2004 ◽  
Vol 13 (02) ◽  
pp. 327-333 ◽  

The effect of a slowly rotating mass on a forced harmonic oscillator with two degrees of freedom is studied in the weak field approximation. It is found that according to the general theory of relativity there is a shift in the resonant frequency of the oscillator which depends on the density and rotational frequency of the gravitational source. The proposed shift is quite small under normal physical situations however it is estimated that for compact X-ray sources such as white dwarfs, pulsars and neutron stars the shift is quite appreciable.

2017 ◽  
Vol 72 (12) ◽  
pp. 1113-1126 ◽  
Saswati Roy ◽  
A.K. Sen

AbstractThe gravitational deflection of light ray is an important prediction of general theory of relativity. In this paper we have developed an analytical expression of the deflection of light ray without any weak field approximation due to a charged gravitating body represented by Reissner-Nordström (RN) and Janis-Newman-Winicour (JNW) space-time geometry, using material medium approach. It is concluded that although both the geometries represent the charged, non-rotating, spherically symmetric gravitating body, the effect of charge on the gravitational deflection is just opposite to each other. The gravitational deflection decreases with charge in the RN geometry and increases with charge in the JNW geometry. The calculations obtained here are compared with other methods done by different authors. The formalism is applied to an arbitrarily selected gravitating body, as a test case and compared with the standard Schwarzschild geometry for comparison purposes.

Symmetry ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (10) ◽  
pp. 1693
Asher Yahalom

The general theory of relativity (GR) is symmetric under smooth coordinate transformations, also known as diffeomorphisms. The general coordinate transformation group has a linear subgroup denoted as the Lorentz group of symmetry, which is also maintained in the weak field approximation to GR. The dominant operator in the weak field equation of GR is thus the d’Alembert (wave) operator, which has a retarded potential solution. Galaxies are huge physical systems with dimensions of many tens of thousands of light years. Thus, any change at the galactic center will be noticed at the rim only tens of thousands of years later. Those retardation effects are neglected in the present day galactic modelling used to calculate rotational velocities of matter in the rims of the galaxy and surrounding gas. The significant differences between the predictions of Newtonian instantaneous action at a distance and observed velocities are usually explained by either assuming dark matter or by modifying the laws of gravity (MOND). In this paper, we will show that, by taking general relativity seriously without neglecting retardation effects, one can explain the radial velocities of galactic matter in the M33 galaxy without postulating dark matter. It should be stressed that the current approach does not require that velocities v are high; in fact, the vast majority of galactic bodies (stars, gas) are substantially subluminal—in other words, the ratio of vc≪1. Typical velocities in galaxies are 100 km/s, which makes this ratio 0.001 or smaller. However, one should consider the fact that every gravitational system, even if it is made of subluminal bodies, has a retardation distance, beyond which the retardation effect cannot be neglected. Every natural system, such as stars and galaxies and even galactic clusters, exchanges mass with its environment, for example, the sun loses mass through solar wind and galaxies accrete gas from the intergalactic medium. This means that all natural gravitational systems have a finite retardation distance. The question is thus quantitative: how large is the retardation distance? For the M33 galaxy, the velocity curve indicates that the retardation effects cannot be neglected beyond a certain distance, which was calculated to be roughly 14,000 light years; similar analysis for other galaxies of different types has shown similar results. We demonstrate, using a detailed model, that this does not require a high velocity of gas or stars in or out of the galaxy and is perfectly consistent with the current observational knowledge of galactic and extra galactic material content and dynamics.

§1. It is well known that if F i = n i h , i ═ 1, 2, ... (1) be a set of quantum conditions applicable to a class of dynamical systems, then F i must satisfy the definite condition: ∂F i /∂ a ═ 0, (2) where a is a parameter, such as an external field, etc., which is followed to undergo a slow non-systematic variation. In other words, F i must be an “adiabatic invariant” of the class of systems. Burgers has shown, on the basis of Newtonian dynamics, that I i ═ ∫ 0 P i dq i fulfils this condition in the case of a conditionally periodic system of several degrees of freedom where q i p i are separable Hamiltonian co-ordinates, provided the system he non-degenerate, i. e , provided no relation of the form ∑ i s i j ν i = 0 (3) exist between the frequencies ν i , where s i j is an integer, positive or negative, In the case of a system of charged particles, W. Wilson has shown that on the basis of the general theory of relativity, p i should be replaced by π i where π i = p i + e A i , (4)

The author's generalized procedure for putting a theory into Hamiltonian form is applied to Einstein’s theory of gravitation. It is shown that one can make a change in the action density, not affecting the equations of motion, which causes four of the ten degrees of freedom associated with the ten g µν to drop out of the Hamiltonian formalism. This simplification can be achieved only at the expense of abandoning four-dimensional symmetry. In the weak field approximation one can make a Fourier resolution of the field quantities, and one then gets a clean separation of those degrees of freedom whose variables depend on the system of co-ordinates from those whose variables do not. There are four of the former and two of the latter for each Fourier component. The two latter correspond to gravitational waves with two independent states of polarization. One of the four former is responsible for the Newtonian attraction between masses and also gives a negative gravitational self-energy for each mass.

2019 ◽  
Vol 488 (4) ◽  
pp. 5390-5399 ◽  
Tousif Islam

ABSTRACT Eventual flattening of velocity dispersion profiles of some galactic globular clusters (GCs) in the Milky Way cannot be explained in the framework of Newtonian gravity and hence in general theory of relativity in the weak field limit, without resorting to the occurrence of tidal effects. We explore the possibility of explaining such deviation from expected Keplerian fall-off in dispersion profiles within the context of Weyl conformal gravity. We choose a set of 20 GCs for which recent kinematic measurements are available. We model the GCs with approximate Hernquist mass profiles and choose a constant mass-to-light ratio throughout the cluster as the only free parameter in the model. Our analysis finds reasonable Weyl gravity fits to the observed dispersion profiles, exhibiting both Keplerian decline and eventual flattening, with acceptable mass-to-light ratios. We further recover a Tully–Fisher-like scaling relation in GCs through Weyl gravity.

Quantum ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 309 ◽  
Shishir Khandelwal ◽  
Maximilian P.E. Lock ◽  
Mischa P. Woods

The theory of relativity associates a proper time with each moving object via its world line. In quantum theory however, such well-defined trajectories are forbidden. After introducing a general characterisation of quantum clocks, we demonstrate that, in the weak-field, low-velocity limit, all ``good'' quantum clocks experience time dilation as dictated by general relativity when their state of motion is classical (i.e. Gaussian). For nonclassical states of motion, on the other hand, we find that quantum interference effects may give rise to a significant discrepancy between the proper time and the time measured by the clock. The universality of this discrepancy implies that it is not simply a systematic error, but rather a quantum modification to the proper time itself. We also show how the clock's delocalisation leads to a larger uncertainty in the time it measures – a consequence of the unavoidable entanglement between the clock time and its center-of-mass degrees of freedom. We demonstrate how this lost precision can be recovered by performing a measurement of the clock's state of motion alongside its time reading.

Asher Yahalom

The general theory of relativity (GR) is known to be invariant under smooth coordinate transformations (diffeomorphism). This group has a subgroup known as the Lorentz group of symmetry which is manifested in the weak field approximation to GR. The dominant operator in the weak field equation of GR is thus the d'Alembert (wave) operator which has a retarded potential solution. Galaxies are huge physical systems having dimensions of many tens of thousands of light years. Thus any change at the galactic center will be noticed at the rim only tens of thousands of years later. Those retardation effects are neglected in present day galactic modelling used to calculate rotational velocities of matter in the rims of the galaxy and surrounding gas. The significant differences between the predictions of Newtonian instantaneous action at a distance and observed velocities are usually explained by either assuming dark matter or by modifying the laws of gravity (MOND). In this paper we will show that taking general relativity seriously without neglecting retardation effects one can explain the radial velocities of galactic matter in the M33 galaxy without postulating dark matter.

2021 ◽  
pp. 164-210
Moataz H. Emam

The general theory of relativity is introduced based on the principle of equivalence. Gravity is shown to arise dues to spacetime curvature. Specific examples of curved spacetimes are presented from the approximate but more intuitive to the complex: Uniform gravitational field (Galilean metric), the Newtonian weak field metric, Schwarzschild’s exterior and interior solutions, black holes, and cosmological spacetimes. A brief discussion on distances, areas and volumes in curved spaces is also given.

Piyali Bhar

In this paper, a well-behaved new model of anisotropic compact star in (3+1)-dimensional spacetime has been investigated in the background of Einstein’s general theory of relativity. The model has been developed by choosing [Formula: see text] component as Krori–Barua (KB) ansatz [Krori and Barua in J. Phys. A, Math. Gen. 8 (1975) 508]. The field equations have been solved by a proper choice of the anisotropy factor which is physically reasonable and well behaved inside the stellar interior. Interior spacetime has been matched smoothly to the exterior Schwarzschild vacuum solution and it has also been depicted graphically. Model is free from all types of singularities and is in static equilibrium under different forces acting on the system. The stability of the model has been tested with the help of various conditions available in literature. The solution is compatible with observed masses and radii of a few compact stars like Vela X-1, 4U [Formula: see text], PSR J[Formula: see text], LMC X [Formula: see text], EXO [Formula: see text].

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