“Where is our Steve Jobs?” A case study of consumerism and neo-liberal media in China

Journalism ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 15 (8) ◽  
pp. 1006-1022 ◽  
Zhengjia Liu ◽  
Dan Berkowitz

When covering foreign events, journalists bring resonant cultural meanings to an otherwise little-understood occurrence. From a cultural perspective, we analyzed “Steve Jobs fever” in five publications of a progressive neo-liberal media group in China. The media texts allowed us to understand society’s neo-liberal narratives. The media re-crafted Jobs’ death into a story about Chinese society: the first theme foreshadowed the greatness and necessity of having Steve-Jobs-style genius; the second theme raised the question why not having an equivalent Steve Jobs and immediately answered it; finally, the third theme logically provided the solution to solve this social crisis. This story fits into the enduring narratives of national salvation through technological consumption and further Westernized liberalization. The study attempts to move research on Chinese media beyond the Chinese context by making a conceptual contribution for understanding journalism in a global environment.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 348-361
Basia Nikiforova

To artists, border is not just a physical reality imposed on the landscape by political forces, but also a subject for imagination and creativity, representation and visualization. Presentation of migration, refugees and growing new ethnic and religious communities is important for visual arts. Our task is to discuss the correlativeness between the new form of city bordering and reterritorialization and their materialized visual image, to reflect the balance between claims of difference and sameness and the dynamics between dominant perceptions and refugees’ self-representations. Nowadays in the media, we deal with the Debordian spectacle which reduces reality to an endless fragmentation, while encouraging us to focus on appearances. Thomas Neil notes that the migrant has become the political figure of our time, and migrant phenomena invite us to rethink the fundamental political, cultural and art philosophy. It is important to reveal the interconnections between new discourses and art practices, reflecting on the local Lithuanian image of the migration process. Thus, the case study of the research represents an analysis of Sigita Maslauskaitė-Mažylienė (Lithuania) artworks and artistic practices as important discursive processes and cultural meanings.

2018 ◽  

Abstract: PDA stands on the text and compares, which text is good and true or do well and get right in experts or society perspective. This research surveys design inisiates to see the strategies framing on marginal discourse in Russian mass mediamedia. This study found some problems related to the Russian-chech conflict. In this conflicte, this study reveals the framing of the media describe Russian people are the ones who violate human rights, while the Chech people are freedom fighters who are cracked down from the Russians. In the first examine the counter-discourse that occurs between the two countries, while in the second part of the case study survey illustrates some of the strategies used in some texts that pertain to mainstream discourse, and in the third section explains more generally as taken from lexicogrammographic analysis, media practices, cognitive linguistics and psychology such as radical reframing and strategies used therein. Related to this research, identifying reframing with the editor is selected for publication can guide academic who want publicized for media coverage in their respective field of expertise or other social problems that appear in the community.Key Word : PDA: Russian Problem

2018 ◽  

PDA stands on the text and compares, which text is good and true or do well and get right in experts or society perspective. This research surveys design inisiates to see the strategies framing on marginal discourse in Russian mass mediamedia. This study found some problems related to the Russian-chech conflict. In this conflicte, this study reveals the framing of the media describe Russian people are the ones who violate human rights, while the Chech people are freedom fighters who are cracked down from the Russians. In the first examine the counter-discourse that occurs between the two countries, while in the second part of the case study survey illustrates some of the strategies used in some texts that pertain to mainstream discourse, and in the third section explains more generally as taken from lexicogrammographic analysis, media practices, cognitive linguistics and psychology such as radical reframing and strategies used therein. Related to this research, identifying reframing with the editor is selected for publication can guide academic who want publicized for media coverage in their respective field of expertise or other social problems that appear in the community.key word: PDA : Russian Problem

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 83-93
Irina Erofeeva ◽  
Alexey Muravyov

The article describes the cognitive means by which the perception and processing of textured material in media discourse is carried out. The authors present the typology of this toolkit and its opportunities in modeling the country’s media image addressed to the sociocode of a national culture. The relevance of the study is due to the significant role of modern media in shaping the image of a specific territory in mass consciousness, which directly determines the character of economic, political and social relations in society. The purpose of the article is to identify and characterize possible cognitive-linguistic mechanisms for modeling a productive media image of a country based on mental representations of society, originating in culture and guaranteeing the effective use of the corresponding constructs of mental operations, value preferences and behavior patterns of information flows consumer. Based on linguo-culturological analysis, conditions and frames of modeling, the image of Russia is considered in the content of the Chinese mass media. The empirical base of the study was made up of more than 200 texts of the Chinese media of various formats. The media discourse represents both common nuclear concepts and archetypes of the national view of the world in Russia and China (collectivism, patriotism, home, family, power, nature), and the ambiguous stereotypes of Chinese citizens about Russians and Russia that have been developed over the time. Stereotypes are embedded in the traditional expressive narrative which, due to a combination of expressive means, aesthetic and impressive power of verbal potential, has a purposeful impact on the audience, maintains the necessary national identity in Chinese society in the «We — They» paradigm. With respect to Russia’s strategic interests, it is important to actualize the common constructs of Chinese and Russian mentality in the mass media which will not only awaken the original cultural memory of a person but also allow to bring the people of China and Russia closer together.

2020 ◽  
Ludmila Budrina

The newly developed high-tech methods of attribution and assessment have sometimes been viewed as replacements for more traditional approaches. This article uses three case studies to examine the role of documents and published resources as the important sources of information for the attribution of malachite pieces commissioned to the European artists by Nikolay Demidov. The first case highlights the role of archival documents in the identification of the elements and complete reconstruction of an important table centrepiece. The second example uses the materials published by the media of different countries made accessible by the digitalization process, and the placement of this digital copy in the open databases. With the support from the three articles published in the English, French and Vatican journals, it was possible to identify author, date of creation and the relation to the client for one pair of columns, which are the first example of the architectural use of malachite. The third case shows the role of iconographic sources – original pieces and printed graphics – in the attribution of the pieces from the presumably lost collection of Russian malachite created for the First World’s Exhibition in London in 1851. In conclusion, the author discusses the importance of the traditional methods of assessment and attribution based on the documents and printed sources. Keywords: malachite, stonecutting art, Demidov family, Thomire, Sibilio, private malachite manufacture of Demidov, The World Exhibition in London (1851)

2013 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-45 ◽  
Yan Xi

The media have become a key site for the production and reproduction of language ideologies in modern societies. This is typically reflected in language ideological debates in 2010 in the Chinese media. In 2009, an article entitled “English ants are digging holes in the Chinese levee” got wide media coverage and aroused much controversy in the Chinese media in the following year. The crusade for linguistic purism ended with the promulgation of new regulations banning China’s media organizations and publishers from randomly mixing foreign languages with Chinese in publications. The present study aims to explore the inherent language ideologies naturalized in the debates of Chinese linguistic purism and various strategies adopted for the construction of the ideologies. The findings reveal that the ideology of “one nation and one language” and standard language ideology play an important role in the sociolinguistic imagination of a homogeneous Chinese society and protection of “pure” Chinese against English invasion. It is hoped that the present study will contribute to language ideology studies and shed new light on Chinese sociolinguistic studies.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-2
Ibrahim Sirkeci

Transnational Marketing Journal is dedicated to disseminate scholarship on cross-border phenomena in marketing by acknowledging the importance of local and global or in other words, underlining the transnational practices marked by national and local characteristics in a fluid fashion spreading over more than one national territory. The first article by Paulette Schuster looks into “falafel” and “shwarma” in Mexico and discusses the perception of Israeli food in Mexico. The second article is a case study illustrating a critical account of cultural dimensions formulated by Schwarz using the value surveys data. The third article in the issue is a qualitative study of the negative attitudes of millennials torwards mobile marketing. 

2015 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 93
Juniar Siregar

This study presents a research report on improving students’ Learning results on IPA through Video. The objective was to find out whether students’ learning result improved when they are taught by using Video. It was conducted using classroom action research method. The subject of the study was the Grade IV students of SDN 187/IV Kota Jambi which is located on Jln. Adi Sucipto RT 05 Kecamatan Jambi Selatan, and the number of the students were 21 persons. The instruments used were test. In analyzing the data, the mean of the students’ score for the on fisrt sycle was 65,4 (42,85%) and the mean on cycle two was 68,5 (37,15%) and the mean of the third cycle was 81,4 (100%). Then it can be concluded that the use of video on learning IPA can improve the students’ learning result. It is suggested that teachers should use video as one of the media to improve students’ learning result on IPA.Keywords : IPA, students’ learning result, video

2017 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-204
Charles Cathcart

Sejanus His Fall has always been a succès d'estime rather than a popular triumph. Neverthless, there was an odd and pervasive valency for the speech that opens the play's fifth act, a speech that starts, “Swell, swell, my joys,” and which includes the boast, “I feel my advancèd head/Knock out a star in heav'n.” The soliloquy has an afterlife in printed miscellanies; it was blended with lines from Volpone's first speech; the phrase “knock out a star in heav'n” was turned to by preachers warning of the sin of pride; John Trapp's use of the speech for his biblical commentary was plundered by John Price, Citizen, for the polemic of 1654, Tyrants and Protectors Set Forth in their Colours; and in the year between the Jonson Folio of 1616 and the playwright's journey to Scotland, William Drummond of Hawthornden borrowed directly from the speech for his verse tribute to King James. For all Jonson's punctilious itemising of his tragedy's classical sources, his lines were themselves shaped by a contemporary model: John Marston's Antonio and Mellida. What are we undertaking when we examine an intertextual journey such as this? Is it a case study in Jonson's influence? Is it a meditation upon the fortunes of a single textual item? Alternatively, is it a study of appropriation? The resting place for this essay is the speech's appearance in the third and final edition of Leonard Becket's publication, A Help to Memory and Discourse (1630), an appearance seemingly unique within the Becket canon and one that suggests that Jonson's verse gained an afterlife as a poem.

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