Examining the Psychometric Properties of the Homework Management Scale for High School Students in China

2014 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 268-277 ◽  
Fuyi Yang ◽  
Jianzhong Xu
2015 ◽  
Vol 16 (5) ◽  
pp. 337
Asli Bugay ◽  
Muge Orucu ◽  
Mana Tuna ◽  
Figen Cok ◽  
Petek Askar

The Zuckerman Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire (ZKPQ-50-CC) is widely used tool to measure personality traits among the test takers and has been translated in various languages. However, based on the literatures related to personality, it is apparent that there is no Mandarin translated ZKPQ is available to measure personality traits among Chinese population based on the Alternative Five Factor Model. Therefore, the aim of this study is to validate and explore the psychometric properties of the Mandarin-translated version of the Zuckerman Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire. A cross-sectional study was designed involving 250 Malaysian Chinese High school students, aged thirteen to eighteen. Forward-backward translations were performed followed by the factor analysis and reliability testing. The five factors structure was assessed and the factor loadings are similar with the Malay version of ZKPQ. This Mandarin translated ZKPQ comprised of 38 items with the factor loadings ranged from 0.41 to 0.79. The reliability values also showed that Mandarin translated ZKPQ is reliable. As such, the Mandarin translated ZKPQ was found to be valid and reliable to use among Mandarin speaking population for the purpose of personality testing and screening.

2009 ◽  
pp. 100722182519069 ◽  
Fatih Canan ◽  
Ahmet Ataoglu ◽  
Laura A. Nichols ◽  
Tuba Yildirim ◽  
Onder Ozturk

Psihologija ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 45 (3) ◽  
pp. 257-276 ◽  
Aleksandar Dimitrijevic ◽  
Natasa Hanak ◽  
Tatjana Vukosavljevic-Gvozden ◽  
Goran Opacic

In the present study we examined psychometric properties of the Serbian translation of the Empathy Quotient scale (S-EQ). The translated version of the EQ was applied on a sample of 694 high-school students. A sub-sample consisting of 375 high-school students also completed the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI), another widely used empathy measure. The following statistical analyses were applied: internal consistency analysis, explanatory (EFA) and confirmatory (CFA) factor analyses, and factor congruence analysis. Correlation with IRI and gender differences were calculated to demonstrate validity of the instrument. Results show that the Serbian 40-item version of EQ has lower reliability (Cronbach?s alpha = .782) than the original. The originally proposed one factor structure of the instrument was not confirmed. The short version with 28 items showed better reliablity (alpha= .807). The three-factor solution (cognitive empathy, emotional reactivity, and social skills) showed good cross-sample stability (Tucker congruence coefficient over .8) but the results of CFA confirmed the solution proposed in the reviewed literature only partially. The mean scores are similar to those obtained in the other studies, and, as expected, women have significantly higher scores than men. Correlations with all subscales of IRI are statistically significant for the first two subscales of EQ, but not for the ?social skills.? We concluded that the Serbian version of the ?Empathy Quotient? is a useful research tool which can contribute to cross-cultural studies of empathy, although its psychometric characteristics are not as good as those obtained in the original study. We also suggest that a 28-item should be used preferably to the original 40-item version.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (31) ◽  
pp. 265
Bawa Ibn Habib ◽  
Moumoula Issa Abdou

This study not only attempts to validate a cross-cultural measure of satisfaction in Canadian-inspired high school studies among Togolese students, but also to ascertain the effects of academic satisfaction on their perception of their school work. To achieve this double objective, 644 high school students have agreed to participate in the survey and to appreciate their school work. The results relating to the psychometric properties of the scale support those obtained by the authors during its construction. In addition, school satisfaction has been foundational in the psychogenetic understanding of school work.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 98
Jelpa Periantalo

The purpose of research was to assess psychometric properties of scale attitude toward social sciences subject: Economics, Sociology, History and Geography. Psychometric properties consisted of validity, reliability and item discrimination. The subjects were  198 high school students with purposive sampling method. Scale used semantic differensial format  with overall 68 items. One item unpassed, 67 items passes selection with rit ≥ 0,400. Factorial validity confirmed 3 assumed factors: activity, evaluation and potential. Convergent validity showed positive correlation among subscale. The parallel test reliability showed of equivalent coefficient rxx’ 0,939. The final scale consisted of 12 items, easily in used and scoring. The scale could be used for research, external validation of other scale, high school majoring, educational counseling, learning evaluation, education intervension and university majoring. The next research was to validate with  external criterion especially academic achievement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 1589-1597
Luz Marina

<p style="text-align: justify;">The reason of to be of any educational model is to ensure that its students are self-regulated, which implies the setting of objectives, the monitoring of their actions in order to reach them, the control of their cognitive processes, the use of diverse learning and motivation skills. One way to collaborate in this is to evaluate the student's current situation in order to intervene. Due to the above, the purpose of the study is to determine validity and reliability of the scale Students’ Approaches to Learning (SAL) in Mexican students. The SAL was applied to 894 high school students. Considering the results, the SAL presents good functioning and acceptable psychometric properties. In relation to the internal structure, the results support the composition of the 14 sub-factors of SAL, which is consistent with the original study. The results obtained have enough empirical support to interpret the construct of learning approaches from a multidimensional point of view.</p>

2010 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 317-320 ◽  
Fatih Canan ◽  
Ahmet Ataoglu ◽  
Laura A. Nichols ◽  
Tuba Yildirim ◽  
Onder Ozturk

1985 ◽  
Vol 57 (2) ◽  
pp. 475-478 ◽  
Stephen Powers ◽  
Kenneth F. Gose ◽  
Peggy Douglas ◽  
Brent A. Cool

Mean responses of 120 high school students (46 boys, 74 girls) of high ability appeared to differ from the norms in selected attributional processes related to algebra. Reported variances of the Mathematics Attribution Scale were similar to those obtained from academically talented high school students. These findings support the generalizability of some psychometric properties of the scale to other samples, regions, and times.

2005 ◽  
Vol 96 (3_suppl) ◽  
pp. 993-994 ◽  
Gerald A. Fix ◽  
Charles Schaefer

105 female and 85 male high school students completed two scales designed to measure playfulness, the Playfulness Scale for Adults and the Adult Playfulness Scale, and two scales designed to measure creativity, the Similes Test and The Franck Drawing Completion Test. The playfulness scales exhibited high internal consistency and good construct validity. Cronbach alpha was .84 for the Playfulness Scale for Adults and .88 for the Adult Playfulness Scale, and split-half reliability was .79 (Spearman-Brown) and .79 (Guttman) for the Adult Playfulness Scale and .87 (Spearman-Brown) and .86 (Guttman) for the Playfulness Scale for Adults. 2-wk. test-retest reliability for the Playfulness Scale for Adults was .89, which compared favorably to the test-retest reliability of .84 previously reported for the Adult Playfulness Scale.

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