pure water
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2022 ◽  
Vol 72 (4) ◽  
pp. e428
A. Goharian ◽  
A.H. Shirani Rad ◽  
P. Moaveni ◽  
H. Mozafari ◽  
B. Sani

The sowing date is an important factor for expanding the cultivated area of rapeseed and affects seed yield, oil content, and fatty acid compounds. Micronutrient elements play an important role in improving the vegetative and reproductive growth of the plant, especially under conditions of biological and environmental stresses. A two-year experiment (2014-2016) was performed to study the response of rapeseed genotypes to foliar application of micronutrients on different sowing dates. The treatments were arranged as a factorial-split plot in a randomized complete block design with three replicates. Three sowing dates of 7 (well-timed sowing date), 17, and 27 (delayed sowing dates) October and two levels of foliar application with pure water (control), selenium (1.5%), zinc (1.5%), and selenium+zinc (1.5%) were factorial in the main plots and five genotypes of SW102, Ahmadi, GKH2624, GK-Gabriella, and Okapi were randomized in the subplots (a total of 30 treatments). Seed yield, oil yield and content, oleic acid, and linoleic acid were reduced when rapeseeds were cultivated on 17 and 27 October, while the contents in palmitic, linolenic, and erucic acids, and glucosinolate increased (p < 0.01). a selenium+zinc treatment improved seed yield, oil content and yield (p < 0.01). The oil quality increased due to increased contents of oleic and linoleic acids under the selenium+zinc treatment (p < 0.01). The GK-Gabriella and GKH2624 genotypes are recommended to be sown on well-timed (7 October) and delayed sowing dates (17 and 27 October) and treated with selenium+zinc due to the higher oil yield, linoleic and oleic acids.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-43
Jun-ichi Ono ◽  
Takushi Oiwa ◽  
Yasuo Ogasawara ◽  
Seiichi Mochizuki

Background: In recent years, many reports have investigated the usefulness of brachial artery blood flow (BAF) measured by ultrasonography as an evaluation index for the vascular access (VA) stenosis of hemodialysis patients. However, the mechanism of VA dysfunction, despite BAF being higher than the preset blood flow, has not been clarified to date. Methods: The relationship between actual blood-removal flow and recirculation rate with decreasing VA flow was examined using a VA flow path model and pure water as a model fluid. The blood-flow rate was set at 180 mL/min, and the set VA flow rate was lowered stepwise from 350 to 50 mL/min. VA flow rate, blood-removal flow rate, and flow waveform measured between two needle-puncture sites were recorded, and then the actual blood-removal flow rate and recirculation rate were calculated. Results: Recirculation was observed at a VA flow rate < 300 mL/min. The recirculation was due to the VA flow rate, which was transiently reduced to the level below the blood-removal flow rate, resulting in backflow. In contrast, no decrease in the actual blood-removal flow rate was observed. Conclusion: It is suggested that the mechanism of the VA dysfunction, despite the BAF being higher than the preset blood-flow rate, was due to the diastolic BAF being lower than the blood-removal flow rate.

Molecules ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 504
Harpreet Kaur ◽  
Rainer Künnemeyer ◽  
Andrew McGlone

Using the framework of aquaphotomics, we have sought to understand the changes within the water structure of kiwifruit juice occurring with changes in temperature. The study focuses on the first (1300–1600 nm) and second (870–1100 nm) overtone regions of the OH stretch of water and examines temperature differences between 20, 25, and 30 °C. Spectral data were collected using a Fourier transform–near-infrared spectrometer with 1 mm and 10 mm transmission cells for measurements in the first and second overtone region, respectively. Water wavelengths affected by temperature variation were identified. Aquagrams (water spectral patterns) highlight slightly different responses in the first and second overtone regions. The influence of increasing temperature on the peak absorbance of the juice was largely a lateral wavelength shift in the first overtone region and a vertical amplitude shift in the second overtone region of water. With the same data set, we investigated the use of external parameter orthogonalisation (EPO) and extended multiple scatter correction (EMSC) pre-processing to assist in building temperature-independent partial least square regression models for predicting soluble solids concentration (SSC) of kiwifruit juice. The interference component selected for correction was the first principal component loading measured using pure water samples taken at the same three temperatures (20, 25, and 30 °C). The results show that the EMSC method reduced SSC prediction bias from 0.77 to 0.1 °Brix in the first overtone region of water. Using the EPO method significantly reduced the prediction bias from 0.51 to 0.04 °Brix, when applying a model made at one temperature (30 °C) to measurements made at another temperature (20 °C) in the second overtone region of water.

Membranes ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 86
Vadim Ippolitov ◽  
Ikenna Anugwom ◽  
Robin van Deun ◽  
Mika Mänttäri ◽  
Mari Kallioinen-Mänttäri

Ultrafiltration was employed in the purification of spent Deep Eutectic Solvent (DES, a mixture of choline chloride and lactic acid, 1:10, respectively) used in the extraction of lignin from lignocellulosic biomass. The aim of this was to recover different lignin fractions and to purify spent solvent. The results revealed that the commercial regenerated cellulose membranes—RC70PP and Ultracel 5 kDa UF membranes—could be used in the treatment of the spent DES. The addition of cosolvent (ethanol) to the spent DES decreased solvent’s viscosity, which enabled filtration. With two-pass ultrafiltration process with 10 kDa and 5 kDa membranes about 95% of the dissolved polymeric compounds (lignin and hemicelluloses) were removed from the spent DES. The utilized membranes also showed the capability to fractionate polymeric compounds into two fractions—above and under 10,000 Da. Moreover, the 10 kDa cellulose-based membrane showed good stability during a continuous period of three weeks exposure to the solution of DES and ethanol. Its pure water permeability decreased only by 3%. The results presented here demonstrate the possibility to utilize cellulose membranes in the treatment of spent DES to purify the solvent and recover the interesting compounds.

Guangtai Shi ◽  
Yue Dan ◽  
Yexiang Xiao ◽  
Zekui Shu ◽  
Xiaobing Liu

The internal flow of the multiphase pump is complicated owing to its specific structure. To reveal the effect of the inlet gas volume fraction (IGVF) on the turbulent dissipation characteristics, the method of combining numerical simulation based on k-ε turbulence model with experiment was adopted, and the turbulent dissipation of the multiphase pump was quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed in both the pure water and gas-liquid two phases condition. Results showed the vortexes were primarily distributed in the diffusers at different inlet gas volume fractions (IGVFs), near the middle of the first diffuser and the outlet of the next diffuser. At the same time, the larger value of the turbulent dissipation than that in the impellers was concentrated in the inlet and outlet of the impellers and diffusers. In addition, the effect of IGVFs on the turbulent dissipation increased gradually from the hub to the shroud at the inlet section of the first impeller. Moreover, the turbulent dissipation became increasingly unsymmetrical from the hub to the shroud at the outlet section of the first impeller.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Kamran Mahboob ◽  
Qasim Awais ◽  
Muhammad Yahya ◽  
Muhammad Mehtab ◽  
Awais Khan

The biggest problem faced by the world these days is pure drinkable water, and in a few years pure drinkable water will not be easily available, as it is becoming brackish and saline due to pollution. By using solar energy, a solar still can produce pure water which can be used for drinking, cooking, and also for industrial purposes. In this research, a solar still based on clean technology using solar energy to drive the system is used. It can be operated easily and with an approximately negligible maintenance cost. A pyramid solar water desalination unit with modification of the solar electric water heater (used to increase water temperature) is developed to increase the water yield per day. A theoretical model of the solar still unit with and without an electric water heater is developed and performance is compared. Based on this theoretical design, fabrication is carried out and experiments are performed to predict the overall output. It is observed that the output distilled water has a TDS (total dissolved salts) value much lower than the TDS of groundwater. Additionally, the average output of a solar water desalination unit with an electric water heater is found to be enhanced compared with the unit without an electric water heater.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1-17
Safa M Aldarabseh ◽  
Salah Abdallah

Abstract The world's need for drinkable water is increasing with a growing population. The desalination process using solar energy is the cheapest and most straightforward method that can be used to generate pure water from saline water by utilizing energy from the sun's free heat source. A semispherical and chamber stepwise basin solar still with an inclined glass cover, with and without PV powered electrical heaters as another power source can increase the rate of evaporation of saline water, thus increasing the productivity of semispherical solar still. In this investigation, a conventional solar still and semispherical solar still with and without PV-powered electrical heaters were invented and worked in parallel with the experimental setup to make a good comparison between these models. The experimental results show that stepped semispherical with PV-powered electrical heater and without PV-powered electrical heater solar stills enhanced the productivity of freshwater from a conventional solar still by 156.6% and 72.5%, respectively. The theoretically simulated model is obtained using Mathcad software, and is compared with experimental results. Semispherical solar still productivity increases with increased solar intensity and with a PV-powered electrical heater as an additional power source. The theoretical results concluded from the mathematical model are in good agreement with experimental results.

Materials ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 419
Mikołaj Dembek ◽  
Szymon Bocian

Industrial research, including pharmaceutical research, is increasingly using liquid chromatography techniques. This involves the production of large quantities of hazardous and toxic organic waste. Therefore, it is essential at this point to focus interest on solutions proposed by so-called “green chemistry”. One such solution is the search for new methods or the use of new materials that will reduce waste. One of the most promising ideas is to perform chromatographic separation using pure water, without organic solvents, as a mobile phase. Such an approach requires novel stationary phases or specific chromatographic conditions, such as an elevated separation temperature. The following review paper aims to gather information on stationary phases used for separation under purely aqueous conditions at various temperatures.

Cellulose ◽  
2022 ◽  
Eivind Bering ◽  
Jonathan Ø. Torstensen ◽  
Anders Lervik ◽  
Astrid S. de Wijn

Abstract We investigate the dissolution mechanism of cellulose using molecular dynamics simulations in both water and a mixture solvent consisting of water with Na$$^+$$ + , OH$$^-$$ - and urea. As a first computational study of its kind, we apply periodic external forces that mimic agitation of the suspension. Without the agitation, the bundles do not dissolve, neither in water nor solvent. In the solvent mixture the bundle swells with significant amounts of urea entering the bundle, as well as more water than in the bundles subjected to pure water. We also find that the mixture solution stabilizes cellulose sheets, while in water these immediately collapse into bundles. Under agitation the bundles dissolve more easily in the solvent mixture than in water, where sheets of cellulose remain that are bound together through hydrophobic interactions. Our findings highlight the importance of urea in the solvent, as well as the hydrophobic interactions, and are consistent with experimental results. Graphical abstract

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