scholarly journals Social workers understanding of extended families position in child welfare in Lithuania, Chile and Norway

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 84-107
Siv Oltedal ◽  
Ingunn Studsrød ◽  
Rasa Naujanienė ◽  
Carolina Muñoz Guzmán

Child welfare services around the world deal with families and family complexities. The study from Chile, Lithuania and Norway explores how social workers define family and more specific the position of extended families within child welfare and thus indicate contextual differences and similarities. In the data collection, five focus groups were included: one Lithuanian (eight participants), two Chilean (with two and two participants) and two Norwegian groups (with seven and eight participants). The analysis reveals significant and thematic differences and similarities between the countries related to the fluid and varied concept of family. The results also show variations across contexts in which families that are targeted by the services, the involvement of children and nuclear and extended family members. A dilemma between children’s need to keep family bonds and the states responsibility to protect children, can be exemplified with the position of the extended family. We can identity a difference between Norway, with comprehensive state involvement that can be framed as they are dealing with a public family, and both Chile and Lithuania, which put more of an emphasis on problem-solving within families, and thus look at the family as more of a private sphere.

Richard M. Titmuss

This chapter explores how there are at least three reasons why industrialization and the family is today an important subject for debate by an international conference of social workers. The first is an obvious one: the opportunities that it offers for discussion and analysis on a comparative basis. The second lies in the fact that the world is increasingly an industrial world and dominated in its values and goals by problems of economic growth. The third reason in supporting the choice of this particular subject for discussion is that social work is primarily an activity carried on in industrial, urban societies. The problems of human needs and relationships with which social work has traditionally been associated have had their origin in those societies experiencing the impact of industrialization.

2001 ◽  
Vol 89 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-84 ◽  
Isao Fukunishi ◽  
Wayne Paris

The intergenerational association of alexithymic characteristics of mothers and their children were examined in a sample of 232 pairs of college students and their mothers. Scores on the Toronto Alexithymia Scale, Parental Bonding Inventory, and the Family Environmental Scale of college students were significantly correlated with their mothers' memories of when they were also 20 years old. College students' scores were significantly correlated with their mothers' scores on each questionnaire. The student-mother pairs were further divided into two family types, nuclear and extended families. Correlations were higher for scores of the nuclear family than for those of the extended family. Such results suggest there may be intergenerational transmission of alexithymia and related factors from mothers to children.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 158-181
I Made Suharta

Anak-anak di dunia ini sangat membutuhkan bimbingan dari orang tua yang dilakukan dengan adanya rasa kasih sayang dari keluarga terutama bimbingan dari orang tua.  Dengan bimbingan dan kasih sayang yang sepatutnya, seorang anak akan bertumbuh menjadi suatu kesukaan bagi orang tua, berkat bagi dunia, dan terang bercahaya bagi Allah. Pengaruh keluarga atau pun juga guru yang mengajar mereka di sekolah bagi perkembangan anak sangatlah besar. Karena guru juga merupakan tempat utama bagi pembentukan karakter, watak, dan kepribadian anak di sekolah. Dengan bantuan dan dorongan dari keluarga, teman-teman, dan anggota-anggota keluarga besar, anak-anak seharusnya merasakan masa kanak-kanak sebagai suatu masa untuk menemukan pribadi seperti yang telah dikehendaki oleh Tuhan. Namun keadaan dunia ini tidaklah selalu sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Dunia saat ini memberikan kepada anak-anak kemudahan-kemudahan untuk melakukan sesuatu yang tidak sesuai dengan yang diajarkan dalam keluarga begitu juga dengan lingkungan sangat mempengaruhi pembentukan pola-pola kepribadian maupun pola-pola sikapnya. Ketika orang tua tidak memberikan kasih sayang kepada anak sejak kecil yang seharusnya diterima oleh anak dan ketika orang tua gagal memberikan kasih sayang kepada anak, maka anak tidak dapat bertumbuh dengan baik dan di sekolah pun anak tidak aktif dalam mengikuti pengajaran. Hal yang lainnya ialah, mereka bertumbuh menjadi anak-anak yang pemalu dan takut untuk tampil didepan umum, juga kurang percaya diri, menganggap diri kurang mampu, tidak hanya di sekolah namun di lingkungan juga.  Peristiwa lainnya ialah ketika orang tua tidak terlalu mementingkan pertumbuhan anak, maka akan membuat anak sulit mengikuti pengajaran yang baik di sekolah. Kasus-kasus di atas, adalah akibat kurangnya pastoral konseling terhadap anak pada usia 5-12 tahun sehingga berdampak pembentukan karakter dan emosi yang kurang baik. Oleh sebab itu guru diharapkan mampu untuk mengerti pastoral konseling dengan benar dan menjalankannya didalam pengajaran tiap-tiap hari yang dilakukan seorang guru di sekolah, karena pastoral konseling terhadap anak yang benar akan mempengaruhi kecerdasan anak dan anak dapat merasakan kasih sayang atau perhatian yang seharusnya mereka dapatkan dari orang tua.   Children in this world really need guidance from parents which is done with the love of family, especially guidance from parents. With proper guidance and affection, a child will grow into a joy for parents, a blessing to the world, and a bright light for God. The influence of the family or also the teacher who teaches them at school for children's development is very large. Because the teacher is also the main place for the formation of character, character, and personality of children in school. With the help and encouragement from family, friends, and members of extended families, children should feel childhood as a time to find the person who is desired by God. But the state of this world is not always as expected. Today's world gives children the ease of doing things that are not in accordance with what is taught in the family as well as the environment greatly influencing the formation of personality patterns and patterns of attitude. When parents do not give love to children since childhood which should be accepted by children and when parents fail to give love to children, then the child cannot grow properly and even in school the child is not active in following teaching. The other thing is, they grow up to be shy children who are afraid to appear in public, also lack of confidence, consider themselves less capable, not only in school but also in the environment. Other events are when parents are not too concerned with the child's growth, it will make it difficult for children to follow good teaching in school. The cases above, are due to the lack of pastoral counseling of children at the age of 5-12 years, which results in the formation of character and emotions that are not good. Therefore teachers are expected to be able to understand pastoral counseling correctly and carry it out in teaching every day that is done by a teacher at school, because pastoral counseling to the right child will affect the intelligence of children and children can feel the love or attention they should get from parents.

2020 ◽  
pp. 146801732092882
Doris Chateauneuf ◽  
Marie-Andrée Poirier ◽  
Geneviève Pagé

Summary Placement in a foster family by child welfare services is a crucial decision in the trajectory of a child. Nevertheless, the strategies and procedures underlying the decision to remove a child from his/her family for placement in foster care remain little studied. Based on 39 semi-directed individual interviews with social workers from child welfare services, the current study aims at highlighting how social workers come to the decision to remove a child from parental care, and how they choose a foster family. Findings The thematic analysis of the qualitative data collected reveals that four main components were raised by social workers to explain how they make their decisions regarding placement and what are the considerations associated with this process: (1) Professional consensus and collaboration, (2) Clinical and legal guidelines, (3) Risk assessment and clinical judgment, and (4) Personality and values of the social worker. The results of this study show that decisions surrounding the removal of a child from his/her family and the choice of a foster family are the result of multiples factors and strategies involving the social worker and other collaborating professionals, as well as their legal and administrative context. Application The findings suggest that additional efforts could be made in child protection organizations and agencies in order to develop supportive measures that take into account the collective and interactional aspect of the decision-making process regarding placement in foster care.

2002 ◽  
Vol 83 (5) ◽  
pp. 499-507 ◽  
Scottye J. Cash ◽  
Marianne Berry

A process study was performed on a program that was designed to prevent ineffective foster placement, to determine the match between family problems identified during assessment and subsequent services provided to the family. The individualization and “fit” of services to specific family needs is the foundation of assessment practice, but little research has documented the extent to which fit occurs. This study of 115 families and their services found that fit is best when concrete, rather than clinical, services are provided, but that parenting issues continue to drive the provision of all services.

Sociologija ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 46 (3) ◽  
pp. 227-243 ◽  
Andjelka Milic

A representative sample survey of families/households in Serbia at the beginning of the third millennium (2003), carried out by the Institute for Sociological Research, has shown the percentage of extended families to be unexpectedly high (30%). Earlier surveys, however, led to the belief that they were almost disappearing as a model and part of the reality of family life. Further analysis of data has convinced us that a revival of a family type, which emerged as a result of the transformation of the traditional zadruga or joint family, is underway. Throughout the socialist period characterized by the discouragement of agricultural development and industrialization, this family type survived and took the form of a hybrid or mixed household consisting of farmers-workers, which has been on a steady decline since the mid 1960s. In contemporary circumstances, marked by a decade-long social crisis and economic decline, an expansion of the extended family model takes place. It is distinguished by completely new morphological, structural, socioeconomic and functional features, which indicate the existence of strategies applied by individual families with the aim of adapting to the blocked, postponed and belated socioeconomic transformation, namely, avoiding the risks it brings. On the basis of the produced empirical evidence, the existence of two types of extension have been determined: horizontally (lateral descent) and vertically extended family type (blood relationship, patrilinearity). It has also been determined that these two types differ in the ways of their emergence and maintenance, as well as in essential inner relations. Vertically extended families are characterized by the elements of the traditional patriarchal order, while horizontal extension is a result of modernizing trends that have never fully developed (especially as far as the relationship between spouses is concerned).

Simonetta Agnello Hornby

Heralded as the most progressive legislation of the world, the Children Act of 1989 revolutionized children’s law in England and Wales. It is underpinned by six principles: the supremacy of the child’s interest in all decisions concerning their upbringing and education; the recognition that it is best for any chid to be brought up by their blood family, that his religious and ethnic background must be respected, and that siblings should not be separated; the abolition of the stigma of illegitimacy and its replacement with the attribution at birth of paternal responsibility to the child’s father; the unification of public and private law, and the creation of the ‘menu’ of Residence, Contact, Prohibition, and Specific Issue orders available to the court; the establisment of the new principle that time is of the essence in all cases relating to children; and the creation of the presumption that ‘no order is better than an order’ thus the ingerence of the court must be minimal. I believed in those principles and in the benefits that the Children Act would bring to my clients—children and parents alike. I had some reservations: the system was expensive to implement on two counts: first, it gave the child a ‘guardian’ (a qualified social worker appointed by the court through CAFCASS, a governmental agency), as well as their own solicitor paid for by Legal Aid, as was the representative of the parents, who had the right to instruct independent experts; second, because its requirements of social services and other agencies involved further training and increased resources, as well as further involvement of the judiciary, and increased court time. Hornby and Levy were at the forefront of its implementation: our entire staff received in-house training that was open to other disciplines, within the spirit of cooperation between agencies that permeated the Act and its implementation. I also lectured in Britain and abroad and was proud to tell others that social services were under a duty to keep families united, rather than removing children from parents, and make efforts to return to the family the child removed from it, or if this failed, to place the child within the extended family, or with adoptive parents, within a year.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Siti Hajar Salawali ◽  
Herni Susanti

Abstrak Pelaksanaan terapi family psychoeducation pada extended familydengan hipertensitidak dapat dipandang sebelah mata. Keluarga yang merawat anggota keluarga dengan hipertensi memiliki resiko mengalami beban dan seluruh beban yang dirasakan oleh keluarga merupakan stresor yang harus dihadapioleh seluruh anggota keluarga bersama-sama. Perawat yang terlibat dalam upaya perawatan kepada klien juga harus memperhatikan masalah yang dihadapi oleh keluarga. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasi beban dengan pemberian terapi family psychoeducation.Metode yang digunakan adalah laporan kasus. Laporan kasus ini menjadi yang pertama kalinya bagaimana penerapan komunikasi terapeutik terhadap family psychoeducation pada extended family dengan hipertensi dilakukan serta disajikan dalam bentuk laporan kasus. Penulis melakukan terapi sebanyak 6 sesi dengan menggabungkan menggunakan tekhnik komunikasi terapeutik. Hasil studi ini didapatkan bahwa terapifamily psychoeducation dan penggunaan komunikasi terapeutik dapat digunakan sebagai cara untuk menyelesaiakan masalah dalam keluarga yang merawat anggota keluarga dengan penyakit fisik (seperti hipertensi) pada kondisi dengan extended family, dimana dalam melaksanaan family psychoeducation, perawat lebih menggunakan tekhnik komunikasi terapeutik terutama pada sesi 3 yaitu manajemen stres dan sesi 4 yaitu manajemen beban keluarga. Tekhnik komunikasi terapeutik yang lebih sering digunakan penulis dalam pemberian family psychoeducation pada keluarga dengan kondisi extended familyyaitu mendengarkan aktif dan mengulang, klarifikasi dan fokus, refleksi dengan menunjukkan rasa empati dan rasa hormat, menggunakan humor, dan diam serta sesekali memberikan sentuhan yang terapeutik.Kata Kunci: Komunikasi Terapeutik, Psikoedukasi Keluarga, Keluarga Besar, Hipertensi Application of Therapeutic Communication to the Implementation of Family Psychoeducation at Extended Family with Hypertension: Case Report AbstractThe implementation of family psychoeducation therapy in extended families with hypertension cannot be underestimated. Families who care for family members with hypertension have a risk of experiencing the burden and all the burden felt by the family is a stressor that must be faced by all family members together. Nurses who are involved in care efforts to clients must also pay attention to problems faced by the family. One of the efforts that can be done to overcome the burden of therapy is family psychoeducation. The method used is a case report. This case report is the first time how the application of therapeutic communication to family psychoeducation in the extended family with hypertension is carried out and presented in the form of case reports. The author did therapy for 6 sessions by combining using therapeutic communication techniques. The results of this study found that family psychoeducation therapy and the use of therapeutic communication can be used as a way to solve family problems that treat family members with physical illness (such as hypertension) in conditions with extended families, where in implementing family psychoeducation, nurses use therapeutic communication techniques. especially in session 3, stress management and session 4, namely family burden management. Therapeutic communication techniques that are more often used by writers in giving family psychoeducation to families with extended family conditions, namely active listening and repetition, clarification and focus, reflection by showing empathy and respect, using humor, and being quiet and occasionally giving a therapeutic touch.Keywords: Comunication Therapeutic, Family Psychoeducation, Extended Family, Hipertention

Rural China ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-53
Hailong Wu (吴海龙)

The amount of bride price in the lineage-centered villages in northern Guangdong has decreased, in sharp contrast to its escalation throughout the country. This article examines changes in life styles in the rural communities of northern Guangdong through an analysis of local activities in relation to bride prices. Indicative of the deterioration of the extended family and the weakening of the authority of parents in decision-making, the determination of bride price has shifted from the senior generation to adult children, and the importance of bride price in marriage has decreased accordingly, as has its amount. All these suggest the growing importance of emotion as a defining factor in the family as a result of changes in family relations and the household economy that have undermined traditional family morality. 粤北宗族村的彩礼相对于全国彩礼高涨的形势,不增反而相对下降。本文通过婚姻彩礼行为的分析,透视了粤北传统宗族村落家庭生活方式的变迁。在大家庭生活式微的过程中,婚姻彩礼从由长辈主导到由子女主导。彩礼在婚姻中的作用逐渐弱化,彩礼价格也相对下降。大家庭逐渐丧失公共性,长辈从家长的公共角色转变为父母这样的私人角色。随着家庭政治经济的嬗变,家庭内的伦理道德丧失了存在的需要和基础,情感成为家庭中起主导作用的力量。

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