Brazilian Society for Dental Research 10th Meeting September 8-11,1993 São Paulo, Brazil

1994 ◽  
Vol 73 (4) ◽  
pp. 753-779
2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (01) ◽  
pp. 240-255
Gustavo Souza Santos

  As jornadas de junho se constituíram como um movimento de insurgência disposto sobre o Brasil no período de junho de 2013, com base nas iniciativas do MPL em protesto contra a tarifa do transporte público em São Paulo, mas cujo escopo se ampliou e abarcou uma série de demandas sociais cuja origem é o âmago da sociedade brasileira na extensão e nas particularidades do território nacional. Na dinâmica dos atos, redes de comunicação alternativa e autônoma foram instrumentos de movimentação, informação e coesão das manifestações, por meio de dispositivos e redes sociais. A proposta deste estudo foi refletir as dinâmicas das Jornadas de Junho, considerando a dimensão do ciberespaço como elemento aglutinador de práticas socioespaciais e de insurgência, na busca de uma aproximação entre Geografia e ciberespaço no contexto do exame do caso em questão. Palavras-chave: Jornadas de Junho. Movimentos Sociais. Espaço. Ciberespaço. Rede.   #VEMPRARUA: journeys of a space in network ABSTRACT The June days were constituted as an insurgency movement arranged over Brazil in the period of June 2013, based on the MPL initiatives in protest against the São Paulo public transportation fare, but whose scope has been expanded and encompassed a series of social demands whose origin is the core of Brazilian society in the extension and particularities of the national territory. In the dynamic of the acts, alternative and autonomous communication networks were instruments of movement, information and cohesion of the manifestations, through devices and social networks. The purpose of this study was to reflect the dynamics of the June Conference, considering the dimension of cyberspace as an agglutinating element of socio-spatial and insurgency practices, in the search for an approximation between Geography and cyberspace in the context of the examination of the case in question. Keywords: June Jorneys. Social Movements. Space. Cyberspace. Network.   #VEMPRARUA: jornadas de un espacio en red RESUMEN Las jornadas de junio se constituyeron como un movimiento de insurgencia dispuesto sobre Brasil en el período de junio de 2013, con base en las iniciativas del MPL en protesta contra la tarifa del transporte público en São Paulo, pero cuyo alcance se amplió y abarcó una serie de las demandas sociales cuyo origen es el núcleo de la sociedad brasileña en la extensión y en las particularidades del territorio nacional. En la dinámica de los actos, redes de comunicación alternativa y autónoma fueron instrumentos de movimiento, información y cohesión de las manifestaciones, por medio de dispositivos y redes sociales. La propuesta de este estudio fue reflejar las dinámicas de las Jornadas de Junio, considerando la dimensión del ciberespacio como elemento aglutinante de prácticas socioespaciales y de insurgencia, en la búsqueda de una aproximación entre Geografía y ciberespacio en el contexto del examen del caso en cuestión. Palabras clave: Jornadas de Junio. Movimientos Sociales. Espacio. Ciberespacio. Red.

Maria de Fátima Morethy Couto

The São Paulo Biennial was a daring enterprise modelled on the Venice Biennial that took place for the first time in 1951 in Brazil due to a series of sociocultural and political factors, including a booming industrial sector looking to assert itself socially within Brazilian society. The São Paulo Biennial, the first of its kind in Latin America, looked at propagating Brazil’s image internationally in both the art scene and in the political and economic contexts. Its first instance in 1951 was led by the industrialist Francisco Matarazzo Sobrinho, better known as Ciccillo Matarazzo (1898–1977), who had also spearheaded the founding of the Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo (MAM-SP) half a decade earlier. The biennials above all promoted the circulation of artists, artworks and cultural agents, which was key in the exchange of information, tendencies, and tastes. At a time when the number of art magazines published in Brazil was reduced and travelling abroad was not easy, the São Paulo Biennials connected Brazilians with international contemporary production through the organization of vast retrospectives of modern pioneers such as Paul Klee, Mondrian, and Picasso in 1953, Léger in 1955, and Pollock in 1957.

2013 ◽  
Vol 83 ◽  
pp. 86-111 ◽  
Paulo Fontes ◽  
Francisco Barbosa de Macedo

AbstractThis article analyzes the role of pickets in two of the most emblematic strikes in Brazilian labor history during the twentieth century: the “strike of the 400,000,” which involved several industry categories in São Paulo and neighboring cities in 1957, and the “forty-one days strike” in 1980 involving the metalworkers of the industrial belt, known as ABC Paulista, in the metropolitan region of the city of São Paulo. Both strikes broke out at a time of profound reconfiguration of Brazilian society, marked by industrialization, migration, and urbanization processes. Although separated by a time gap of almost twenty-five years, both the “strike of the 400,000” and the “forty-one days strike” reveal important aspects of the performance of workers in that crucial period of Brazilian history.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 219
Marco Túlio Costa ◽  
Maria Fernanda Silber Caffaro

Professor Roberto Attilio Lima Santin passed away peacefully on the morning of July 13, 2020. Born in the countryside of the state of Sao Paulo, he graduated from University of Sao Paulo at Ribeirao Preto. He entered residency in orthopedic surgery in the early 1960s at Santa Casa de Misericordia de Sao Paulo, where he later became a staff member. Prof. Santin was appointed chief of the Foot and Ankle Group on two different occasions. He was also president of several professional societies, such as the Brazilian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology (SBOT), Paulista Association of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Brazilian Society of Orthopedic Trauma, and Brazilian Society of Limb Lengthening and Reconstruction (ASAMI), and was known for his ethical and peaceful attitude. Prof. Santin’s pioneering and consistent support for a single Latin American scientific journal for foot and ankle surgery led to its creation. He constantly sought opportunities for learning and teaching and found special joy in sharing his wide knowledge. Although he had a preference for foot and ankle surgery, his practice involved all areas of orthopedic surgery. His work combined simplicity in handling unique situations, devotion to helping those in need, elegance while performing operations, and cordiality in coexisting with different personalities. The remarkable characteristics of this beloved master have earned him wide recognition and admiration in the medical community. His ideas, advice, and his standing as physician and professor will always be remembered, and he will be dearly missed by those who had the honor and pleasure of his company. May God bless and comfort his family and friends in this time of grief. Rest in peace beloved teacher.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (19) ◽  
Lucas Trindade da Silva

Pretendo ler a reflexão de Florestan Fernandes sobre as resistências à mudança social e sobre a dominação autocrática nos termos do que o Foucault dos anos 1977-1979 chamou de governamentalidade. Assim, procurarei demonstrar como os padrões de ação, reação e práticas definidos como sociopatia irracional, racionalidade possível e racionalidade estratégica dos setores dominantes da sociedade brasileira ganham, em termos analíticos, quando entendidos como manifestações de uma mentalidade de governo autocrática. Mais do que enquadrar o sociólogo paulista no interior do aparato conceitual foucauldiano, pretendo demarcar, num esforço de simetria e enriquecimento recíproco, as suas contribuições para uma analítica das racionalidades de governo para, por fim, em diálogo com leituras mais recentes do capitalismo contemporâneo, sugerir a atualidade da sociologia crítica de Florestan Fernandes no esforço de elaboração de um diagnóstico do presente.I intend to read Florestan Fernandes' reflection on resistances to social change and on autocratic domination in terms of what Foucault of the years 1977-1979 called governmentality. Thus, I will try to demonstrate how the understanding of defined patterns of action, reaction and practices such as irrational sociopathy, possible rationality and strategic rationality of the dominant sectors of Brazilian society gain, in analytical terms, when understood as manifestations of an autocratic governmentality. More than framing the São Paulo sociologist within the Foucauldian conceptual apparatus, I intend to demarcate, in an effort of symmetry and reciprocal enrichment, his contributions to an analysis of government rationalities and, finally, in dialogue with more recent readings of contemporary capitalism, suggest the relevance of the critical sociology of Florestan Fernandes in the effort to elaborate a diagnosis of the present.

2010 ◽  
Vol 29 (03) ◽  
pp. 87-90
Henrique S. Ivamoto

AbstractMedicine remained as a male profession during many centuries, but the proportion of women rose steadily during the second part of the 20th century in the world and in Brazil. In 2006 they became the majority (51.75%) of the new physicians licensed by the Regional Council of Medicine of the State of São Paulo. Nevertheless, the proportion of women in Neurosurgery and in directive posts in entities of the specialty in Brazil continue very low or absent. Data obtained from the Brazilian Society of Neurosurgery and the Brazilian Academy of Neurosurgery are very similar to those of the American counterparts, like the proportion of women among the associates, around 5%, and one single female chief of a service certified for training in each country. Authors from WINS, an American entity, reported several problems suffered by female neurosurgeons, including gender discrimination. Such occurrences, as reported in online news, should alert against discriminatory attitudes.

2003 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
Plínio José Labriola de Campos Negreiros

Este texto apresenta algumas questões acerca do relacionamento entre o futebol e a construção da identidade nacional no Brasil, especificamente a partir dos anos 1930. Para isso, a nossa atenção se volta para dois eventos especiais dentro da história do futebol no Brasil: a Copa de 38 e o Estádio do Pacaembu (1940). Quanto à participação dos brasileiros na Copa do Mundo de 1938, simbolicamente, reforçou-se a idéia de que aquela não era uma mera disputa esportiva. Ao mesmo tempo, este trabalho olha para a construção do estádio do Pacaembu, em São Paulo, enquanto uma obra que sintetiza não apenas a experiência do futebol em São Paulo, mas também as relações desse esporte com o espaço urbano. Soccer in the 1930’s and 1940’s: building the national identity Abstract This text presents some questions about the relationship between soccer and the construction of Brazil’s national identity, specifically the 1930’s. With this intention, our attention turns to two special events in Brazilian soccer history: the World Cup of 1938 and the Pacaembu Stadium (1940). Concerning the Brazilian participation in the World Cup of 1938, we show how soccer has been articulated with the Brazilian society. Symbolically, the idea that it was not an only sports competition was reinforced. At the same time, this work consist viewing the construction of the Pacaembu Stadium in São Paulo as a work that not only synthesizes São Paulo’s experience with soccer, but also the relation between urban areas and the sport.

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