scholarly journals Reinforcing Place Attachment Through its Disruption: An Ethnographic Example from the Solidarita Housing Estate in Prague

2021 ◽  
Tereza Hodúlová

Reinforcing Place Attachment Through its Disruption: An Ethnographic Example from the Solidarita Housing Estate in PragueThe Solidarita housing estate was built during the years 1946–1951 as one of the first post-war housing estates in Prague, former Czechoslovakia. Inspired by Scandinavian urban standards, architects designed Solidarita as an urban architectural experiment that combined innovative urban strategies, new technologies, collective approach, and cooperative financing. The socio-spatial structure of Solidarita was influenced by the ideology of socialism – the production of an egalitarian society through a centrally planned economy and collective ownership. As a result, the estate was self-sufficient and conducive to neighborly meetings, and it strengthened their relations through its form. The political transformation, commercialization, and privatization in the 1990s caused a gradual change of the socio-spatial image of the neighborhood. Some elements of the housing complex started to lose their original function and the community character of Solidarita could be jeopardized. Using the theoretical concept of place attachment and the concept of social production of place, the aim of this paper is to show how residents of the Solidarita housing estate in Prague are attached to the place of their home and neighborhood and how this attachment is reconceptualized through the post-socialist socio-spatial changes of the place.Posilování vztahu k místu skrz jeho narušení: etnografický příklad ze sídliště Solidarita v PrazeSídliště Solidarita bylo postaveno v letech 1946–1951 jako jedno z prvních poválečných sídlišť v Praze. Architekti, inspirováni skandinávskými urbanistickými standardy, postavili sídliště jako experiment, který kombinoval inovativní urbanistické strategie, nové technologie, principy kolektivního bydlení a družstevní financovnání. Do tehdejší podoby sídliště se rovněž promítla ideologie státního socialismu, jenž byl založen na centrálně plánováném ekonomickém systému a společném vlastnictví. V době svého vzniku měla být Solidarita místem, které svou prostorovou formou a soběstačností podporuje a posiluje sousedské vazby a vztah rezidentů k místu svého domova. Události po roce 1989, doprovázené procesem privatizace a komercionalizace, zapříčinily postupnou transformaci socio-prostorových charakteristik sousedství. Některé původní prvky sídliště ztratily svou původní funkci a spolu s postupnou individualizací začal být komunitní charakter sídliště ohrožován. Článek využívá teoretické koncepty přináležitost k místu (place attachment) a sociální produkce místa (social production of space). Jeho cílem je zjistit, jak a skrze co jsou rezidenti Solidarity připoutáni k místu svého domova a jak je tato přináležitost k místu re/konceptualizována v kontextu post-socialistické socio-prostorové transformace Solidarity. Wzmacnianie więzi z miejscem poprzez jej przekształcenie: etnograficzna analiza osiedla Solidarita w PradzeOsiedle Solidarita zostało wzniesione w latach 1946-1951 jako jedno z pierwszych powojennych osiedli w Pradze. Architekci, inspirowani skandynawskimi standardami urbanistycznymi, zaprojektowali je jako eksperyment, który łączył innowacyjne strategie urbanistyczne, nowe technologie, zasady mieszkalnictwa zbiorowego z finansowaniem społecznym. W pierwotnym kształcie osiedla uwidacznia się też wpływ ideologii socjalizmu państwowego, opierającego się na centralnie planowanym systemie ekonomicznym oraz własności społecznej. W chwili swego powstania Solidarita miała być miejscem oddziałującym na mieszkańców poprzez swą formę przestrzenną oraz samowystarczalność, co miało przyczyniać się do rozwoju więzi sąsiedzkich oraz związania się mieszkańców z miejscem. Wydarzenia po 1989 roku, którym towarzyszyły procesy prywatyzacji i komercjalizacji, stały się powodem stopniowej transformacji społeczno-przestrzennych cech sąsiedztwa. Niektóre z pierwotnych elementów osiedla utraciły swoją funkcję, co wraz z postępującą indywidualizacją przyczyniło się do osłabienia wspólnotowego charakteru osiedla. W artykule oparto się na teoretycznej koncepcji przywiązania do miejsca (place attachment) oraz społecznego tworzenia miejsca (social production of space). Celem artykułu jest sprawdzenie, czy i w jaki sposób mieszkańcy Solidarity są związani z miejscem i jak owo przywiązanie do miejsca ulega re/konceptualizacji w kontekście postsocjalistycznej, społeczno-przestrzennej transformacji osiedla.

2021 ◽  
pp. 194277862110548
Fernando González

Since its origins, geography has prioritized the study of nature. However, more recently the discipline has made advancements in studying power as a fundamental element in the social production of space and territory. What can Marxism offer to such investigations? In this brief article, I highlight some of the contributions of Marxist thought that I have found useful for geographic analysis and that stand out from the discipline’s other forms of analysis. Firstly, I recover elements from the thinker Antonio Gramsci that I consider important for debates regarding the social production of space and territory as an expression of power relations. Secondly, I retrace some aspects of Marx's concept of nature to examine certain notions that prevail in today's environmental debates. In this way, I look to denaturalize the hegemonic thought with which institutions and dominant classes exercise power in this area.

2018 ◽  
Vol 21 (0) ◽  

Abstract In metropolitan areas, a significant share of precarious settlements is located in environmentally protected areas. They have high levels of complexity and socio-environmental inequality compared with other areas of the overall territory. For this reason, any intervention in areas with such characteristics has to be managed by integrating social, urban and environmental dimensions. With regards to the evolution of slum upgrading policies and developments in the legal and institutional frameworks that regulate urban and environmental policies, the challenge to articulate these dimensions in order to guarantee both the right to housing and promote environmental recovery still remains. This paper is based on the theoretical panorama that problematizes the social production of space and divided approach to society and nature. It discusses the developments, limits and conflicts that emerge in the practice of slum upgrading. Two issues stand out: the management of the environmental dimension in upgrading projects and works; and the enforcement of the new regulatory frameworks to promote the regularization of these settlements.

Science and engineering have contributed enormously to the post-war success of Britain’s agricultural and food industries. In particular the fruits of agricultural research have been taken up by an industry that has demonstrated its remarkable willingness to apply quickly new ideas emanating from the laboratory, an application often accomplished with help from the advisory services. The outcome is only too apparent. We now have surpluses of many temperate foods and feeds on a huge scale and such surpluses have never before been experienced in Europe. We are facing long-term problems of oversupply which no government in this country, and few governments elsewhere, have had to face before. This new situation presents serious challenges to and opportunities for the agricultural and food industries. It forms a backcloth to these discussions on the contribution of the new technologies to the agricultural and food industries in the 1990s and beyond.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-94

The process of forming the architectural and planning structure of the industrial area of the city of Kuibyshev in the mainstream of the theoretical concept of the 1930s. - a socialist city - is considered. The specifi cs of the process of designing and building the largest in the USSR industrial hub of the aviation industry and the residential area serving it in the conditions of the transitional stage of the prewar, military and post-war period are revealed. The existing building of the district is analyzed on three hierarchical levels of the organization - industrial-residential area, residential quarters, residential buildings. The architectural and compositional features of the existing urban environment are determined.

2012 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 279-298 ◽  
Michael Buser

The language of relational geography now permeates the field and literature of planning, with phrases such as ‘fuzzy boundaries’ and ‘flows and networks’ being commonly used to express the complexity of socio-economic and governance relations. However, recent research suggests the so-called ‘relational turn’ is not only far from complete, but is unable to account for the bounded reality of urban processes. Following from these debates, this article seeks to redirect the study of urban change away from relational and absolute interpretations of space in favour of a more robust consideration and critical reflection on the social production of city-regions. Towards this objective, the author introduces an approach situated within Lefebvre’s The Production of Space to examine strategies of metropolitan regionalism in the Capital District, New York (United States). Interpreting the city-region as a social product reflecting the co-constitutive relationship of conceived, perceived and lived space spatial elements, the paper argues that the silences of lived space within metropolitan regionalism are indicative of a post-political condition where hegemonic vision, discourse and ideology deny a robust urban democracy. It is this ability to engage with the dynamism of social change and the relationships between spaces which makes Lefebvre’s spatial theory immensely valuable for the study of emerging and shifting structures of governance.

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