scholarly journals Genetic dissection of growth, wood basic density and gene expression in interspecific backcrosses of Eucalyptus grandis and E. urophylla

BMC Genetics ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 60 ◽  
Anand Raj Kullan ◽  
Maria M van Dyk ◽  
Charles A Hefer ◽  
Nicoletta Jones ◽  
Arnulf Kanzler ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 42 (2) ◽  
Antonio José Vinha Zanuncio ◽  
Amélia Guimarães Carvalho ◽  
Angélica de Cassia Oliveira Carneiro ◽  
Mario Tomazello Filho ◽  
Paulina Valenzuela ◽  

ABSTRACT Eucalyptus wood from adult trees is used for several purposes; however, the wood of younger trees has limited use. This study aims to characterize and propose uses of two-year-old eucalyptus wood. Six two-year-old Eucalyptus grandis × Eucalyptus urophylla clones have been selected and their anatomical, ultrastructural, physical and mechanical wood characteristics evaluated. The wood of Clone A shows more robust fibers with better microfibril arrangement, resulting in better mechanical properties, and therefore, a better performance for structural use. Clone F showed a low variation of wood basic density in the radial direction, facilitating its machinability, and with the Clone B, showed a lower anisotropy, and therefore, the wood is recommended for locations with high variations of humidity. The heterogeneity of the wood characteristics of the evaluated clones confirms the need for further studies, to choose those most adequate to each use.

Holzforschung ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 68 (8) ◽  
pp. 981-986 ◽  
Vladimir Eliodoro Costa ◽  
Marcos Antônio de Rezende ◽  
Valdemir Antônio Rodrigues

Abstract Wood basic density (BD) is related to other wood characteristics and its determination is important in forest inventory, though BD must be differentiated from the apparent density (AD), which relates to the moisture content (MC) of wood. The aim of this study is to demonstrate a reliable conversion from BD to AD for any MC of Eucalyptus grandis wood based on two exponential and linear models that relate volumetric shrinkage to MC. To this end, wood specimens were submitted to drying and the volumetric shrinkage was determined as a function of MC. The two models proved to be efficient in the conversion of BD to AD and vice versa.

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
Victor Gonçalves Cremonez ◽  
Eraldo Antonio Bonfatti Junior ◽  
Alan Sulato de Andrade ◽  
Eliane Lopes da Silva ◽  
Ricardo Jorge Klitzke ◽  

2006 ◽  
Vol 55 (1-6) ◽  
pp. 192-196 ◽  
O. Bison ◽  
M. A. P. Ramalho ◽  
G. D. S. P. Rezende ◽  
A. M. Aguiar ◽  
M. D. V. De Resende

Summary The cellulose industry in Brazil uses, mainly, hybrids between Eucalyptus grandis × E. urophylla. Not only the volume but also the wood density has great influence in the cellulose productivity, therefore a selection for both characteristics should be done as an alternative to increase the improvement program efficiency. The present work has been carried out with the objective of comparison between Open Pollinated progenies (OP) and hybrids performance in E. grandis and E. urophylla. To do so, 15 OP progenies of E. grandis, 15 OP progenies of E. urophylla, and 15 hybrids between E. grandis × E. urophylla, plus four controls were evaluated. The experiment was carried out from October to November 2001, in three sites, Aracruz and São Mateus, in the Espírito Santo State, and Caravelas, Bahia State, Brazil, in a 14 × 14 lattice design, involving the 49 treatments mentioned plus other progenies not considered in this article, with single tree plots and 40 replicates. Two years later the circumference at breast height (CBH) and the basic wood density (BWD) were evaluated. The hybrids performance for CBH was higher, an average, 38,7% than the OP progenies for both species. Part of the heterosis in relation to parental means could be attributed to the inbreeding depression due to selfing that occurred in the OP progenies and the dominance controlling this character. For the BWD the hybrids performance was the same of the OP progenies. Since there was divergence between the parents, it can be inferred that dominance has no importance for this trait. The negative correlation between the CBH and the BWD could impair the simultaneous selection for both traits, depending on the wood basic density range used by the industry.

Gabriel Marcos Vieira Oliveira ◽  
José Márcio de Mello ◽  
Carlos Rogério de Mello ◽  
José Roberto Soares Scolforo ◽  
Eder Pereira Miguel ◽  

Nativa ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
pp. 615-624
Humberto Fauller De Siqueira ◽  
Evelym Poliana Santos Patrício ◽  
Michael Douglas Roque Lima ◽  
José Benedito Guimarães Junior ◽  
Angélica de Cássia Oliveira Carneiro ◽  

Estudos que visem ampliar o conhecimento das madeiras oriundas do cerrado podem contribuir com o correto manejo das espécies. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a qualidade da madeira e do carvão vegetal de três espécies do cerrado (Tachigali vulgaris, Myracrodruon urundeuva e Amburana cearensis) para fins energéticos. Foram amostradas duas árvores por espécie e, destas, foram retirados discos da base, a 25, 50, 75 e 100% da altura total. Para a madeira, determinou-se longitudinalmente a densidade básica, composição química, estoque de carbono, poderes caloríficos superior (PCS) e inferior (PCI) e densidade energética. As carbonizações da madeira foram realizadas em forno elétrico, com temperatura final de 450 ºC e taxa de aquecimento de 1,67 ºC.min-1. A posição longitudinal de amostragem não influenciou a densidade da madeira. A madeira de M. urundeuva apresentou maior densidade básica e PCS, bem como menor teor de materiais voláteis. O carvão da espécie T. vulgaris apresentou a menor densidade aparente (298 kg.m-3) e baixo teor de cinzas (1,14%), porém elevado teor de carbono fixo e PCS. O carvão vegetal da espécie M. urundeuva se destacou com elevada densidade relativa aparente (475 kg.m-3). A ordem das melhores espécies é: M. urundeuva, A. cearensis e T. vulgaris. Palavras-chave: energia renovável; espécies nativas; potencial energético; qualidade do carvão.   ASSESSMENT OF THREE NATIVE WOODS FROM CERRADO OF GOIÁS FOR THE ENERGY PURPOSES   ABSTRACT: Studies aimed at expanding the knowledge of woods from cerrado can contribute to the correct management of the species. The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of wood and charcoal of three species from cerrado (Tachigali vulgaris, Myracrodruon urundeuva, and Amburana cearensis) for energy purposes. Two trees per species were sampled and, from these, disks were removed from the base, at 25, 50, 75, and 100% of the total height. For wood, the properties basic density, chemical analysis, carbon stock, higher (HHV) and lower (LHV) heating values were determined longitudinally. Carbonizations were carried out in a muffle furnace with a final temperature of 450 ºC and heating rate of 1.67 ºC.min-1. There was no effect of longitudinal position under the wood basic density. Myracrodruon urundeuva wood had the highest basic density and HHV, as well as the lowest content of volatile matters. The Tachigali vulgaris charcoal had the lowest bulk density (298 kg.m-3) and low ash content (1.14%), but a high content of fixed carbon and HHV. Charcoal of the species M. urundeuva stood out with high apparent relative density (475 kg.m-3). The order of the best species is M. urundeuva, A. cearensis, and T. vulgaris. Keywords: renewable energy; native species; energy potential; charcoal quality.

Yanhua Zhang ◽  
Shengzuo Fang ◽  
Ye Tian ◽  
Linlin Wang ◽  
Yi Lv

AbstractPoplar is raw material for various panel, paper and fiber products. The 12 sample trees of clone Nanlin-895 from four spacings were destructively harvested after thirteen growing seasons to assess the influence of spacing on radial growth and wood properties. Spacing significantly affected tree-ring width and wood basic density (p < 0.05) but not fiber traits. The highest diameter and wood basic density at breast height (1.3 m) was in 6 m × 6 m and 3 m × 8 m spacings, respectively. However, no significant differences in tree-ring width, wood basic density and fiber traits were observed among the four sampling directions in discs taken at 1.3 m for each spacing. Growth rings from the pith and tree heights had significant effects on wood basic density and fiber anatomical characteristics, highlighting obvious temporal-spatial variations. Pearson correlation analysis showed a significantly negative relationship of tree-ring width to wood basic density, fiber length and fiber width, but a significantly positive relationship to hemicellulose. There was no relationship with cellulose and lignin contents. Based on a comprehensive assessment by the TOPSIS method, the 6 m × 6 m spacing is recommended for producing wood fiber at similar sites in the future.

2010 ◽  
Vol 18 (6) ◽  
pp. 465-472 ◽  
Cristóbal Galleguillos-Hart ◽  
M. Paulina Fernández ◽  
Andrés Guesalaga

Genome ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 50 (10) ◽  
pp. 877-897 ◽  
Shiva M. Singh ◽  
Julie Treadwell ◽  
Morgan L. Kleiber ◽  
Michelle Harrison ◽  
Raihan K. Uddin

Most familial behavioral phenotypes result from the complex interaction of multiple genes. Studies of such phenotypes involving human subjects are often inconclusive owing to complexity of causation and experimental limitations. Studies of animal models argue for the use of established genetic strains as a powerful tool for genetic dissection of behavioral disorders and have led to the identification of rare genes and genetic mechanisms implicated in such phenotypes. We have used microarrays to study global gene expression in adult brains of four genetic strains of mice (C57BL/6J, DBA/2J, A/J, and BALB/c). Our results demonstrate that different strains show expression differences for a number of genes in the brain, and that closely related strains have similar patterns of gene expression as compared with distantly related strains. In addition, among the 24 000 genes and ESTs on the microarray, 77 showed at least a 1.5-fold increase in the brains of C57BL/6J mice as compared with those of DBA/2J mice. These genes fall into such functional categories as gene regulation, metabolism, cell signaling, neurotransmitter transport, and DNA/RNA binding. The importance of these findings as a novel genetic resource and their use and application in the genetic analysis of complex behavioral phenotypes, susceptibilities, and responses to drugs and chemicals are discussed.

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