Development of technology for producing wheat bread enriched with soy ingredient

2021 ◽  
pp. 108201322110629
Ekaterina S. Statsenko ◽  
Nadezhda Yu. Korneva ◽  
Olesya V. Pokotilo ◽  
Oksana V. Litvinenko

Nutritional supplements produced from soy and being rich in protein, fat and many other valuable substances have become a promising source of fortification of bakery products. This study aimed to develop a technology for producing wheat bread enriched with a protein-vitamin-mineral ingredient (PVMI) obtained from germinated soybeans. When kneading the dough, PVMI was added together with wheat flour and other dry components. Mathematical modeling of the wheat bread sensory evaluation showed the optimal content of PVMI in the recipe was 20% of the weight of wheat flour. As a result of the correlation-regression analysis, the most rational production characteristics for obtaining bread enriched with BVMI have been established. The amount of protein in the bread sample increased by 71.9%, dietary fiber - by 40.9%, vitamin E - by 34.7%, vitamin B1 - by 190%, vitamin B2 - by 80%, choline - by 186%. The fat quantity was 4.1 times more. At the same time, the total carbohydrate content decreased by 18.1% compared to the control sample. The improved chemical composition makes it possible to classify wheat bread with PVMI as an enriched food product.


Исследовано влияние добавки микроводоросли спирулины в рецептуру хлеба из пшеничной муки, обогащенного обойной мукой из зерна ячменя сортов Гранал 32 и Нудум 95 и тритикале сорта Цекад 90, на показатели его качества. Размолотую до порошкообразного состояния спирулину в количестве 0,5 к массе муки вносили при замесе теста в три опытных образца: пшеничный хлеб, хлеб Гранал и Ясень , рецептуры которых были разработаны ранее. В качестве контрольного образца был хлеб из пшеничной муки высшего сорта без добавок. Лабораторную выпечку образцов хлеба проводили в соответствии с методикой госкомиссии по сортоиспытанию на лабораторном хлебопекарном оборудовании. В результате определения органолептических и физико-химических показателей качества готовой продукции установлено, что добавка спирулины к пшеничной муке повышает пористость мякиша хлеба и увеличивает его объем до 546 см3, что на 18 см3 больше, чем в контрольном образце. Достаточно высокий объем 494 см3 имел образец хлеба, в рецептуру которого входит ячменная мука с добавлением спирулины. Внесение спирулины в рецептуру существенно не повлияло на показатели влажности (4346) и кислотности хлеба, которые в опытных образцах соответствуют нормативам ГОСТ 2698786 на хлеб из пшеничной муки. Самую высокую общую оценку 4,2 балла по пятибалльной шкале получил образец хлеба с добавлением к пшеничной муке порошка спирулины. The effect of the addition of spirulina microalgae in the formulation of bread from wheat flour enriched with wholemeal flour from barley grain varieties Granal 32 and Nudum 95 and triticale varieties Tsekad 90, on the indicators of its quality has been studied. Spirulina ground to a powdered state in an amount of 0,5 by weight of flour was introduced when kneading the dough into the formulations of three samples: wheat bread, bread Granal and Yasen , the formulations of which were developed earlier. Bread from wheat flour of the highest grade without additives was as a control sample. Laboratory baking of bread samples was carried out in accordance with the methodology of the state Commission for variety testing on laboratory baking equipment. As a result of the determination of organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators of the quality of the finished product, it was found that the addition of spirulina to wheat flour increases the porosity of the bread crumb and increases its volume to 546 cm3, which is 18 cm3 more than in the control sample. A sample of bread, the formulation of which includes barley flour with the addition of spirulina, had a sufficiently high volume 494 cm3. Adding spirulina to the formulation did not significantly affect the moisture content (4346) and acidity of bread, which in the prototypes correspond to the standards of GOST 2698786 for bread made of wheat flour. A sample of bread with spirulina powder added to wheat flour had the highest overall score 4б2 points on a five-point scale.

2021 ◽  
Vol 285 ◽  
pp. 05001
Elvira A. Pyanikova ◽  
Anna E. Kovaleva ◽  
Maria A. Zaikina ◽  
Aleksey G. Belyaev

The influence of secondary apple raw materials (frozen apple pomace) on organoleptic and physicochemical indicators of the quality of wheat bread has been studied. The traditional recipe of wheat bread was taken as a basis. In this recipe for the sample of bread No. 1, a part of the premium wheat flour was replaced with 25% rice flour and 10% frozen apple pomace. In the sample of bread No. 2, a part of the premium wheat flour was replaced with 12.5% rice flour and 10% fresh frozen apple pomace. For the organoleptic assessment, a five-point scale for assessing the quality of bread was developed, in which the maximum number of points up to5 was assigned to each indicator. According to the results of the study of the organoleptic indicators of the quality of the developed samples of bread using a point scale, it was found that they exceeded the control sample. The best was the sample with fresh frozen apple pomace10% and rice flour in the amount of 12.5%. In terms of physical and chemical indicators, the developed samples of wheat bread enriched with apple raw materials meet the regulatory requirements.

V. S. Kutsenkova ◽  
N. V. Nepovinnykh ◽  
L. V. Andreeva ◽  
Guo Qingbin

Bread is most popular product among population. Nowadays more people refuse traditional wheat bread in favor of bakery products with various functional additives. Safflower seeds as a non-traditional vegetable additive is rich in high-grade vegetable protein, polyunsaturated fatty acids (including linoleic and linolenic acids), dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. In this work, bread fortified with crushed safflower seeds were developed with the recipe as follows: wheat flour (564 g), safflower seeds (60 g), salt (10 g), yeast (54 g), vegetable oil (13 g), sugar (35 g), drinking water (284 g). Effects of addition of safflower seeds on texture properties of dough and the sensory properties of bread were evaluated as well. Results indicated that wheat flour fortified with 10 % safflower seeds showed 7 % lower of the water-absorbing capacity than that of the control sample (no safflower substituted), which is explained by the hydrophobicity of safflower seeds due to the high fat content. Change of rheological parameters of experimental sample was found due to specific chemical composition of safflower seeds. In terms of the quality of the bread, the safflower fortified bread had smooth, crack-free surface, uniform color and light yellow color in the fracture, taste and smell are peculiar to this type of product, with a pleasant subtle flavor and flavor of safflower seeds. In addition, the porosity, acidity, form stability and humidity of the novel bread were also increased, as compared to the control sample. Novel safflower seed fortified bread has been developed with better flavor and appearance. The processing conditions for this bread were determined as well.


Исследовано влияние муки киноа торговых марок (ТМ) «Ярмарка» (Россия), «Мистраль» (Россия) и «Bohlsener & Muehle» (Германия), представленных на российском рынке, на химический состав, показатели качества и биологическую ценность формового хлеба из пшеничной муки. Муку киноа указанных ТМ вносили при замесе теста в количестве 10 и 20% взамен пшеничной муки. При внесении муки киноа происходило незначительное уменьшение объемного выхода хлеба: с 485 см3 в контрольном образце до 420 см3 в опытных. Образцы хлеба с внесением 20% муки киноа разных ТМ имели приятный легкий ореховый аромат. Установлено, что внесение 10–20% муки киноа не оказало отрицательного влияния на качество хлебобулочных изделий. Однако в образце хлеба с добавкой муки киноа содержалось белков на 2,1, пищевых волокон на 1,4 и жира на 0,3 г/100 г больше по сравнению с контрольным образцом – хлебом из пшеничной муки без добавок. Образец хлеба с добавкой 20% муки киноа ТМ «Ярмарка» превосходил образец хлеба из пшеничной муки без добавок по общему количеству аминокислот на 55%, в том числе по содержанию заменимых аминокислот – на 71,5%, незаменимых – почти на 20%, а содержание жира в хлебе повысилось с 0,9 до 3,2%. Доказано, что хлеб с добавкой муки киноа в количестве 20% взамен хлебопекарной пшеничной муки по своим органолептическим показателям качества не уступает хлебу, приготовленному по традиционной рецептуре, а по пищевой и биологической ценности превосходит его. The influence of flour quinoa brands «Yarmarka» (Russia), «Mistral» (Russia) and «Bohlsener & Muehle» (Germany), presented on the Russian market, on chemical composition, the quality indicators and biological value of bread from wheat flour studied. The quinoa flour of these brands was introduced when mixing the dough at 10 and 20% instead of wheat flour. With the introduction of quinoa flour, a slight decrease in the volume of bread occurred: from 485 cm3in the control sample to 420 cm3in the experimental. Samples of bread with the introduction of 20% flour quinoa different brands had a pleasant light nutty flavor. It is established that the introduction of 10–20% quinoa flour did not have a negative impact on the quality of bakery products. However, the sample of bread with the addition of quinoa flour contained of proteins on 2,1, of dietary fiber on 1,4 and fat on 0,3 g/100 g more than the control sample – bread from wheat flour without additives. The sample of bread with the addition of 20% of quinoa flour of the brand «Yarmarka» was superior to the sample of bread from wheat flour with no additives in the total number of amino acids on 55%, including the content of essential amino acids – on 71,5%, essential – almost by 20% and the fat content of bread increased from 0,9 to 3,2%. It is proved that bread with the addition of quinoa flour in the amount of 20% instead of baking wheat flour in its organoleptic quality indicators is not inferior to bread prepared according to the traditional recipe, and in food and biological value exceeds it.

2012 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 451-464 ◽  
Nnabuk O. Eddy ◽  
Emmanuel Essien ◽  
Eno E. Ebenso ◽  
Richard A. Ukpe

The evaluation of the chemical (proximate composition, mineral composition, toxicant composition and vitamin composition), nutritional and industrial potentials of two varieties of cocoyam (Xanthosoma sagittifolium (XS) andColocasia esculenta (CE) were carried out using recommended methods of analysis. Baking trials were conducted with the two varieties of cocoyam at different levels of substitution (20%, 30% and 50%). The produced bread samples were analyzed for their physical parameters and proximate composition. Sensory evaluation test was also carried out on the produced bread. The result of the analysis showed that the preferred bread in terms of loaf weight, volume and specific volume was given by sample I (control sample) containing 100% wheat flour with a specific volume of 3.54 cm3/g. This was closely followed by sample A with specific volume of 3.25 cm3/g containing 20% substitution level ofCE. Sample H containing 50% substitution level ofXSwith specific volume of 2.58 cm3/g gave the poorest performance. The sensory evaluation result further revealed that apart from the 100% wheat flour based sample I, sample D with 20% substitution level ofXSwas rated good and maintained better performance amongst the cocoyam varieties while samples G and C with 100% and 50% substitution level ofCErespectively were rated the poorest. The proximate composition of the bread samples was also carried out.CE, XSand wheat bread samples (100%) recorded 15.0633±1.4531, 12.1133±1.5975 and 11.2867±0.7978 respectively for the moisture content.XSbread recorded the highest carbohydrate content of 45.0133±3.0274. In terms of ash,CEbread recorded the highest value of 31.4367±1.6159 while wheat bread recorded the highest value for protein i.e. 20.6033± 0.8113.XSperformed better in terms of crude fat and energy value of 12.2967± 0.8914 and 371.5367 respectively. The use of cocoyam - wheat flour mixture in producing composite bread is therefore strongly recommended from this study.

2020 ◽  
Vol 50 (6) ◽  
pp. 1151-1161
Vishakha Sharma ◽  
Renu Mogra ◽  
Azad Mordia

Purpose Study on chia seeds is receiving increasing interest because of their nutritional and health-promoting properties that have been recognized by their high content of antioxidants, proteins, minerals and dietary fibers. Hence, the purpose of this study is to develop a value-added food product using chia seeds and to assess the nutritional properties, shelf life and consumer acceptability of the developed product. Design/methodology/approach Six different formulations of muffin mix were prepared by incorporating chia seeds with wheat flour in various ratios and evaluated for sensory characteristics. The nutritional components and shelf lives of the developed products were also evaluated. The developed product was stored for three months to assess the shelf life. Findings Results indicated that muffins made with chia seeds can be added up to 20% in wheat flour without affecting the sensory scores (p = 0.0014). Regarding nutritional evaluation, the results revealed that 20% incorporation of chia seeds significantly increased the total antioxidant activity (p = 0.001), increased the crude protein (p = 0.0001), fat (p = 0.0001) and crude fiber (p = 0.001) contents and lowered the carbohydrate (p = 0.0001) content when compared to the control sample. Muffin mix made with chia seeds had significantly higher mineral content (calcium, phosphorus, zinc and iron) than did the control. The developed product had a shelf-life stability of three months in terms of moisture content, peroxide value and total bacterial count and was well accepted by consumers. Originality/value Intrinsic characteristics of chia seeds can improve the quality of muffins and bring health benefits to the consumers.

A. G. Belyaev ◽  
A. E. Kovaleva ◽  
E. A. Pyanikova

This paper presents the results of studying the effect of dry-leaved Chamerion angustifolium (L.) Holub dry powder on quality indicators of wheat bread, in which part of the highest-grade wheat flour was replaced by 3, 5 and 10% of powder. The study showed that the addition of narrow-leaved powder in different amounts (3, 5 and 10% by weight of wheat flour) at the stage of cooking, the dough has a different impact on the quality indicators of the products. With the increase in the amount of the infusion of narrow-leaved powder, the organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators change: the color of the product changes from dark golden to dark brown, the presence of the additive increases in taste and smell, but the products have the correct form, without explosions and cracks, elastic, very soft crumb, with a thin-walled and uniform porosity. With an increase in the amount of the added additive, the porosity decreases, but it does not reach the lower limit of the standard. Acidity and humidity increase, which negatively affects the quality and reduced shelf life of the finished product. Therefore, it is proposed to use dry powder of narrow-leaved fireweed in the amounts of not more than 3% by weight of the flour. Studies have shown that during storage at the bakery product with a 3% additive of dry leaf powder for 72 hours, the total crumb strain is reduced by 32 units. AP-4/2 penetrometer, while in the control sample - by 44 units. Thus, the process of staling bread with the addition of narrow-leaved fireweed powder is slower than that of the control sample, and the recommended shelf life of the finished product is 72 hours.

M. A. Zaikina ◽  
A. E. Kovaleva ◽  
E. A. Pyanikova ◽  
E. V. Ovchinnikova ◽  
S. N. Kobchenko ◽  

One of the promising directions in baking at present is the replacement of wheat flour in the production of bread and bakery products with other types of raw materials. A study of the influence of secondary apple raw materials (frozen apple pomace) on the organoleptic (shape, surface, colour, bakedness, mix, porosity, taste, smell) and physicochemical indicators of the quality of the developed bread samples was carried out. The prototype was a unified wheat bread recipe. In this recipe, part of the wheat flour was replaced with rice: in bread sample No. 1 - 25% rice flour; in sample No. 2 - 12.5% ??rice flour. Also the sugar provided by the standard recipe was replaced by 10% of frozen apple pomace. The amount of other ingredients in the recipe remained unchanged. The quality indicators of baked bread samples were examined using organoleptic and physicochemical methods. Organoleptic assessment was carried out using a five-point scale for assessing the quality of bread. According to the results of the study of the organoleptic indicators of the quality of the developed samples of bread, it was found that they exceeded the control sample. In this case, the sample with fresh frozen apple pomace and rice flour in the amount of 12.5% turned out to be the best. A sample of bread with freshly frozen apple pomace and 25% rice flour was inferior to it only in porosity (the presence of small voids). In terms of physical and chemical indicators, all samples of wheat bread with the addition of apple raw materials and rice flour, as well as the control one, met the requirements of regulatory documents. It has been experimentally established that apple pomace affects the increase in the content of iron and phosphorus in bread. Pre-soaking the pomace in an oil-water emulsion improved the rheological properties of the dough and the porosity of the finished product.

Foods ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (9) ◽  
pp. 377 ◽  
Raczkowska ◽  
Łoźna ◽  
Bienkiewicz ◽  
Jurczok ◽  

The aim of the study was to evaluate the glycaemic indices (GI) and glycaemic loads (GL) of four food dishes made from yeast dough (steamed dumplings served with yoghurt, apple pancakes sprinkled with sugar powder, rolls with cheese and waffles with sugar powder), based on their traditional and modified recipes. Modification of the yeast dough recipe consisted of replacing wheat flour (type 500) with whole-wheat flour (type 2000). Energy value and the composition of basic nutrients were assessed for every tested dish. The study was conducted on 50 people with an average age of 21.7 ± 1.1 years, and an average body mass index of 21.2 ± 2.0 kg/m2. The GI of the analysed food products depended on the total carbohydrate content, dietary fibre content, water content, and energy value. Modification of yeast food products by replacing wheat flour (type 500) with whole-wheat flour (type 2000) contributed to the reduction of their GI and GL values, respectively.


Исследовано влияние добавки обезжиренной соевой муки на потребительские свойства пшеничного хлеба. Выбор в качестве обогащающей добавки обезжиренной соевой муки, получаемой из высокопротеиновых шротов, обусловлен более высоким содержанием в ней белков, клетчатки и минеральных веществ по сравнению с пшеничной мукой. В исследованиях за основу взята рецептура пшеничного хлеба из обойной муки, в которую для улучшения вкуса и запаха изделия добавили измельченную лимонную цедру, молотый черный перец и тмин, контрольный образец. В опытные образцы, изготовленные по той же рецептуре, взамен 20 и 30 пшеничной муки добавляли соевую обезжиренную. В готовых образцах хлеба определяли органолептические и физико-химические показатели, пищевую ценность и аминокислотный состав белков. Установлено, что образцы хлеба с добавкой обезжиренной соевой муки имеют насыщенный сладковатый запах и вкус с оттенком внесенных добавок лимонной цедры, тмина и черного перца. По физико-химическим показателям массовой доле влаги, кислотности и пористости образцы хлеба с добавлением соевой муки практически не отличаются от контрольного образца. Образцы хлеба с добавлением 20 и 30 обезжиренной соевой муки имеют более высокую пищевую ценность, чем образец хлеба без добавки, поскольку содержат больше: белковых веществ в 1,7 и 2 раза соответственно, клетчатки на 5080, минеральных веществ на 1530 и имеют более низкое содержание крахмала: в хлебе из пшеничной муки 41,3, в образцах с добавкой 20 и 30 обезжиренной соевой муки 30,0 и 37,3 соответственно. Внесение обезжиренной соевой муки в рецептуру хлеба повышает содержание незаменимых аминокислот в составе белка. Поэтому использование продуктов переработки сои в хлебопечении может быть рассмотрено как одно из направлений улучшения потребительских свойств хлебобулочных изделий. The effect of the addition of defatted soy flour on the consumer properties of wheat bread has been investigated. The choice of defatted soy flour obtained from high-protein meal as an enriching additive is due to the higher content of proteins, fiber and minerals in comparison with wheat flour. The formulation of wheat bread from wholemeal flour is taken as a basis. Crushed lemon zest, ground black pepper and cumin were added to the recipe to improve the taste and smell of the product. In the experimental samples, in contrast to the control 20 and 30 of defatted soy flour instead of wheat flour was added. Organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters, nutritional value and amino acid composition of proteins were determined in the finished bread samples. It was found that samples of bread with the addition of defatted soy flour have a rich sweet smell and taste with a touch of additives lemon zest, cumin and black pepper. On physico-chemical indicators-the mass fraction of moisture, acidity and porosity samples of bread with the addition of soy flour practically do not differ from the control sample. Samples of bread with the addition of 20 and 30 defatted soy flour have a higher nutritional value than a sample of bread without additives, because they contain more: protein substances in 1,7 and 2 times respectively, fiber by 5080, minerals by 1530 and have a lower starch content: in bread from wheat flour 41,3, in samples with the addition of 20 and 30 defatted soy flour 30,0 and 37,3 respectively. Adding low-fat soy flour to the bread recipe increases the content of essential amino acids in the composition of its protein. Therefore, the use of soybean processing products in baking can be considered as one of the ways to improve the consumer properties of bakery products.

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