The Decline of Extended Families and Changes in Bride Price in Lineage Villages in Northern Guangdong (大家庭式微:理解粤北宗族村落彩礼变迁的一种视角——基于城村的考察)

Rural China ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-53
Hailong Wu (吴海龙)

The amount of bride price in the lineage-centered villages in northern Guangdong has decreased, in sharp contrast to its escalation throughout the country. This article examines changes in life styles in the rural communities of northern Guangdong through an analysis of local activities in relation to bride prices. Indicative of the deterioration of the extended family and the weakening of the authority of parents in decision-making, the determination of bride price has shifted from the senior generation to adult children, and the importance of bride price in marriage has decreased accordingly, as has its amount. All these suggest the growing importance of emotion as a defining factor in the family as a result of changes in family relations and the household economy that have undermined traditional family morality. 粤北宗族村的彩礼相对于全国彩礼高涨的形势,不增反而相对下降。本文通过婚姻彩礼行为的分析,透视了粤北传统宗族村落家庭生活方式的变迁。在大家庭生活式微的过程中,婚姻彩礼从由长辈主导到由子女主导。彩礼在婚姻中的作用逐渐弱化,彩礼价格也相对下降。大家庭逐渐丧失公共性,长辈从家长的公共角色转变为父母这样的私人角色。随着家庭政治经济的嬗变,家庭内的伦理道德丧失了存在的需要和基础,情感成为家庭中起主导作用的力量。

2001 ◽  
Vol 89 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-84 ◽  
Isao Fukunishi ◽  
Wayne Paris

The intergenerational association of alexithymic characteristics of mothers and their children were examined in a sample of 232 pairs of college students and their mothers. Scores on the Toronto Alexithymia Scale, Parental Bonding Inventory, and the Family Environmental Scale of college students were significantly correlated with their mothers' memories of when they were also 20 years old. College students' scores were significantly correlated with their mothers' scores on each questionnaire. The student-mother pairs were further divided into two family types, nuclear and extended families. Correlations were higher for scores of the nuclear family than for those of the extended family. Such results suggest there may be intergenerational transmission of alexithymia and related factors from mothers to children.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 84-107
Siv Oltedal ◽  
Ingunn Studsrød ◽  
Rasa Naujanienė ◽  
Carolina Muñoz Guzmán

Child welfare services around the world deal with families and family complexities. The study from Chile, Lithuania and Norway explores how social workers define family and more specific the position of extended families within child welfare and thus indicate contextual differences and similarities. In the data collection, five focus groups were included: one Lithuanian (eight participants), two Chilean (with two and two participants) and two Norwegian groups (with seven and eight participants). The analysis reveals significant and thematic differences and similarities between the countries related to the fluid and varied concept of family. The results also show variations across contexts in which families that are targeted by the services, the involvement of children and nuclear and extended family members. A dilemma between children’s need to keep family bonds and the states responsibility to protect children, can be exemplified with the position of the extended family. We can identity a difference between Norway, with comprehensive state involvement that can be framed as they are dealing with a public family, and both Chile and Lithuania, which put more of an emphasis on problem-solving within families, and thus look at the family as more of a private sphere.

Sociologija ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 46 (3) ◽  
pp. 227-243 ◽  
Andjelka Milic

A representative sample survey of families/households in Serbia at the beginning of the third millennium (2003), carried out by the Institute for Sociological Research, has shown the percentage of extended families to be unexpectedly high (30%). Earlier surveys, however, led to the belief that they were almost disappearing as a model and part of the reality of family life. Further analysis of data has convinced us that a revival of a family type, which emerged as a result of the transformation of the traditional zadruga or joint family, is underway. Throughout the socialist period characterized by the discouragement of agricultural development and industrialization, this family type survived and took the form of a hybrid or mixed household consisting of farmers-workers, which has been on a steady decline since the mid 1960s. In contemporary circumstances, marked by a decade-long social crisis and economic decline, an expansion of the extended family model takes place. It is distinguished by completely new morphological, structural, socioeconomic and functional features, which indicate the existence of strategies applied by individual families with the aim of adapting to the blocked, postponed and belated socioeconomic transformation, namely, avoiding the risks it brings. On the basis of the produced empirical evidence, the existence of two types of extension have been determined: horizontally (lateral descent) and vertically extended family type (blood relationship, patrilinearity). It has also been determined that these two types differ in the ways of their emergence and maintenance, as well as in essential inner relations. Vertically extended families are characterized by the elements of the traditional patriarchal order, while horizontal extension is a result of modernizing trends that have never fully developed (especially as far as the relationship between spouses is concerned).

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Siti Hajar Salawali ◽  
Herni Susanti

Abstrak Pelaksanaan terapi family psychoeducation pada extended familydengan hipertensitidak dapat dipandang sebelah mata. Keluarga yang merawat anggota keluarga dengan hipertensi memiliki resiko mengalami beban dan seluruh beban yang dirasakan oleh keluarga merupakan stresor yang harus dihadapioleh seluruh anggota keluarga bersama-sama. Perawat yang terlibat dalam upaya perawatan kepada klien juga harus memperhatikan masalah yang dihadapi oleh keluarga. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasi beban dengan pemberian terapi family psychoeducation.Metode yang digunakan adalah laporan kasus. Laporan kasus ini menjadi yang pertama kalinya bagaimana penerapan komunikasi terapeutik terhadap family psychoeducation pada extended family dengan hipertensi dilakukan serta disajikan dalam bentuk laporan kasus. Penulis melakukan terapi sebanyak 6 sesi dengan menggabungkan menggunakan tekhnik komunikasi terapeutik. Hasil studi ini didapatkan bahwa terapifamily psychoeducation dan penggunaan komunikasi terapeutik dapat digunakan sebagai cara untuk menyelesaiakan masalah dalam keluarga yang merawat anggota keluarga dengan penyakit fisik (seperti hipertensi) pada kondisi dengan extended family, dimana dalam melaksanaan family psychoeducation, perawat lebih menggunakan tekhnik komunikasi terapeutik terutama pada sesi 3 yaitu manajemen stres dan sesi 4 yaitu manajemen beban keluarga. Tekhnik komunikasi terapeutik yang lebih sering digunakan penulis dalam pemberian family psychoeducation pada keluarga dengan kondisi extended familyyaitu mendengarkan aktif dan mengulang, klarifikasi dan fokus, refleksi dengan menunjukkan rasa empati dan rasa hormat, menggunakan humor, dan diam serta sesekali memberikan sentuhan yang terapeutik.Kata Kunci: Komunikasi Terapeutik, Psikoedukasi Keluarga, Keluarga Besar, Hipertensi Application of Therapeutic Communication to the Implementation of Family Psychoeducation at Extended Family with Hypertension: Case Report AbstractThe implementation of family psychoeducation therapy in extended families with hypertension cannot be underestimated. Families who care for family members with hypertension have a risk of experiencing the burden and all the burden felt by the family is a stressor that must be faced by all family members together. Nurses who are involved in care efforts to clients must also pay attention to problems faced by the family. One of the efforts that can be done to overcome the burden of therapy is family psychoeducation. The method used is a case report. This case report is the first time how the application of therapeutic communication to family psychoeducation in the extended family with hypertension is carried out and presented in the form of case reports. The author did therapy for 6 sessions by combining using therapeutic communication techniques. The results of this study found that family psychoeducation therapy and the use of therapeutic communication can be used as a way to solve family problems that treat family members with physical illness (such as hypertension) in conditions with extended families, where in implementing family psychoeducation, nurses use therapeutic communication techniques. especially in session 3, stress management and session 4, namely family burden management. Therapeutic communication techniques that are more often used by writers in giving family psychoeducation to families with extended family conditions, namely active listening and repetition, clarification and focus, reflection by showing empathy and respect, using humor, and being quiet and occasionally giving a therapeutic touch.Keywords: Comunication Therapeutic, Family Psychoeducation, Extended Family, Hipertention

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 14 ◽  
Avtar Singh ◽  
Akshi Duggal ◽  
Ravinder Singh ◽  
Upmesh K. Talwar

<p>Paper highlights basic concepts of elder abuses and raises relevant issues concerning problems of elderly, which must be listened with utmost care. None of us claim convincingly that what is an extent of older person’s problems and what is the appropriate solution. It is only possible through a caring unit of society, the family, if restructured on the values and reframing the sensitivity among <em>kins n kieth</em>. Then elderly people may get a meaningful relationship among the family of genitor and extended family of procreator – younger children and their families. Otherwise their suffering, though how difficult or simple may, would continue as such, despite best economical resources, plans and programmes existing for them. Legal provisions to do exist to safeguard elderly people in family situations, but they are neither aware nor their progeny for caring them in extended families. Do we hear them or spend quality time as married sons or daughters, daughter in laws? Do our children spend time with grandfather? Or do we not leave them to alone with their suffering in silence? Overall in last, we do not have enough time to listen their problems-being alone, emotional disturbances, etc., and they remain to suffer in silences.</p>

2020 ◽  
pp. 30-45
Yuliya Sergeevna Galynskaya ◽  
Viktor Vladimirovich Zvyagintsev

The subject of this research is contradictory trends in transformation of the traditional Russian family into a family of modern type. The analysis of family transformation processes is conducted on the basis of the concept of familialism that puts family in the center of society, as well as on the basis of methodological foundations of the civilizational approach towards studying societal development. The perspective is substantiated that Russia as a separate civilization, with its own values and cultural foundations that differ fundamentally from the Western European civilization. It is demonstrated that the social institution of family is undergoing crisis in all civilized countries; but unlike an organic course of modernization in Western European, in Russia it is an inorganic modernization. The author explains the fatality of situation for the Russian family, when the external modernization processes contradict with the ethnic social archetype of the Russians. The article disputes the modernist concept of the transformation of family relations, which justifies the normality and naturalness of changes. It is underlined that modernization processes lead to the demise and extinction of family institution, which is disastrous for the society. The applied part of the article presents the results of the authorial research on determination of students&rsquo; stance on the family and family values; the respondents became the students of Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation in Novosibirsk. Student youth is the conveyors of traditional family values. On the verbal level, they translate tolerance and liberal values, and on the behavioral level are oriented towards family relations of traditional type. The recommendations are made on structuring the government policy in the sphere of family relations based on the foundation of Russian sociocultural values.

Mikkel Rytter

This article inquires into the “homeland imaginary” of Pakistani who emigrated to Denmark during the past four decades. In addition to the search for economic prosperity, the generations of migrants have also created visions of the places they came from and their relations to the family members left behind. The “homeland imaginary” gives emphasis to the “good life” in the bosom of caring, extended families. Nostalgic yearning to revitalize such family values, considered lost in Denmark, motivates some individuals and families to return to Pakistan, where they, however, rarely find the good life or homeland they imagined. Based on narratives recounted by members of three Pakistani families who returned to Pakistan after living in Denmark, this paper discusses how patriarchal authority, as well as notions of home and identity, are negotiated within the extended family. The article then questions the conflation of popular and analytical representations of the close-knit extended family found in the ethnographic literature and outlines an analytical perspective of the extended family that includes multiple subject positions based on age, gender and civil status that sheds new light on the practices and visions of Pakistani family life.  

2021 ◽  
pp. 105413732110346
Betül Tanacıoğlu-Aydın ◽  
Sibel Akmehmet-Şekerler ◽  
Deniz Albayrak-Kaymak ◽  
Ayten Zara

The loss of the mother leads to many changes in the family. The loss might have negative effects on the ones that are left behind. However, some family members do not show pathological symptoms; rather, they have healthy functioning despite their sad loss. Guided by the resilience perspective, this study illuminates the case of a Turkish family after the mother dies due to stomach cancer. The whole picture of a family after this loss was examined through using various data sources. Transcribed interviews with family members and teachers of two children in the family were investigated through thematic analysis, and five major themes were identified. Extended family relations and rituals, such as funeral services, meals after the funeral, or visiting the grave of the lost one, were found to be helpful toward positive grief experiences and resilience of the family members in the aftermath of the loss. This study was important in the sense that it gave an in-depth perspective of a Muslim family who lost the maternal parent, which is considered a person's most important attachment figure.

2013 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-69 ◽  
Isabelle Albert ◽  
Dieter Ferring ◽  
Tom Michels

According to the intergenerational solidarity model, family members who share similar values about family obligations should have a closer relationship and support each other more than families with a lower value consensus. The present study first describes similarities and differences between two family generations (mothers and daughters) with respect to their adherence to family values and, second, examines patterns of relations between intergenerational consensus on family values, affectual solidarity, and functional solidarity in a sample of 51 mother-daughter dyads comprising N = 102 participants from Luxembourgish and Portuguese immigrant families living in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Results showed a small generation gap in values of hierarchical gender roles, but an acculturation gap was found in Portuguese mother-daughter dyads regarding obligations toward the family. A higher mother-daughter value consensus was related to higher affectual solidarity of daughters toward their mothers but not vice versa. Whereas affection and value consensus both predicted support provided by daughters to their mothers, affection mediated the relationship between consensual solidarity and received maternal support. With regard to mothers, only affection predicted provided support for daughters, whereas mothers’ perception of received support from their daughters was predicted by value consensus and, in the case of Luxembourgish mothers, by affection toward daughters.

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