‘An inside job’: An autobiographical account of desistance

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-119 ◽  
Wayne Hart ◽  
Deirdre Healy

Various theories have been put forward to explain the processes underpinning desistance from crime. To provide additional insights into this phenomenon, this article presents an autobiographical account of one man’s journey towards a crime-free life. The narrative reveals a change process that is at once personal and universal, and describes the external forces that shaped his pathway to desistance as well as his experiences of personal fortitude and agency. In addition, it highlights the role of probation supervision as a catalyst for change. The autobiographical account is accompanied by a reflective academic commentary that situates these personal life experiences within the wider desistance literature. While the reader may view the autobiographical tone of this article as subjective, it should be noted that the account is not simply a re-telling of an individual life story but offers a critical appraisal of existing knowledge viewed through the lens of one person’s journey towards desistance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (7) ◽  
pp. 1004-1018
Ninitha Maivorsdotter ◽  
Joacim Andersson

Research has pursued salutogenic and narrative approaches to deal with questions about how everyday settings are constitutive for different health practices. Healthy behavior is not a distinguishable action, but a chain of activities, often embedded in other social practices. In this article, we have endeavored to describe such a chain of activities guided by the salutogenic claim of exploring the good living argued by McCuaig and Quennerstedt. We use biographical material written by Karl Ove Knausgaard who has created a life story entitled My Struggle. The novel is selected upon an approach influenced by Brinkmann who stresses that literature can be seen as a qualitative social inquiry in which the novelist is an expert in transforming personal life experiences into common human expressions of life. The study illustrates how research with a broader notion of health can convey experiences of health, thereby complementing (and sometimes challenging) public health evidence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-102
N. V. Veselkova

The article provides an experience of reflexive reading of the autobiographical book of the Ural “peasant – worker” Agrippina Korevanova “My Life”, published in 1936 by the Moscow publishing house “History of Plants”, using the method of analyzing the narrative through ‘four readings’, focusing attention step by step on the plot and the reader’s reaction, the narrator’s I and the voices of Others, on cultural contexts and social structures. Press responses, Korevanova’s correspondence with publishers and other archival materials are used as context. A special place in this large hypertext is occupied by the revised work within the educational student project of the Ural Federal University, published in 2020 under the title “Her Life”. It focuses on the relevance of trauma talk and Agrippina’s purely personal life story, which gives a basis for polemical discussion. The peculiarity of the narrative, which at one time “did not give in” to such venerable editors as A. Tikhonov and M. Gorky, and which modern publishers are trying to eliminate, is the lack of coherence and consistency. According to the author of the article, this characteristic incoherence highlights the desire inherent in the construction of the text to combine the passive role of the heroine with her inexhaustible activity. The main and most interesting topic seems to be writing and, more broadly, mastery of the word. Korevanova struggled to enter the world of literature and it is in this field that the rejection of her auto heroine and her own are most dramatic: unrequited requests for help in “writing” (preserved in her archival fund), and difficult relations with the local writing community, and, finally, the multiple edits and shortenings that haunt the work today as well as in 1930s.

Gerald C. Cupchik

This paper examines feelings and emotions in relation to entertainment experiences. Feelings reflect an appraisal of everyday events or media products that shape our experience of pleasure and interest which are complementary. Pleasure can result from the meaningful interpretation of a program or from positive associations that it evokes. Interest in a program can result from intellectual engagement and a search for meaning or simply to alleviate boredom. According to a reactive model of media involvement, a person selects stimuli which modulate feelings of pleasure or excitement. This affective covariation process is superficial in the sense that there is no need for deep processing in order to determine the value of the stimulus. Emotions are more closely tied to the self and the meaning of social situations. Emotion can be related to a reflective model of aesthetic involvement whereby a person interprets the work in terms of relevant aesthetic knowledge and personal life experiences. This search for underlying layers of meaning leads to deeper aesthetic engagement and emotional elaboration. The main point here is that processes related to the experience of feelings and emotions run concurrently. Feelings reflect more global responses to events involving characters and plots. Emotions are more firmly grounded in the search for meaning in depicted situations and implicate the lives of audiences who watch the programs.

2021 ◽  
pp. 026455052110120
Ruwani Fernando

This research compares how English and French desisters experience and perceive probation supervision. In this qualitative study, desisters of both countries were interviewed to collect narratives of change within the context of punishment in the community. The aim of this research was to explore and compare the role of probation in desistance processes, in different national, socio-economic, and criminal justice settings. The findings demonstrate similarities in perceptions of probation officers as people with resources. Differences emerged in the types of resources engaged with and the perceived punitiveness of mandatory supervision.

2007 ◽  
Vol 177 (4S) ◽  
pp. 310-310
Sumit Dave ◽  
Luis H. Braga ◽  
Antoine E. Khoury ◽  
Walid A. Farhat

2000 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 107-123 ◽  
Muzaffar Iqbal

This article attempts to present a comparative study of the role of two twentieth-century English translations of the Qur'an: cAbdullah Yūsuf cAlī's The Meaning of the Glorious Qur'ān and Muḥammad Asad's The Message of the Qur'ān. No two men could have been more different in their background, social and political milieu and life experiences than Yūsuf cAlī and Asad. Yūsuf 'Alī was born and raised in British India and had a brilliant but traditional middle-class academic career. Asad traversed a vast cultural and geographical terrain: from a highly-disciplined childhood in Europe to the deserts of Arabia. Both men lived ‘intensely’ and with deep spiritual yearning. At some time in each of their lives they decided to embark upon the translation of the Qur'an. Their efforts have provided us with two incredibly rich monumental works, which both reflect their own unique approaches and the effects of the times and circumstances in which they lived. A comparative study of these two translations can provide rich insights into the exegesis and the phenomenon of human understanding of the divine text.

1970 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 198-207
Євген Карпенко

У статті проаналізовано місце феномену емоційної компетентності в становленні дискурсу життєтворення особистості. Відзначено, що її засадничими ознаками є відкритість і діалогічність, що фасилітують процеси життєтворчості в інтра- та інтерпсихічному просторі та сприяють здобуттю певних експірієнтальних «знань» і формуванню відповідних комунікативних «умінь». Отже, емоційна компетентність виконує функцію орієнтації в знаково-символічній реальності внутрішнього та зовнішнього середовища і, відповідно, бере участь у прийнятті рішень стосовно них. Це сприяє реалізації функції особистісного вибору у значущих обставинах життя. Вважається, що цей вибір повинен ґрунтуватися на домінуючій екзистенційній ідентичності та релевантно реалізовуватися на всіх її рівнях: базовому, характерологічному, ситуативному. В цьому контексті емоційна компетентність виступає в якості з’єднувальної ланки між ідентичністю та її зовнішньою поведінковою маніфестацією, в якій вона, власне, й проявляється. Інтегруючи первинні емоції, емоційна компетентність сприяє формуванню системи цінностей, мотивів і світоглядних орієнтацій особистості, а також сприяє їх коректному втіленню в практиці міжособистісного спілкування і, відповідно, конструювання дискурсу власного життя. У цьому полягає ключова роль емоційної компетентності в процесі життєтворення особистості. The article analyzes the role of emotional competence in establishing the discourse of personal life creation. It has been stated that its basic features are openness and readiness to dialog that facilitate life creation processes in the intra- and interpsychic space and promote acquirement of certain experiential "knowledge" as well as formation of relevant communicative "skills". So, emotional competence has a function of orienting in sign and symbol reality of the internal and external environment and, therefore, takes part in decision-making in respect thereof. This enables realization of the function of personal choice in significant life circumstances.  This choice is considered to be based on dominant existential identity and realized in the relevant manner at all its levels: basic, characterological, situational. In this sense emotional competence forms a link between identity and its outer behavioral manifestation.  While integrating primary emotions emotional competence facilitates formation of a system of values, motives and world view of personality as well as their correct implementation in the course of interpersonal communication and personal life discourse construction. This embodies the key role of emotional competence in the process of life creation of personality.

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 15-22
Grzegorz Ignatowski

Abstract Confidence is one of the most essential elements which no social or professional group can exist without. As feature of character it is required in someone’s private, social and professional life. In all our relationships we lose it due to telling lies. Lies accompany our personal life on all its stages. Already three-year old children tell lies to satisfy their parents, check whether they are able to realize they are deceived or to demonstrate their dominance over them. Teachers and ethicists differentiate between useful didactic lies and ruthless and cynical comments harmful to others. Because of emotional ties and close relationships, a family is the best environment where a child should be taught to despise lies and respect trust

2020 ◽  
Michele Anne ◽  
Steve M. J. Janssen

Cultural Life Scripts (CLS) are shared knowledge about personal events expected to be experienced by individuals within a society, and used as a framework for life story narration. Differences in CLS for individuals with depression and trauma, and their relations to anxiety, stress, and well-being, have not been investigated. Malaysian participants (N = 120) described and rated seven significant events most likely to be experienced by a prototypical infant from their culture, and seven significant events they had experienced or expected to experience in their own life. Participants then answered questionnaires about depression and trauma symptoms and about anxiety, stress, and well-being. The subclinical depression group listed less typical CLS events, whereas the subclinical PTSD group listed less positive individual life story events. The findings indicate that, although individuals with depression and trauma possess knowledge of the CLS, there may be small differences in the cognitive processing of CLS and individual life story events.

Michael W. Pratt ◽  
M. Kyle Matsuba

Chapter 6 reviews research on the topic of vocational/occupational development in relation to the McAdams and Pals tripartite personality framework of traits, goals, and life stories. Distinctions between types of motivations for the work role (as a job, career, or calling) are particularly highlighted. The authors then turn to research from the Futures Study on work motivations and their links to personality traits, identity, generativity, and the life story, drawing on analyses and quotes from the data set. To illustrate the key concepts from this vocation chapter, the authors end with a case study on Charles Darwin’s pivotal turning point, his round-the-world voyage as naturalist for the HMS Beagle. Darwin was an emerging adult in his 20s at the time, and we highlight the role of this journey as a turning point in his adult vocational development.

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