history of culture
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Sergey Lavreniuk

The purpose of the article is to identify the specifics of art communication in the culture of production both in the process of filmmaking and in the distribution (distribution) of film products. Methodology. The method of theoretical analysis of the culture of production activity as a phenomenon of the postmodern and postmodern epoch was used in the elaboration of the topic; the comparative-historical method was used in the analysis of the evolution of the producer's activity in cinema; empirical method made it possible to address the practical component of film production and distribution as structures of socio-cultural and economic activities aimed at the needs of society; analytical method and methods of scientific analysis, generalizations have come in handy in the process of establishing the specifics of art communication in the context of creative and production aspects of the film producer. The scientific novelty of the study is that the problem of art communication of the producer in the context of his creative and production activities is the subject of a special comprehensive study; the meaning of the concept of "art-communication" as certain specific integrity and unity of interconnected elements is argued and clarified. Conclusions. Acquaintance with the materials of this study enriches the knowledge about the specifics of art communication as a component of the producer's activity in the culture of film production in the process of its evolution and is the scientific basis for their use in courses on theory and history of culture, including cinema, film production, film directing. Keywords: culture, art communication, cinema, film producer, film director, film.

И.А. Бондорина ◽  
А.В. Кабанов ◽  
Н.А. Мамаева ◽  
Ю.А. Хохлачева

Коллекционный фонд лаборатории декоративных растений (ЛДР) ГБС РАН существует с 1947 г. В настоящее время в его состав входят декоративные многолетники из 221 рода и 57 семейств (1039 видов и разновидностей, а также 5047 сортов и садовых форм). Современная политика формирования коллекций в основном направлена на создание крупных и/или оригинальных собраний. Цель представленной работы состоит в изучении количественных и качественных характеристик современного коллекционного фонда лаборатории декоративных растений ГБС РАН, а также структурных особенностей крупных коллекций в его составе. В интродукционных исследованиях наиболее широко использованы эколого-фитоценотический метод и метод родовых комплексов. В структуре видовой части коллекционного фонда ЛДР доминируют представители флор Европы, Азии и Северной Америки, так как эти регионы традиционно считаются наиболее перспективными донорами материала для интродукции декоративных растений. Преобладающими экологическими группами в его составе являются лесные, степные и луговые виды. При формировании сортовых коллекций реализованы различные подходы. Отечественные селекционные достижения доминируют в коллекциях Syringa, Lilium и Phlox. На создание выборки зарубежных сортов, представляющих историю селекции культуры, сориентирована коллекция рода Paeonia. История селекции культуры в СССР наиболее полно представлена на базе коллекции Clematis. Основные этапы микроэволюционного развития культуры продемонстрированы на примере родов Astilbe и Iris. Аспект сохранения ретро-сортов наиболее полно реализован на коллекции Hemerocallis. Подбор перспективного для условий региона сортимента – основное направление расширения коллекции рода Rosa. Аспект отбора наиболее перспективных раннецветущих сортов у культур с поздними сроками цветения наиболее успешно реализован для Dendranthema и Symphyotrichum. На подбор перспективного для условий средней полосы России ассортимента, отражающего морфобиологическое разнообразие культуры, сориентированы коллекции Hosta и Tulipa. Для целей селекции используются ресурсы коллекций Dahlia, Astilbe и Iris. Collection fund of the Laboratory of Ornamental Plants (LOP) MBG RAS has been in existence since 1947. Currently, it includes ornamental perennials from 221 genera and 57 families (1039 species and varieties, as well as 5047 varieties and garden forms). The current policy of forming collections is mainly aimed at creating large and/or original collections. The purpose of the present work is to study the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the modern collection fund LOP MBG RAS, as well as the structural features of large collections in its composition. The most widely used methods in the introduction studies are the ecological-phytocenotic method and the method of generic complexes. The structure of the species part of the collection fund of the LOP is dominated by representatives of the flora of Europe, Asia and North America, since these regions are traditionally considered the most promising donors of material for the introduction of ornamental plants. The predominant ecological groups in its composition are forest, steppe and meadow species. When forming varietal collections, various approaches are implemented. Domestic breeding achievements dominate the Syringa, Lilium and Phlox collections. The collection of the genus Paeonia is aimed at creating a sample of foreign varieties that represent the history of culture selection. The history of culture selection in the USSR is most fully presented on the basis of the Clematis collection. The main stages of microevolutionary development of culture are demonstrated by the example of the genera Astilbe and Iris. The aspect of preserving retro varieties is most fully implemented on the Hemerocallis collection. The selection of a promising assortment for the conditions of the region is the main direction of expanding the collection of the genus Rosa. The aspect of selecting the most promising early-flowering varieties in crops with late flowering dates is most successfully implemented for Dendranthema and Symphyotrichum. The Hosta and Tulipa collections are focused on the selection of a range that is promising for the conditions of the central part of Russia, reflecting the morphobiological diversity of the culture. For breeding purposes, the resources of the Dahlia, Astilbe, and Iris collections are used.

Zinaida Kh. Tedtoeva

The problem of perceiving fiction has aesthetic, sociological, historical and psychological aspects. In this regard, in the methodology of teaching Russian literature to the national audience, special attention is paid to the deep, faithful and subtle reproduction of the literary works of writers, the development of the reader’s talent. Fiction as a form of art is a special area of the aesthetic. In a truly fictional work, all its elements are subordinate to the expression of a certain content, expressive, figurative, therefore, the reader’s understanding of a literary work is not only aesthetic, but also evaluative in nature. There are three stages of students’ perception of the writer’s creation: 1) recreation and experience of images of the work, with the leading process of imagination; 2) understanding of the ideological content; V.G. Belinsky called this stage “true pleasure”; 3) the influence of fiction on the personality of the reader as a result of the perception of the work. Fiction affects the worldview, speech, moral behavior in society, aesthetic and artistic development, in general, the formation of a person’s personality. The teacher tries to ensure that students have the necessary knowledge, developed, recreational imagination, emotional sensitivity, a sense of the poetic word, observation, the ability to make comparisons, comparisons, generalizations, conclusions. Their perception of a work of art is a difficult process that directly depends on previous knowledge of literature, facts of the history of culture, history of society. The complexity of the spiritual world of a modern young person is due to the development of personality in the context of the rapid progress of society. All this poses a difficult task for methodological science - to diversify the means of analysis, its types and techniques, effective ways of influencing art on students. In the national audience, the main problem of studying Russian literature - the teacher needs to reveal Russian-national literary ties with specific examples, based on certain historical conditions, national specifics, use translations of the works of the Russian writer into the native language of students, literary local history material, highlight the attitude of cultural figures of the native people to the work of the Russian writer, to his personality.

Metaphysics ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 128-141
V. N Knyazev

The article examines the evolution of the concept of “metaphysics” in the history of culture. Metaphysics as the “first philosophy” of Aristotle has gone through a historically variable path as a consequence of the pluralistic nature of the very nature of philosophical knowledge. Solidarizing in the main thing - metaphysics is an understanding of the fundamental, fundamental principles of being - each independently thinking philosopher takes as a basis as principles different understandings of substances and its attributes. Questions of the relationship between the concepts of “metaphysics” and “ontology” in various historical and philosophical discourses are discussed. Based on this, metaphysical concepts in specific philosophical teachings and doctrines are quite variable in the history of culture, up to the positivist desire to expel metaphysics from science. The modern understanding of metaphysics in collaboration with the philosophy of science makes it possible to reveal the dialectical connection between metaphysics and science and, in particular, metaphysics and fundamental physics.

Diacronia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Alin-Mihai Gherman

This study aims at pointing to the cultural dimensions of lexicography, both by revealing the cultural content of lexicographic works and the authors’ cultural horizons and by searching for a precise cultural motivation for compiling dictionaries. One such particular exercise is applied to Teodor Corbea’s Latin–Romanian Dictionary, elaborated between 1691–1702. Our study focuses on the encyclopædic character of this work and its relations with the Greco-Roman culture. It also analyses the Latin–Romanian similarities and the way the Romance character of the Romanian language is reflected.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 3-28
Yelena Kovalenko

Introduction. Modern science, based on the abstract-logical method of cognition, is not able to comprehend the deep meaning of management culture in the organization processes of nature and society. A manager who uses a purely scientific approach will see only a part of the management object and not all its integrity and completeness. Purpose and methods. The purpose of the article is a metaphysical analysis of chaos, order, and harmony as fundamental concepts of general management culture, which will create a reliable tool for penetrating the depths of things and give not secondary interpretations, but to understand the essence of management culture yesterday, today and in the future. The methodological basis of the study is the metaphysical and dialectical principles of cognition, systemic and culturological approaches to the study of organizational phenomena and processes, as well as the fundamental provisions of the theory and history of culture. Results. The main approaches to the representation of chaos, order, and harmony in the mythopoetic picture of the world are considered. The most significant features of understanding chaos, order, and harmony in the philosophy of culture of the East are determined. The specifics of chaos, order, and harmony reflection in the philosophy of Western culture are revealed. A metaphysical synthesis of philosophical and scientific approaches to understanding chaos, order, and harmony in the context of management culture is carried out, and its deep essence is revealed. Conclusions. For the first time, a metaphysical analysis of chaos, order, and harmony in the organizational and cultural aspect was conducted, which allowed to penetrate the environment of transcendent management culture and to comprehend its deep meaning. The significance of the study is manifested in the addition of science to new theoretical provisions on the management culture metaphysics, as well as the possibility of using them in the training process of organizations’ managers.

Sibirica ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 100-112

Beginning in the late 1920s, the central driving force responsible for the preparation of specialists for work in the Northern, Siberian, and Far Eastern regions of the Russian Federation has been the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg (Herzen University), primarily led by the Institute of the Peoples of the North. Here, linguists are trained in twenty-three languages of Northern indigenous minorities. Notably, several languages of these minority groups—such as Nganasan, Dolgan, Itelmen, Enets, Ul’ta—are taught only here. The university also provides training in the field of traditional cultures of indigenous peoples (methods of traditional applied arts and crafts of the peoples of the North; dance and musical folklore; museology, etc.). However, not all experts in Northern studies are aware of the educational programs and scientific schools within the Department of Theory and History of Culture at Herzen University, under which the committee for the defense of doctoral and candidate dissertations has been working jointly with the Institute of the Peoples of the North for thirty years. The chairman of the council, doctor of arts, Professor L. M. Mosolova is the founder of the department and the head of the scientific school for the study of the culture of the regions of Russia, the countries of Northern Europe, and Eurasia. A significant amount of research completed by students—from undergraduate to postgraduate levels—is dedicated to the history and current issues of the various regions of Russia, including Siberia, the Far East, and Northern Europe.

М.С. Киселева

В статье исследуется становление междисциплинарности в интеллектуальной истории XIX – начала ХХ в. Методологическим основанием историзма этого периода, соединяющего различные области исторических, филологических, социальных наук и психологии, стала идея связи человека со временем его жизни и рефлексивно со временем культуры и социума (концепт «человек во времени»). Философия абсолютного идеализма Гегеля принимала человека только как «чистую» природу, как рациональность. Показана трансформация понимания человека от «великого характера» в гегелевской философии истории к человеку времени ренессансной культуры Я. Буркхардта, сверхчеловеку будущего в философии Ф. Ницше и к целостному человеку во времени социума и культуры в науках о духе В. Дильтея. При всем различии трех концепций выявлено сходство методологических оснований в установлении связи человека со временем его жизни и историческим временем культуры и в принятии идеи человека как фундаментальной для различения эпох или типов в истории культуры. Автор считает, что Дильтей дал первый опыт философского обоснования наук о духе как междисциплинарного гуманитарного проекта, в центре которого находилась идея целостного человека времени своего «жизнеосуществления», и определил историзм как смысл гуманитарного знания в целом. The article examines the formation of interdisciplinary in intellectual history in the 19th – early 20th century. The methodological basis of the historicism of this period, which unites various areas of historical, philological, social sciences and psychology, was the idea of a person's connection with the time of his life and reflexively with the time of culture and society (the concept of “human being in time”). Historicism of the philosophy of absolute idealism by G.V.F. Hegel accepted human being only as "pure" nature, as rationality. In the 1860s at the University of Basel J. Burckhardt, F. Nietzsche and W. Dilthey developed the idea of human being in time in the history of culture, philosophy and hermeneutics. The transformation of understanding of a person is traced from a "great character" in Hegel's philosophy of history to a person of the time of the Renaissance culture developed by Burckhardt, to the Übermensch of the future in the philosophy of Nietzsche and to an integral person in the time of society and culture in the sciences of the spirit of Dilthey. The present study reveals the similarity of methodological foundations of the three concepts in establishing a connection between a person with the time of his life and the historical time of culture; and in accepting that the idea of ​​man was fundamental for distinguishing between eras or types in the history of culture. The author believes that Dilthey was the first to produce philosophical substantiation for the sciences of the spirit as the basis of an interdisciplinary humanitarian project, in the center of which is the idea of a whole person of the time of his "life-fulfillment", аnd defined historicism as the meaning of humanitarian knowledge in general.

foresight ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Sergey B. Kulikov

Purpose The purpose of this paper is the foresight of new forms of intellectual activity in society. Design/methodology/approach This research examines the ways of predicting the development of intellectual activity. To reveal the topic, the author uses semiotics and the method of building possible worlds. The author explores intellectual activity in terms of sign systems. From this angle, the logic of the narrative expresses the order of the organization of intellectual activity. This approach reveals the connections between images of possible worlds and decision-making methods. Findings The author conceptually outlines the forms of intellectual activity in a globalized society. A globalized society is a complex of political, economic, cultural and scientific ties that spread throughout the world. The foresight of new forms of intellectual activity allows conceptually sketching the practical use of proper decision-making methods. These methods involve the use of artificial machine intelligence, collective intelligence, etc. Forms of intellectual activity are related to the worldbuilding that cause the development of culture through the development of knowledge. The description of forms of intellectual activity shows a promising way of humanitarian research in a globalized society. Research limitations/implications The research implies technological metaphors related to the history of culture and the role of intellectual activity in it. Practical implications The author examines the practical possibilities of applying traditional humanities for the development of new forms of intellectual activity in a globalized society. Social implications In the social space, exposing the effectiveness of traditional humanities helps to assess the consequences of using intellectual activity in practice. Originality/value The originality of this research is associated with the identification of links between the conceptual provisions of semiotics and the method for building possible worlds.

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