scholarly journals Ιστορίες πρόσληψης έργων της Κρητικής Αναγέννησης. Ο Byron και η Βοσκοπούλα: Η διαιώνιση μιας παρεξήγησης

The Gleaner ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 28 ◽  
pp. 287
Αλέξανδρος Κατσιγιάννης

<br />BYRON AND THE RECEPTION<br />OF THE CRETAN PASTORAL POEM VOSKOPOULA<br />The Prolonging of a Misunderstanding<br /><br /><br />In this essay I will discuss whether Byron was indeed influenced by the Cretan pastoral poem Voskopoula in some cantos of his epic-satiric poem Don Juan (published in 1819), as argued by D.C. Hesseling in 1938 and by several researchers after him. This discussion stands as a starting point to analysing the reception of the literary works of the Cretan Renaissance by English scholars in the first two decades of the 19th century. In parallel, I hope that this article will shed light upon the troubling matter of the popular reception of Cretan Renaissance poetry and demotic songs by the scholars of the Enlightenment and Romanticism, which led to several misunderstandings concerning the character, origin and dissemination of Cretan Renaissance poetry in the scholars’ discourse network throughout the 19th century. <br /><br />ALEXANDER KATSIGIANNIS<br />

Claire Brizon

Based on three case studies of artifacts from 18th century collections preserved in Swiss cultural institutions, I attempt to rethink the use of the word "colonial" before the 19th century, and to apply it to describe collections from the modern period. I attempt to shed light on how these collections could be exhibited to provide critical perspective on these artefacts and the stories they are allowed to tell, in view of the upcoming exhibition entitled Exotic Switzerland? A Global History of the Enlightenment to open in 2020 at the Palais de Rumine in Lausanne.

Halyna Bokshan

The study examines the features of the strategies of mythologization and mystification used by Yurii Vynnychuk in creating his literary version of Ivan Vahylevych’s biography in the novel “Liutetsiia”. First of all the paper emphasizes the writer’s inclination to play with historic material characteristic of postmodernism, manifesting itself in most of his works and in the novel under study, in particular. The research pays special attention to the original interaction of mythological and cultural-historical aspects in the fictionalized biography of the renowned public figure of the 19th century, famous for his activity in Ruska Triitsia. It considers the specific features of the literary visualization of Ivan Vahylevych character in the relation to Ivan Franko’s essay representing the epistolary of the figures of the historical epoch depicted in the novel. The study determines the correlation between the personages in “Liutetsiia” and the characters and motives of the Celtic mythology. It identifies the specificity of the reminiscent relations of the main character with the archetypal figure of Don Juan. The conclusions highlight the use of irony, grotesque and comic modus by Yurii Vynnychuk as the manifestation of the neo-mythological device of deheroization. It also accentuates that the strategies of mythologization and mystification in “Liutetsiia” reflect the manner of interpreting cultural-historical material characteristic of the author.

2019 ◽  
pp. 296-317
Kostas Kardamis

The Ionian Islands were at an early stage cut off from the Eastern Roman Empire, experienced the changes that came with the Renaissance, actively participated in the Enlightenment and were in contact with the multifarious ideologies of the 19th century. These factors transformed their art music, which followed the ‘western’ trends. In this context, ‘orientalism’ appeared as an additional creative element in certain indigenous composers’ works. Its use ranged from the stereotypical ‘western’ approach regarding the Orient to the employment of ‘oriental’ elements as media of political (especially during the struggles for the Islands’ annexation to the Greek Kingdom), national (as a conventional ‘Greek characteristic’) and social statements, and as a way for the works’ entrepreneurial promotion to a larger audience. The chapter discusses these changing—and often concurrent and diverging—attitudes through case studies; it stresses that ‘orientalism’ never became a compositional fixation for Ionian Islands composers.

Will Straw

The notion of the desert island disc has its roots in ideas of travel and self-improvement extending at least as far back as the 17th century. Lists of records to be taken to a desert island follow on from collections of books to be taken on long sea voyages. Descriptions of these collections recur throughout 19th century journalism, then become fashionable in the 1910s and 1920s, when the concept of ‘literature as luggage’ enjoys a brief vogue. By the 1930s, musical recordings begin to take their place alongside lists of literary works, laying the groundwork for Desert Island Discs and other manifestations of a music-oriented turn towards personal musical canons. Noting the ways in which such lists move between expressions of personal affinity and acknowledgements of public canons, the chapter traces the evolution of the travel-list and the shipwreck-list through literature and music from the 19th century onward.

2021 ◽  
pp. 39-52
Thomas Waldman

This chapter examines the peculiar trait of an empire and the implications of imperial dominion. The chapter presents broad insights from the Roman Empire and the 19th-century European empires (mainly the largest of these, the British Empire) to shed light on the pressures and possibilities that foreign dominion brings. It also analyzes how states produced a distinct mix of strategic requirements, motivating incentives, emerging opportunities and changing social and cultural patterns, which serve to promote the adoption of vicarious approaches. However, imperial factors are only conditioning rather than determinative in this respect. Deep normative factors such as military and strategic culture may largely preclude a drift toward vicariousness. Ultimately, the chapter argues that these explorations are suggestive, if not determinative, in pointing to issues associated with the contemporary US experience. It provides whispers of warnings about the dangers that might threaten states that follow too closely in similar footsteps.

Rangifer ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 9 ◽  
Lennart Lundmark

In the middle of the 16th century we get the first opportunity to a more detailed knowledge of reindeerpastoralism in Sweden. At that time the Sami lived in a hunter-gatherer economy. A family had in average about 10-20 domesticated reindeer, mainly used for transport. They could also be milked and used as decoys when hunting wild reindeer. During late 16th century the Swedish state and merchants bought large amounts of fur from the Sami. The common payment was butter and flour. This created a new prosperity, which lead to a considerable increase in population in Swedish Lapland. The population became too large for a hunter-gatherer economy. A crisis in early 17th century was the starting point for the transition to a large-scale nomadic reindeer pastoralism. Up to the middle of the 18th century intensive reindeer pastoralism was successful. But the pastoralism became gradually too intensive and diseases started to spread when the herds were kept too densely crowded for milking in summertime. During the first decades of the 19th century reindeer pastoralism in Sweden went through a major crisis. The number of reindeer herding mountain-Sami decreased considerably, mainly because they went to live permanently along the Norwegian coastline. Intensive reindeer pastoralism started to give way for extensive herding towards the end of the 19th century. In the north of Sweden influences from the Kautokeino Sami were an important factor, in the south extensive reindeer herding started to expand when the market for meat came closer to the Sami. During the 1920s the milking of reindeer ceased in Sweden, except in a few families. At that time Sami families from the north had been removed southwards. They further demonstrated the superiority of extensive herding to the Sami in mid- and southern Lapland. Reindeer pastoralism is basically a system of interaction between man and animal, but it has been heavily influenced by market forces and state intervention during hundreds of years. To a large extent these long-term external influences have made reindeer pastoralism what it is today. That aspect should not be overlooked when assessing the future prospects of reindeer pastoralism in Scandinavia.Renskötseln i Sverige 1550-1950Abstract in Swedish / Sammanfattning: Först vid mitten av 1500-talet finns det källmaterial som ger oss en tämligen detaljerad bild av renskötseln i Sverige. Vid den tiden levde samerna i en jakt- , fiske- och samlarekonomi. En familj hade normalt 10-20 renar som främst utnyttjades vid transporter. Tamrenarna kunde också mjölkas och fungera som lockdjur vid vildrensjakt. Under senare delen av 1500-talet köpte svenska staten och handelsmän stora mängder pälsverk av samerna. Den vanligaste betalningen var smör och mjöl. Detta skapade ett välstånd som ledde till en betydande folkökning i svenska lappmarken. Befolkningen blev för stor för att rymmas inom ramarna för en jaktochfiskeekonomi. En kris i början av 1600-talet blev startpunkten för övergången till en storskalig rennomadism.Fram till mitten av 1700-talet var den intensiva renskötseln framgångsrik. Men renskötseln blev efterhand alltför intensiv. Under senare delen av 1700-talet började det spridas sjukdomar i de tätt sammanhållna hjordarna. De första decennierna av 1800-talet innebar en allvarlig kris i renskötseln. Antalet renskötande fjällsamer minskade kraftigt, främst genom utvandring till norska kusten. Den intensiva renskötseln med mjölkning av renarna började ersättas av en extensiv renskötsel inriktad på köttproduktion de sista decennierna av 1800-talet. I norr var naturförhållandena och influenser från Kautokeino-samerna en viktig faktor, i söder utvecklades renskötseln i extensiv riktning främst därför att marknaden för renkött kom närmare renskötarna. Under 1920-talet upphörde mjölkningen av renar i Sverige, utom i några enstaka familjer. Då hade förflyttningarna av samer från nordligaste Sverige söderut påskyndat utvecklingen och ytterligare markerat den extensiva renskötselteknikensöverlägsenhet. Tamrenskötsel är ett samspel mellan människa och djur, men det är inte bara en fråga om renskötaren och hans hjord. Externa marknadsfaktorer, beskattning och lagstiftning har haft ett betydandeinflytande på renskötselns utveckling under hundratals år. De har till stor del format renskötseln till vad den är idag. Detta bör beaktas när man gör bedömningar av renskötselns framtid. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 91-118 ◽  
I.V. Tsykunov

The art of Italian craftsmen Cosmati, who created unique mosaic production at XII and XIII centuries in Rome and its environments, had delighted people over centuries. The filigree technique of the stonework, polychrome, and diversity of geometrical figures and difficulties of composition demonstrate their undoubted ecstatic value. From the beginning of the 19th century, however, the opinions, that craftsmen Cosmati used not only abstract formation but also enciphered language of symbols, were firstly express. Author of this work investigates style elements of Cosmatesque as sole system, trying to answer on the question about the possibility of existence of symbolic Cosmati language, representing important religious meanings, or this is just the part of art of the decoration of space. In addition, if it exist, is it any possibility to read it. By the starting point of work, there was the writing on the mosaic floors of Cosmatesque in Westminster Abbey, creating in 1272 year, which contains the exact date of the end of the world.

Claudia Carbone

The Danish net of highways forms an ‘H’ connecting the country north-south and east-west. This is the starting point for a discussion of contemporary urbanism. The article points out that the increasing physical and virtual communication blurs well-known distinctions between centre/ periphery and urban/rural. The majority of planning tendencies aims at recreating and emphasising these distinctions by enhancing the public space of historical city centres and keeping the landscape clear of permanent human activities. The article argues against these tendencies. It refers to the Danish ‘golden age’ painters who successfully tried to construct a national identity in the first half of the 19th century. They did so by sampling parts of the existing cultural landscape and combine them to a slightly enhanced reality in their paintings. The article tries to do the same by combining already existing elements and tendencies to a polemical image of a partly existing reality based on hybrids between the urban and rural.  

Paweł Więckowski

The text describes different philosophical concepts and historically important cultural phenomena that should be considered while rethinking ethical side of business. Broad range of both philosophical (such as the search for the foundations of morality, social contract) and social subjects (such as history of centralized state, individualism) is presented to help the reflections. The background for analysis is the history of culture, especially of primary collective society; contrasted with it is individualism of classical Athens with corresponding reaction of philosophers; development of state and Christianity in Roman Empire; organismic medieval state; Renaissance, reformation and the birth of capitalism; the Enlightenment breakthrough and English capitalism; liberalism and Darwinism of the 19th century; the catastrophe of European culture and success of America of the 20th century.

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