2003 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
Plínio José Labriola de Campos Negreiros

Este texto apresenta algumas questões acerca do relacionamento entre o futebol e a construção da identidade nacional no Brasil, especificamente a partir dos anos 1930. Para isso, a nossa atenção se volta para dois eventos especiais dentro da história do futebol no Brasil: a Copa de 38 e o Estádio do Pacaembu (1940). Quanto à participação dos brasileiros na Copa do Mundo de 1938, simbolicamente, reforçou-se a idéia de que aquela não era uma mera disputa esportiva. Ao mesmo tempo, este trabalho olha para a construção do estádio do Pacaembu, em São Paulo, enquanto uma obra que sintetiza não apenas a experiência do futebol em São Paulo, mas também as relações desse esporte com o espaço urbano. Soccer in the 1930’s and 1940’s: building the national identity Abstract This text presents some questions about the relationship between soccer and the construction of Brazil’s national identity, specifically the 1930’s. With this intention, our attention turns to two special events in Brazilian soccer history: the World Cup of 1938 and the Pacaembu Stadium (1940). Concerning the Brazilian participation in the World Cup of 1938, we show how soccer has been articulated with the Brazilian society. Symbolically, the idea that it was not an only sports competition was reinforced. At the same time, this work consist viewing the construction of the Pacaembu Stadium in São Paulo as a work that not only synthesizes São Paulo’s experience with soccer, but also the relation between urban areas and the sport.

2010 ◽  
Vol 29 (03) ◽  
pp. 87-90
Henrique S. Ivamoto

AbstractMedicine remained as a male profession during many centuries, but the proportion of women rose steadily during the second part of the 20th century in the world and in Brazil. In 2006 they became the majority (51.75%) of the new physicians licensed by the Regional Council of Medicine of the State of São Paulo. Nevertheless, the proportion of women in Neurosurgery and in directive posts in entities of the specialty in Brazil continue very low or absent. Data obtained from the Brazilian Society of Neurosurgery and the Brazilian Academy of Neurosurgery are very similar to those of the American counterparts, like the proportion of women among the associates, around 5%, and one single female chief of a service certified for training in each country. Authors from WINS, an American entity, reported several problems suffered by female neurosurgeons, including gender discrimination. Such occurrences, as reported in online news, should alert against discriminatory attitudes.

2016 ◽  
pp. 43-58
Hiromi Shibata

Based on studies about cultural capital (BOURDIEU, 1979, 1998, 2007) and the relationship between family and school (ALMEIDA; NOGUEIRA, 2002; DUBET, 1997; NOGUEIRA; ROMANELLI; ZAGO, 2000; SINGLY, 1997 and 2007), this article presents the results of the research done between 2005 and 2008 about the nature of the flux of demand in a private institution in the city of São Paulo by a significant number of Japanese descendent between the 50s and 90s. In cross-checking the contexts, the criteria that guided the choice of the school pursued; moreover, this placed the families researched in the set of changes that occurred in the Brazilian society, inside which the nikkey community built their ways of integration and social mobility.

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Janaína Da Silva Gonçalves Fernandes ◽  
José Maria Montiel ◽  
Karina Da Costa ◽  
Márcia Siqueira de Andrade ◽  
Daniel Bartholomeu

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 139-155
Marta Maria Aragão Maciel

Resumo: O presente texto objetiva uma abordagem, no interior do pensamento de Ernst Bloch (1885/1977), acerca da relação entre marxismo e utopia: um vínculo incomum no interior do marxismo, comumente tido numa oposição inconciliável. Daí a apropriação do termo “herético” em referência ao marxismo do autor alemão: a expressão é usada não em sentido pejorativo, mas apenas para situar seu distanciamento do marxismo vulgar, bem como sua intenção de crítica radical dessa tradição. Aqui entendemos que é, em particular, por meio da relação entre marxismo e utopia que o pensamento de Ernst Bloch aparece como um projeto inelutavelmente político com vistas a uma filosofia da práxis concreta na principal obra do autor: O Princípio esperança (Das Prinzip Hoffnung) [1954/1959]. Neste livro encontramos, com efeito, a tentativa de pensar a atualidade do marxismo para o contexto do século XX, a era das catástrofes, conforme definição do historiador Eric Hobsbawm. Palavras-chave: Marxismo. Utopia. Dialética. Crítica social. Cultura.  Abstract: This paper presents an approach within the thinking of Ernst Bloch (1885/1977) about the relation between Marxism and Utopia: an unusual link within Marxism, commonly held in an irreconcilable opposition. Hence the appropriation of the term "heretical" in reference to the German author's Marxism: the expression is used not in a pejorative sense, but only to situate its distancing from vulgar Marxism, as well as its intention of a radical critique of this tradition. Here we understand that it is particularly through the relationship between Marxism and Utopia that Ernst Bloch's thought appears as an ineluctably political project with a view to a philosophy of concrete praxis in the principal work of the author: The Principle Hope (Das Prinzip Hoffnung) [1954/1959]. In this book we find, in effect, the attempt to think the actuality of Marxism in the context of the age of catastrophe - as defined by Eric Hobsbawm - that is, the long twentieth century that experienced the extreme barbarism of the concentration camp, of which the thinker in question, Jewish and Communist, managed to escape.  Keywords: Marxism. Utopia. Dialectics. Social criticismo. Culture. REFERÊNCIAS   ALBORNOZ, Suzana. O enigma da Esperança: Ernst Bloch e as margens da história do espírito. Petrópolis, RJ: Vozes, 1995.   ALBORNOZ, Suzana. Ética e utopia: ensaio sobre Ernst Bloch. 2ª edição. Porto Alegre: Movimento; Santa Cruz do Sul: EdUSC, 2006.  BICCA, Luiz. Marxismo e liberdade. São Paulo: Loyola, 1987.  BLOCH, Ernst. Filosofia del Rinascimento. Trad. it. de Gabriella Bonacchi e Katia Tannenbaum. Bologna: il Mulino, 1981.     BLOCH, Ernst. Héritage de ce temps. Trad. Jean Lacoste. Paris: Payot, 1978.  BLOCH, Ernst. O Princípio Esperança [1954-1959]. Vol. I.  Trad. br. Nélio Schneider. Rio de Janeiro: EdUERJ; Contraponto, 2005.   BLOCH, Ernst. O Princípio Esperança [1954-1959]. Vol. II. Trad. br. Werner Fuchs. Rio de Janeiro: EdUERJ; Contraponto, 2006.   BLOCH, Ernst. O Princípio Esperança [1954-1959]. Vol. III. Trad. br. Nélio Schneider. Rio de Janeiro: EdUERJ; Contraponto, 2006.  BLOCH, Ernst. Du rêve à l’utopie: Entretiens philosophiques. Textos escolhidos e prefaciados por Arno Münster. Paris: Hermann, 2016.  BLOCH, Ernst. Thomas Münzer, Teólogo da Revolução [1963]. Trad. br. Vamireh Chacon e Celeste Aída Galeão. Rio de Janeiro: Tempo Brasileiro, 1973.  BLOCH, Ernst. L’esprit de l’utopie, [1918-1023]. Trad. fr. de Anne Marie Lang e Catherine Tiron-Audard. Paris: Gallimard, 1977.  BLOCH, Ernst. El pensamiento de Hegel. Trad. esp. de Wenceslao Roces. Mexico; Buenos Aires: Fondo de Cultura Economica, 1963.   BOURETZ, Pierre. Testemunhas do futuro: filosofia e messianismo. Trad. J. Guinsburg. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 2011, p. 690.  FREUD, Sigmund. Los sueños [1900-1901]. Trad. Luis Lopez-Ballesteros et al., Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva, 1981.  FREUD, Sigmund. A Interpretação dos sonhos. Vol. I. Trad. Jayme Salomão. Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 2006.  HORKHEIMER, Max. Filosofia e teoria crítica. In: Textos escolhidos. Trad. de José Lino Grünnewald. São Paulo: Abril Cultural, 1980, p. 155 (Coleção Os Pensadores.). MÜNSTER, Arno. Ernst Bloch: filosofia da práxis e utopia concreta. São Paulo: UNESP, 1993.     MÜNSTER, Arno. Utopia, Messianismo e Apocalipse nas primeiras de Ernst Bloch. Trad. br. de Flávio Beno Siebeneichler. São Paulo: UNESP, 1997.  PIRON-AUDARD, Catherine. Anthropologie marxiste et psychanalyse selon Ernst Bloch. In: RAULET, Gérard (org.). Utopie-marxisme selon Ernst Bloch: un système de l'inconstructible. Payot: Paris, 1976. VIEIRA, Antonio Rufino. Princípio esperança e a “herança intacta do marxismo” em Ernst Bloch. In: Anais do 5° Coloquio Internacional Marx-Engels. Campinas: CEMARX/Unicamp. Disponível em: < / cemarx_v_coloquio_arquivos_arquivos /comunicacoes/gt1/sessao6/Antonio_Rufi no.pdf>.  VIEIRA, Antonio Rufino. Marxismo e libertação: estudos sobre Ernst Bloch e Enrique Dussel. São Leopoldo: Nova Harmonia, 2010.  RAULET, Gérard (Organizador). Utopie - marxisme selon Ernst Bloch: un sistème de l’inconstructible. Paris: Payot, 1976.  ZECCHI, Stefano. Ernest Bloch: Utopia y Esperanza en el Comunismo [1974]. Trad. esp. de Enric Pérez Nadal, Barcellona: Península, 1978.  

GEOgraphia ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 3 (5) ◽  
pp. 47
Satiê Mizubuti

Resumo A formação da mão-de-obra no Brasil no decorrer da Primeira República (1890-1930) se fez de forma acelerada e em dois campos simultaneamente no rural e no urbano. No rural, pelo aquecimento da demanda internacional pelo café brasileiro, e, no urbano, pelo início da industrialização, principalmente, nas cidades do Rio de Janeiro e de São Paulo. Tanto nas atividades agrícolas, como nas industriais, a presença e a participação do imigrante estrangeiro foram hegemônicas e decisivas. É preciso considerar que a abolição da escravatura havia ocorrido em 1888, criando um esvaziamento do mercado de trabalho no Brasil. Palavras chave: imigração estrangeira; cafeicultura, industrialização; sindicalismo; relações de trabalho.Resumo Labor formation in Brazil took an accelerated rhythmus during the First Republic (1890-1930) in two fields simultaneously: rural and urban. In the rural sector it was due to an increase in international demand for Brazilian coffee. In the urban areas, meanwhile, the beginning of industrialization, specially in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, was the main cause. Not only in the agricultural activities. but also in the industries, the presence and participation of foreign immigrants were decisive. The abolition os slavery in 1888 must be considered as part of this context, as it changed the labour market. Keywords: foreign immigration; coffee growing; industrialization; trade unionism; work relations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
Marcos Amaku ◽  
Dimas Tadeu Covas ◽  
Francisco Antonio Bezerra Coutinho ◽  
Raymundo Soares Azevedo ◽  
Eduardo Massad

Abstract Background At the moment we have more than 177 million cases and 3.8 million deaths (as of June 2021) around the world and vaccination represents the only hope to control the pandemic. Imperfections in planning vaccine acquisition and difficulties in implementing distribution among the population, however, have hampered the control of the virus so far. Methods We propose a new mathematical model to estimate the impact of vaccination delay against the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on the number of cases and deaths due to the disease in Brazil. We apply the model to Brazil as a whole and to the State of Sao Paulo, the most affected by COVID-19 in Brazil. We simulated the model for the populations of the State of Sao Paulo and Brazil as a whole, varying the scenarios related to vaccine efficacy and compliance from the populations. Results The model projects that, in the absence of vaccination, almost 170 thousand deaths and more than 350 thousand deaths will occur by the end of 2021 for Sao Paulo and Brazil, respectively. If in contrast, Sao Paulo and Brazil had enough vaccine supply and so started a vaccination campaign in January with the maximum vaccination rate, compliance and efficacy, they could have averted more than 112 thousand deaths and 127 thousand deaths, respectively. In addition, for each month of delay the number of deaths increases monotonically in a logarithmic fashion, for both the State of Sao Paulo and Brazil as a whole. Conclusions Our model shows that the current delay in the vaccination schedules that is observed in many countries has serious consequences in terms of mortality by the disease and should serve as an alert to health authorities to speed the process up such that the highest number of people to be immunized is reached in the shortest period of time.

Lupus ◽  
1995 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 100-103 ◽  
WH Chahade ◽  
EI Sato ◽  
JE Moura ◽  
Ltl Costallat ◽  
Lec Andrade

2011 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 74-81 ◽  
Itamar S. Santos ◽  
Márcia Scazufca ◽  
Paulo A. Lotufo ◽  
Paulo R. Menezes ◽  
Isabela M. Benseñor

ABSTRACTBackground: Anemia and dementia are common diseases among the elderly, but conflicting data are available regarding an association between these two conditions. We analyzed data from the São Paulo Ageing & Health Study to address the relationship between anemia and dementia.Methods: This cross-sectional observational study included participants aged 65 years and older from a deprived area of the borough of Butantan, São Paulo, Brazil. Data about demographics, education, income, and cognitive and daily life function were collected, as well as blood samples. Anemia and dementia were defined according to WHO and DSM-IV criteria, respectively.Results: Of the 2267 subjects meeting the inclusion criteria, 2072 agreed to participate in the study; of whom 1948 had a valid total blood count and were included in the analysis. Anemia was diagnosed in 203 (10.2%) participants and dementia in 99 (5.1%). The frequency of anemia was higher in patients with dementia according to univariate analysis (odds ratio (OR) = 2.00, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.17–3.41, p = 0.01), but this association was not present after adjusting for age (OR = 1.33, 95% CI = 0.76–2.33, p = 0.32). Further multivariate adjustment did not change the results.Conclusion: Although anemia and dementia are frequent disorders in older people, we found their relationship to be mediated exclusively by aging in this low-income population from São Paulo.

Minh-Tung Tran ◽  
Tien-Hau Phan ◽  
Ngoc-Huyen Chu ◽  

Public spaces are designed and managed in many different ways. In Hanoi, after the Doi moi policy in 1986, the transfer of the public spaces creation at the neighborhood-level to the private sector has prospered na-ture of public and added a large amount of public space for the city, directly impacting on citizen's daily life, creating a new trend, new concept of public spaces. This article looks forward to understanding the public spaces-making and operating in KDTMs (Khu Do Thi Moi - new urban areas) in Hanoi to answer the question of whether ‘socialization’/privatization of these public spaces will put an end to the urban public or the new means of public-making trend. Based on the comparison and literature review of studies in the world on public spaces privatization with domestic studies to see the differences in the Vietnamese context leading to differences in definitions and roles and the concept of public spaces in KDTMs of Hanoi. Through adducing and analyzing practical cases, the article also mentions the trends, the issues, the ways and the technologies of public-making and public-spaces-making in KDTMs of Hanoi. Win/loss and the relationship of the three most important influential actors in this process (municipality, KDTM owners, inhabitants/citizens) is also considered to reconceptualize the public spaces of KDTMs in Hanoi.

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