Design, Testing and Performance of the Recently Developed 37 MW Siemens SGT-750

Anders Hellberg ◽  
Thomas Andersson ◽  
Anders Häggmark

The 37MW Siemens SGT-750 is a high-performance twin-shaft gas turbine with a free power turbine. It can be employed both for power generation and as a mechanical drive. This gas turbine attains a simple cycle efficiency level of 40% and excellent performance in cogeneration as well as in combined cycle. Requirements from the oil & gas industry as well as industrial power generation have been heeded in the design. Since customer earnings are dependant upon turbine availability, uptime has been a major focus. Long service intervals, rapid gas generator exchange and easy access for borescope inspection all guarantee optimized availability. Maintenance work can be performed on site on the installed machine, alternatively the gas generator can be exchanged to minimize downtime. With this solution, maintenance downtime can be cut to a mere 17 days in 17 years. Furthermore, the hot-section blade temperatures can be monitored during operation as a “health check” to ensure availability. The SGT-750 is a “low-emission engine” equipped with a dry low emission (DLE) combustion system minimizing NOx and CO emissions. The high efficiency leads to a reduction of greenhouse gases with the further possibility to reduce the relative CO2-emissions in cogeneration or combined cycle. This paper will describe the development and testing of the SGT-750 gas turbine and the additional features which have been incorporated. A new development process has made it possible to increase uptime and serviceability; special attention has been brought to this aspect during the design phase, as will be highlighted in the paper.

Felix Gu¨the ◽  
Jaan Hellat ◽  
Peter Flohr

Reheat combustion has proven now in over 80 units to be a robust, and highly flexible gas turbine concept for power generation. This paper covers three key topics to explain the intrinsic advantage of reheat combustion to achieve ultra-low emission levels. First, the fundamental kinetic and thermodynamic emission advantage of reheat combustion is discussed analyzing in detail the emission levels of the first and second combustor stages, optimal firing temperatures for minimal emission levels, as well as benchmarking against single-stage combustion concepts. Secondly, the generic operational and fuel flexibility of the reheat system is emphasized, which is based on the presence of two fundamentally different flame stabilization mechanisms, namely flame propagation in the first combustor stage and auto-ignition in the second combustor stage. Finally, the present fleet status is reported by highlighting the latest combustor hardware upgrade and its emission performance.

Vikram Muralidharan ◽  
Matthieu Vierling

Power generation in south Asia has witnessed a steep fall due to the shortage of natural gas supplies for power plants and poor water storage in reservoirs for low hydro power generation. Due to the current economic scenario, there is worldwide pressure to secure and make more gas and oil available to support global power needs. With constrained fuel sources and increasing environmental focus, the quest for higher efficiency would be imminent. Natural gas combined cycle plants operate at a very high efficiency, increasing the demand for gas. At the same time, countries may continue to look for alternate fuels such as coal and liquid fuels, including crude and residual oil, to increase energy stability and security. In over the past few decades, the technology for refining crude oil has gone through a significant transformation. With the advanced refining process, there are additional lighter distillates produced from crude that could significantly change the quality of residual oil used for producing heavy fuel. Using poor quality residual fuel in a gas turbine to generate power could have many challenges with regards to availability and efficiency of a gas turbine. The fuel needs to be treated prior to combustion and needs a frequent turbine cleaning to recover the lost performance due to fouling. This paper will discuss GE’s recently developed gas turbine features, including automatic water wash, smart cooldown and model based control (MBC) firing temperature control. These features could significantly increase availability and improve the average performance of heavy fuel oil (HFO). The duration of the gas turbine offline water wash sequence and the rate of output degradation due to fouling can be considerably reduced.

Kazuhiko Tanimura ◽  
Naoki Murakami ◽  
Akinori Matsuoka ◽  
Katsuhiko Ishida ◽  
Hiroshi Kato ◽  

The M7A-03 gas turbine, an 8 MW class, single shaft gas turbine, is the latest model of the Kawasaki M7A series. Because of the high thermal efficiency and the high exhaust gas temperature, it is particularly suitable for distributed power generation, cogeneration and combined-cycle applications. About the development of M7A-03 gas turbine, Kawasaki has taken the experience of the existing M7A-01 and M7A-02 series into consideration, as a baseline. Furthermore, the latest technology of aerodynamics and cooling design, already applied to the 18 MW class Kawasaki L20A, released in 2000, has been applied to the M7A-03. Kawasaki has adopted the design concept for achieving reliability within the shortest possible development period by selecting the same fundamental engine specifications of the existing M7A-02 – mass air flow rate, pressure ratio, TIT, etc. However, the M7A-03 has been attaining a thermal efficiency of greater than 2.5 points higher and an output increment of over 660 kW than the M7A-02, by the improvement in aerodynamic performance of the compressor, turbine and exhaust diffuser, improved turbine cooling, and newer seal technology. In addition, the NOx emission of the combustor is low and the M7A-03 has a long service life. These functions make long-term continuous operation possible under various environmental restraints. Lower life cycle costs are achieved by the engine high performance, and the high-reliability resulting from simple structure. The prototype M7A-03 gas-turbine development test started in the spring of 2006 and it has been confirmed that performance, mechanical characteristics, and emissions have achieved the initial design goals.

Erwin Zauner ◽  
Yau-Pin Chyou ◽  
Frederic Walraven ◽  
Rolf Althaus

Power generation in gas turbines is facing three main challenges today: • Low pollution prescribed by legal requirements. • High efficiency to obtain low operating cost and low CO2 emissions. • High specific power output to obtain low product and installation cost. Unfortunately, some of these requirements are contradictory: high efficiency and specific power force the development towards higher temperatures and pressures which increase NOx emissions and intensify the cooling and material strength problems. A breakthrough can be achieved by applying an energy exchanger as a topping stage. Inherent advantages are the self-cooled cell-rotor which can be exposed to much higher gas temperature than a steady-flow turbine and a very short residence time at peak temperature which keeps NOx emissions under control. The basic idea has been proposed long time ago. Fundamental research has now led to a new energy exchanger concept. Key issues include symmetric pressure-wave processes, partial suppression of flow separation and fluid mixing, as well as quick afterburning in premixed mode. The concept has been proven in a laboratory-scale engine with very promising results. The application of an energy exchanger as a topping stage onto existing gas turbines would increase the efficiency by 17% (relative) and the power by 25%. Since the temperature level in the turbine remains unchanged, the performance improvement can also be fully utilized in combined cycle applications. This process indicates great potentials for developing advanced gas turbine systems as well as for retrofitting existing ones.

Maher A. El-Masri

Intercooled/Recuperated gas turbine systems provide high-efficiency and power density for naval propulsion. Current aero-derivative systems are capable of about 43% thermal efficiency in this configuration. With continued progress in gas-turbine materials and cooling technology, the possibility of further improving system performance by incorporation of gas-turbine reheat arises. A preliminary scan of this class of cycles is presented and compared with non-reheat intercooled/recuperated cycles at two levels of component technology. For conservative component technology, the reheat is found to provide very modest performance advantages. With advanced components and ceramic thermal barrier coatings, the reheat is found to offer potential for specific power improvements of up to 33% and for modest efficiency gains, on the order of one percentage point, while enabling turbine inlet temperatures well below those for the most efficient non-reheat cycles. The high-performance reheat systems, however, require reheat-combustor inlet temperatures beyond current practice. The use of water-injection in the intercooler, together with an aftercooler and a water-injected evaporative-recuperator is found to produce very large gains in efficiency as well as specific power. This modification may be feasible for land-based systems, where it can compete favourably with combined cycles. Despite the difficulty of obtaining pure water for a shipboard propulsion system, those large gains may justify further studies of this system and of means to provide its water supply in marine applications.

F. Eulitz ◽  
B. Kuesters ◽  
F. Mildner ◽  
M. Mittelbach ◽  
A. Peters ◽  

Siemens H-Class. Siemens has developed the world-largest H-class Gas Turbine (SGT™) that sets unparalleled standards for high efficiency, low life cycle costs and operating flexibility. With a power output of 340+ MW, the SGT5–8000H gas turbine will be the primary driver of the new Siemens Combined Cycle Power Plant (SCC™) for the 50 Hz market, the SCC5–8000H, with an output of 530+ MW at more than 60% efficiency. After extensive lab and component testing, the prototype has been shipped to the power plant for an 18-month validation phase. In this paper, the compressor technology, which was developed for the Siemens H-class, is presented through its development and validation phases. Reliability and Availability. The compressor has been extensively validated in the Siemens Berlin Test Facility during consecutive engine test programs. All key parameters, such as mass flow, operating range, efficiency and aero mechanical behavior meet or exceed expectations. Six-sigma methodology has been exploited throughout the development to implement the technologies into a robust design. Efficiency. The new compressor technology applies the Siemens advanced aerodynamics design methodology based on the high performance airfoil (HPA) systematic which leads to broader operation range and higher efficiency than a standard controlled diffusion airfoil (CDA) design. Operational Flexibility. The compressor features an IGV and three rows of variable guide vanes for improved turndown capability and improved part load efficiency. Serviceability. The design has been optimized for serviceability and less complexity. Following the Siemens tradition, all compressor rotating blades can be replaced without rotor lift or destacking. Evolutionary Design Innovation. The compressor design incorporates the best features and experience from the operating fleets and technology innovation prepared through detailed research, analysis and lab testing in the past decade. The design tools are based on best practices from former Siemens KWU and Westinghouse with enhancements allowing for routine front-to-back compressor 3D CFD multistage analysis, unsteady blade row interaction, forced response analyses and aero-elastic analysis.

C. F. McDonald ◽  
L. Cavallaro ◽  
D. Kapich ◽  
W. A. Medwid

To meet the energy needs of special terrestrial defense installations, where a premium is placed on high plant efficiency, conceptual studies have been performed on an advanced closed-cycle gas turbine system with a high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) as the heat source. Emphasis has been placed on system compactness and plant simplicity. A goal of plant operation for extended periods with no environmental contact had a strong influence on the design features. To realize a high plant efficiency (over 50%) for this mode of operation, a combined cycle was investigated. A primary helium Brayton power conversion system coupled with a Freon bottoming cycle was selected. The selection of a gas turbine power conversion system is very much related to applications where high efficiency is paramount and this can be realized with the utilization of a cold heat sink. Details are presented of the reactor arrangement, power conversion system, major components, installation, and performance for a compact nuclear power plant currently in a very early stage of concept definition.

Abbie Layne ◽  
Scott Samuelsen ◽  
Mark Williams ◽  
Patricia Hoffman

Fuel cells are emerging as a major new power generation technology that is particularly suitable for distributed power generation, high-efficiency, and low pollutant emission. An interesting combined cycle, the “HYBRID,” has recently been scoped “on paper” that portends the potential of ultra-high efficiency (approaching 80%) in which a gas turbine is synergistically combined with a fuel cell into a unique combined cycle. This paper introduces hybrid technology to the gas turbine community as a whole, and summarizes the current and projected activities associated with this emerging concept.

Colin F. McDonald

The combustion gas turbine, operating in both simple and combined cycle modes, is rapidly becoming the preferred prime-mover for electrical power generation for both new plants, and in the repowering of old power stations. In replacing Rankine cycle plants the combustion gas turbine could become dominant in the power generation field early in the next century. Fired currently with natural gas, and later with gasified coal these gas turbines will operate for many decades with no concern about resource depletion. This paper addresses an extension of high efficiency gas turbine technology but uses a combustion and emission-free heat source, namely a high temperature gas cooled nuclear reactor. The motivation for this evolution is essentially twofold, 1) to introduce an environmentally benign plant that does not emit greenhouse gases, and 2) provide electrical power to nations that have no indigenous natural gas or coal supplies. This paper presents a confidence-building approach that eliminates risk towards the goal of making the nuclear gas turbine a reality in the 21st century.

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