,880), dideliu konvergentiniu ir diskriminantiniu konstrukto validumu tiek viso klausimyno, tiek atskirų penkių skalių lygmeniu.Pagrindiniai žodžiai: psichologinis įgalinimas, psichologinio įgalinimo klausimynas, patikimumas, validumas.EMPLOYEE PSYCHOLOGICAL EMPOWERMENT: PSYCHOMETRIC PROPERTIES OF THE LITHUANIAN QUESTIONNAIREMantas Tvarijonavičius, Dalia Bagdžiūnienė SummaryEmployee psychological empowerment is treated as a multidimensional construct manifesting in several dimensions. It has been researched for several decades using various scales depending on the definition of psychological empowerment chosen by a reasercher. However, there is a lack of widely applicable, compact instruments for a reliable and valid assessment of psychological empowerment. Furthermore, there has been a lack of empowerment research in Lithuania. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to construct a Lithuanian psychological empowerment questionnaire and to evaluate its psychometric properties (reliability and validity).The strategy of the empirical construction of a questionnaire was used. At first, statements to describe the concept of psychological empowerment were generated, using group interviews and expert evaluation. Fifteen final items were included into the Lithuanian Psychological Empowerment Questionnaire (LPEQ). Then, an empirical research was performed: 189 respondents from 8 organizations filled up the LPEQ, G.M. Spreizer (1995) Psychological Empowerment Questionnaire (PEQ), B. E. Ashforth (1990) Helplessness Scale, Intrinsic Motivation Scale (Warr et al., 1979), and socio-demografic questions.The results of the study have revealed that the LPEQ has a high internal reliability (Cronbach α = 0.909). Five factors were extracted using the exploratoryfactor analysis, three items each. Psychological empowerment was defined based on five dimensions: meaning, enthusiasm, decision making, authonomy, and trust in competence. The Cronbach α was between 0.755 and 0.880 for the dimension level. These five dimensions show support for the existing models of psychological empowerment (Spreitzer, 1995; Menon, 2001), but also they supplement these models with for instance, the dimension of enthusiasm.The convergent validity of the LPEQ was confirmed by strong correlations (p < 0.01) between the LPEQ and the PEQ subscales, and the Intrinsic Motivation Scale. It was supported by a negative correlation between the LPEQ subscales and the Helplessness Scale. Based on the analysis of correlations, the discriminant validity of the LPEQ dimensions’ levels was confirmed.In conclusion, the Lithuanian Psychological Empowerment Questionnaire (LPEQ) can be characterized as an instrument with appropriate psychometricproperties for the use in research and practice. Directions for the future research in the field have been offered.Key words: psychological empowerment, psychological empowerment questionnaire, reliability, validity.

2018 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 68-76 ◽  
Qaisar Iqbal ◽  
Siti Hasnah Hassan ◽  
Noor Hazlina Ahmad

Infollution management is a substantial dilemma in this century. There is lacking empirical evidence about infollution management. Perceived infollution has been explored based on information quality. This study aims to identify the factors of perceived infollution (information pollution) and validate those factors using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Researchers have personally collected data from employees of the banking sector. Factor analysis was performed to explore the factors using Statistical Package for the Social Science, and CFA was conducted to check the reliability, validity, and the model fitness in SmartPLS. The scale developed in this study has exhibited high values of reliability and validity and ensured the presence of both discriminant validity and convergent validity. The newly developed scale of perceived infollution provides a basis for most of the academicians and researchers to empirically investigate the relationship of perceived infollution with individual’s performance and organizational effectiveness, which is considered an important area of interest among the academic researchers in recent years. Extent literature review suggests that it is the first study conducted to develop measurement scale of perceived infollution (information pollution).

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 489-505
Chi Nguyen Thi Khanh ◽  
Le Thai Phong

PurposeThis study examines the direct and indirect impact of environmental belief, nature-based destination image and time perspective on tourist attitude towards ecotourism.Design/methodology/approachData was collected through a structured questionnaire survey conducted in Vietnam. The dataset consists of 479 valid responses by Vietnamese tourists. Correlation analysis and structural equation modeling (SEM) were used to test the causal relationships among time perspective, environmental belief, nature-based destination and ecotourism attitude. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) is conducted to verify the reliability and validity of each latent construct, and to evaluate the discriminant validity, convergent validity, composition reliability and average variance extracted (AVE) for the latent constructs.FindingsThis study finds statistically significant and positive effects of time perspective, environmental belief and nature-based destination image on ecotourism attitude. The results also indicate that environmental belief is found to have statistically significant effects both direct and indirect on ecotourism attitude; its indirect effect is transmitted through nature-based destination image. Our findings demonstrate empirically that tourists are mainly attracted by natural environment sites and that tourists having environmental beliefs are likely to engage in ecotourism than other types of tourism by first influencing their attitude.Research limitations/implicationsOne limitation is associated with our measurement method, which relies on respondents’ self-ratings of their activities. Second, our study is based on internal consistency assessments for establishing construct reliability and validity, which might be the problem of measurement misspecification in tourism research and hinder us to adequately capture the dynamic nature of the variables and the underlying relationships. Third, the survey is conducted in one specific ecotourism nation like Vietnam, and thus, the findings must also be explained in this case.Practical implicationsPolicymakers need to pay careful attention to the planning and conservation of local resources, as well as infrastructure, for ecotourism development. Moreover, the management of eco-site needs to maintain ecology properly, provide an authentic ecotourism experience to improve ecotourism destination. Otherwise, ecotourism operators should focus on marketing strategies to increase traditional and natural values and promote eco-friendly social standards for fostering demand.Originality/valueThis study examines an integrated model analyzing the impact of time perspective, environmental belief and nature-based destination on tourist attitude towards ecotourism. This study reveals the understanding of how individuals’ view towards belief in environment and location image, influences their attitude to engage in ecotourism. The study provides several implications for practice.

Assessment ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 26 (8) ◽  
pp. 1427-1443 ◽  
Tanya L. Hopwood ◽  
Nicola S. Schutte ◽  
Natasha M. Loi

Two studies, with a total of 707 participants, developed and examined the reliability and validity of a measure for anticipatory traumatic reaction (ATR), a novel construct describing a form of distress that may occur in response to threat-related media reports and discussions. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis resulted in a scale comprising three subscales: feelings related to future threat; preparatory thoughts and actions; and disruption to daily activities. Internal consistency was .93 for the overall ATR scale. The ATR scale demonstrated convergent validity through associations with negative affect, depression, anxiety, stress, neuroticism, and repetitive negative thinking. The scale showed discriminant validity in relationships to Big Five characteristics. The ATR scale had some overlap with a measure of posttraumatic stress disorder, but also showed substantial separate variance. This research provides preliminary evidence for the novel construct of ATR as well as a measure of the construct. The ATR scale will allow researchers to further investigate anticipatory traumatic reaction in the fields of trauma, clinical practice, and social psychology.

1995 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-50 ◽  
V. Peralta ◽  
M. J. Cuesta ◽  
J. De Leon

SynopsisThe paper explores the reliability, concurrent validity and overlap of some positive/negative symptom rating scales and typological criteria in 100 schizophrenic patients. Rating scales include Andreasen's Scales for the Assessment of Positive and Negative Symptoms, Abrams and Taylor's Scale for Emotional Blunting, and Kay's Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale. Criteria for categorizing individual patients include Andreasen's and Kay's criteria for positive and negative types of schizophrenia as well as Carpenter's criteria for the deficit syndrome. The correlations among positive as well as among negative scales were high. The agreement among criteria tended to be lower. Both positive scales showed low internal consistency. Kay's negative scale had the greatest internal consistency, which suggests that it is measuring a homogeneous syndrome. All negative symptom scales and categorical syndromes identified a group of patients who were single and exhibited schizoid or schizotypal pre-morbid personality disorders, poor premorbid sexual/social adjustment, poor response to neuroleptics and poor prognosis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 1143 ◽  
Cristiano Scandurra ◽  
Roberta Gasparro ◽  
Pasquale Dolce ◽  
Vincenzo Bochicchio ◽  
Benedetta Muzii ◽  

The aim of this monocentric cross-sectional study was to evaluate the psychometric characteristics of the Italian version of the Level of Exposure-Dental Experiences Questionnaire (LOE-DEQ) in an Italian sample of 253 dental patients ranging from 18–80 years of age. The LOE-DEQ assesses 16 potential dental distressing experiences and 7 general traumatic life events through 4 subscales: (1) dentists’ behaviour and patients’ emotions (DBPE); (2) distressing dental procedures (DDP); (3) other distressing dental events (ODDE); and (4) general traumatic events (GTE). Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the original 4-factor model had adequate fit to the data obtained from the Italian sample. Criterion validity was partially confirmed as only DBPE and DDP positively correlated with dental anxiety. Similarly, convergent validity was also partially confirmed as DBPE, DDP, and ODDE correlated with negative beliefs towards the dentist and the dental treatment. Discriminant validity was fully confirmed, as all correlations were below 0.60. Finally, DDP was the factor most associated with high dental anxiety. This study offers evidence of the reliability and validity of the LOE-DEQ in the Italian context, providing Italian researchers and dentists with a tool to assess dental and general distressing experiences in dental patients.

Sarah M. Kember ◽  
Matt N. Williams

Abstract. Screening measures for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are important tools for clinicians and researchers. However, where a measure developed and validated for one population is used with another, its performance in this new context must be carefully examined. The RAADS-14, a brief ASD screen developed in Sweden, was evaluated with a sample of New Zealand adults ( N = 387), 41 of whom self-reported a prior diagnosis of ASD. The convergent validity of the RAADS-14 (Hypothesis 2) was supported by a strong positive correlation with the AQ-10 (short version of the Autism Spectrum Quotient), r = .81. Discriminant validity (Hypothesis 3) was also supported by a strong negative correlation with the EQ-Short (short version of the Empathy Quotient), r = −.75. However, the measure did not meet inferential criteria for internal consistency (Hypothesis 1), and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) found a poor fit of the proposed three-factor model (Hypothesis 4) to the data. A cut-off score of 14/42 provided adequate sensitivity (95%) to detect participants with self-reported ASD diagnoses, but not adequate specificity (70%), suggesting a very high rate of false positives should be expected if relying on RAADS-14 scores alone to interpret presence of ASD. In sum, our results do not provide sufficient evidence of reliability and validity to support the use of the RAADS-14 with the New Zealand population. We provide suggestions for refinement of the RAADS-14 that may lead to increased reliability and validity.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Lokman Mohd. Tahir ◽  
Rohaya Talib ◽  
Hamimah Mohd Naim ◽  
Mohamad Berhanddin Musah

The leadership of teacher remains as an essentially topic of educational leadership currently and it becomes teacher’s main role in implementing the school development process. However, there are less studies done in Malaysian schools; even hardly see Malaysian teachers are prepared to be teacher leaders  due to also lack of reliable and valid instrument that measure teacher leadership within Malaysian context. Therefore, this paper aims to examine the readiness of Malaysian teachers to be selected as teacher leaders among other teachers. Secondly, it also aims to measure the reliability and validity of instrument on teacher leadership in the context of Malaysian teachers. A total of 189 secondary school teachers who have more than five years’ experience were selected to be the respondents to answer the 12 items on teachers’ readiness as teacher leaders based on two main constructs such as personal and professional readiness. Finding from the factor analyses (exploratory and confirmatory) indicated that items from the professional and personal readiness constructs have high convergent validity in measuring the relevant teacher leadership. In addition, values from the correlational matrix also indicated high values of discriminant validity. Hence, it was proved that the teacher leadership readiness instrument has high validity and reliability in examining teachers’ readiness as a teacher leader. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-76
Jill M. Meyer ◽  
Susan Kashubeck-West ◽  
Lindsay Portela

Two of the more commonly known measures of coping in rehabilitation and counseling are the Ways of Coping Questionnaire (WCQ; Folkman & Lazarus, 1988; Lazarus & Folkman, 1984) and the Brief COPE (BC; Carver, 1997).Purpose: The present study had two goals: (a) to examine the revised structures of these measures to determine the reliability and validity when used in a sample of individuals with latedeafness, and (b) to examine differences in coping style in individuals with late-deafness across race, ethnicity, gender, age, socioeconomic status (SES), level of hearing loss, communication style, and employment.Methods: An online, quantitative survey was used to collect data from participants (N = 277) who completed the WCQ, the BC, measures of life satisfaction, and a demographic questionnaire.Results: The two revised factors from the WCQ correlated as expected with life satisfaction, demonstrating convergent validity. However, discriminant validity was not found with this measure. Four of the six revised factors of the BC correlated as expected with life satisfaction, indicating acceptable convergent validity. In addition, discriminant validity was found with this measure. A few differences in coping were found on the basis of age, SES, and gender.Conclusion: The results suggest that the BC, with the revised factors, is a solid measure of coping in individuals with late-deafness.

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