2011 ◽  
Vol 25 (05) ◽  
pp. 291-313 ◽  

We review the exact results on the various critical regimes of the antiferromagnetic Q-state Potts model. We focus on the Bethe Ansatz approach for generic Q, and describe in each case the effective degrees of freedom appearing in the continuum limit.

1996 ◽  
Vol 10 (28) ◽  
pp. 1389-1395 ◽  

We study Heisenberg spins on an infinite plane. Following an approach developed by Affleck, we find that the Heisenberg Hamiltonian is equivalent in the continuum limit to the nonlinear σ model. And we show that the auxiliary fields, which appear because of the conservation of the number of degrees of freedom, are related to the covariant derivatives of the order parameter. These auxiliary fields have to be taken into account in order to recover the expected values for the coupling constant and magnon velocity in two-dimensions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (6) ◽  
pp. 1549-1651
L. Robert Hocking ◽  
Thomas Holding ◽  
Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb

AbstractIn this paper we study a class of fast geometric image inpainting methods based on the idea of filling the inpainting domain in successive shells from its boundary inwards. Image pixels are filled by assigning them a color equal to a weighted average of their already filled neighbors. However, there is flexibility in terms of the order in which pixels are filled, the weights used for averaging, and the neighborhood that is averaged over. Varying these degrees of freedom leads to different algorithms, and indeed the literature contains several methods falling into this general class. All of them are very fast, but at the same time all of them leave undesirable artifacts such as “kinking” (bending) or blurring of extrapolated isophotes. Our objective in this paper is to build a theoretical model in order to understand why these artifacts occur and what, if anything, can be done about them. Our model is based on two distinct limits: a continuum limit in which the pixel width $$h \rightarrow 0$$ h → 0 and an asymptotic limit in which $$h > 0$$ h > 0 but $$h \ll 1$$ h ≪ 1 . The former will allow us to explain “kinking” artifacts (and what to do about them) while the latter will allow us to understand blur. Both limits are derived based on a connection between the class of algorithms under consideration and stopped random walks. At the same time, we consider a semi-implicit extension in which pixels in a given shell are solved for simultaneously by solving a linear system. We prove (within the continuum limit) that this extension is able to completely eliminate kinking artifacts, which we also prove must always be present in the direct method. Finally, we show that although our results are derived in the context of inpainting, they are in fact abstract results that apply more generally. As an example, we show how our theory can also be applied to a problem in numerical linear algebra.

2005 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 223-241
A. Carpio ◽  
G. Duro

AbstractUnstable growth phenomena in spatially discrete wave equations are studied. We characterize sets of initial states leading to instability and collapse and obtain analytical predictions for the blow-up time. The theoretical predictions are con- trasted with the numerical solutions computed by a variety of schemes. The behavior of the systems in the continuum limit and the impact of discreteness and friction are discussed.

Universe ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (8) ◽  
pp. 253
David R. Junior ◽  
Luis E. Oxman ◽  
Gustavo M. Simões

In this review, we discuss the present status of the description of confining flux tubes in SU(N) pure Yang–Mills theory in terms of ensembles of percolating center vortices. This is based on three main pillars: modeling in the continuum the ensemble components detected in the lattice, the derivation of effective field representations, and contrasting the associated properties with Monte Carlo lattice results. The integration of the present knowledge about these points is essential to get closer to a unified physical picture for confinement. Here, we shall emphasize the last advances, which point to the importance of including the non-oriented center-vortex component and non-Abelian degrees of freedom when modeling the center-vortex ensemble measure. These inputs are responsible for the emergence of topological solitons and the possibility of accommodating the asymptotic scaling properties of the confining string tension.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-42 ◽  
M. Bisi ◽  
G. Spiga

Abstract Starting from a kinetic BGK-model for a rarefied polyatomic gas, based on a molecular structure of discrete internal energy levels, an asymptotic Chapman-Enskog procedure is developed in the asymptotic continuum limit in order to derive consistent fluid-dynamic equations for macroscopic fields at Navier-Stokes level. In this way, the model allows to treat the gas as a mixture of mono-atomic species. Explicit expressions are given not only for dynamical pressure, but also for shear stress, diffusion velocities, and heat flux. The analysis is shown to deal properly also with a mixture of reactive gases, endowed for simplicity with translational degrees of freedom only, in which frame analogous results can be achieved.

Timothy R. Field ◽  
Robert J. A. Tough

The illumination of single population behaviour subject to the processes of birth, death and immigration has provided a basis for the discussion of the non-Gaussian statistical and temporal correlation properties of scattered radiation. As a first step towards the modelling of its spatial correlations, we consider the populations supported by an infinite chain of discrete sites, each subject to birth, death and immigration and coupled by migration between adjacent sites. To provide some motivation, and illustrate the techniques we will use, the migration process for a single particle on an infinite chain of sites is introduced and its diffusion dynamics derived. A certain continuum limit is identified and its properties studied via asymptotic analysis. This forms the basis of the multi-particle model of a coupled population subject to single site birth, death and immigration processes, in addition to inter-site migration. A discrete rate equation is formulated and its generating function dynamics derived. This facilitates derivation of the equations of motion for the first- and second-order cumulants, thus generalizing the earlier results of Bailey through the incorporation of immigration at each site. We present a novel matrix formalism operating in the time domain that enables solution of these equations yielding the mean occupancy and inter-site variances in the closed form. The results for the first two moments at a single time are used to derive expressions for the asymptotic time-delayed correlation functions, which relates to Glauber’s analysis of an Ising model. The paper concludes with an analysis of the continuum limit of the birth–death–immigration–migration process in terms of a path integral formalism. The continuum rate equation and evolution equation for the generating function are developed, from which the evolution equation of the mean occupancy is derived, in this limit. Its solution is provided in closed form.

1997 ◽  
Vol 12 (31) ◽  
pp. 2331-2340 ◽  
L. Chekhov ◽  
K. Zarembo

We calculate an effective action and measure induced by the integration over the auxiliary field in the matrix model recently proposed to describe IIB superstrings. It is shown that the measure of integration over the auxiliary matrix is uniquely determined by locality and reparametrization invariance of the resulting effective action. The large-N limit of the induced measure for string coordinates is discussed in detail. It is found to be ultralocal and, thus, is possibly irrelevant in the continuum limit. The model of the GKM type is considered in relation to the effective action problem.


We study a family of local boundary conditions for the Dirac problem corresponding to the continuum limit of graphene, both for nanoribbons and nanodots. We show that, among the members of such family, MIT bag boundary conditions are the ones which are in closest agreement with available experiments. For nanotubes of arbitrary chirality satisfying these last boundary conditions, we evaluate the Casimir energy via zeta function regularization, in such a way that the limit of nanoribbons is clearly determined.

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