deep processing
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Enyun Liu ◽  
Jingxian Zhao ◽  
Noorzareith Sofeia

In recent years, deep learning as the requirement of higher education for students has attracted the attention of many scholars, and previous studies focused on defining deep learning as the deep processing of knowledge of the brain, however, in the process of knowledge processing, the brain not only involves the deep processing of information but also participates in learning consciously and emotionally. Therefore, this research proposed a four-factor model hypothesis for deep learning that includes deep learning investment, deep cognitive-emotional experience, deep information processing, and deep learning meta-cognitive. In addition, the research proposed teachers’ emotional support perceived by students has an effect on the four factors of deep learning. Through SPSS 26 and AMOS 24, this research has verified the four-factor model of deep learning applying exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and verified that the perceived teacher emotional support has an impact on the four factors of students’ deep learning using the SEM.

2021 ◽  
pp. 485-494
Hongguang Yang ◽  
Huanxiong Xie ◽  
Hai Wei ◽  
Jianchun Yan ◽  
Huichang Wu ◽  

Aiming at the problem that contain more soil impurities of potato post-harvest, which affects subsequent deep processing, an apparatus for removing soil impurities from potato was developed. The whole structure is mainly composed of frame, feeding port, flexible rubber finger conveying mechanism, slender filament rotary brushing mechanism, discharging port and the like. The research and analysis determined that the main parameters influencing the soil impurities removal performance were the movement speed of conveying mechanism, the movement speed of brushing mechanism and the clearance between conveying mechanism and brushing mechanism (hereinafter referred to as the mechanism clearance). Taking the main influencing parameters as test factors, and the soil impurities removal rate and potato damage rate as indexes, the orthogonal test with three factors and three levels was carried out. The optimal parameter combination was obtained as follows: the movement speed of conveying mechanism was 0.35m/s, the movement speed of brushing mechanism was 0.40m/s, and the mechanism clearance was 55mm. At this time, the average soil impurities removal rate was 87.18%, and the potato average damage rate was 1.95%, which met the requirements of potato cleaning operation.

A. I. Lakhova ◽  
S. M. Petrov ◽  
N. E. Ignashev ◽  
G. G. Islamova ◽  

The article presents the results of deep processing of heavy crude oil in supercritical aqueous fluid, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the content of sulfur and resinous asphaltene compounds in products, and to increase the yield of light fuel fractions. The possibility of reducing the temperature of upgrading of heavy crude oil due to the presence of active charcoal in the reaction medium is shown. The proposed technology provides environmentally safe and residue-free processing of heavy oil and further production of high-quality hydrocarbon raw materials enriched in low-boiling fractions. Keywords: upgrading; heavy crude oil; supercritical aqueous fluid; activated charcoal.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 529-532
Boris N. Kuznetsov ◽  
Vladimir I. Kuzmin ◽  

Information on the organization and activities of the Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences is presented. Its scientific directions are highlighted, the results of fundamental scientific and applied research, participation in the creation of technologies for deep processing of mineral and organic resources of Siberia, hydrocarbons and biomass, organization of the development of the scientific potential of the region, international cooperation are noted.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 36-40
Elena Semenova

The growth of agricultural exports is due to a focused state policy that ensures the development of the Russian agro-industrial complex. The mechanisms used to stimulate agricultural and food exports are divided into general (federal) and individual financial and non-financial support instruments (regional), have different degrees of demand by agricultural producers and different regional involvement in their application. There was an increase in exports, a low share in the export of deep processing products, a discrepancy between the placement of agricultural production and the structure of exports, an expansion of state support measures, their positive and negative impact on the market, various regional involvement in export processes, and a high concentration of exports in the Rostov region.

2021 ◽  
Valeriy Kotelnikov ◽  
Elena Ryazanova ◽  
Olesya Ershova

Abstract Reducing the role of coal in the energy balance of countries and the whole world sets the task of improving coal combustion technologies and creating new environmentally friendly processes for deep processing of coal. The production of high-quality raw materials for the metallurgical industry and other industries is a strategic task for the development of the country. In this study we try to use an Monte Carlo method to analyze and modeling of coke producing process in the device for continuous pyrolysis of organic materials in a thermally loaded layer.

Shengsheng Li ◽  
Yawei Zhang ◽  
Shujie Liu

To investigate the effect of refrigeration on the collagen and texture characteristics of yak meat, the changes in collagen content, solubility, shear force, hardness, cohesiveness, springiness, gumminess, and chewiness of yak meat at 4±1°C were measured. The results showed that the contents and solubility of collagen in yak meat significantly decreased (P<0.05). The myofibrillar fragmentation index of yak meat significantly increased (P<0.05). The shear force, hardness, cohesiveness, springiness, gumminess and chewiness of yak meat significantly decreased (P<0.05). Correlation analysis and histological structure analysis confirmed that myofibrillar fragmentation and collagen characteristics significantly affected the formation of yak meat texture during refrigeration. After 5 days of refrigerated storage, yak meat has a higher quality. The results provide a theoretical basis and data to support the deep processing and quality control of yak meat.

2021 ◽  
pp. 30-41
Николай Дмитриевич Лукин ◽  
Сергей Николаевич Серегин ◽  
Марина Владимировна Сидак ◽  
Георгий Владимирович Сысоев

Современные требования инновационной экономики к перерабатывающему сектору сельскохозяйственного сырья должны ориентироваться на безотходные ресурсосберегающие технологии переработки, экологизации производства и природосбережения, в этом и заключается философия технологии глубокой переработки. Только заложив в основу хозяйственной деятельности эти принципы работы, можно обеспечить полное использование всех имеющихся компонентов сельскохозяйственного сырья при минимальном получении вторичных ресурсов и отходов производства и обеспечить устойчивое развитие промышленности. Глубокая переработка зерна кукурузы и пшеницы в России является наиболее перспективным направлением, для этого создана развитая сырьевая база и построены современные заводы по переработке этих видов сырья с производством значительного ассортимента продукции. Разработка и внедрение в промышленность технологий глубокой переработки на основе диверсификации производства с получением широкой номенклатуры продукции является ключевым приоритетом развития крахмалопаточной промышленности России. Необходимость обеспечения развития глубокой переработки зерна обусловлена рядом факторов - это связано с удовлетворением внутреннего спроса на данную продукцию, снижением импортной зависимости от продуктов переработки зерна с высокой добавленной стоимостью, возможностью для выхода на международные рынки в рамках федерального проекта «Экспорт продукции АПК». Последнее десятилетие для крахмалопаточной промышленности было отмечено ростом производственных мощностей, модернизацией действующих предприятий, концентрацией производства, что расширило диверсификацию экономики промышленности и обеспечило хорошую динамику выработки основных видов продукции, повысило ее конкурентоспособность. Комплексное решение стоящих перед промышленностью задач и вывод ее на новый технологический уровень возможны только при разработке целевой программы развития, которая свяжет использование всех видов ресурсов на основе современных достижений научно-технического прогресса и новых форм организации производства. The modern requirements of the innovative economy for the processing sector of agricultural raw materials should focus on waste-free resource-saving technologies for processing, greening production and environmental conservation, this is the philosophy of deep processing technology. Only by laying the foundation for economic activity can these principles of work ensure the full use of all available components of agricultural raw materials with a minimum of secondary resources and production waste and ensure the sustainable development of industry. The deep processing of corn and wheat grains in Russia is the most promising area, for this purpose, a developed raw material base has been created and modern plants for the processing of these raw materials have been built with the production of a significant range of products. The development and introduction into the industry of deep processing technologies based on diversification of production to obtain a wide range of products is a key priority for the development of the Russian starch industry. The need to ensure the development of deep grain processing is due to a number of factors - this is due to the satisfaction of domestic demand for these products, a decrease in import dependence on high-value-added grain processing products, and the possibility of entering international markets under the federal project «Export of agro-industrial products». The last decade for the starch industry was marked by an increase in production capacities, modernization of existing enterprises, a concentration of production, which expanded the diversification of the economy of industry and ensured good dynamics of production of basic types of products, increased its competitiveness. It is possible to comprehensively solve the problems facing industry and bring it to a new technological structure only when developing a targeted development program that will link the use of all types of resources based on modern achievements in scientific and technological progress and new forms of production organization.

2021 ◽  
pp. 96-99
Светлана Николаевна Максимова ◽  
Денис Владимирович Полещук ◽  
Светлана Юрьевна Пономаренко ◽  
Александр Николаевич Баштовой ◽  
Елена Давидовна Горячева

Обоснованы актуальность и целесообразность комплексной переработки тихоокеанских лососей. Представлены объемы вылова лососевых (горбуши, кеты, нерки и т. д.) за последние пять лет, свидетельствующие о ресурсной достаточности данных объектов промысла. Отмечена потенциальная возможность образования большого количества отходов при глубокой переработке рыбы, которая целесообразна для получения продукции с высокой добавочной стоимостью. Рассчитано количество отходов, образующихся при разделке тихоокеанских лососей на примере горбуши, доля которой от общего объема вылавливаемых лососевых с 2018-го по 2020 год наиболее значительна. Приведен химический состав различных частей тела горбуши, подтверждающий их высокую пищевую, в том числе биологическую, ценность, включая и те части тела, которые условно отнесены к непищевым отходам. Отмечено, что при переработке вторичного сырья, образующегося при глубокой разделке рыбы на потрошеную обезглавленную продукцию или филе, также образуются отходы (например, при производстве пробойной икры). Проведены экспериментальные исследования по определению содержания липидов, белковых и минеральных веществ в отходах от пробивки ястыков горбуши. Установлен их высокий технологический потенциал по содержанию биологически ценных веществ (белков и липидов). По нормам отходов, потерь, выхода готовой продукции и расхода сырья представлены расчеты условного выхода составных частей горбуши в годы максимального и минимального ее вылова за последние 5 лет. На основании рассчитанных данных, с учетом химического состава различных частей тела рыбы (на примере горбуши), осуществлена оценка объема основных пищевых компонентов, биологически ценных веществ в отходах, полученных при глубокой переработке лососевых. Учитывая значительное количество таких отходов даже в год минимального вылова лососевых, сделано заключение о высоком технологическом потенциале всех составных частей тела тихоокеанских лососей и целесообразности использования их для производства биологически ценной пищевой, кормовой и другой продукции. The relevance and feasibility of integrated processing of Pacific salmon is justified. The volumes of salmon catch (gorbuscha, keta, nerka, etc.) over the past five years are presented, indicating the resource sufficiency of these fishing objects. The potential generation of a large amount of waste during deep processing of fish, which is necessary for obtaining products with high added value, was noted. The amount of waste generated during the treatment of Pacific salmon is calculated using the example of humpback, the share of which of the total volume of caught salmon from 2018 to 2020 is most significant. The chemical composition of various parts of the gorbuscha body is given, confirming their high nutritional value, including biological value, including those parts of the body that are conditionally assigned to non-food waste. It is noted that when processing food waste generated during deep cutting of fish into rippled decapitated products or fillets, waste is also generated (for example, in the production of hole caviar). Experimental studies have been carried out to determine the content of lipids, protein and mineral substances in waste from piercing of gorbuscha joints. Their high technological potential for the content of biologically valuable substances (proteins and lipids) has been established. According to the norms of waste, losses, output of finished products and consumption of raw materials, calculations of the conditional output of the humpback components in the years of maximum and minimum catch over the past five years are presented. Based on the calculated data, taking into account the chemical composition of various parts of the fish body (using the example gorbuscha), an estimate of the volume of basic food components, biologically valuable substances in waste obtained during deep processing of salmon was made. Given the significant amount of such waste, even in the year of the minimum salmon catch, it has been concluded that there is a high technological potential of all components of the body of Pacific salmon and that it is advisable to use them for the production of biologically valuable food, fodder and other products.

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