Comparative in vitro analysis of different hematopoietic cell populations from human cord blood: in search of the best option for clinically oriented ex vivo cell expansion

Transfusion ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 53 (3) ◽  
pp. 668-678 ◽  
Patricia Flores-Guzman ◽  
Veronica Fernandez-Sanchez ◽  
Ignacio Valencia-Plata ◽  
Lourdes Arriaga-Pizano ◽  
Guadalupe Alarcon-Santos ◽  
Development ◽  
1996 ◽  
Vol 122 (3) ◽  
pp. 823-830 ◽  
M. Kanatsu ◽  
S.I. Nishikawa

In murine embryogenesis, all cells that will constitute the embryonic structures originate from the epiblast (primitive ectoderm) tissue, the epithelial cell sheet of the gastrulating embryo. The cells of this tissue are totipotent at the beginning of gastrulation, but at the end of this period are specified to particular cell lineages. Thus, it is likely that during murine gastrulation, the potency of epiblast cells that were originally totipotent becomes restricted as development progresses. However, the mechanisms of this process are unknown. We have investigated this process in vitro, focusing on the hematopoietic cell lineage. To detect the hematogenic potency of the epiblast tissue, we established an in vitro culture system in which the hematopoietic cell differentiation of the epiblast tissue was supported by a stromal cell layer. With this culture system, we investigated the process by which this potency becomes spatially and temporally restricted during gastrulation. The results showed that hematogenic potency resides in the entire epiblast of the early- to mid-gastrulating embryo, but becomes restricted to the posterior half of the epiblast at the headfold stage. Furthermore, we showed that this process is altered by exogenous bone morphogenetic protein-4 (BMP-4) or activin A, which may be mesoderm inducers in Xenopus embryogenesis.

2009 ◽  
Vol 13 (6) ◽  
pp. 1175-1184 ◽  
Ulrich Reinhart Goessler ◽  
Peter Bugert ◽  
Karen Bieback ◽  
Jens Stern-Straeter ◽  
Gregor Bran ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Jacqueline Taylor ◽  
Julia Sellin ◽  
Lars Kuerschner ◽  
Lennart Krähl ◽  
Yasmin Majlesain ◽  

AbstractAdipose tissue is an organized endocrine organ with important metabolic and immunological functions and immune cell-adipocyte crosstalk is known to drive various disease pathologies. Suitable 3D adipose tissue organoid models often lack resident immune cell populations and therefore require the addition of immune cells isolated from other organs. We have created the first 3D adipose tissue organoid model which could contain and maintain resident immune cell populations of the stromal vascular fraction (SVF) and proved to be effective in studying adipose tissue biology in a convenient manner. Macrophage and mast cell populations were successfully confirmed within our organoid model and were maintained in culture without the addition of growth factors. We demonstrated the suitability of our model for monitoring the lipidome during adipocyte differentiation in vitro and confirmed that this model reflects the physiological lipidome better than standard 2D cultures. In addition, we applied mass spectrometry-based lipidomics to track lipidomic changes in the lipidome upon dietary and immunomodulatory interventions. We conclude that this model represents a valuable tool for immune-metabolic research.

Blood ◽  
2002 ◽  
Vol 99 (9) ◽  
pp. 3454-3457 ◽  
Hanno Glimm ◽  
Patrick Tang ◽  
Ian Clark-Lewis ◽  
Christof von Kalle ◽  
Connie Eaves

Abstract Ex vivo proliferation of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) is important for cellular and gene therapy but is limited by the observation that HSCs do not engraft as they transit S/G2/M. Recently identified candidate inhibitors of human HSC cycling are transforming growth factor-β1(TGF-β1) and stroma-derived factor–1 (SDF-1). To determine the ability of these factors to alter the transplantability of human HSCs proliferating in vitro, lin− cord blood cells were first cultured for 96 hours in serum-free medium containing Flt3 ligand, Steel factor, interleukin-3, interleukin-6, and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor. These cells were then transferred to medium containing Steel factor and thrombopoietin with or without SDF-1 and/or TGF-β1 for 48 hours. Exposure to SDF-1 but not TGF-β1 significantly increased (> 2-fold) the recovery of HSCs able to repopulate nonobese diabetic/severe combined immunodeficiency mice. These results suggest new strategies for improving the engraftment activity of HSCs stimulated to proliferate ex vivo.

Blood ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 104 (11) ◽  
pp. 2888-2888
Ana Frias ◽  
Christopher D. Porada ◽  
Kirsten B. Crapnell ◽  
Joaquim M.S. Cabral ◽  
Esmail D. Zanjani ◽  

Abstract The in vitro culture of a hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) graft with either media containing animal-derived components or a feeder layer with ill-defined pathogenic potential such as xenogeneic cell lines or cells modified by viral transformation poses risks that concern scientists and regulatory agencies. In the present studies, we avoided these risks by evaluating the ability of a human stromal-based serum free culture system (hu-ST) to support the ex-vivo expansion/maintenance of human CB HSC. CB CD34+ enriched cells were cultured in serum free medium in the presence of hu-ST with SCF, bFGF, LIF and Flt-3, and the cultures were analyzed for expansion, phenotype and clonogenic ability. We have previously reported the ability of this culture system to allow the successful expansion/maintenance of HSC along the myeloid pathway. In the present study, we investigated whether we could further develop this culture system to simultaneously expand myelopoiesis and lymphopoiesis in vitro. To this end, cord blood CD34+ cells were cultured for a total of 28 days and analyzed every 3 days for expansion and phenotype. There was a progressive increase in CD34 cell number with time in culture. The differentiative profile was primarily shifted towards the myeloid lineage with the presence of CD33, CD15, and CD14. However, a significant number of CD7+ cells were also generated. At week 2 of culture, we observed that 30% of the cells in the culture were CD7 positive. These CD7+CD2-CD3-CD5-CD56-CD16-CD34- cells were then sorted and either plated on top of new irradiated hu-ST layers in the presence of SCF, FLT-3, IL-7, IL-2, and IL-15, or cultured with IL-4, GM-CSF, and FLT-3 in the absence of stroma. Both of these cultures were maintained for an additional 2 weeks. In both sets of cultures, further expansion in the total cell number occurred with the time in culture, and by the end of the week 2, we observed that 25.3±4.18% of the cells had become CD56+ CD3-, a phenotype consistent with that of NK cells. Furthermore, cytotoxicity assays were performed and showed cytotoxic activity that increased in an E:T ratio-dependent fashion. 38.6% of the CD7+ cells grown in the presence of IL-4, GM-CSF, and FLT-3 became CD123+CD11c-, a phenotype characteristic of nonactivated dendritic cells, while 7.3–12.1% adopted an activitated dendritic cell phenotype CD83+CD1a+. In summary, we developed an in vitro culture system that reproducibly allows the effective ex vivo expansion of human cord blood HSCs while maintaining the capability of generating both myeloid and lymphoid hematopoiesis in vitro.

Blood ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 106 (11) ◽  
pp. 1068-1068
Naoko Takebe ◽  
Thomas MacVittie ◽  
Xiangfei Cheng ◽  
Ann M. Farese ◽  
Emily Welty ◽  

Abstract Down-modulation of surface CXCR4, a G-protein-coupled receptor, in hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) undergoing ex vivo expansion culturing is considered to be one of the major causes of marrow reconstitution failure, possibly due to an HSC homing defect. Recently, it has been reported that severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID)-repopulating cells (SRC) were expanded from the CD34-enriched human adult bone marrow (ABM) or cord blood (CB) hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) using a human brain endothelial cell (HUBEC) co-culture system. We found that primitive cord blood cells expressing surface CXCR4 (82+5%) lost this capability significantly during 7 days of ex vivo expansion in the HUBEC co-culture containing the cytokines stem cell factor (SCF), flt-3, interleukin (IL)-6, IL-3, and granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF). Expression levels of other surface proteins relevant to HSC homing, such as CD49d, CD95, CD26, or CD11a, were not down-modulated. We hypothesized that CXCR4 down-regulation was caused by a receptor internalization and tested several methods to reverse CXCR4 internalization back to the surface, such as elimination of GM-CSF in the culture media, performing a non-contact culture using the transwell, or adding either 0.3Mor 0.4M sucrose, or 25μg/ml chlorpromazine (CPZ), 24 hours prior to the analysis. CPZ and sucrose are known inhibitors of the cytokine-induced endocytosis of CXCR4 in neutrophils (Bruhl H. et al. Eur J Immunol 2003). Interestingly, 0.4M sucrose showed approximately a 2-fold increase of surface CXCR4 expression on CB CD34+ cells by flow cytometry analysis. CPZ and 0.3M sucrose showed a moderate increase expression of CXCR4. Using a transwell HUBEC co-culture system, CXCR4 surface expression on CD34+ cells was down-regulated during the ex vivo culture. In vitro HSC migration test showed 3.1-fold increase in migration compared to the control after incubation of HSC with 0.1M sucrose for 16 hours prior to the in vitro migration study. Eliminating GM-CSF from the cytokine cocktail or adding MG132 increased migration 1.36- and 1.2-fold compared to the control. We are currently performing an in vivo homing assay using nonobese diabetic (NOD)-SCID mice. In conclusion, the HUBEC ex vivo culture system down-regulates surface CXCR4 in human cord blood HSC. The mechanism of CXCR4 surface down regulation may be receptor internalization by cytokines. Sucrose may be useful in attenuation of CXCR4 surface expression in CD34+ HSC by inhibition of receptor internalization via clathrin-coated pits.

Blood ◽  
2006 ◽  
Vol 108 (11) ◽  
pp. 1329-1329
Aleksandra Rizo ◽  
Edo Vellenga ◽  
Gerald de Haan ◽  
Jan Jacob Schuringa

Abstract Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are able to self-renew and differentiate into cells of all hematopoietic lineages. Because of this unique property, they are used for HSC transplantations and could serve as a potential source of cells for future gene therapy. However, the difficulty to expand or even maintain HSCs ex vivo has been a major limitation for their clinical applications. Here, we report that overexpression of the Polycomb group gene Bmi-1 in human cord blood-derived HSCs can potentially overcome this limitation as stem/progenitor cells could be maintained in liquid culture conditions for over 16 weeks. In mouse studies, it has been reported that increased expression of Bmi-1 promotes HSC self-renewal, while loss-of-function analysis revealed that Bmi-1 is implicated in maintenance of the hematopoietic stem cells (HSC). In a clinically more relevant model, using human cord blood CD34+ cells, we have established a long-term ex-vivo expansion method by stable overexpression of the Bmi-1 gene. Bmi-1-transduced cells proliferated in liquid cultures supplemented with 20% serum, SCF, TPO, Flt3 ligand, IL3 and IL6 for more than 4 months, with a cumulative cell expansion of more then 2×105-fold. The cells remained cytokine-dependent, while about 4% continued to express CD34 for over 20 weeks of culture. The cultured cells retained their progenitor activity throughout the long-term expansion protocol. The colony-forming units (CFUs) were present at a frequency of ~ 30 colonies per 10 000 cells 16 weeks after culture and consisted of CFU-GM, BFU-E and high numbers of CFU-GEMM type progenitors. After plating the transduced cells in co-cultures with the stromal cell line MS5, Bmi-1 cells showed a proliferative advantage as compared to control cells, with a cumulative cell expansion of 44,9 fold. The non-adherent cells from the co-cultures gave rise to higher numbers of colonies of all types (~70 colonies/10.000 cells) after 4 weeks of co-culture. The LTC-IC frequencies were 5-fold higher in the Bmi-1-transduced cells compared to control cells (1/361 v.s. 1/2077, respectively). Further studies will be focused on in-vivo transplantation of the long-term cultured cells in NOD/SCID mice to test their repopulating capacity. In conclusion, our data implicate Bmi-1 as an important modulator of human HSC self-renewal and suggest that it can be a potential target for therapeutic manipulation of human HSCs.

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