scholarly journals Protection against Multiple Subtypes of Influenza Viruses by Virus-Like Particle Vaccines Based on a Hemagglutinin Conserved Epitope

2015 ◽  
Vol 2015 ◽  
pp. 1-12 ◽  
Shaoheng Chen ◽  
Dan Zheng ◽  
Changgui Li ◽  
Wenjie Zhang ◽  
Wenting Xu ◽  

We selected the conserved sequence in the stalk region of influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) trimmer, the long alpha helix (LAH), as the vaccine candidate sequence, and inserted it into the major immunodominant region (MIR) of hepatitis B virus core protein (HBc), and, by using theE. coliexpression system, we prepared a recombinant protein vaccine LAH-HBc in the form of virus-like particles (VLP). Intranasal immunization of mice with this LAH-HBc VLP plus cholera toxin B subunit with 0.2% of cholera toxin (CTB*) adjuvant could effectively elicit humoral and cellular immune responses and protect mice against a lethal challenge of homologous influenza viruses (A/Puerto Rico/8/1934 (PR8) (H1N1)). In addition, passage of the immune sera containing specific antibodies to naïve mice rendered them resistant against a lethal homologous challenge. Immunization with LAH-HBc VLP vaccine plus CTB*adjuvant could also fully protect mice against a lethal challenge of the 2009 pandemic H1N1 influenza virus or the avian H9N2 virus and could partially protect mice against a lethal challenge of the avian H5N1 influenza virus. This study demonstrated that the LAH-HBc VLP vaccine based on a conserved sequence of the HA trimmer stalk region is a promising candidate vaccine for developing a universal influenza vaccine against multiple influenza viruses infections.

2011 ◽  
Vol 18 (7) ◽  
pp. 1083-1090 ◽  
Michael G. Wallach ◽  
Richard J. Webby ◽  
Fakhrul Islam ◽  
Stephen Walkden-Brown ◽  
Eva Emmoth ◽  

ABSTRACTInfluenza viruses remain a major threat to global health due to their ability to undergo change through antigenic drift and antigenic shift. We postulated that avian IgY antibodies represent a low-cost, effective, and well-tolerated approach that can easily be scaled up to produce enormous quantities of protective antibodies. These IgY antibodies can be administered passively in humans (orally and intranasally) and can be used quickly and safely to help in the fight against an influenza pandemic. In this study, we raised IgY antibodies against H1N1, H3N2, and H5N1 influenza viruses. We demonstrated that, using whole inactivated viruses alone and in combination to immunize hens, we were able to induce a high level of anti-influenza virus IgY in the sera and eggs, which lasted for at least 2 months after two immunizations. Furthermore, we found that by use ofin vitroassays to test for the ability of IgY to inhibit hemagglutination (HI test) and virus infectivity (serum neutralization test), IgYs inhibited the homologous as well as in some cases heterologous clades and strains of viruses. Using anin vivomouse model system, we found that, when administered intranasally 1 h prior to infection, IgY to H5N1 protected 100% of the mice against lethal challenge with H5N1. Of particular interest was the finding that IgY to H5N1 cross-protected against A/Puerto Rico/8/34 (H1N1) bothin vitroandin vivo. Based on our results, we conclude that anti-influenza virus IgY can be used to help prevent influenza virus infection.

2010 ◽  
Vol 17 (9) ◽  
pp. 1381-1389 ◽  
Jae-Min Song ◽  
Yeu-Chun Kim ◽  
Aleksandr S. Lipatov ◽  
Marc Pearton ◽  
C. Todd Davis ◽  

ABSTRACT A simple method suitable for self-administration of vaccine would improve mass immunization, particularly during a pandemic outbreak. Influenza virus-like particles (VLPs) have been suggested as promising vaccine candidates against potentially pandemic influenza viruses, as they confer long-lasting immunity but are not infectious. We investigated the immunogenicity and protective efficacy of influenza H5 VLPs containing the hemagglutinin (HA) of A/Vietnam/1203/04 (H5N1) virus delivered into the skin of mice using metal microneedle patches and also studied the response of Langerhans cells in a human skin model. Prime-boost microneedle vaccinations with H5 VLPs elicited higher levels of virus-specific IgG1 and IgG2a antibodies, virus-specific antibody-secreting cells, and cytokine-producing cells up to 8 months after vaccination compared to the same antigen delivered intramuscularly. Both prime-boost microneedle and intramuscular vaccinations with H5 VLPs induced similar hemagglutination inhibition titers and conferred 100% protection against lethal challenge with the wild-type A/Vietnam/1203/04 virus 16 weeks after vaccination. Microneedle delivery of influenza VLPs to viable human skin using microneedles induced the movement of CD207+ Langerhans cells toward the basement membrane. Microneedle vaccination in the skin with H5 VLPs represents a promising approach for a self-administered vaccine against viruses with pandemic potential.

2001 ◽  
Vol 75 (6) ◽  
pp. 2516-2525 ◽  
Sang Heui Seo ◽  
Robert G. Webster

ABSTRACT In 1997, avian H5N1 influenza virus transmitted from chickens to humans resulted in 18 confirmed infections. Despite harboring lethal H5N1 influenza viruses, most chickens in the Hong Kong poultry markets showed no disease signs. At this time, H9N2 influenza viruses were cocirculating in the markets. We investigated the role of H9N2 influenza viruses in protecting chickens from lethal H5N1 influenza virus infections. Sera from chickens infected with an H9N2 influenza virus did not cross-react with an H5N1 influenza virus in neutralization or hemagglutination inhibition assays. Most chickens primed with an H9N2 influenza virus 3 to 70 days earlier survived the lethal challenge of an H5N1 influenza virus, but infected birds shed H5N1 influenza virus in their feces. Adoptive transfer of T lymphocytes or CD8+ T cells from inbred chickens (B2/B2) infected with an H9N2 influenza virus to naive inbred chickens (B2/B2) protected them from lethal H5N1 influenza virus. In vitro cytotoxicity assays showed that T lymphocytes or CD8+ T cells from chickens infected with an H9N2 influenza virus recognized target cells infected with either an H5N1 or H9N2 influenza virus in a dose-dependent manner. Our findings indicate that cross-reactive cellular immunity induced by H9N2 influenza viruses protected chickens from lethal infection with H5N1 influenza viruses in the Hong Kong markets in 1997 but permitted virus shedding in the feces. Our findings are the first to suggest that cross-reactive cellular immunity can change the outcome of avian influenza virus infection in birds in live markets and create a situation for the perpetuation of H5N1 influenza viruses.

2011 ◽  
Vol 92 (6) ◽  
pp. 1435-1444 ◽  
Jing Li ◽  
Yongqiang Li ◽  
Yi Hu ◽  
Guohui Chang ◽  
Wei Sun ◽  

H5N1 avian influenza viruses demonstrate different phenotypes, such as pathogenicity after one or serial passages in mammalian hosts or cells. To establish the molecular basis of these phenotypes, we cloned isolates from the lungs of mice infected with human A/Vietnam/1194/2004 (H5N1) influenza virus. Large-plaque isolates were less pathogenic to mice than small-plaque isolates. Genome sequencing revealed that the small-plaque and large-plaque isolates differed in several amino acids. In order to assess their effects on pathogenicity in mice, two amino acid changes common to attenuated isolates, one in PB2 (I63T) and the other in PB1 (T677M), were inserted into a wild-type recombinant virus construct. The PB2 (I63T) or PB1 (T677M) mutations alone did not alter the phenotype of H5N1 virus, whereas recombinant virus with both mutations was less pathogenic than the wild-type recombinant virus. Furthermore, the PB1 (T677M) mutation showed a lower replication efficiency, although it had higher polymerase activity. The recombinant virus with the PB2 (63T) mutation replicated as well as the wild-type recombinant virus. These results suggest that the C terminus of PB1 of H5N1 influenza virus mediates virulence attenuation of H5N1 influenza virus in mice, associating with the N terminus of PB2. However, the role of the N terminus of PB2 in virulence attenuation in mice remains unclear.

2009 ◽  
Vol 83 (21) ◽  
pp. 11102-11115 ◽  
Jamie L. Fornek ◽  
Laura Gillim-Ross ◽  
Celia Santos ◽  
Victoria Carter ◽  
Jerrold M. Ward ◽  

ABSTRACT The transmission of H5N1 influenza viruses from birds to humans poses a significant public health threat. A substitution of glutamic acid for lysine at position 627 of the PB2 protein of H5N1 viruses has been identified as a virulence determinant. We utilized the BALB/c mouse model of H5N1 infection to examine how this substitution affects virus-host interactions and leads to systemic infection. Mice infected with H5N1 viruses containing lysine at amino acid 627 in the PB2 protein exhibited an increased severity of lesions in the lung parenchyma and the spleen, increased apoptosis in the lungs, and a decrease in oxygen saturation. Gene expression profiling revealed that T-cell receptor activation was impaired at 2 days postinfection (dpi) in the lungs of mice infected with these viruses. The inflammatory response was highly activated in the lungs of mice infected with these viruses and was sustained at 4 dpi. In the spleen, immune-related processes including NK cell cytotoxicity and antigen presentation were highly activated by 2 dpi. These differences are not attributable solely to differences in viral replication in the lungs but to an inefficient immune response early in infection as well. The timing and magnitude of the immune response to highly pathogenic influenza viruses is critical in determining the outcome of infection. The disruption of these factors by a single-amino-acid substitution in a polymerase protein of an influenza virus is associated with severe disease and correlates with the spread of the virus to extrapulmonary sites.

2015 ◽  
Vol 22 (8) ◽  
pp. 957-964 ◽  
Karen L. Laurie ◽  
Othmar G. Engelhardt ◽  
John Wood ◽  
Alan Heath ◽  
Jacqueline M. Katz ◽  

ABSTRACTThe microneutralization assay is commonly used to detect antibodies to influenza virus, and multiple protocols are used worldwide. These protocols differ in the incubation time of the assay as well as in the order of specific steps, and even within protocols there are often further adjustments in individual laboratories. The impact these protocol variations have on influenza serology data is unclear. Thus, a laboratory comparison of the 2-day enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and 3-day hemagglutination (HA) microneutralization (MN) protocols, using A(H1N1)pdm09, A(H3N2), and A(H5N1) viruses, was performed by the CONSISE Laboratory Working Group. Individual laboratories performed both assay protocols, on multiple occasions, using different serum panels. Thirteen laboratories from around the world participated. Within each laboratory, serum sample titers for the different assay protocols were compared between assays to determine the sensitivity of each assay and were compared between replicates to assess the reproducibility of each protocol for each laboratory. There was good correlation of the results obtained using the two assay protocols in most laboratories, indicating that these assays may be interchangeable for detecting antibodies to the influenza A viruses included in this study. Importantly, participating laboratories have aligned their methodologies to the CONSISE consensus 2-day ELISA and 3-day HA MN assay protocols to enable better correlation of these assays in the future.

2005 ◽  
Vol 79 (17) ◽  
pp. 11269-11279 ◽  
K. M. Sturm-Ramirez ◽  
D. J. Hulse-Post ◽  
E. A. Govorkova ◽  
J. Humberd ◽  
P. Seiler ◽  

ABSTRACT Wild waterfowl are the natural reservoir of all influenza A viruses, and these viruses are usually nonpathogenic in these birds. However, since late 2002, H5N1 outbreaks in Asia have resulted in mortality among waterfowl in recreational parks, domestic flocks, and wild migratory birds. The evolutionary stasis between influenza virus and its natural host may have been disrupted, prompting us to ask whether waterfowl are resistant to H5N1 influenza virus disease and whether they can still act as a reservoir for these viruses. To better understand the biology of H5N1 viruses in ducks and attempt to answer this question, we inoculated juvenile mallards with 23 different H5N1 influenza viruses isolated in Asia between 2003 and 2004. All virus isolates replicated efficiently in inoculated ducks, and 22 were transmitted to susceptible contacts. Viruses replicated to higher levels in the trachea than in the cloaca of both inoculated and contact birds, suggesting that the digestive tract is not the main site of H5N1 influenza virus replication in ducks and that the fecal-oral route may no longer be the main transmission path. The virus isolates' pathogenicities varied from completely nonpathogenic to highly lethal and were positively correlated with tracheal virus titers. Nevertheless, the eight virus isolates that were nonpathogenic in ducks replicated and transmitted efficiently to naïve contacts, suggesting that highly pathogenic H5N1 viruses causing minimal signs of disease in ducks can propagate silently and efficiently among domestic and wild ducks in Asia and that they represent a serious threat to human and veterinary public health.

2010 ◽  
Vol 84 (20) ◽  
pp. 10918-10922 ◽  
Cássio Pontes Octaviani ◽  
Makoto Ozawa ◽  
Shinya Yamada ◽  
Hideo Goto ◽  
Yoshihiro Kawaoka

Reassortment is an important mechanism for the evolution of influenza viruses. Here, we coinfected cultured cells with the pandemic swine-origin influenza virus (S-OIV) and a contemporary H5N1 virus and found that these two viruses have high genetic compatibility. Studies of human lung cell lines indicated that some reassortants had better growth kinetics than their parental viruses. We conclude that reassortment between these two viruses can occur and could create pandemic H5N1 viruses.

2009 ◽  
Vol 83 (11) ◽  
pp. 5726-5734 ◽  
Lucy A. Perrone ◽  
Attiya Ahmad ◽  
Vic Veguilla ◽  
Xiuhua Lu ◽  
Gale Smith ◽  

ABSTRACT Influenza vaccines capable of inducing cross-reactive or heterotypic immunity could be an important first line of prevention against a novel subtype virus. Influenza virus-like particles (VLPs) displaying functional viral proteins are effective vaccines against replication-competent homologous virus, but their ability to induce heterotypic immunity has not been adequately tested. To measure VLP vaccine efficacy against a known influenza pandemic virus, recombinant VLPs were generated from structural proteins of the 1918 H1N1 virus. Mucosal and traditional parenteral administrations of H1N1 VLPs were compared for the ability to protect against the reconstructed 1918 virus and a highly pathogenic avian H5N1 virus isolated from a fatal human case. Mice that received two intranasal immunizations of H1N1 VLPs were largely protected against a lethal challenge with both the 1918 virus and the H5N1 virus. In contrast, mice that received two intramuscular immunizations of 1918 VLPs were only protected against a homologous virus challenge. Mucosal vaccination of mice with 1918 VLPs induced higher levels of cross-reactive immunoglobulin G (IgG) and IgA antibodies than did parenteral vaccination. Similarly, ferrets mucosally vaccinated with 1918 VLPs completely survived a lethal challenge with the H5N1 virus, while only a 50% survival rate was observed in parenterally vaccinated animals. These results suggest a strategy of VLP vaccination against a pandemic virus and one that stimulates heterotypic immunity against an influenza virus strain with threatening pandemic potential.

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