scholarly journals Writing Together: Reclaiming Dialogue Journals as a Mutually Humanizing Teaching Practice

2019 ◽  
Vol 68 (1) ◽  
pp. 108-129
Emily Rose Schwab

This article builds on the work of adult literacy scholars to explore how dialogue journals might be used to enact a mutually humanizing pedagogy within adult English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classrooms. The researcher extends the discussion of using dialogue journals to consider not only how they can be used to meet the ends of specific class and language learning goals but can be utilized by teachers and researchers as a humanizing practice in a context historically and contemporarily dominated by the dehumanizing of adult immigrants through popular and political discourse. Through a review of literature and data from a practitioner inquiry study, the researcher revisits research on dialogue journaling and offers a reclaiming of dialogue journals as a mutually humanizing practice, using the discussion to interrogate what humanizing practices look like in a contemporary adult ESOL classroom.

Areti Vasmatzoglou ◽  
Neasa Ní Chiaráin

Virtual simulation training has gained in usage in various educational fields and offers the potential to support and reinforce learning goals when practical experience is not possible. Teaching practice experience in an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom is critical, yet frequently unobtainable for students in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)/English Language Teaching (ELT) Masters programmes. This paper describes the design, development, and evaluation of a gamified simulation prototype, Virtual EFL Classroom, that was built to offer teaching practice opportunities to students in such programmes. Eleven Masters students enrolled in the ELT programme at Trinity College Dublin took part in this study. Findings indicate that participants enjoyed active experimentation in Virtual EFL Classroom and that it has the potential to enhance student-teachers’ decision-making skills, flexibility, and adaptability in planning and teaching learner-centred lessons.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. p53
Dr. Abdulghani Eissa Tour Mohammed

The present study aims at investigating challenges of applying the teaching methodology of (CELTA) productive skills in a poor learning environment and a fragile infrastructure region of Darfur, Sudan. (CELTA) is a teacher training course that consists of 200 guided learning hours including 6 hours of teaching practice and stands for “Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages”. Candidates who apply for the course aim at acquiring the knowledge and the familiarity of the effective teaching principles. However, applying the methodology of such an internationally recognized qualification that addresses the communicative language learning requires intensive usage of some modern teaching materials. Accordingly, its applicability seems extremely challenging in a poor learning environment with a fragile infrastructure similar to the situation of Darfur region. Furthermore, the difficulties of its implementation definitely prevent hundreds of students from learning facilitates and opportunities that are only attainable via courses in which the learners’ needs are highly considered. We can also be certain that through the application of such a course student develops learning speaking and writing skills respectively simply because the course methodology provides a great opportunity of practicing the language compared to the traditional teaching methodologies. In this study the researcher is reflecting on his experience in teaching EFL via utilizing (CLT) techniques in such a way CELTA course is taught. Furthermore, the researcher aims at illustrating the importance of reducing teacher’s (TTT) and increasing the (STT) in EFL classes in Darfur, Sudan. The study also attempts to highlight the role of the private sector and voluntary organizations in promoting the educational process in the region. We can therefore say that the difficulties mentioned above have begun to diminish with the presence of some voluntary organizations such as Malam Darfur Peace and Development.A qualitative method for data collection and analysis is adapted in which the researcher interviews some EFL instructors who are currently based in KSA and actually happened to CELTA qualification. The interview questions are conducted to examine their experiences on how the methodology of this course is applicable in different contexts. Finally, the study resulted into the following findings:1.         Teaching and learning the (CELTA) productive skills in a poor learning environment is difficult.2.         Still traditional teaching methods is dominating the EFL classes in Darfur, Sudan.3.         Some voluntary organizations regularly contribute to the development of the learning environment in the region of Darfur.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Rick De Graaff

In this epilogue, I take a teaching practice and teacher education perspective on complexity in Instructed Second Language Acquisition. I take the stance that it is essential to understand if and how linguistic complexity relates to learning challenges, what the implications are for language pedagogy, and how this challenges the role of the teacher. Research shows that differences in task complexity may lead to differences in linguistic complexity in language learners’ speech or writing. Different tasks (e.g. descriptive vs narrative) and different modes (oral vs written) may lead to different types and levels of complexity in language use. On the one hand, this is a challenge for language assessment, as complexity in language performance may be affected by task characteristics. On the other hand, it is an opportunity for language teaching: using a diversity of tasks, modes and text types may evoke and stretch lexically and syntactically complex language use. I maintain that it is essential for teachers to understand that it is at least as important to aim for development in complexity as it is to aim for development in accuracy. Namely, that ‘errors’ in language learning are part of the deal: complex tasks lead to complex language use, including lexical and syntactical errors, but they are a necessary prerequisite for language development.

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (9) ◽  
pp. 208
Tunku Mohani Tunku Mohtar ◽  
Charanjit Kaur Swaran Singh ◽  
Napisah Kepol ◽  
Ahmad Zainuri Loap Ahmad ◽  
Sasigaran Moneyam

The present study investigated the beliefs and efficacy of a teacher teaching English to students who were weak at the language. The objective of the study was mainly to investigate the beliefs and efficacy of the ESL teacher for teaching writing to weak learners. The research was a case study of the English Language teacher teaching Form Three class of students whose English proficiency was very low. An interview was conducted with the teacher to further probe the instructional strategies applied to enhance her beliefs and efficacy in her own capabilities to make learning happen in her classroom. Observations were made to investigate the teacher’s efficacy in teaching and the performance of the students specifically for writing. Results show the teacher’s beliefs of her students’ capabilities and their language needs helped shape the teacher’s instructional strategies. The teacher’s efficacy enabled her to decide to undertake the task of teaching writing to her students because she was confident in her ability. The teacher provided clues to the students to facilitate their learning. This kind of feedback from the teacher indirectly motivated them to learn. The teacher’s beliefs and efficacy contributed to her teaching practice and the instructional strategies that she used in turn enhanced her beliefs and efficacy. The study implicates that teacher’s beliefs and efficacy can assist the weak learners in improving their writing skills and also facilitate language learning.

Linguaculture ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 103-112
Alyona Shyba

The objective of the article is to further study the concept “teacher’s professional competence” as well the ways of its formation. The research was conducted among the students as prospective teachers, and teaching staff of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University. The analysis of the research helped prove the essential role of some factors in the professional development of future teachers. In particular, such factors as knowledge of the teaching subject, knowledge of effective teaching methods and skills to implement them, the importance of teaching practice, the personality factor, teacher’s self-education were singled out. Therefore, the paper aims to outline a few ideas on how to ensure the implementation of the above-mentioned considerations. We also dwell upon the impact of the human behavior on the process of foreign language learning and teaching. That is why knowledge about affective factors is consequential in the academic process and using some interactive methods can also help lower the affective filter. Types of motivation and ways to enhance it are described in the paper too.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 76-81
Інна Тарасюк

Оскільки навчання іноземної мови на сьогодні має абсолютно новий, сучасний підхід, оцінювання мовленнєвої компетенції повинно відповідати чітким міжнародним стандартизованим вимогам. Позаяк стаття має стислий інформативний характер, в її межах уточнено поняття оцінювання, як спонукання до відповідної мовленнєвої реакції або дії через чітко поставлені комунікативні завдання. У статті також відображено типи оцінювання, а саме формальне та неформальне, зовнішнє оцінювання та самоконтроль. Через те, що завжди важливо розуміти, з якою метою здійснюється оцінювання мовленнєвої компетенції, у статті виокремлено його функції, а саме: діагностування, сприяння, розпізнання прогресу, констатування досягнення цілей, встановлення рейтингу, виставлення оцінок, порівняння, мотивація та ін. Там, де дві особи, існують дві суб’єктивні картини об’єктивного світу: бачення ситуації тим, хто оцінює, і тим, кого оцінюють, то до уваги також взято психоемоційний аспект досліджуваного питання. Література References Ballweg, S. Drumm, S. Hufeisen, B. Klippel, J., Pilypaityte, L. (2013). Wie lernt man die Fremdsprache Deutsch? Deutsch Lehren Lernen. Band 2. München: Klett-Langenscheidt. Beurteilen im DaF-/DaZ-Unterricht Testen – Evaluieren – Prüfen Akten der Vierten Gesamtschweizerischen Tagung für Deutschlehrerinnen und Deutschlehrer 29. und 30. Juni 2012 – Universität Bern. M. Clalüna, B. Tscharner (Eds.). Impressum Käser Druck. Bolton, S., Glaboniat, M., Lorenz, H., Perlmann-Balme, M., Steiner, S. (2008). Mündlich: Mündliche Produktion und Interaktion Deutsch: Illustration der Niveaustufen des Gemeinsamen europäischen Referenzrahmens. München: Langenscheidt. Garme, B. (2005). Auf den Flügeln der Sprache: Ein diagnostisches Verfahren. In: Anforderungen an Verfahren der regelmäßigen Sprachstandsfeststellung als Grundlage für die frühe und individuelle Förderung von Kindern mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund. (pp. 241-260), K. Ehlich u.a. (Eds.). Bonn: BMBF. Grotjahn, R. (2010). Sprachtests: Formen und Funktionen. In: Handbuch Fremdsprachendidaktik. (pp. 211–215). W. Hallet, F. Königs (Eds.). Seelze-Velber: Kallmeyer. Grotjahn, R., Kleppin, K. (2015) Prüfen, Testen, Evaluieren Klett-Langenscheidt München. Kleppin, K. (2010): Fehleranalyse und Fehlerkorrektur. In: Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache: ein Internationales Handbuch (1.Halbband). (pp. 1060-1072). H.-J. Krumm (Ed.). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Krumm, H.-J. (2001): Bildungsstandards und Kompetenzorientierung – Herausfor­derungen für das Fach Deutsch als Fremdsprache. In: Theorie und Praxis. Österreichische Beiträge zu Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Bd. 14/2010. (pp. 171–185). H.-J. Krumm, P. R. PortmannTselikas, (Eds.). Innsbruck: Studienverlag. Lengyel, D. (2010). Language Diagnostics in multilingual settings with respect to continuous procedures as accompaniment of individualized learning and teaching. Strasbourg: Council of Europe. Retrieved from: Geneva/1_Diagnostic Lengyel_EN.pdf Roche, J. (2010) Fremdevaluation und Selbstevaluation. In: Handbuch Fremdsprachendidaktik. (pp. 228–231). W. Hallet, F. G. Königs. (Eds.). Seelze-Velber: Kallmeyer. Rumpf, H. (1996). Wirklichkeiten berühren. Umrisse einer neuen Lernkultur. Fragen und Versuche, 77, 8–22. Shohamy, E. (2001). The Power of Tests: A Critical Perspective on the Uses of Language Tests. Harlow: Pearson Education. Smit, R. (2008). Formative Beurteilung im kompetenz- und standardorientierten Unterricht. Beiträge zur Lehrerbildung, 26(3), 383–392. Studer, T. (2010). Kompetenzmodelle und Bildungsstandards für Deutsch als Fremd- und Deutsch als Zweitsprache. In: Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache. Ein internationales Handbuch. (pp. 1264–1271). H-J. Krumm, C. Fandrych, B. Hufeisen, C. Riemer (Eds.). Berlin: De Gruyter. Bd. 2, Art. 142. Van Avermaet, P., Gysen, S. (2008): Language Learning, Teaching and Assessment and the Integration of Adult Immigrants. The Importance of Needs Analysis. Strasbourg: Council of Europe. Retrieved from: EN.asp.

Francisco Samuel Mendoza Moreira ◽  
Jacqueline Rosalfa Terranova Ruiz ◽  
Víctor Geovanny Zambrano Cedeño ◽  
María Manuela Macías Loor

Abstract:SENSIBILATION AND ATTENTION STRATEGIES FOR THE INTERES GENERATIONIN THE LANGUAGE LEARNINGThe generation of learning processes in the Language Arts area is one of the challenges that high school teachers takes, to a generation that every day is losing interest for oral and written communication uses by the appearance of Telematics and virtues and benefits that provide in the transfer of information through channels such as internet and their tributaries. In this context of competing interests , the psycho pedagogy models offered contain in their elements a set of mental processes that explored from neuroscience are responsible for building cognitive schemes that result highly significant and lasting learning, to enable the bachelor exceed the test quality standards implemented by the National Institute for Educational Evaluation (INEVAL) and the National Test of higher Education (ENES) requirements to pass the intermediate level and join higher education respectively. The experience performed at the Center for Teaching Practice: Juan Montalvo High School of Education Faculty of University Eloy Alfaro of Manabi, begins in an exploration of the strategies used by teachers and evaluation of students response against these methodologies, which generated the key to try new practices that combine cooperative purposes to intercultural practices with specific strategies language learning idea.Keywords: Cooperative learning, cognitive strategies, communicative competence, intercultural development, meaningful learning.Resumen:La generación de procesos de aprendizajes en el área de Lengua y Literatura es uno de los retos que asumen los profesores de bachillerato ante una generación que cada día va perdiendo interés en el uso de la comunicación oral y escrita por la aparición de la telemática; las virtudes y ventajas que éstas brindan en la transferencia de información a través de canales más amplios como lo es el internet y sus afluentes. En este marco de competencia de intereses, los modelos psicopedagógicos ofertados a la pedagogía contienen entre sus elementos un conjunto de procesos mentales que explorados desde la neurociencia son los responsables de construir esquemas cognitivos que resultan en aprendizajes altamente significativos y duraderos, que le permitan al bachiller superar las pruebas de estándares de calidad implementadas por el Instituto Nacional de Evaluación Educativa (INEVAL) y el Examen Nacional de Educación Superior (ENES), requisitos para aprobar el nivel medio e ingresar a la formación superior respectivamente. La experiencia realizada en el Centro de Práctica Docente: Colegio Juan Montalvo de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, inicia en una exploración de las estrategias utilizadas por los docentes y la evaluación de la respuesta de los estudiantes frente a estas metodologías, lo que generó la idea fundamental para intentar nuevas prácticas con fines cooperativos que combinen prácticas interculturales con estrategias propias del aprendizaje de la lengua.Palabras clave: Aprendizaje cooperativo, estrategias cognitivas, competencia comunicativa, desarrollo intercultural, aprendizaje significativo.

Fang Yuan

Traditional English teaching practice often centers on the teacher and implements the teaching mode of “exemplifying by the teacher-answering by students-evaluating by the teacher”. This inflexible teaching mode fails to fully exert student’s subjective function; at the same time, due to the lack of necessary guidance and help from teachers, students are more likely to suffer from learning burnout and low self-confidence. With this regard, an English multimedia teaching mode was proposed in this study based on Krashen’s “Language Input Theory”. The theory is characterized by emphasizing the analysis of English language learning from the perspectives of “acquisition” and “learning”, advocating “understanding” of knowledge and using student-centered teaching methods. In this study, Krashen’s theory was combined with interactive learning methods and multimedia information technology to form an English teaching mode focused on “teacher-student”, “student-student” and “student-computer” interactions and build an “in class- after class” and “online-offline” English learning environment. This mode was practically applied in the teaching of “College English” at Hohai University in Jiangsu Province, China. The results show that the English multimedia teaching mode based on Krashen’s theory is more effective than the traditional teaching mode in improving students’ interest and self-confidence in learning.

Akiko Onda

With consistently increasing globalization, the number of Japanese children living and receiving education abroad continues to grow. Previous studies have compared the Japanese-language abilities of children studying Japanese abroad to those of children living in Japan. However, the author contends that the backgrounds of children studying Japanese abroad vary greatly, as do their learning goals. The former do not necessarily want to learn the same language skills as children who study in Japan. Japanese-language education for children living overseas requires that students understand what they want to achieve in terms of their language ability. This chapter focuses on children who have lived and been educated in multiple countries other than Japan; it discusses their Japanese-language learning goals and the environment needed to support those goals. It also examines their sense of ethnic identity as Japanese and how this relates to their upbringing and language-learning experiences.

ReCALL ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-64 ◽  

The potential of corpora for language learning and teaching has been widely acknowledged and their ready availability on the Web has facilitated access for a broad range of users, including language teachers and learners. However, the integration of corpora into general language learning and teaching practice has so far been disappointing. In this paper, I will argue that the shape of many existing corpora, designed with linguistic research goals in mind, clashes with pedagogic requirements for corpus design and use. Hence, a ‘pedagogic mediation of corpora’ is required (cf. Widdowson, 2003). I will also show that the realisation of this requirement touches on both the development of appropriate corpora and the ways in which they are exploited by learners and teachers. I will use a small English Interview Corpus (ELISA) to outline possible solutions for a pedagogic mediation. The major aspect of this is the combination of two approaches to the analysis and exploitation of a pedagogically relevant corpus: a corpus-based and a discourse-based approach.

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