chemical indicators
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2022 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Xiaomei Xue ◽  
Xuan Yuan ◽  
Lin Han ◽  
Xinde Li ◽  
Tony R. Merriman ◽  

IntroductionAchieving a goal of serum urate levels in patients with gout is an important way to prevent gout and its complications while it remains difficult with a low targeting rate worldwidely. Currently, hyperuricemia classification has not been widely applied to the management of gout owing to insufficient clinical evidences. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of achieving target urate based on hyperuricemia classification in Chinese patients with gout.MethodsIn this prospective study, patients with gout receiving urate lowering therapy with benzbromarone were assigned to two groups, a renal underexcretion and an unclassified type. The primary endpoint was the proportion of patients achieving the serum urate target (<360 μmol/L) during the 12-week study. The frequency of acute gout attacks as well as physical and chemical indicators were secondary endpoints.ResultsTarget serum urate level was achieved in 60.5% of underexcretors compared with 39.0% of patients of the unclassified type at week 12 (P = 0.002). Blood glucose and cholesterol levels were lower in the underexcretor group compared with the unclassified type group at the end of the trial, without significant different frequencies in gout flare during the study. In subgroup analysis, stratified by body mass index and estimated glomerular filtration rate, the proportion of patients with serum urate <360 μmol/L was greater in the underexcretion compared with the unclassified type group.ConclusionsThe increased achievement of target serum urate in the underexcretion group supports the use of a clinical hyperuricemia typing treatment strategy for gout.

2022 ◽  
Zhanna Victorovna Novikova ◽  
Sophie Mikhailovna Sergeeva ◽  
Dmitry Sergeevich Lavrinovich ◽  
Anton Alexeyevich Maksimkin

This research examined the scientific basis for an integrated approach to broadening bread and flour products. The effect of chia seeds on the organoleptic and physical-chemical indicators of the ”sweet bun” (brioche) was studied to substantiate the use of plant raw materials in the technology of bread and flour product preparation.Chia seeds contain essential amino acids, vitamins (mainly B), minerals (calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc) and antioxidants, so it is possible to use chia seeds to obtain a product that combines high organoleptic properties and is also enriched with essential substances. The findings from the organoleptic evaluation of the test specimens indicated that the added ingredients significantly affected the appearance, crust color and crumb condition;however,there was no change in the taste and smell of the pastry. The effect of chia seeds on the quality of the products during storage was assessed. It was found that when using chia seeds in the amount of 10% of the mass of flour, after 24 hours the decline in taste, smell,crumb elasticity and friabilitywas less noticeable. In addition, the analysis of the chemical composition of the brioche bun showed thatthe products with chia seeds were highly nutritious. Thus, the content of dietary fiber in the model specimen wastwo times higher than the values of the control specimen (10% of the daily requirement); the content of omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids was equivalent to 87.9% and 19.2% of the daily requirement, respectively. The use of chia seeds in a butter bun recipe (brioche) therefore enables theexpansion of the range of food products enriched with essential ingredients. Keywords: bread and flour products, sweet bun, brioche, chia seeds

2022 ◽  
pp. 37-47

Purpose. Monitor different sources of water supply in a particular region of Ukraine. Methodogy. To monitor the drinking water of the selected settlement of Cherkasy region, water from the water supply network (10 samples), water from the pump room (1 sample) and water from wells (26 samples) were selected and analyzed for 20 main chemical indicators in accordance with the requirements of DSanPiN 2.2.4-171-10 and DSTU 7525: 2014. Findings. It was found that tap water has a slight excess of iron and turbidity in 5 samples. The water does not contain aluminum, ammonium ions, nitrates, nitrites, residual amounts of free and bound chlorine and chlorination by-products. The sample of water from the pump room has a slight excess of silicon and salts of general hardness – calcium and magnesium ions. Water from the pump room in chemical composition (pH, dry matter, alkalinity, chlorides, sulfates, sodium) and the content of microcomponents is very similar to tap water, it has a slightly higher "color" and "turbidity", but the content of petroleum products and iron does not exceed drinking standards. water – 0.1 mg / dm3 and 0.2 mg / dm3, respectively. In this case, well water is the most unsuitable for drinking purposes. It was found that the largest excess of normalized values in these waters was observed when determining the dry residue (up to 4 standards), hardness (up to 5 standards), nitrate concentration (up to 9 standards).Originality. Monitoring of drinking water in the selected settlement of Cherkasy region and the analysis of the suitability of tap water, pump room water and well water for drinking needs.Practical value. The peculiarities of the chemical composition of drinking water supply facilities of this settlement have been established, in particular, much attention is paid to the determination of microelements and persistent organic toxicants at the level of their maximum permissible concentrations. The analysis of the obtained results testifies that the quality of tap water and pump room meets the current hygienic standards in terms of organoleptic parameters, general mineralization, hardness, alkalinity, content of organic components, and water in almost all wells does not meet.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (48) ◽  
pp. 34-34
Victoria Evsyukova ◽  
Svetlana Stepanova ◽  
Denis Ivanov ◽  
Semyon Popov ◽  
Marat Zalyalov

This article discusses the results of a study of the quality of honey from different apiaries of the Central agroecological zone of Yakutia. The data of organoleptic evaluation of honey samples are given. The mass fractions of water, mass fractions of recoding sugars, sucrose and insoluble substances in both samples comply with the standards. The diastase number in honey samples is higher than standard indicators, which with the above organoleptic and other physico-chemical indicators confirm the quality and high biological activity. Keywords: BEE COLONIES, APIARY, AGROECOLOGICAL ZONE, HONEY, HONEY PRODUCTIVITY, ORGANOLEPTIC INDICATORS, PHYSICOCHEMICAL INDICATORS, BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (24) ◽  
pp. 11681
Lucija Plantak ◽  
Ranko Biondić ◽  
Hrvoje Meaški ◽  
Denis Težak

Monitoring and detection of seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers in Croatia are one of the water management measures that attempt to notice an increase in salinity in time. Bokanjac-Poličnik is the coastal aquifer in Croatia that is at the risk of seawater intrusion. In that area, analysis of hydro-chemical indicators will be conducted due to the occasional seawater intrusion that occurs on wells that are included in the water supply system for the City of Zadar and surrounding villages. Due to the increased exploitation during the tourism season in summer and climate changes, salinization process is more intense. The presented results indicate that two of four wells on the case study area are under the influence of salt marine water.

S. Merzlov ◽  
Yu. Shurchkova ◽  
A. Tsebro ◽  
O. Grebelnik ◽  
G. Kalinina ◽  

The article highlights the current state of the production of dairy and vegetable food products. The results of studies of organoleptic and physical, chemical indicators of the quality of various herbal drinks: coconut, almond and oat, are presented, as well as an analysis and comparison with cow's milk, which is used in hotel and restaurant complexes in Bela Tserkva. For assessing the quality according to the organoleptic characteristics of the beverages, the following were examined: appearance, color, smell, taste and consistency. It was found that according to these indicators, herbal drinks comply with the regulatory documentation for these products. When assessing the quality by physical and chemical indicators, the mass fraction of fat, dry matter, titratable and active acidity, and density were established. The titratable acidity of milk-like drinks was within the normal range and did not exceed 10 ⁰T. The mass fraction of fat in coconut milk was 1.2 %, almond-rice milk – 1.3 % and oat milk – 2.4 %. Mass fraction of coconut milk solids was 7.6%, almond-rice 10.5% and oat milk 11.4%. The density of all types of herbal drinks was in the range of 1005–1015 kg/m3. The indicators of the quality of cow's milk, which is used in hotel and restaurant complexes, have been investigated in a comparative form. In terms of organoleptic indicators, the quality of cow's milk corresponds to the normative documentation. The fat mass fraction of cow's milk was 2.5 %, the mass fraction of solids was 12.5%, the titratable acidity was at the level of 18 ⁰T, the active acidity pH was 6.6, and the density was 1028 kg/m3. Analysis of various types of vegetable and cow's milk, which are used in hotel and restaurant complexes in the city of Bela Tserkva, in terms of physicochemical and organoleptic quality indicators, allows us to consider herbal drinks as substitutes for traditional products capable of providing the human body with essential nutritional factors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 928 (1) ◽  
pp. 012010
I V Russkikh ◽  
E B Strel’nikova ◽  
O V Serebrennikova ◽  
Yu A Kharanzhevskaya

Abstract A lipid compositions were determined in water and plant samples taken in natural and burnt-out areas of the Bakchar bog (northeastern part of Great Vasyugan Mire) located in the basin of the Gavrilovka River within Tomsk region and were analyzed via gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The following main groups of organic compounds have been identified: acyclic n-alkanes, fatty acids, and n-alkan-2-ones. Among cyclic compounds steroids, sesquiterpenoids, and pentacyclic triterpenoids have been identified. It was shown that lipids in waters contained biomolecules of plants grown in the areas under study. Chemical indicators reflecting the disappearance of plants since a fire and their restricted distribution or replacement of some plant species with others were found out. These indicators can be used in paleoclimatic reconstructions to fix post-pyrogenic layers in the sedimentary rock strata.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
Molly J. Kirk ◽  
Brittany R. Benlian ◽  
Yifu Han ◽  
Arya Gold ◽  
Ashvin Ravi ◽  

We combine a chemically-synthesized, voltage-sensitive fluorophore with a genetically encoded, self-labeling enzyme to enable voltage imaging in Drosophila melanogaster. Previously, we showed that a rhodamine voltage reporter (RhoVR) combined with the HaloTag self-labeling enzyme could be used to monitor membrane potential changes from mammalian neurons in culture and brain slice. Here, we apply this hybrid RhoVR-Halo approach in vivo to achieve selective neuron labeling in intact fly brains. We generate a Drosophila UAS-HaloTag reporter line in which the HaloTag enzyme is expressed on the surface of cells. We validate the voltage sensitivity of this new construct in cell culture before driving expression of HaloTag in specific brain neurons in flies. We show that selective labeling of synapses, cells, and brain regions can be achieved with RhoVR-Halo in either larval neuromuscular junction (NMJ) or in whole adult brains. Finally, we validate the voltage sensitivity of RhoVR-Halo in fly tissue via dual-electrode/imaging at the NMJ, show the efficacy of this approach for measuring synaptic excitatory post-synaptic potentials (EPSPs) in muscle cells, and perform voltage imaging of carbachol-evoked depolarization and osmolarity-evoked hyperpolarization in projection neurons and in interoceptive subesophageal zone neurons in fly brain explants following in vivo labeling. We envision the turn-on response to depolarizations, fast response kinetics, and two-photon compatibility of chemical indicators, coupled with the cellular and synaptic specificity of genetically-encoded enzymes, will make RhoVR-Halo a powerful complement to neurobiological imaging in Drosophila.


Изучена возможность использования для производства винодельческой продукции винограда, выращиваемого в Самарской области. Исследованы два технических сорта красного винограда урожаев 2015–2016 гг. – Ливадийский черный и Мерло. Качество винограда соответствовало требованиям ГОСТ 31782–2012. Переработку винограда по красному способу вели в полупромышленных условиях. Брожение проводили на мезге с плавающей шапкой. Для сбраживания виноградной мезги использовали сухие французские винные дрожжи Sainte Georges S101. Температура бродящей мезги не превышала 28–30°С. Дображивание полученных виноматериалов и последующую их выдержку осуществляли при температуре (14 ± 1)°С. В результате получены сухие столовые виноматериалы. Показатели качества полученных виноматериалов удовлетворяют требованиям ГОСТ 32030–2013 по всем основным физико-химическим показателям качества и характеризуются достаточно высоким содержанием фенольных веществ. Виноматериалы имели насыщенный рубиновый цвет, характерные сортовые вкус и аромат. Полученные результаты подтверждают целесообразность проведения дальнейших исследований в области обоснования и разработки технологий получения винодельческой продукции в Самарском регионе. The possibility of use for production of wine-making production of the grapes which are grown up in the Samara region is studied. Two technical grades of red grapes of harvests of 2015–2016 Livadia black and Merlots are investigated. The quality of the grapes meets the requirements of GOST 31782–2012. Grapes processed by red method in semi-conditions. Fermentation was carried out on pulp with a floating cap. Dry wine yeast “Sainte Georges S101” (Fermentis, France) were used for fermentation of grape pulp. The temperature of the fermenting pulp did not exceed 28–30°C. After-fermentation of the received wine materials and the subsequent their endurance was carried out at a temperature of (14 ± 1)°C. Dry table wine materials are as a result received. The resulting wine materials meet the requirements of GOST 32030–2013 in all basic physical and chemical indicators of quality and characterized by a rather high content of phenolic substances. Wine materials had a rich ruby color, characteristic varietal taste and aroma. These results confirm the usefulness of further research in the field of study and the development of technologies for the production of wine production in the Samara region.


Приведены химический состав и биохимические свойства овсяной, ячменной, нутовой, люпиновой и кукурузной муки. Изучена пищевая ценность, представлены материалы, подтверждающие актуальность использования мучных композитных смесей (МКС) из зерновых и бобовых культур с целью улучшения качества хлебобулочных изделий и расширения их ассортимента. Разработаны композитные смеси для производства хлеба повышенной пищевой ценности. Предложен рецептурный состав МКС. Установлено, что, по сравнению с контрольным образцом, у хлеба, выпеченного из исследуемых МКС, не было ухудшения органолептических и физико-химических показателей качества при соотношении компонентов, %: мука пшеничная 65, мука люпиновая 25, мука ячменная 5, мука кукурузная 5 – для 1-й композитной смеси; мука пшеничная 65, отруби овсяные 25, мука нутовая 5, мука кукурузная 5 – для 2-й. Для устранения негативного влияния вносимых компонентов композитных смесей на качество пшеничного хлеба проводили предварительную подготовку МКС перед замесом теста. Исследовали различные способы приготовления пшеничного теста с целью определения рационального. Установили, что образцы, приготовленные на опаре с заваркой кукурузной муки, характеризовались наилучшими органолептическими и физико-химическими показателями по сравнению с образцами, приготовленными ускоренным и безопарным способами. The chemical composition and biochemical properties of flour oat, barley, chickpeas, lupine and corn are given. The nutrition value of different types of flour is studied, the materials confirming relevance of use of flour composite mixes from grain and bean crops which promote expansion of the range, increase in nutrition value, improvement of quality of bakery products are presented. Composite mixes are developed for production of bread of the increased nutrition value. The prescription composition of flour composite mixes is offered. It is established that in comparison with a control sample at the bread baked of the studied composite mixes at a ratio of components, %: wheat flour 65, lupine flour 25, flour barley 5, cornmeal 5 – for the 1st composite mix and wheat flour 65, bran oat 25, flour chickpeas 5, cornmeal 5 – for the 2nd composite mix, there was no deterioration in organoleptic and physical and chemical indicators of quality. For elimination of negative impact of flour components of composite mixes on quality of white bread, carried out preliminary preparation them before a dough batch. Investigated various ways of preparation of wheat dough for the purpose of definition rational. At assessment of quality of products with the studied composite mixes established that the samples cooked on a support with cornmeal tea leaves were characterized by the best organoleptic and physical and chemical indicators in comparison with the samples cooked accelerated and non basic in the ways.

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