scholarly journals Esculin hydrolysis by Enterobacteriaceae

1977 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 111-116
S C Edberg ◽  
S Pittman ◽  
J M Singer

Literature reports disagree concerning esculin hydrolysis in the family Enterobacteriaceae. A total of 2,490 strains of the family were investigated for esculin hydrolysis by two methods, the esculin spot test and the PathoTec incubation strip, which measures constitutive enzyme, and five growth-supporting methods, which determine both constitutive and inducible enzymes. The five growth-supporting media studied were: Vaughn-Levine, the standard esculin hydrolysis medium (P. R. Edwards and W. H. Ewing, Identification of Enterobacteriaceae, 3rd ed., 1972); Vaughn-Levine without iron; Vaughn-Levine without Andrade's indicator; and bile-esculin medium. Growth media were incubated at 35 degrees C and checked every 24 h for 120 h. On growth media, 0.3% of Escherichia coli were positive in 24 h, 34% in 48 h, and 61% in 120 h. No strains were positive on the "nongrowth" tests. It appeared that the esculin hydrolysis enzyme(s) of E. coli was inducible rather than constitutive. All esculin hydrolyzers, which yielded positive tests on "constitutive tests" and 24-h tests, were limited to the genera Klebsiella, Enterobacter, and Serratia and species of Proteus vulgaris, Proteus rettgeri, and Citrobacter diversus. When used with standardized inoculum size and incubation time, the esculin hydrolysis test is very useful for differentiation within the family Enterobacteriaceae.

1978 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 251-254
A Miskin ◽  
S C Edberg

The literature contains variable reports concerning the hydrolysis of esculin by members of the family Enterobacteriaceae and particularly Escherichia coli. We examined 113 strains of fresh clinical isolates of E. coli and assessed the ability of colonies in a population to hydrolyze esculin with and without preincubation in inducible substrates at 24, 48, and 72 h. The number of strains capable of fermenting salicin, a sugar with a beta-glucoside linkage like esculin, was studied under the same conditions. A strip test that measured the presence of the constitutive glucosidase was also performed with and without preincubation in inducible substrates. No E. coli strain was able to produce constitutive enzyme; preincubation in esculin and salicin resulted in an induction of the beta-glucosidase. The number of colonies able to hydrolyze esculin increased with time. Only those strains preincubated in esculin or salicin were able to produce a positive constitutive strip test. Because the beta-glucosidase of E. coli is inducible, one should employe, when using growth media, a light inoculum obtained by touching the top of a colony with a bacteriological wire and read the reaction between 18 and 24 h, or perform a rapid strip or spot test.

2002 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 243-247 ◽  
AM Chernaki-Leffer ◽  
SM Biesdorf ◽  
LM Almeida ◽  
EVB Leffer ◽  
F Vigne

O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar o isolamento de bactérias da família Enterobacteriaceae em adultos de A. diaperinus, buscando uma correlação entre as bactérias presentes no inseto e na cama, em aviários para produção de frangos de corte no oeste do Paraná, Brasil. No primeiro experimento, insetos adultos foram coletados em 14 granjas. No segundo experimento, foram coletados insetos e material da cama de 12 diferentes aviários. Os adultos foram anestesiados com éter, macerados em solução salina e o material da cama colhido por "swab" de arrasto. O enriquecimento não seletivo foi feito com caldo BHI e o seletivo com Rappaport-Vassiliadis e Tetrationato. Os meios de cultivo para plaqueamento foram o ágar MacConkey, ágar Salmonella-Shigella e ágar verde-brilhante. As enterobactérias isoladas em adultos de A. diaperinus foram: Proteus Vulgaris, P. mirabilis, Escherichia Coli, Enterobacter spp., E. agglomerans, E. gergoviae, E. sakasakii, Citrobacter Diversus e Klebsiella Pneumoniae, enquanto que na cama foram encontrados Proteus Vulgaris, P. mirabilis, Escherichia Coli, Enterobacter Agglomerans. Não foram isoladas Salmonella spp. do inseto nem da cama e P. vulgaris foi a predominante. E. coli foi freqüente nas granjas, tanto na cama como nos insetos e contribuem na disseminação da colibacilose em aviários.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 48-60
A.G. Salmanov ◽  
A.V. Rudenko

Мета роботи — вивчити резистентність до антибіотиків бактеріальних збудників інфекцій сечових шляхів (ІСШ), виділених у пацієнтів урологічного стаціонару в м. Києві. Матеріали і методи. Досліджено 1612 штамів бактерій, виділених із сечі хворих з ІСШ (цистит, уретрит, пієлонефрит), госпіталізованих в урологічне відділення ДУ «Інститут урології НАМН України» у м. Києві протягом 2016 р. Серед пацієнтів переважали жінки — 1201 (74,5 %). Вік хворих становив від 17 до 74 років. Для збору даних використано медичну документацію лікарні. Мікробіологічні дослідження виконано у лабораторії мікробіології ДУ «Інститут урології НАМН України». Аналізували результати культурального дослідження зразків сечі, зібраних за наявності клінічних ознак ІСШ. Дослідження клінічного матеріалу та інтерпретацію отриманих результатів проводили загальноприйнятими методами. Вивчено чутливість уропатогенів до 31 антибіотика дискодифузійним методом відповідно до рекомендацій Інституту клінічних та лабораторних стандартів США (Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI)). Результати та обговорення. Аналіз мікробного спектра сечі виявив домінування серед уропатогенів штамів Escherichia coli (32,0 %), Enterococcus faecalis (19,5 %), Klebsiella pneumoniae (10,9 %), Staphylococcus epidermidis (8,9 %), S. haemolyticus (6,5 %) та Pseudomonas aeruginosa (6,4 %). Частка Enterococcus faecium, Enterobacter aerogenes і Streptococcus viridans становила відповідно 2,5, 2,2 і 1,6 %, Enterobacter cloacae, Klebsiella oxytoca, Acinetobacter baumannii, Proteus vulgaris та Providencia rettgeri — менше 1,0 %. У більшості випадків (69,7 %) мікроорганізми виділено у монокультурі, у решті випадків — у мікробних асоціа- ціях. Високу резистентність до тестованих антибіотиків виявили штами E. aerogenes (45,1 %), E. cloacae (45,7 %), E. faecium (40,9 %), E. faecalis (40,7 %), E. coli (39,9 %), P. aeruginosa (34,0 %), K. pneumoniae (28,6 %). Найбільш активними до уропатогенів були іміпенем (E. coli — 87,6 %, P. aeruginosa — 75,7 %, E. cloacae — 67,3 %, E. aerogenes — 72,6 %, K. pneumoniae — 93,2 %), меропенем (E. coli — 89,1 %, P. aeruginosa — 76,7 %, K. pneumoniae — 82,6 %), лефлоцин (E. coli — 74,5 %, ентерококи — 78,7 %, P. aeruginosa — 76,7 %, E. cloacae — 73,9 %, E. aerogenes — 80,4 %, K. pneumoniae — 83,5 %), амоксицилін/клавуланат (ентерококи — 84,6 %), фурагін (ентерококи — 82,6 %), цефоперазон (K. pneumoniae — 89,2 %, P. aeruginosa — 73,8 %), цефтріаксон (K. pneumoniae — 80,1 %). Висновки. Антибіотикорезистентність збудників ІСШ — важлива терапевтична проблема. Найбільшою активністю до уропатогенів характеризуються іміпенем, меропенем, лефлоцин, амоксицилін/ клавуланат, фурагін, цефоперазон, цефтріаксон, які можна розглядати як препарат вибору для призначення стартової терапії ІСШ. Необхідно здійснювати постійний моніторинг за резистентністю до дії антибіотиків. Політику використання антибіотиків у кожному стаціонарі слід визначати залежно від локальних даних щодо резистентності до протимікробних препаратів.

2011 ◽  
Vol 16 (31) ◽  
A M Hauri ◽  
U Götsch ◽  
I Strotmann ◽  
J Krahn ◽  
G Bettge-Weller ◽  

During the recent outbreak of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) O104:H4 in Germany most cases notified in the State of Hesse (6 million inhabitants) were linked to satellite clusters or had travelled to the outbreak area in northern Germany. Intensified surveillance was introduced to rapidly identify cases not linked to known clusters or cases and thus to obtain timely information on possible further contaminated vehicles distributed in Hesse, as well to describe the risk of secondary transmission among known cases. As of 2 August 2011*, 56 cases of haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS) including two fatal cases, and 124 cases of STEC gastroenteritis meeting the national case definitions have been reported in Hesse. Among the 55 HUS and 81 STEC gastroenteritis cases that met the outbreak case definition, one HUS case and eight STEC gastroenteritis cases may have acquired their infection through secondary transmission. They include six possible transmissions within the family, two possible nosocomial and one possible laboratory transmission. Our results do not suggest an increased transmissibility of the outbreak strain compared to what is already known about E. coli O157 and other STEC serotypes.

1982 ◽  
Vol 152 (2) ◽  
pp. 848-854
M T McCaman ◽  
A McPartland ◽  
M R Villarejo

Escherichia coli K-12 strains contain a cytoplasmic activity, peptidase N, capable of hydrolyzing alanine-p-nitroanilide. Mutations in the structural gene for the enzyme, pepN, were mapped, and the properties of mutant strains were examined. The pepN locus lay between ompF and asnS at approximately 20.8 min on the E. coli chromosome. Loss of peptidase N activity through mutation had no apparent effect on the growth rate or nutritional needs of the cell. Enzyme levels in wild-type strains were constant throughout the growth cycle and were constitutive in all of the growth media tested. Starvation for carbon, nitrogen, or phosphate also did not alter enzyme levels. Constitutive expression of peptidase N is consistent with the idea that the enzyme plays a significant role in the degradation of intracellularly generated peptides.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Vinardas Kelpšas ◽  
Claes von Wachenfeldt

AbstractDeuterium isotope labelling is important for structural biology methods such as neutron protein crystallography, nuclear magnetic resonance and small angle neutron scattering studies of proteins. Deuterium is a natural low abundance stable hydrogen isotope that in high concentrations negatively affect growth of cells. The generation time for Escherichia coli K-12 in deuterated medium is substantially increased compared to cells grown in hydrogenated (protiated) medium. By using a mutagenesis plasmid based approach we have isolated an E. coli strain derived from E. coli K-12 substrain MG1655 that show increased fitness in deuterium based growth media, without general adaptation to media components. By whole-genome sequencing we identified the genomic changes in the obtained strain and show that it can be used for recombinant production of perdeuterated proteins in amounts typically needed for structural biology studies.

2015 ◽  
Vol 197 (14) ◽  
pp. 2316-2324 ◽  
Yasushi Daimon ◽  
Shin-ichiro Narita ◽  
Yoshinori Akiyama

ABSTRACTσE, an alternative σ factor that governs a major signaling pathway in envelope stress responses in Gram-negative bacteria, is essential for growth ofEscherichia colinot only under stressful conditions, such as elevated temperature, but also under normal laboratory conditions. A mutational inactivation of thehicBgene has been reported to suppress the lethality caused by the loss of σE.hicBencodes the antitoxin of the HicA-HicB toxin-antitoxin (TA) system; overexpression of the HicA toxin, which exhibits mRNA interferase activity, causes cleavage of mRNAs and an arrest of cell growth, while simultaneous expression of HicB neutralizes the toxic effects of overproduced HicA. To date, however, how the loss of HicB rescues the cell lethality in the absence of σEand, more specifically, whether HicA is involved in this process remain unknown. Here we showed that simultaneous disruption ofhicAabolished suppression of the σEessentiality in the absence ofhicB, while ectopic expression of wild-type HicA, but not that of its mutant forms without mRNA interferase activity, restored the suppression. Furthermore, HicA and two other mRNA interferase toxins, HigB and YafQ, suppressed the σEessentiality even in the presence of chromosomally encoded cognate antitoxins when these toxins were overexpressed individually. Interestingly, when the growth media were supplemented with low levels of antibiotics that are known to activate toxins,E. colicells with no suppressor mutations grew independently of σE. Taken together, our results indicate that the activation of TA system toxins can suppress the σEessentiality and affect the extracytoplasmic stress responses.IMPORTANCEσEis an alternative σ factor involved in extracytoplasmic stress responses. Unlike other alternative σ factors, σEis indispensable for the survival ofE. colieven under unstressed conditions, although the exact reason for its essentiality remains unknown. Toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems are widely distributed in prokaryotes and are composed of two adjacent genes, encoding a toxin that exerts harmful effects on the toxin-producing bacterium itself and an antitoxin that neutralizes the cognate toxin. Curiously, it is known that inactivation of an antitoxin rescues the σEessentiality, suggesting a connection between TA systems and σEfunction. We demonstrate here that toxin activation is necessary for this rescue and suggest the possible involvement of TA systems in extracytoplasmic stress responses.

1961 ◽  
Vol 39 (10) ◽  
pp. 1551-1558 ◽  
A. J. Finlayson ◽  
F. J. Simpson

When 2,6-diaminopimelicacid-1,7-C14was added to growing cultures of Bacillus megaterium, Staphlococcus aureus, and Escherichia coli, 8–9% of added carbon-14 appeared in the cellular lysine. Similar experiments with Proteus vulgaris, Streptomyces griseus, Aspergillus flavus, and Lactobacillus arabinosus resulted in less than 0.3% of the added carbon-14 being incorporated into the cellular lysine. Leuconostoc mesenteroides converted 0.6% of the added DAP-1,7-C14to lysine-1-C14.Over 90% of the carbon-14 in cell lysine from B. megaterium and L. mesenteroides was found in the carboxyl carbon. This was interpreted as indicating a direct decarboxylation of DAP-1,7-C14to lysine-1-C14. About 70% of the carbon-14 in the lysine from cells of S. aureus and E. coli was found in the carboxyl carbon, thus suggesting that some lysine comes from sources other than 2,6-diaminopimelic acid.Those organisms that actively decarboxylated DAP-1,7-C14to form lysine-C14also synthesized DAP and excreted it into the culture medium during growth.

2016 ◽  
Vol 82 (14) ◽  
pp. 4371-4378 ◽  
Nazrul Islam ◽  
Attila Nagy ◽  
Wesley M. Garrett ◽  
Dan Shelton ◽  
Bret Cooper ◽  

ABSTRACTExtracellular proteins play important roles in bacterial interactions with the environmental matrices. In this study, we examined the extracellular proteins fromEscherichia coliO157:H7 and O104:H4 by tandem mass spectrometry. We identified 500 and 859 proteins from the growth media ofE. coliO157:H7 and O104:H4, respectively, including 371 proteins common to both strains. Among proteins that were considered specific toE. coliO157:H7 or present at higher relative abundances in O157:H7 medium, most (57 of 65) had secretion signal sequences in their encoding genes. Noticeably, the proteins included locus of enterocyte effacement (LEE) virulence factors, proteins required for peptidyl-lipoprotein accumulation, and proteins involved in iron scavenging. In contrast, a much smaller proportion of proteins (37 of 150) that were considered specific to O104:H4 or presented at higher relative abundances in O104:H4 medium had signals targeting them for secretion. These proteins included Shiga toxin 2 subunit B and O104:H4 signature proteins, including AAF/1 major fimbrial subunit and serine protease autotransporters. Most of the abundant proteins from the growth medium ofE. coliO104:H4 were annotated as having functions in the cytoplasm. We provide evidence that the extensive presence of cytoplasmic proteins inE. coliO104:H4 growth medium was due to biological processes independent of cell lysis, indicating alternative mechanisms for this potent pathogen releasing cytoplasmic contents into the growth milieu, which could play a role in interaction with the environmental matrices, such as pathogenesis and biofilm formation.IMPORTANCEIn this study, we compared the extracellular proteins from two of the most prominent foodborne pathogenicE. coliorganisms that have caused severe outbreaks in the United States and in Europe.E. coliO157:H7 is a well-studied Shiga toxigenic foodborne pathogen of the enterohemorrhagic pathotype that has caused numerous outbreaks associated with various contaminated foods worldwide.E. coliO104:H4 is a newly emerged Shiga toxigenic foodborne pathogen of the enteroaggregative pathotype that gained notoriety for causing one of the most deadly foodborne outbreaks in Europe in 2011. Comparison of proteins in the growth medium revealed significant differences in the compositions of the extracellular proteins for these two pathogens. These differences may provide valuable information regarding the cellular responses of these pathogens to their environment, including cell survival and pathogenesis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. S697-S697
Andrew Walkty ◽  
James Karlowsky ◽  
Philippe Lagace-Wiens ◽  
Alyssa Golden ◽  
Melanie Baxter ◽  

Abstract Background The clinical outcome of patients with bacteremia due to an extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing member of the family Enterobacteriaceae who are treated with piperacillin-tazobactam appears to depend, at least in part, on the piperacillin-tazobactam MIC. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is any association between the MIC of piperacillin-tazobactam and presence of the narrow spectrum OXA-1 beta-lactamase enzyme among ESBL-producing Escherichia coli. Methods E. coli clinical isolates were obtained from patients evaluated at hospitals across Canada (January 2007 to December 2018) as part of an ongoing national surveillance study (CANWARD). ESBL production was confirmed using the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute phenotypic method. Susceptibility testing was carried out using custom broth microdilution panels, and all isolates underwent whole genome sequencing for beta-lactamase gene detection. Results In total, 671 ESBL-producing E. coli were identified as part of the CANWARD study. The majority of isolates (92.0%; 617/671) harbored a CTX-M ESBL enzyme. CTX-M-15 (62.3%; 418/671), CTX-M-27 (13.9%; 93/671), and CTX-M-14 (13.4%; 90/671) were the most common variants identified. The narrow spectrum OXA-1 beta-lactamase enzyme was present in 42.6% (286/671) of isolates. OXA-1 was detected in 66.3% (277/418) of isolates with a CTX-M-15 ESBL enzyme versus only 3.6% (9/253) of isolates with other ESBL enzyme types. The piperacillin-tazobactam MIC50 and MIC90 values were 8 µg/mL and 32 µg/mL for isolates that possessed the OXA-1 enzyme versus 2 μg/mL and 8 µg/mL for those that did not. The percentage of ESBL-producing E. coli isolates that were inhibited by a piperacillin-tazobactam MIC of ≤8 μg/mL was 68.5% for isolates that were OXA-1 positive and 93.8% for isolates that were OXA-1 negative. Conclusion The MIC50 and MIC90 values of piperacillin-tazobactam among ESBL-producing E. coli were higher for the subset of isolates that harbored a narrow spectrum OXA-1 beta-lactamase enzyme relative to the subset that did not. This association was primarily observed among ESBL-producers with the CTX-M-15 enzyme variant. OXA-1 was infrequently detected among isolates with other ESBL enzyme types. Disclosures George Zhanel, PhD, AVIR (Grant/Research Support)Iterum (Grant/Research Support)Merck (Grant/Research Support)Pfizer (Grant/Research Support)Sandoz (Grant/Research Support)Sunovion (Grant/Research Support)Venatorx (Grant/Research Support)Verity (Grant/Research Support)

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